This guy is the best teacher of all this stuff. Have noticed a lot of hindus here on this channel that also love his videos. I have been listening to him over snd over.
Great Job explaining the writings of Shankaracharya about the Atma Bodha with excellent metaphors. I looked at other videos of explaining the 68 verses, your's stand out and shows the passion and devotion you have about the subject. Thank you so much and I hope to see all 68 verses covered.
Dear Swamiji, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Each of your lectures is a manifestation of love and immersion in the delight of knowledge. I allow myself to quote a few blessed words from the supreme guru Sri Ramana Maharshi: What is the use of knowing something other than the true Self? What else remains to be known when the true Self is known? When realizing the Self in oneself - of the self-effulgent One in the myriad "I" - The light of the true Self shines clearly within. This is truly a genuine manifestation of Grace, Death of ego And the disclosure of the Highest Bliss. To the fetters of fate and their consequences were finally untied, And also for the release from the cycle birth and death, This path is much easier than others, So keep calm and keep inner Silence - In speech, in thoughts, in movements. Then the Radiant Self will open within. This is the Highest Experience. The fear will disappear. This is an endless sea Perfect Bliss! OM TAT SAT ओम् तत् सत्
I don't if anyone realizes this but he is genius, absolutely incredible guru Very smart man and very kind and gentle I love his illustrations his teaching style I mean he is the best out there God bless Namaste guruji
Aatmiya Swami Ji. Jay Thakur. Hare Krsna. "ATMAA" is beyond Consciousness... Presence and Absence of SHUKSHMA SHARIR in Sthula Sharir is the differentiating features between Living and Non-living... One, two, three times more hearing attentively shall surely help in understanding ATMA Consciousness, Reflection, Projection, Intellect, Mind... Creating Happiness of Learning. Loving you one and all fellow learning colleagues Now and HERE in this Light and Moment.
@@rik0994 I plan on subtitling Swami's videos little by little to portuguese :) I have started on the Meditation one since it is the basis for all spiritual practice
@@8bw Wow. That's a very noble deed my friend. Let me thank u for that. Your subtitling will help these teachings spread more there. I am very happy to meet you. Namaste 🙏🙏.
The poor ol’ battered paranoid fearful mind is watching eagle-eyed for a crack in the rock.. but there isn’t one (a crack that is).. Intellect can follow this precise and careful teaching step by step to the irrefutable truth of our very own being 🕉️❤️🌸🌳🌏⭐️✨🙏🕉️
Nice! When you know you are a clear crystal , so you know what shown is just reflection. Help to see what have been missed place, so you can adjust it.
Swamiji ! Thanks for this invaluable knowledge sharing with us. I ( or should l say the consciousness or awareness in me thoroughly enjoyed listening to it.) Or was that my buddhi ( the intellect??)Pranam 🙏
Koti koti pranaam prabhuji 🙏🙇♂️🙇♂️🙏. Just one question : how sukshma sharir stucked in birth and death cycle for first time. Where it was before coming in this cycle ?
in everything no just plants, everything is made up of consciousness itself, like in a dream a rock is also simulated by your brain like anything else, hence it has essence of your brain's consciousness, similarly in this world brahman is like your brain and the universe is like its dream, so everything including inert matter is conscious just that it cannot express it like humans can.
how can I Unidentified from five kosha, & is it possible that we can do everything in this world without identity or without getting identified ..? Please make video on this, because confusion arises in my kosha
Pranam Swamiji 🙏 One question I have here. We had been listening always that Aatma is "Sat Chit Anand" as well as it is observer. If we say that Anand Maya kosha is different than Aatma, and Aatma is just the observer, then does it mean that Aatma does not have any bliss? Or Aatma is not blissful? Please clarify 🙏
Namaste, some questions 1) (around 6:00) is Sthula Sharira NOT made of pure consciousness? does it get enlightened too when person is enlightened? otherwise, 'who gets enlightened'? 2) (6:00-11:00) if you identify with various kosha? then what is this identification? when you are meditating, what are you identifying with? how can you identify with something you do not currently know? 3) (20:00) The cloth was outside the crystal, but the koshas are produced within the consciousness? 4) (30:00) Discernment - viveka is the MAIN tool towards enlightenment? then how can you stop thoughts and practice viveka? 5) (40:00) 17 constituent parts of sukshma sharira - please share the video link..... what ddoesnt have a sukshma sharira? is an atom without it? humbly
on 1) your consciousness is already enlightened, just like the sun is already shining, so "enlightenment" is like opening the clouds (all the idenfitifactions) to let the sun shine on everything, so "everything" gets enlightened by pure consciousness but the source of that light always is enlightened 2) only your mind or other layers don't know about your true self, so meditate to get these layers to "rest" and only see pure consciousness 3) yes, the koshas are the activity of consciousness I think 4) don't stop them, use the thoughts for practicing viveka I have no authority on this, but that's what I can come up with
Prabho, namaste! Such amazing insights and such great presentation! Allow me a few questions … If consciousness is not one identity, but a universal reality, then the identity must be the jivatma. If consciousness is separate from jivatma, then how is it the true identity of the jivatma? Also, if indeed being in the thrall of the reality of consciousness removes rag and dwesh and suffering, then does it mean Ram and Krishna are not the paths to enlightenment? If intellect is where consciousness animates the body from, then cannot a computational device or another physical orchestration too be designed to reflect consciousness, then be used to produce automatons? At what stage will a fetus be said to be conscious, is the seat of awareness is intellect? When in deep sleep vrittis are quietened, what agency affects that quietening? Why is samadhi in sleep involuntary? Sa’adar, Hersh
Let's see if I can answer your questions. Sorry for bad English. 1st let us assume that there is air and a with help of some substances from that air a bubble is formed. That bubble will act like it's different from the outside but it is merely a part of the whole and the whole concept of outside and inside exists only when bubble is there and when the bubble bursts it becomes part of the whole. Here the boundary of bubble represents our karmic structure which is responsible for the whole identity thing and reincarnation. So the goal is to become and embody this oneness and the way doesn't matter but goal does.
2nd, it's really how amazing Advait Vedanta combines the whole Hinduism. So your question is if Advait Vedanta is correct does and the path I follow matters. It doesn't if it is the right one. Krishna says he is supreme consciousness so you die and become part of him. I don't see any flaw in it. He points out various ways to follow it is up to you which path you want to follow. Path of Buddha entails awareness, path of krishna entails devotion, path of Shiva is like a bottom less pit but they all have the same end goal.
3rd, It really cannot be said whether Artificial Intelligence can be considered conscious unless it comes close enough to level of our intellect but it can be clearly said that every life has a certain level consciousness. So every living thing has different levels of consciousness. From every cell, animal, plant, or anything living has consciousness but it is upto it's species how much self realised it is. For example in ancient India snakes were worshipped (and in villages they're worshipped even now) because snakes were considered to be more self realised then human( snake is also main animal depicted in lord Shiva's paintings). So we're other animals like cow(due to thier calmness), dogs( heightened senses), etc.
@@laadkanwar1680 thanks for taking the time to share your thinking. In my opinion, “intellect” is a completely misguided reference when talking about chitta, i.e. awareness. Intellect is a decision making faculty, part judgement, part problem solving. A woman of intellect is called so because she can reason well, and understand abstractions. Intellectual property is about applying the intellect to solving problems by “novel, non obvious, and useful” ways, to create IP assets. Consciousness is not a problem solving tool. It is an absolute- it is “awareness”. Not “self awareness”, not intelligence, not focus, and not passing the Turing test. Advait states that the only way to be conscious is to have the divinity of satchidananda “reflected” in your mind. The more silent the mind, the better that reflection. The mind is observed by the consciousness. The mind is not aware, the consciousnesses. The consciousness is US, you in your true nature, and me in mine. My question is as to the definition of “true nature”.
@@hershchat As you said mind is observed by conciousness and it can not be self aware. So it's futile to articulate true nature using mind or intellect. I think it can only be experienced.
Swamiji pranaam After listening to past 2 lessons again and again, I understood that अन्तःकरण शुदध्दि belongs to सूक्ष्म शरी is my understanding correct?
Sri Ramana Maharshi gives an interesting description of the sukshma sharira: “Ativahika, or sukshma sharira, corresponds to the pure light that a person experiences immediately after deep sleep and before the ego ascent. This is Cosmic Consciousness. It is only Light reflected from the Heart. When such a reflection ceases and remains as the Initial Light in the Heart, this is the final liberation. "
Dear Swami ji even though you are a great schooler or a learned wise and a great pandit of scriptures.You explain every and each theory very well. Your students also have a great knowledge from your explanation of great books there is no doubt about it.But don't we know that this is a mere information? What profit will we attain from this information or knowledge? I have no purpose of condemning you because you are such a gentleman. But can I ask you one thing? Have you ever experienced peace or bliss or Anand within. I mean, did you die before death? Or have you ever seen atma or seen your Guru within your body?
Question: You stress that words alone provide the knowledge that eliminates ignorance in the mind. But using the crystal changing color to orange in front of your shirt metaphor, it is simply the direct seeing or experience of watching the crystal in different locations that removes doubt and sees the truth of crystal clearness, words can direct you but they are not needed. The seeing or experience is needed to remove doubts and ignorance. Am I wrong in this analysis? 🙏
Experiences come and go, are unreliable, and cause confusion. Well said. OK, OK, I give up: earlier I disputed the idea of the self being ontologically the same as God or Brahma or whatever; I thought surely the self continues in some fashion after death without ever being Identical in any way, shape or form with God. Now, I have heard the philosopher Bernardo Kastrup discussing Dissociative Identity Disorder and how some people develop different selves. Hmmm. I've also heard neuroscientist Don Hoffman discussing how people who have had their corpus callosum cut in their brains become two different selves. He mentioned the case of a man whose left brain believed in God, but his right brain was an atheist! And they would fight with each other! Boy, oh boy. So what is this self that seems so real? Gee, if I weren't a lazy man, I'd go back to the beginning and watch these lectures again. 😊
When you say "earlier I disputed the idea of the self being ontologically the same as God", what is this "God" you refer to? Also, since you referred to Don Hoffman, and since I've had the benefit of reading his thought-provoking book "The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes", I thought I'd weigh in with my thoughts on his work related to consciousness. First though, as far as I am aware, Don Hoffman has never claimed to be a neuroscientist as you suggest. Second, Don vigorously argues that we cannot trust our perception, which perfectly aligns with what Swamiji said in this video. Don Hoffman's Interface Theory of Perception (ITP) posits that human perception of reality is not veridical but that it has been shaped by evolution to approximate reality in a fashion that promotes survival of the species. Furthermore, he posits that consciousness is the basis of reality and mathematically formulates his Fitness Beats Truth (FBT) of model of reality. At this point, as an Advaitin I would split hairs with Don, but in all humility, he admits that his is an academic exercise with no claims of its soteriological benefits.
So never trust your feelings? So discard your feelings? Do not they give clues as to how one might appropriately respond to the environment one currently abides?
No, sir, I don't think robots in a thousand years will be so advanced. For one thing, The Club of Rome's report called The Limits to Growth, seems to have been quite accurate in its forecast. Right about now, we have come to the end of the fossil fuel bonanza that powered the discoveries and technologies of our modern lives.
Thank you! I still don't really understand how consciousness appears in the mind alone if it is all pervasive. A rock is just consciousness, as is another human, as is "my" mind. They are all apparent objects. Anyway, good night. It's 1 am here.
In our experience, where do we see reflection? On a shining surfaces isn't it? Do we find our reflection on a rock? No isn't it.. any shining surfaces has a quality to reflect.. like mirror, shining metal surfaces, water.. reflecting property isn't available in every object. Mind is one such shining material(reflecting medium), that can reflect consciousness..
@alukuhito Staying up till 1 am to listen to an Atma Bodha discourse is what I suppose they would call "titiksha" (I am told this word stands for fortitude or forbearance in Sanskrit)! From reading some of your previous posts and from the way you have artfully worded your conundrum in this post, I suspect that you would have discovered the answer to it yourself after a good night's rest by I will venture an opinion on it anyway to satisfy my ego. I heard Swamiji say that we as sentient beings have the experience of self-awareness, i.e., that experience of "I exist", in a way an insentient rock does not. Furthermore, I inferred that it is the mind component of our subtle body (sukshma sharira) where this self-awareness manifests itself. Rocks don't have this subtle body to experience self-awareness. Now, your question can be re-phrased as "why does this experience of self-awareness appear in the mind alone"? Since both experience and mind are nothing but forms of consciousness, why does consciousness appear as something else (i.e., the self-awareness experience) and that too in the mind alone? I think the answer to that lies in what Swamiji said in the last lecture. When something "appears" as other than what it really is, it is called "mithya". The cause of this mithya is ignorance or "avidhya". And as Swamiji reiterated during this lecture, the locus of this ignorance or avidhya is our mind (or "buddhi" more precisely). Ergo consciousness appears as this experience of self-awareness in my mind alone and not in my nails, for instance. Of course, all this is based on my limited understanding of Swamiji's teachings and there is a possibility that I could be inaccurate or just plain wrong. If so, I seek his forgiveness and I hope all this will be clarified in a future lecture.
@@anusarikashree6109 It still doesn't make sense to me, because I see everything as consciousness, not just minds. A rock is consciousness. It can't be anything else.
@@rsr9200 Thanks. I still kind of wonder what this verse means. Everything is consciousness. Maybe it's just one of those verses I'm not meant to understand.
sir, please read the books "vedanta or the science of reality" and "avasthaatraya or the unique method of vedanta" and "the magic jewel of intuition". visit and go to publications section (english section) and download the above books free of cost
Paramathma never becomes jeevathma and jeevathma never becomes paramathma...but jeevathma can experience as like paramathma who is truth self, lightalone,goodfragrancealone etc., we jeevatmas should strive to travel towards paramathma by doing good deeds relatively to more good people and finally reach paramathma....
I think I have an appreciation of your viewpoint but I have two questions: 1. When you say "we jeevatmas should strive to travel towards paramathma", where is paramathma located? 2. When you say "finally reach paramathma", does this happen in one's lifetime or afterwards?
@@rsr9200 In my current perspective, Jeevathma is considered as variable consciousness, Paramathma is a constant consciousness ("paramathma is everywhere" ,infact we jeevathmas doesn't exist without paramathma's existence, jeevathmas are always dependents of paramathma). Reaching paramathma means jeevathma attached to the constant consciousness instead of emotions and all types of bodies made of panchaboothas. It can happen at any instant moment to any jeevathma or they can wait till whole universe get into dissolution and all other possibilities. I am also exploring why can't jeevathma is attached to paramathma instantly or why paramathma is hiding the answers to keep us away from. One answer can be this whole universe is a big computer or big jail that everyone has to go by the universal laws, which might made by richest,most knowledgeable etc., Jeevathma who was just before previous final dissolution or first powerful jeevathma in this current created universe. Until jeevathma clears the eligibility criteria to reach paramathma set by this first powerful creator jeevathma one may not reach paramathma.
Correction/Clarification Note: Attached to constant consciousness who is conqueror of emotions and panchaboothas but not like jeevathma who is bound by emotions and panchaboothas.
In more concrete way to say is if jeevathma is really attached to paramathma, jeevathma should have the capability to get out of his or her human body (made of panchaboothas earth, water,air,fire and space) and can also able to come back to that body at any time.
@@chandrakishorepythonchered2823 But why would paramathma create all these obstacles for the jeevathmas in the first place? What is in it for paramathma?
This guy is the best teacher of all this stuff. Have noticed a lot of hindus here on this channel that also love his videos. I have been listening to him over snd over.
Oh my God, consciousness does not remove ignorance, but knowledge does! Thank you Swamiji, Om Namah Shivaya.
Dear Swamiji! I am so grateful for your teachings. 🙏
I love all the old stories. Love to listen and contemplate on them for hours snd hours.
Dear Swami, these lectures are truly illuminating, and your effervescent style of speaking make them a joy to watch! Thank you very much!
Great Job explaining the writings of Shankaracharya about the Atma Bodha with excellent metaphors. I looked at other videos of explaining the 68 verses, your's stand out and shows the passion and devotion you have about the subject. Thank you so much and I hope to see all 68 verses covered.
Dear Swamiji, thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Each of your lectures is a manifestation of love and immersion in the delight of knowledge.
I allow myself to quote a few blessed words from the supreme guru Sri Ramana Maharshi:
What is the use of knowing something other than the true Self?
What else remains to be known when the true Self is known?
When realizing the Self in oneself -
of the self-effulgent One in the myriad "I" -
The light of the true Self shines clearly within.
This is truly a genuine manifestation of Grace,
Death of ego
And the disclosure of the Highest Bliss.
To the fetters of fate and their consequences
were finally untied,
And also for the release from the cycle
birth and death,
This path is much easier than others,
So keep calm
and keep inner Silence -
In speech, in thoughts, in movements.
Then the Radiant Self will open within.
This is the Highest Experience.
The fear will disappear.
This is an endless sea
Perfect Bliss!
ओम् तत् सत्
Shanti, shanti, shanti 🙏
I don't if anyone realizes this but he is genius, absolutely incredible guru
Very smart man and very kind and gentle
I love his illustrations his teaching style I mean he is the best out there God bless
Namaste guruji
Aatmiya Swami Ji.
Jay Thakur.
Hare Krsna.
"ATMAA" is beyond Consciousness... Presence and Absence of SHUKSHMA SHARIR in Sthula Sharir is the differentiating features between Living and Non-living...
One, two, three times more hearing attentively shall surely help in understanding ATMA Consciousness, Reflection, Projection, Intellect, Mind... Creating Happiness of Learning.
Loving you one and all fellow learning colleagues Now and HERE in this Light and Moment.
Swamiji I loved that defination of kosha being the locus of identification - and because of the identification it acts like a cover. Thank you
Hari Om Tat Sat.
Best regards everybody.
Dear Swami ji. You don't know how grateful I am to you!!
Pranams guru ji, thank you....
The ultimate knowledge is very difficult to explain but guruji you are making it very simple. Pranam guruji.
Thank you for your teachings from Brasil!
Glad to know that these teachings are reaching to far places like Brazil. Welcome 🙏🙏.
@@rik0994 I plan on subtitling Swami's videos little by little to portuguese :) I have started on the Meditation one since it is the basis for all spiritual practice
@@8bw Wow. That's a very noble deed my friend. Let me thank u for that. Your subtitling will help these teachings spread more there. I am very happy to meet you. Namaste 🙏🙏.
The poor ol’ battered paranoid fearful mind is watching eagle-eyed for a crack in the rock.. but there isn’t one (a crack that is).. Intellect can follow this precise and careful teaching step by step to the irrefutable truth of our very own being 🕉️❤️🌸🌳🌏⭐️✨🙏🕉️
You are a blessing guruji and respect
6:55 the body is made of pure consciousness. Integrate your body, not deny.
yes, but "too soon". This will come later. One step at a time.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Namaste.
Thank you , very much appreciated! I truly enjoy your teaching!
Thank you for wonderful teachings Swamiji
Pranaam swamiji🙏
Sri Guruve Namaha🙏🙏🙏
|| ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ||
Nice! When you know you are a clear crystal , so you know what shown is just reflection. Help to see what have been missed place, so you can adjust it.
inftinite love to everyone here and especially Swarmi Tadatmananda
Om shanti Guruji..
Love the example of the cloth and the crystal, but how it works like that with my mind and my consciousness ?
Thank you 🙏🏼
As usual beautiful explanations
Swamiji ! Thanks for this invaluable knowledge sharing with us. I ( or should l say the consciousness or awareness in me thoroughly enjoyed listening to it.) Or was that my buddhi ( the intellect??)Pranam 🙏
Swami, if problem of kosha not to be related to Atma, how to treat happiness of kosha. please share your thoughts. Thanks, Bala
interesting, thank you;
Similes, not metaphors. No offence, I really like these lectures. Blessings and peace be with you. 🙏♥️
Thank you!
Koti koti pranaam prabhuji 🙏🙇♂️🙇♂️🙏.
Just one question : how sukshma sharir stucked in birth and death cycle for first time. Where it was before coming in this cycle ?
Is consciousness manifested in plants? Animals can experience love, anger, sorrow, fear, and happiness, so do they possess sukshma shareera?
I was going to ask exactly this question? I guess they have prana kosha, and manas but not budhi?
in everything no just plants, everything is made up of consciousness itself, like in a dream a rock is also simulated by your brain like anything else, hence it has essence of your brain's consciousness, similarly in this world brahman is like your brain and the universe is like its dream, so everything including inert matter is conscious just that it cannot express it like humans can.
how can I Unidentified from five kosha, & is it possible that we can do everything in this world without identity or without getting identified ..?
Please make video on this, because confusion arises in my kosha
Pranam Swamiji 🙏
One question I have here. We had been listening always that Aatma is "Sat Chit Anand" as well as it is observer. If we say that Anand Maya kosha is different than Aatma, and Aatma is just the observer, then does it mean that Aatma does not have any bliss? Or Aatma is not blissful? Please clarify 🙏
How do I know a tree for instance does not have a sukshma sarira?
swamiji, if mind/buddhi is pat of sukshma sharira, doe that mean we can think even after dying (through mind of suksham sharira)?
Namaste, some questions
1) (around 6:00) is Sthula Sharira NOT made of pure consciousness? does it get enlightened too when person is enlightened? otherwise, 'who gets enlightened'?
2) (6:00-11:00) if you identify with various kosha? then what is this identification? when you are meditating, what are you identifying with? how can you identify with something you do not currently know?
3) (20:00) The cloth was outside the crystal, but the koshas are produced within the consciousness?
4) (30:00) Discernment - viveka is the MAIN tool towards enlightenment? then how can you stop thoughts and practice viveka?
5) (40:00) 17 constituent parts of sukshma sharira - please share the video link..... what ddoesnt have a sukshma sharira? is an atom without it?
on 1) your consciousness is already enlightened, just like the sun is already shining, so "enlightenment" is like opening the clouds (all the idenfitifactions) to let the sun shine on everything, so "everything" gets enlightened by pure consciousness but the source of that light always is enlightened
2) only your mind or other layers don't know about your true self, so meditate to get these layers to "rest" and only see pure consciousness
3) yes, the koshas are the activity of consciousness I think
4) don't stop them, use the thoughts for practicing viveka
I have no authority on this, but that's what I can come up with
@@gridcoregilry666 thanks for replying. its a deep ocean my fellow swimmer, or rather my fellow wave
@Cosmic stuff😿 hey, you are a thinker! thanks for your comments. I am 41 now, but I feel like an infant in the spiritual realm :)
Please tell us the role of human imagination from spiritual perspective..
Is knowledge obtained only through reason as in your 7th lecture?
Prabho, namaste! Such amazing insights and such great presentation!
Allow me a few questions …
If consciousness is not one identity, but a universal reality, then the identity must be the jivatma.
If consciousness is separate from jivatma, then how is it the true identity of the jivatma?
Also, if indeed being in the thrall of the reality of consciousness removes rag and dwesh and suffering, then does it mean Ram and Krishna are not the paths to enlightenment?
If intellect is where consciousness animates the body from, then cannot a computational device or another physical orchestration too be designed to reflect consciousness, then be used to produce automatons?
At what stage will a fetus be said to be conscious, is the seat of awareness is intellect?
When in deep sleep vrittis are quietened, what agency affects that quietening? Why is samadhi in sleep involuntary?
Let's see if I can answer your questions. Sorry for bad English.
1st let us assume that there is air and a with help of some substances from that air a bubble is formed. That bubble will act like it's different from the outside but it is merely a part of the whole and the whole concept of outside and inside exists only when bubble is there and when the bubble bursts it becomes part of the whole. Here the boundary of bubble represents our karmic structure which is responsible for the whole identity thing and reincarnation. So the goal is to become and embody this oneness and the way doesn't matter but goal does.
2nd, it's really how amazing Advait Vedanta combines the whole Hinduism. So your question is if Advait Vedanta is correct does and the path I follow matters. It doesn't if it is the right one. Krishna says he is supreme consciousness so you die and become part of him. I don't see any flaw in it. He points out various ways to follow it is up to you which path you want to follow. Path of Buddha entails awareness, path of krishna entails devotion, path of Shiva is like a bottom less pit but they all have the same end goal.
3rd, It really cannot be said whether Artificial Intelligence can be considered conscious unless it comes close enough to level of our intellect but it can be clearly said that every life has a certain level consciousness. So every living thing has different levels of consciousness. From every cell, animal, plant, or anything living has consciousness but it is upto it's species how much self realised it is. For example in ancient India snakes were worshipped (and in villages they're worshipped even now) because snakes were considered to be more self realised then human( snake is also main animal depicted in lord Shiva's paintings). So we're other animals like cow(due to thier calmness), dogs( heightened senses), etc.
@@laadkanwar1680 thanks for taking the time to share your thinking. In my opinion, “intellect” is a completely misguided reference when talking about chitta, i.e. awareness. Intellect is a decision making faculty, part judgement, part problem solving. A woman of intellect is called so because she can reason well, and understand abstractions. Intellectual property is about applying the intellect to solving problems by “novel, non obvious, and useful” ways, to create IP assets. Consciousness is not a problem solving tool. It is an absolute- it is “awareness”. Not “self awareness”, not intelligence, not focus, and not passing the Turing test. Advait states that the only way to be conscious is to have the divinity of satchidananda “reflected” in your mind. The more silent the mind, the better that reflection. The mind is observed by the consciousness. The mind is not aware, the consciousnesses. The consciousness is US, you in your true nature, and me in mine.
My question is as to the definition of “true nature”.
@@hershchat As you said mind is observed by conciousness and it can not be self aware. So it's futile to articulate true nature using mind or intellect. I think it can only be experienced.
Swamiji pranaam
After listening to past 2 lessons again and again, I understood that अन्तःकरण शुदध्दि belongs to सूक्ष्म शरी is my understanding correct?
Sri Ramana Maharshi gives an interesting description of the sukshma sharira:
“Ativahika, or sukshma sharira, corresponds to the pure light that a person experiences immediately
after deep sleep and before the ego ascent. This is Cosmic Consciousness. It is only Light reflected from the Heart.
When such a reflection ceases and remains as the Initial Light in the Heart, this is the final liberation. "
Dear Swami ji even though you are a great schooler or a learned wise and a great pandit of scriptures.You explain every and each theory very well. Your students also have a great knowledge from your explanation of great books there is no doubt about it.But don't we know that this is a mere information? What profit will we attain from this information or knowledge? I have no purpose of condemning you because you are such a gentleman. But can I ask you one thing? Have you ever experienced peace or bliss or Anand within. I mean, did you die before death? Or have you ever seen atma or seen your Guru within your body?
Question: You stress that words alone provide the knowledge that eliminates ignorance in the mind. But using the crystal changing color to orange in front of your shirt metaphor, it is simply the direct seeing or experience of watching the crystal in different locations that removes doubt and sees the truth of crystal clearness, words can direct you but they are not needed. The seeing or experience is needed to remove doubts and ignorance. Am I wrong in this analysis? 🙏
I never have dreamless sleep.. Tho I always try to meditate before sleep🙏🙏
What does it means.. ??
Please tell me and i always remember my dreams
When you say that we are not the ananda maya kosha.. Then what is sat chit ANAND?
Experiences come and go, are unreliable, and cause confusion. Well said.
OK, OK, I give up: earlier I disputed the idea of the self being ontologically the same as God or Brahma or whatever; I thought surely the self continues in some fashion after death without ever being Identical in any way, shape or form with God. Now, I have heard the philosopher Bernardo Kastrup discussing Dissociative Identity Disorder and how some people develop different selves. Hmmm. I've also heard neuroscientist Don Hoffman discussing how people who have had their corpus callosum cut in their brains become two different selves. He mentioned the case of a man whose left brain believed in God, but his right brain was an atheist! And they would fight with each other!
Boy, oh boy. So what is this self that seems so real? Gee, if I weren't a lazy man, I'd go back to the beginning and watch these lectures again. 😊
When you say "earlier I disputed the idea of the self being ontologically the same as God", what is this "God" you refer to?
Also, since you referred to Don Hoffman, and since I've had the benefit of reading his thought-provoking book "The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes", I thought I'd weigh in with my thoughts on his work related to consciousness. First though, as far as I am aware, Don Hoffman has never claimed to be a neuroscientist as you suggest. Second, Don vigorously argues that we cannot trust our perception, which perfectly aligns with what Swamiji said in this video. Don Hoffman's Interface Theory of Perception (ITP) posits that human perception of reality is not veridical but that it has been shaped by evolution to approximate reality in a fashion that promotes survival of the species. Furthermore, he posits that consciousness is the basis of reality and mathematically formulates his Fitness Beats Truth (FBT) of model of reality. At this point, as an Advaitin I would split hairs with Don, but in all humility, he admits that his is an academic exercise with no claims of its soteriological benefits.
So never trust your feelings? So discard your feelings? Do not they give clues as to how one might appropriately respond to the environment one currently abides?
Is not reason or logic a part of your mind ?
If consciousness is all pervasive it is in the robot although humans cannot detect it or experience it but it is present ?
No, sir, I don't think robots in a thousand years will be so advanced. For one thing, The Club of Rome's report called The Limits to Growth, seems to have been quite accurate in its forecast. Right about now, we have come to the end of the fossil fuel bonanza that powered the discoveries and technologies of our modern lives.
ॐ नमः शिवाय ll
Thank you! I still don't really understand how consciousness appears in the mind alone if it is all pervasive. A rock is just consciousness, as is another human, as is "my" mind. They are all apparent objects. Anyway, good night. It's 1 am here.
In our experience, where do we see reflection? On a shining surfaces isn't it? Do we find our reflection on a rock? No isn't it.. any shining surfaces has a quality to reflect.. like mirror, shining metal surfaces, water.. reflecting property isn't available in every object. Mind is one such shining material(reflecting medium), that can reflect consciousness..
@alukuhito Staying up till 1 am to listen to an Atma Bodha discourse is what I suppose they would call "titiksha" (I am told this word stands for fortitude or forbearance in Sanskrit)! From reading some of your previous posts and from the way you have artfully worded your conundrum in this post, I suspect that you would have discovered the answer to it yourself after a good night's rest by I will venture an opinion on it anyway to satisfy my ego.
I heard Swamiji say that we as sentient beings have the experience of self-awareness, i.e., that experience of "I exist", in a way an insentient rock does not. Furthermore, I inferred that it is the mind component of our subtle body (sukshma sharira) where this self-awareness manifests itself. Rocks don't have this subtle body to experience self-awareness. Now, your question can be re-phrased as "why does this experience of self-awareness appear in the mind alone"? Since both experience and mind are nothing but forms of consciousness, why does consciousness appear as something else (i.e., the self-awareness experience) and that too in the mind alone? I think the answer to that lies in what Swamiji said in the last lecture. When something "appears" as other than what it really is, it is called "mithya". The cause of this mithya is ignorance or "avidhya". And as Swamiji reiterated during this lecture, the locus of this ignorance or avidhya is our mind (or "buddhi" more precisely). Ergo consciousness appears as this experience of self-awareness in my mind alone and not in my nails, for instance. Of course, all this is based on my limited understanding of Swamiji's teachings and there is a possibility that I could be inaccurate or just plain wrong. If so, I seek his forgiveness and I hope all this will be clarified in a future lecture.
@@anusarikashree6109 It still doesn't make sense to me, because I see everything as consciousness, not just minds. A rock is consciousness. It can't be anything else.
@@rsr9200 Thanks. I still kind of wonder what this verse means. Everything is consciousness. Maybe it's just one of those verses I'm not meant to understand.
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Paramathma never becomes jeevathma and jeevathma never becomes paramathma...but jeevathma can experience as like paramathma who is truth self, lightalone,goodfragrancealone etc., we jeevatmas should strive to travel towards paramathma by doing good deeds relatively to more good people and finally reach paramathma....
I think I have an appreciation of your viewpoint but I have two questions:
1. When you say "we jeevatmas should strive to travel towards paramathma", where is paramathma located?
2. When you say "finally reach paramathma", does this happen in one's lifetime or afterwards?
@@rsr9200 In my current perspective, Jeevathma is considered as variable consciousness, Paramathma is a constant consciousness ("paramathma is everywhere" ,infact we jeevathmas doesn't exist without paramathma's existence, jeevathmas are always dependents of paramathma).
Reaching paramathma means jeevathma attached to the constant consciousness instead of emotions and all types of bodies made of panchaboothas. It can happen at any instant moment to any jeevathma or they can wait till whole universe get into dissolution and all other possibilities.
I am also exploring why can't jeevathma is attached to paramathma instantly or why paramathma is hiding the answers to keep us away from. One answer can be this whole universe is a big computer or big jail that everyone has to go by the universal laws, which might made by richest,most knowledgeable etc., Jeevathma who was just before previous final dissolution or first powerful jeevathma in this current created universe. Until jeevathma clears the eligibility criteria to reach paramathma set by this first powerful creator jeevathma one may not reach paramathma.
Correction/Clarification Note: Attached to constant consciousness who is conqueror of emotions and panchaboothas but not like jeevathma who is bound by emotions and panchaboothas.
In more concrete way to say is if jeevathma is really attached to paramathma, jeevathma should have the capability to get out of his or her human body (made of panchaboothas earth, water,air,fire and space) and can also able to come back to that body at any time.
@@chandrakishorepythonchered2823 But why would paramathma create all these obstacles for the jeevathmas in the first place? What is in it for paramathma?