Overland Custom Design Front Sway Bar End Link Install (100 Series Land Cruiser & Lexus LX470)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @stco2426
    @stco2426 Місяць тому

    Nice one. I've no experience with these, but I'd suggest having the same thread visible through the top nut on both sides, assuming the couplers ets are set the same. I'd also do a check on the swaybar bushes when doing this swap. These bushes are simple and cheap and it probably doesn't hurt to replace them as part of this job if there's any question about them. Nice Lexus!

    • @TimmyTheToolman
      @TimmyTheToolman  Місяць тому

      @stco2426 Yeah, we had a similar amount of thread showing above the nut on each side. I think Vincent already had replaced his sway bar bushings, but now you're got me wondering. I'll ask if he renewed them. Thanks for the comment.

    • @deusdeceptor
      @deusdeceptor Місяць тому

      @@TimmyTheToolman they will have superpros. planning to do that with the power steering rack job ;)

  • @richardramon2175
    @richardramon2175 Місяць тому

    Hey Timmy. Unrelated question for you. I am getting ready to replace my front end UCAs and LCAS, upper and lower control arms, bearings, seals, tone rings, spacers, hubs, upper and lower ball joints. Pretty much everything! I am using all OEM parts but want to reuse both dust plates.
    I don't own a shop press and must rely on my mechanic to press in the bearings and hubs.
    My question is am I able to install the dust plates AFTER he presses the bearings and hubs in??

    • @TimmyTheToolman
      @TimmyTheToolman  Місяць тому

      What vehicle are you working on?

    • @richardramon2175
      @richardramon2175 Місяць тому

      @TimmyTheToolman hi. Sorry. My 2003 Toyota Tacoma prerunner 2wd 3.4l v6 automatic

    • @TimmyTheToolman
      @TimmyTheToolman  Місяць тому

      @@richardramon2175 You can't get the brake dust shields on after the presswork is completed unless you cut it in half.

    • @richardramon2175
      @richardramon2175 Місяць тому +1

      @TimmyTheToolman ty. That's what I thought.

    • @richardramon2175
      @richardramon2175 Місяць тому

      @@TimmyTheToolman Hi Timmy. What are your thoughts on me just leaving my dust guards off?

  • @landminehopscotch3617
    @landminehopscotch3617 Місяць тому

    I’m building out a LX now, does anyone know what kind of bumpers are on that?? Great video as usual and thanks!

    • @TimmyTheToolman
      @TimmyTheToolman  Місяць тому +1

      @@landminehopscotch3617 The rear bumper comes from Valley Tech Fabricarions in Missouri. I'm not sure if the front bumper is even available anymore, but I'll have Vincent comment about it.
      Here's a link to the rear bumper install.

    • @deusdeceptor
      @deusdeceptor Місяць тому +1

      The front bumper is no longer available. Fabs4low front bumper. He was dealing with some personal issues and stopped fabbing bumpers

  • @johnnyallen6526
    @johnnyallen6526 Місяць тому

    Why a heim joint? Don't they require more frequent replacements due to being more susceptible to water/dust and other contaminants? What's the life expectancy of them on a daily driver?

    • @TimmyTheToolman
      @TimmyTheToolman  Місяць тому +1

      @johnnyallen6526 These are all valid questions, and I'm not able to give you an accurate answer. I don't have enough personal experience with the life span of heim joints to know how long they can last. They do need some maintenance, like spraying them with a teflon based lubricant from time to time. They are susceptible to the elements, but cleaning and lubricating extends the life of the joint. The benefit of heim joints is the increased articulation they offer over bushings.

    • @deusdeceptor
      @deusdeceptor Місяць тому +1

      I have total chaos UCAs.. just a lil cleaning and spraying of Tri-Flow on both the UCA and the end links and Im good

    • @TimmyTheToolman
      @TimmyTheToolman  Місяць тому +1

      @@deusdeceptor Yeah, I have Camburg UCAs on my 98 4runner and I just spray them with a little Tri-Flow every once and a while and I've had no issues with them.

  • @hiddenwestadventures
    @hiddenwestadventures Місяць тому

    link to Overland Customs?

    • @TimmyTheToolman
      @TimmyTheToolman  Місяць тому

      @@hiddenwestadventures I guess you missed the part where I said the product isn't yet available on their website. Vincent was the test subject for this end link design. When Overland Customs creates the link on their website, I will update the video description.

    • @TimmyTheToolman
      @TimmyTheToolman  Місяць тому

      @@hiddenwestadventures Link is now available. Just got it. Check the video description.

  • @williamtsol636
    @williamtsol636 Місяць тому +1


  • @FeistyKev
    @FeistyKev Місяць тому
