CONGRATS TO BEN BAKER FOR WINNING THE COMMENT GIVEAWAY CONTEST!! PA Yak came close and wins some stickers for the first comment and for being subjected to my trickery with the sneaky question...Now to see who comes up with the gear cache!
Thank you! I bought a package of these from Temu thinking they would allow me to occasionally take up the slack in tent guy lines. After struggling to figure out how to do that easily, I came on here to see if anyone knew how to use them. You are the only one that made sense. I get that knowing how to tie the knot is better, but you're right, they do look cool. :) I can see quite a few good uses for them; thanks for taking the time to show how to use them and lock them in place.
I have those loop aliens. I keep having to show my kids how to use them and then the loose them. now they know the trucker's hitch (note I also showed them the taunt line hitch - right out of the scout handbook) and now they forget the knots but at least no one is loosing any hardware anymore. Great video thank you!!!
I went to the park and was so happy to find the item that I left it there for the next person! I already have the LoopAlien hardware so my biggest (and it’s a big one) takeaway was the duct tape covered ZipLoc baggie idea! Super genius idea. Thanks for the great video and the challenge. Great stuff.
Thanks for video. I have been learning all of these youtube ridgeline systems recently and have concluded up to this point anyway that if you were to lark one of these on each end before going out, I'm not sure what would be a quicker deploy ridgeline that provides a mechanic advantage with less friction as a marlin spike, truckers or slipknot are rope to rope friction. Having said that, it is good to practice the other knots and know how to use them too in the event you lose these while out and about. Thinking out loud here after watching tons of vids- I think the quickest, lightest and least friction deploy would be to have one of these on each end of a line that includes online prusiks with small plastic toggle attached. So, 2 ea. of these aliens, 2 ea. small plastic toggles already looped onto your prusik's, and maybe 30 feet of 550 paracord or 36 bankline.
The only advantage to the Loop Alien, is when you're using line like 7/64 Amsteel, or a super thin 1.75 line, where you don't get the nice flex of paracord, and it's difficult to hold the hitch. Otherwise yes, I think for paracord or other lines with a little flex, the knots work just fine. Great video! Thanks!
Loopalien is the best ever thing I have in my backpack. Knots are great until you try to knot naked dyneema. Loopalien handles dyneema with clover hitch perfectly. You can put loopalien anywhere along the rope. Just forget about the little eye, it is only made to lessen weight, its not a functional eye contrary as shown in this video.
A little late but I'll say that there are a couple small advantages. There is the slight advantage of being undone and redone quicker, for instance having one on each end of a tarp rather than a full length Ridgeline. By being loosened and tightened faster, it can be easier to space the tarp between the trees. Another advantage is not having to feed all the excess rope through the loop of the trucker's hitch. Instead you just need to make a small bight and you can start tensioning. Finally if you have cold fingers it could be easier to work with than knots or with gloves on. That said, are those small advantages worth the weight and money? Probably not.
Dang missed it! Good job PA yak. I just bought the nite ize camjam a couple weeks ago and used it once on an overnighter in the newton hills state park. I really loved how fast it was! I bought a 50ft section of 5mm cord to go with it. She's bomb proof!
Funny, because they were on sale I just ordered 2 loop aliens. I’ve been using the knot you tied in this video for years (and years), but I kept on seeing people using different shapes of metal as quick fasteners and figured that there must be big advantages. Thank you, I couldn’t see an advantage and it turns out there really isn’t one.
I have just gotten my hammock gear winter tarp what is the best Ridgeline that I can get for it and not have it sag please let me know love your videos keep doing what you're doing it is great
I agree, better with the knot…. Recenly im using the alien loop to setup hammock chair, i noticed too much pressure on the line and started the damage on the rope…. Thanks for video
Great presentation... like you I am a fan of learning the knots and the truckers hitch is an old friend as well as the quick release double half hitch ...I have found with my new dyneema ridgeline those knots worked but didnt release easy enough as the dyneema seemed to stick to itself I think for that I'm going to use these alien loops ...have you encountered any of the stickiness and residue using dyneema ???
I do the same knots, but instead of a loop around the tree I use a doubled up continuous loop around the tree. And then run the tension-ed string through both the loops created by that. This saves the trees. It's easy to get the continuous loop around the tree, by swinging it around with one hand, and grabbing the loop in the other hand. You end up with a loop in either hand. Now run your tensioning cord through both loops. And if you want to raise the loop higher it's very easy. kinda resembling the movement of a tree climber with the picks in their heels. The loops also stay apart somewhat, creating a triangle. And the line runs easily through the loops.
Now *_that's_* a sound idea. Much gentler on the bark of the tree. Probably a lot less wear on your ridge line as well, running it through a couple of loops of cord rather than dragging it across an expanse of rough bark. And you've got less friction to overcome when tensioning. Winnage all around. Many thanks for that.
Best tutorials! You know your stuff. I recommend your channel for anyone getting into the kayak camping world. I am a firefighter and I have always trusted and swear by knots. Rope work is everything at times. But I can also be a gear junkie, “oooh I like this and what’s that!?” So, good review. And now a scavenger hunt!!?? Wish I lived closer. Nice sticker, maybe I will look online and get one.
@@RiverKingsKayak so technically Haw, little river including east fork then, Haw again but you kayaked what you called the "little creek" then "big creek" to get to the Haw.
@@RiverKingsKayak oh lol. So Haw, little river, French broad? You weren't camping on the river or creek in Florida you were driving to them so I'm not counting that lol
7:12 "pretty cool looking piece of gear". Pretty much where I am. I like and use actual knots or variations of knots. (How many flavors of "tautline hitch") Nothing worse than seeing a gob/wad of half hitches and granny knots securing a clothesline in a campground or similiar. Thanks - Good video! ....and yes, I have a couple of red ones, cuz' there shiny!
Haw river on spirit island, East Fork, beautiful little river. Lol. I thought I wanted the loop aliens till I watched your video now I just want the stickers. Lolol
Well, pm me on the facebook page to get me an address for a sticker for being first.... but "technically", this is not the correct answer yet. The contest continues!
Thanks man! All this silly gear and me being an Old School Boy Scout I've been tying knots all my life. I use a toggle, thats about it. Good tutorial, thanks!
I bought the alien loops a while back....tried them once....went back to tying Late to the game of scavenger hunt but oh well...I got the RK stickers already and the alien Good idea though. Might have to steal it lol. Hope to get you to join me on the river soon.
I like Loop Aliens but I sure don’t use them like this. Look at Jeff Myers videos. His method is how I learned to use them. Tac Toggles are my recent favorite for tarp ridge lines. They work on the same principle as the Loop Alien.
Blinded by my lust for shiny bling I was about to buy a bunch of aliens, now instead I'll be practicing the knots. Like the friendly slap in the starry-eyed face that I needed, thanks very much 👌 What is the line you were using there please?
Ah, perfect! Some folks make such a performance out of this, love your logical, efficient approach - especially helpful for a tarp-virgin like me 👌
Hardware is useful. I personally like the nite ize cam jam. Or…….an arbor knot on one end and a Truckers hitch on the other. Kayakers such as myself can get away with bringing hardware if they so desire. Backpackers……well…ounces are pounds, pounds are pain as they say.
I have always called it a “jerk knot” because you can jerk it loose. I was showing it to a couple of my Ag students and one of them asked if i named it after myself? :-/
It's easier to just have prusik knots already tied to your line. Run your line around the tree, slip your prusik to tension and done. No knots to tie and untie with cold hands.
Trucker's hitch certainly does look a lot simpler than the Loop Alien. If we're going to go with gadgets, the "Figure 9" by Nite Ize is a way faster/easier piece of kit than the Loop Alien.
I hate giving any kind of negative...but I also hate not being honest. Like my grandfather once told me...some lures are made to catch fish, some are made to catch fishermen! Thanks for watching!
Holy Hell that thing looks complicated as all get out. Gimme a trucker's hitch or Dutch wasp anyday! I'd forget how to use the alien the next time I got a chance to hang a tarp.
The "pull the loop through" loses me every time, because you do this weird fake out move. I really wish you'd slowed down for that. Otherwise great video, but the gadget made more sense than your rope work because you explained that part better than the "easy" part.
I wish I watched this before buying some cheap version of them aliens off of Aliexpress. The not for me is far simpler, and I don't need to worry about losing anything. Fantastic.
I've used nothing but knots and I've also used the loop aliens. The original way (your demonstration) is very cumbersome. But there is a much easier way to use these. Like people have commented ad nauseum, "you don't need no dang nothing but knots". It's true, but nothing wrong with hardware if that's what you prefer. When I "luxury camp", I set up my hammock and tarp using loop aliens. I set up a second tarp and floor for storing gear and to use as a changing room or for setting up a chair as a lounging area. That is set up only with knots, because I like to keep in practice. The loop aliens are extremely easy to use and I prefer using them.
A little advice to guys like me who can't remember how to tie a knot. Buy the Book of Knots. It's small and has excellent illustrations. Best book I've ever owned
Can't stand those type of tensioners. I prefer the ones with a hook, a groove and a hole. They stay with your line and are fast, easy and very secure. The ones featured require too much fenagelling and take too long to set up and adjust
@@RiverKingsKayak The things I don't like about the cam jams is that they are bulky and mechanical. Anything with moving parts can eventually fail. The sleeker design and multiple ways to use the Figure 9 in my opinion is much better. Great videos BTW!
CONGRATS TO BEN BAKER FOR WINNING THE COMMENT GIVEAWAY CONTEST!! PA Yak came close and wins some stickers for the first comment and for being subjected to my trickery with the sneaky question...Now to see who comes up with the gear cache!
Found it, thanks!
Congrats! That was fun! Enjoy!
Thank you! I bought a package of these from Temu thinking they would allow me to occasionally take up the slack in tent guy lines. After struggling to figure out how to do that easily, I came on here to see if anyone knew how to use them. You are the only one that made sense. I get that knowing how to tie the knot is better, but you're right, they do look cool. :) I can see quite a few good uses for them; thanks for taking the time to show how to use them and lock them in place.
Right on burtclarke! Thanks!
When I saw the teaser I was shaking my head and starting to lose faith, after watching the video my faith was restored. Great job!!!
Randy Taylor - never doubt a River King...😇
LOL! Come on World Famous Randy! Never doubt!! Time to hit a river again!
I have those loop aliens. I keep having to show my kids how to use them and then the loose them. now they know the trucker's hitch (note I also showed them the taunt line hitch - right out of the scout handbook) and now they forget the knots but at least no one is loosing any hardware anymore. Great video thank you!!!
LOL! perfect! Thanks Steven!
I went to the park and was so happy to find the item that I left it there for the next person! I already have the LoopAlien hardware so my biggest (and it’s a big one) takeaway was the duct tape covered ZipLoc baggie idea! Super genius idea. Thanks for the great video and the challenge. Great stuff.
Right on!
Trucker's Hitch, the Palomar knot of the tarp camper's world.
And the bowline of sailing
Thanks for video. I have been learning all of these youtube ridgeline systems recently and have concluded up to this point anyway that if you were to lark one of these on each end before going out, I'm not sure what would be a quicker deploy ridgeline that provides a mechanic advantage with less friction as a marlin spike, truckers or slipknot are rope to rope friction. Having said that, it is good to practice the other knots and know how to use them too in the event you lose these while out and about. Thinking out loud here after watching tons of vids- I think the quickest, lightest and least friction deploy would be to have one of these on each end of a line that includes online prusiks with small plastic toggle attached. So, 2 ea. of these aliens, 2 ea. small plastic toggles already looped onto your prusik's, and maybe 30 feet of 550 paracord or 36 bankline.
half the fun of it all is finding your own systems! Sounds like you are on it!
It's really nice to meet you, I was raised in Pike County and Harlan County but live in Oregon now. I have Appalachian story telling on my channel.
Great Fun !! I like where you went with this. The geocache deal is very interesting.
Thanks Roger! I thought I would mix it up a bit...might do it some more!
The only advantage to the Loop Alien, is when you're using line like 7/64 Amsteel, or a super thin 1.75 line, where you don't get the nice flex of paracord, and it's difficult to hold the hitch. Otherwise yes, I think for paracord or other lines with a little flex, the knots work just fine. Great video! Thanks!
Good points Steve! Thanks!
Man, love how you didn’t try to sell the item like other videos. Thanks.
Thanks Tyler! Trying to keep it real!
Good, honest review. Can't do hammocks, but use the trucker's hitch many other ways.
Thanks Uncle Bill!
Loopalien is the best ever thing I have in my backpack. Knots are great until you try to knot naked dyneema. Loopalien handles dyneema with clover hitch perfectly. You can put loopalien anywhere along the rope. Just forget about the little eye, it is only made to lessen weight, its not a functional eye contrary as shown in this video.
Haw River, East Fork Little River and the Little River. Good video, and I like the scavenger hunt, geocache gear package. Good idea.
Thanks Shane!
A little late but I'll say that there are a couple small advantages. There is the slight advantage of being undone and redone quicker, for instance having one on each end of a tarp rather than a full length Ridgeline. By being loosened and tightened faster, it can be easier to space the tarp between the trees.
Another advantage is not having to feed all the excess rope through the loop of the trucker's hitch. Instead you just need to make a small bight and you can start tensioning.
Finally if you have cold fingers it could be easier to work with than knots or with gloves on.
That said, are those small advantages worth the weight and money? Probably not.
Right on Lethal_Bite!
Dang missed it! Good job PA yak. I just bought the nite ize camjam a couple weeks ago and used it once on an overnighter in the newton hills state park. I really loved how fast it was! I bought a 50ft section of 5mm cord to go with it. She's bomb proof!
I just found one of those nite ize in my camping gear. I had to redo my whole hammock setup and they helped a lot with the ridgeline.
Beau Turner - I have always used the cam jam for my ridge line, and will continue to... it ain’t broke, so I’m not fixing it....
Right on Beau!
The find the package for locals is such a great idea, wish I was closer, best of luck o you and your channel
Thanks! It is a ton of fun!
Funny, because they were on sale I just ordered 2 loop aliens. I’ve been using the knot you tied in this video for years (and years), but I kept on seeing people using different shapes of metal as quick fasteners and figured that there must be big advantages. Thank you, I couldn’t see an advantage and it turns out there really isn’t one.
Right on Dugly! Give em a shot! Sometimes it is fun to just mix it up every now and then. Let me know how you find them!
I have just gotten my hammock gear winter tarp what is the best Ridgeline that I can get for it and not have it sag please let me know love your videos keep doing what you're doing it is great
This shud help!!
I agree, better with the knot…. Recenly im using the alien loop to setup hammock chair, i noticed too much pressure on the line and started the damage on the rope…. Thanks for video
Right on Edward!
Congrats to the winner! Cool looking piece of gear, but as you say the knot is easier. Thanks for sharing and cool GAW!
Thanks KW!
Great presentation... like you I am a fan of learning the knots and the truckers hitch is an old friend as well as the quick release double half hitch ...I have found with my new dyneema ridgeline those knots worked but didnt release easy enough as the dyneema seemed to stick to itself I think for that I'm going to use these alien loops ...have you encountered any of the stickiness and residue using dyneema ???
Thsnks Wooki! I actually have noticed that waxy residue at times. I dont use dyneema for the tie outs, so it has not been a major issue.
@@RiverKingsKayak thanks for that ...I dont use it for tie outs so far just on the new ridgeline ...nit sure if I will keep using though
I do the same knots, but instead of a loop around the tree I use a doubled up continuous loop around the tree. And then run the tension-ed string through both the loops created by that. This saves the trees. It's easy to get the continuous loop around the tree, by swinging it around with one hand, and grabbing the loop in the other hand. You end up with a loop in either hand. Now run your tensioning cord through both loops. And if you want to raise the loop higher it's very easy. kinda resembling the movement of a tree climber with the picks in their heels. The loops also stay apart somewhat, creating a triangle. And the line runs easily through the loops.
Good stuff! That is the beauty of it many ways to do it.
Now *_that's_* a sound idea. Much gentler on the bark of the tree. Probably a lot less wear on your ridge line as well, running it through a couple of loops of cord rather than dragging it across an expanse of rough bark. And you've got less friction to overcome when tensioning. Winnage all around. Many thanks for that.
Best tutorials! You know your stuff. I recommend your channel for anyone getting into the kayak camping world. I am a firefighter and I have always trusted and swear by knots. Rope work is everything at times. But I can also be a gear junkie, “oooh I like this and what’s that!?”
So, good review. And now a scavenger hunt!!?? Wish I lived closer. Nice sticker, maybe I will look online and get one.
Thanks IDF! I call it like I see it. There is a ton of stuff out there...sorting the useful from the trendy can be tricky!
I'm a ground dweller, but saw Kentucky Woodsman give you a shoutout. New sub and looks like great content 👍
Thanks and welcome Bluecollar Backcountry!
Would it be Haw river, little river which includes the east fork, and yadkin river would be the third?
Getting warmer
@@RiverKingsKayak so technically Haw, little river including east fork then, Haw again but you kayaked what you called the "little creek" then "big creek" to get to the Haw.
@@benbaker321 was the last 3 rivers that I kayak camped on...not just kayaked... 😉
@@RiverKingsKayak oh lol. So Haw, little river, French broad? You weren't camping on the river or creek in Florida you were driving to them so I'm not counting that lol
Man, now I don't know what to do with these cool loop aliens. LOL. Great video! Thanks!
he he he! Thanks Burt!
7:12 "pretty cool looking piece of gear". Pretty much where I am. I like and use actual knots or variations of knots. (How many flavors of "tautline hitch") Nothing worse than seeing a gob/wad of half hitches and granny knots securing a clothesline in a campground or similiar. Thanks - Good video! ....and yes, I have a couple of red ones, cuz' there shiny!
LOL!!! gob wads of half hitches and grannies hold this world together!!! LOL. Thanks Pappy!
Reminds me of the Serbian Special Forces Spaghetti Knot I invented once when I was drunk on shine.
Haw river on spirit island, East Fork, beautiful little river. Lol. I thought I wanted the loop aliens till I watched your video now I just want the stickers. Lolol
Well, pm me on the facebook page to get me an address for a sticker for being first.... but "technically", this is not the correct answer yet. The contest continues!
Thanks man! All this silly gear and me being an Old School Boy Scout I've been tying knots all my life. I use a toggle, thats about it. Good tutorial, thanks!
Thanks David!
Haw, East fork and The Little River !! LOL I already have the stickers
I bought the alien loops a while back....tried them once....went back to tying Late to the game of scavenger hunt but oh well...I got the RK stickers already and the alien Good idea though. Might have to steal it lol. Hope to get you to join me on the river soon.
Thanks Kevin! We will hit the river soon!
I got a bag of these, was just messing with Warbonnet, UA-cam how to use them and find you crushing my dreams of a cool line tensioner ! 🤣
he he! They still are pretty cool...I just dont have a need for them...
@@RiverKingsKayak I’m with ya!
Important factor- how much dexterity do you need. Cold weather is not friendly to fingers. Always nuance
Yes! I talk about this all the time. That would be one advantage. I employ a different Ridgeline system than this just for that reason.
Totally agree with your review
Right on Frank!
I like Loop Aliens but I sure don’t use them like this. Look at Jeff Myers videos. His method is how I learned to use them. Tac Toggles are my recent favorite for tarp ridge lines. They work on the same principle as the Loop Alien.
Right on Steve!
many thank's from France !
Thanks Stef!
Unfortunately, I just bought a loop alien kit... The line isn't even long enough to use with my 15' hammock straps.
awe man
Pretty cool little tool
Thanks Edward Social!
Does the hitch work well with slick lines like dyneema/amsteel?
Yes, however you will need to really set the knot first though or it will want to slip.
Blinded by my lust for shiny bling I was about to buy a bunch of aliens, now instead I'll be practicing the knots. Like the friendly slap in the starry-eyed face that I needed, thanks very much 👌
What is the line you were using there please?
Ah, perfect! Some folks make such a performance out of this, love your logical, efficient approach - especially helpful for a tarp-virgin like me 👌
I hear ya elPedro666! in this video, I was just using some super cheap Walmart line from the camping
@5:00 smooth AF
Thanks Danilo!
@@RiverKingsKayak you owe me $10 bucks! I bought a set of Loop Aliens that I’ve never used because of this video! 😁
LOL, I guess the question is...did you buy the loop aliens because of the video or did you not use the loop aliens after watching the video...he he
@@RiverKingsKayak bought it, came to the video to learn how to use it, learned the hitch instead and never looked back! ✌🏼
right on brother!
my one wind tarp came with these so i thought i would see how they work. not sure i'm going to use them. lol
right on Robert! Give them a try.
I prefer less stuff and like to tie knots. That said, when using fine gauge dynema cord, the hardware seems to perform better.
Esp. on a cold morning!!
Hardware is useful. I personally like the nite ize cam jam. Or…….an arbor knot on one end and a Truckers hitch on the other. Kayakers such as myself can get away with bringing hardware if they so desire. Backpackers……well…ounces are pounds, pounds are pain as they say.
For sure AP!
Awesome! im about to go on a treasure hunt!
Right On!
Does ot work with dyneema ropes?
@@RiverKingsKayak oh really? don't they slip?
@@nomars4827 they worked perfectly with my slip
@@RiverKingsKayak thanks for sharing your experience!
I have always called it a “jerk knot” because you can jerk it loose. I was showing it to a couple of my Ag students and one of them asked if i named it after myself? :-/
Oh man...that's cold!🤣
It's easier to just have prusik knots already tied to your line. Run your line around the tree, slip your prusik to tension and done. No knots to tie and untie with cold hands.
I do that on all my Ridgeline systems. I actually have little s biners already attached as well.
Trucker's hitch certainly does look a lot simpler than the Loop Alien. If we're going to go with gadgets, the "Figure 9" by Nite Ize is a way faster/easier piece of kit than the Loop Alien.
I like the cam jams by Nite Ize.
@@RiverKingsKayak They look good - haven't actually bought any and tried them, yet.
What is a "wasp"?
Dutchware Gear makes a lot of nano gear that is ultra light weight. The Wasp is one of their options for ridgeline gear.
I am leaving Canada right now, gps locked and loaded to pick up the package !
Thanks for the review. I planned on ordering a few tonight to add to an order they are putting together for me. Now I'm not.
I hate giving any kind of negative...but I also hate not being honest. Like my grandfather once told me...some lures are made to catch fish, some are made to catch fishermen! Thanks for watching!
Holy Hell that thing looks complicated as all get out. Gimme a trucker's hitch or Dutch wasp anyday! I'd forget how to use the alien the next time I got a chance to hang a tarp.
Yeah, it is not the best.
The "pull the loop through" loses me every time, because you do this weird fake out move. I really wish you'd slowed down for that. Otherwise great video, but the gadget made more sense than your rope work because you explained that part better than the "easy" part.
Try this
Thanks Joe!
Just run the line thru the loop twice and pull to lock it. No pinching the line and tying a locking knot.
good deal.
I could repeat it even if I watch it 100 times, lol
Great info
Thanks HVC
The Clint Eastwood of knots haha... I definitely agree hand tying is simpler and more efficient
For sure!
I came late to the party. I was out testing a kayak cart I built this winter, It's been cold and a lot of flooding here in Iowa.
Well the party continues! Welcome! Still up for grabs
@@RiverKingsKayak Haw, East fork and Little river
Not quite...Ben Baker is getting close...
I wish I watched this before buying some cheap version of them aliens off of Aliexpress.
The not for me is far simpler, and I don't need to worry about losing anything. Fantastic.
Thanks Harry!
Sort of a convoluted way to perform a simple trucker's hitch...
yeah, thats kinda my take on it too...
Learn your knots little scouts!
I've used nothing but knots and I've also used the loop aliens. The original way (your demonstration) is very cumbersome. But there is a much easier way to use these.
Like people have commented ad nauseum, "you don't need no dang nothing but knots". It's true, but nothing wrong with hardware if that's what you prefer. When I "luxury camp", I set up my hammock and tarp using loop aliens. I set up a second tarp and floor for storing gear and to use as a changing room or for setting up a chair as a lounging area. That is set up only with knots, because I like to keep in practice.
The loop aliens are extremely easy to use and I prefer using them.
Great to see I was not doing it wrong when I tried mine. I agree, trucker’s hitch is as good, more universal, requires no parts, and easier to learn.
Right on Matt!
I finally know what that damn thing is called.
A little advice to guys like me who can't remember how to tie a knot. Buy the Book of Knots. It's small and has excellent illustrations. Best book I've ever owned
That is good advice!
Can't stand those type of tensioners. I prefer the ones with a hook, a groove and a hole. They stay with your line and are fast, easy and very secure. The ones featured require too much fenagelling and take too long to set up and adjust
I hear ya Gator!
Waaaay too complicated. Just get the significantly better tensioner made by Nite Ize, the Figure 9 carabiner.
The figure 9 is ok, but I love there cam jam one much better!
@@RiverKingsKayak The things I don't like about the cam jams is that they are bulky and mechanical. Anything with moving parts can eventually fail. The sleeker design and multiple ways to use the Figure 9 in my opinion is much better.
Great videos BTW!
Cool idea for a giveaway! I’m on my way from Ohio so no one touch it!
🤣 that's what I'm talking about!
Hello friend superbe vidéo subscribe channel Nice vidéo félicitations wellcom my channel Actéon nature France
Thank you!
I think i'll find me a piece of scrap wood and drill 3 holes in it.
he he he!
If you can’t tie a knot tie a lot!🤣
@@RiverKingsKayak hope ya doing good Pete! Jeff in Hickory, need paddle and camp with you! Headed to Toe river today
Here's the best way to use them - faster and allows you to tighten it much more and easier to release:
very nice.
Yea better to learn the knots. Can’t lose a knot..
You are correct sir!