Why would God create a new heaven, a new earth, and a new Jerusalem?

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @FeedScrn
    @FeedScrn 6 років тому +24

    "All vestiges of Satan will be removed. All vestiges of human sin will be removed"
    All human (dead) bodies will be removed as well.... from this creation, and from the pre-Adam world as well. God will start making the next world with 'fresh' earth.
    -It's gonna be great. Praise Jesus.

    • @athonynesbitt7956
      @athonynesbitt7956 5 років тому +6

      Iam so excited to know there is Hope for us humans through Loving & following Jesus, i can wait to get a body that never gets old or tired or have my hair fall out, iama grow my hair so long lol, knowing that God will make a new World some day makes me so happy

  • @raminshahlie4192
    @raminshahlie4192 5 років тому +6

    Amen, glory to God Almighty Lord God.

  • @janejames9173
    @janejames9173 6 років тому +6


  • @athonynesbitt7956
    @athonynesbitt7956 5 років тому +9

    "A new world" i so want this to happen now!, this World is corupted & poluted with Sin & blood sheed & Death

  • @kathleenroman9379
    @kathleenroman9379 6 років тому +3


  • @dexy7260
    @dexy7260 5 років тому +2

    my fiancé Todd died before we got married.Would we be able to marry in haeven and spend together eternity ❤

    • @dexy7260
      @dexy7260 5 років тому +2

      I really hope we can marry, that was our great desire and decision. He died that month when we were supposed to get married..

    • @FearFox
      @FearFox 5 років тому +1

      @@dexy7260 i am so sorry to hear this! my heart goes out to you and your family! ❤️

  • @jamesartmeier3192
    @jamesartmeier3192 6 років тому +1

    In 1 Corinthians 6:13 Paul writes: "13 You say, “Food was made for the stomach, and the stomach for food.” (This is true, though someday God will do away with both of them.) "...

    • @tonyeaton671
      @tonyeaton671 6 років тому +2

      You are correct but jesus did eat after his reserection this cant be ignored either.

    • @jamesartmeier3192
      @jamesartmeier3192 6 років тому

      Yes, in fact he ate some fish specifically to demonstrate to the apostles that he was in his risen body and not a ghost which he pointed out lack bodies. I've wondered before how these can be reconciled. Elsewhere Jesus uses an example with a group of Saducees about seven brothers marrying a woman (in sequence) and points out that in heaven marriage won't exist, that we will be like the angels in that regard. I wonder if these issues are intentionally kept mysterious...

    • @tonyeaton671
      @tonyeaton671 6 років тому +1

      We may have to wait till we get there, I've been wondering about the tree of life will we eat the fruits it produces.
      Maybe it's that the glorified body doesnt need food to exist but we can eat. And your point of us being like Angel's in the eternal kingdom and were not given in marriage and cant bare children. All mysteries till we get there I guess

    • @darthbane2669
      @darthbane2669 6 років тому +2

      @@tonyeaton671 Of course we will eat the fruit it will be startling delicious I imagine we wont need to eat to live but it is a form of pleasure or can enjoy if it suits us.

    • @rhpicayune
      @rhpicayune 6 років тому +2

      @@darthbane2669 Yes, exact;y!
      Eating and TASTING with friends and family around us is one of the best blessings God gave us in addition to life and forgiveness !

  • @terryhammond5492
    @terryhammond5492 6 років тому

    Revelation 21:16 NASB says 1,500 miles , did I miss something are am I in the wrong verse .

    • @tonyeaton671
      @tonyeaton671 6 років тому +1

      @Diana Lum
      Why wouldn't we eat in our glorified bodies? There is gonna be the tree of life
      In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. - Revelation 22:2 www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation22:2&version=KJV
      Jesus at fish after he was reserected so I'm not sure what your getting at.

  • @princeamoah2274
    @princeamoah2274 6 років тому +9


  • @jimmyknox3342
    @jimmyknox3342 6 років тому +1

    The city of heaven is represented as a cube. Why not a pyramid?

  • @jamesbradford4770
    @jamesbradford4770 5 років тому +2

    All the futurists interpret the Hebrew scriptures as literal of course, this is Judaism. Their literal interpretation
    exposes their carnal understanding of scripture from the carnal eyes and desires.
    The Pharisees who read the prophets the same way, were looking for the literal new heaven and earth where the wolf and lamb would lay together and nations would all be at peace.
    But Jesus said to them: You misread the prophets, the kingdom of heaven is not an earthly kingdom, it will not come with material form, it is spiritual and can only be seen with "spiritual eyes" Nicodemas made the same mistake.
    Pilate had only one concern, he didn't give a flip about the Jews rules and traditions, Pilate only cared about rival kings competing with Nero. That's why he asked Christ, "Are you a king," and Jesus answered, "I am, but my kingdom is not of this world, if it was, my servants would fight to save me from the Jews.
    Did Pilate understand Jesus was saying He was not an earthly king or cared for anearthly kingdom, you bet, this is why Pilate said next, "I find nothing wrong with this man, he is not guilty of anything.
    Jesus said he was going to return "in the glory of the Father," and destroy Jerusalem just like He destroyed Sodom, and when that happened in 70 AD and every single member of the Sanhedrin that had condemned Christ died and
    saw their Temple burn to the ground.
    This was the passing of the old heaven and earth, which was based upon the law, and with it went both Hades and spiritual death itself. Now we live under a new agreement between God and man, it's called grace and all who come
    to the fountain and drink from the "living water," the Spirit of Christ, will LIVE FOREVER.

  • @impassable
    @impassable 6 років тому

    You guys are totally missing the dimensions of the new Jerusalem..."He measured the city 12,000 furlongs"...Okay that's it stop...The city is 12,000 furlongs...Now you divide by 5, you don't multiply by 5

  • @SquidCena
    @SquidCena 6 років тому +2

    I hope I can rebuild NYC, LA, Las Vegas (with no casinos) as an architect and wear a construction outfit...

    • @jimmyknox3342
      @jimmyknox3342 6 років тому

      Zaheed Chapman, why not wear wings, and a white robe? No need even for hardhats!

    • @jimmyknox3342
      @jimmyknox3342 6 років тому

      I retired from 45 years of construction, and look forward to building worlds!

    • @SquidCena
      @SquidCena 6 років тому

      @@jimmyknox3342 yea building worlds you can do but for me I would like to be building tall buildings and bridges... and why can't I just wear a white robe when I'm not working? I would like to wear a hardhat anyways... I really like military, construction, astronaut outfits... and I want to be a astronaut and explore space even though I won't need it and I would like to wear a military outfit just for fun... and I'm sure having a gin won't be bad will it? Especially if I'm not shooting anything or anyone just holding it...

    • @SquidCena
      @SquidCena 6 років тому

      @@jimmyknox3342 we don't wear wings in heaven

  • @traceystrange7114
    @traceystrange7114 6 років тому +1


  • @IExposeMormonism
    @IExposeMormonism 6 років тому

    I doubt these numbers are a literal sorta thing. It is symbolic. Our home in Paradise is safe. Not so with 90%+ of the homes there. And those who have suffered are not more guilty than those who suffer not. This is not a judgement. Paradise is Arson by Bureaucracy and its victims should not be judged. Or will you judge Jesus guilty because some Jews manipulated Rome to obtain an end?

    • @IExposeMormonism
      @IExposeMormonism 6 років тому

      Diana Lum and I never will. Not to some literalist like you.

    • @tonyeaton671
      @tonyeaton671 6 років тому +1

      Mountain meadow,
      What would of happened if the Jews had of accepted jesus as messiah at his first coming.
      What was the reason jesus came to earth?

    • @darthbane2669
      @darthbane2669 6 років тому +2

      @@tonyeaton671 he is just another atheist troll ignore him, he is not interested in the truth thus he will never be satisfied.

    • @rhpicayune
      @rhpicayune 6 років тому

      Mountain Meadow Mormonism
      Exactly! , and the noodles grow weary by despair of their contrite misgivings, as if the Creator had longed for a syncope of misfortunes of missed opportunities, evangelized by the archipelago of eternity.
      Know what I'm sayin' ?

    • @chrisbarlow2131
      @chrisbarlow2131 5 років тому

      The Mormon religion doesn't make sense and you hardly help its cause. Fool.

  • @republicansthatdidntvotefo1605
    @republicansthatdidntvotefo1605 5 років тому +6

    Can't wait for the new Earth and new heavenly government on Earth and be part of the thousand year reign without Satan sickness and death