That interpretation is so enjoyable! Very good singers. I hope the Chinese audience like it just as much today as we did all those years ago! You can feel the emotion and excitement of the songs in the Chinese language too! This musical is a beautiful way to appreciate the exchange of different cultures. I wish I was in the audience!😀
That interpretation is so enjoyable! Very good singers. I hope the Chinese audience like it just as much today as we did all those years ago! You can feel the emotion and excitement of the songs in the Chinese language too! This musical is a beautiful way to appreciate the exchange of different cultures. I wish I was in the audience!😀
ABBA é pra sempre!!!!
这套由abba乐队之改编版本百老汇歌剧剧本之旋律优美悦耳动听美妙金曲剧本里说一个新人新娘成年人,要下嫁给她之sweetheart, 但是sophie苏菲亚就是偷看老妈之利用秘密语言写成之陈年日记发现18面前有三个帅哥医生律师建筑师可能就是她老爸之秘密来的呢,!所以苏菲亚就是邀请他们三个老爸来给她在婚礼里扶着她送给她爱人同志年青帅哥新人,那大中华区也有相似之虚构小说故事呢,那金庸睿智博学多才之才子所出版之鹿鼎记想处境戏剧之七个老婆的韦小宝就是福大命大之大难不死必有后福之市井之徒人才来的,但是根据他老妈婊子妓女告诉他韦小宝就是出生{畜生}在扬州妓院里,那经手人们原来有7个之多之可能性老爸,所以韦小宝最初就是自卑自己原来出生低微,花大量跟太监赌钱赢来之大额钞票来雇佣演员老爸,演员老妈跟建宁公主说他韦小宝鹿鼎公就是北京市有头有面之世代传承财富资产管理之大家族来透过冠冕堂皇大家族群身份掩饰他之自卑感,那就是好像7个小矮人之白雪公主之所以拥有免死金牌和尚方宝剑之能够上斩昏君下斩刁民之特权利益关系都是韦达人之老妈跟g7幕后行动特工大玩家们睡过温柔体贴入微香来换取韦小宝拥有特权利益关系来{为所欲为/猥琐欲为}去娶7个老婆和富甲天下朝野上下富可敌国呢,!原来韦小宝鹿鼎公都搞不清楚7和老爸那一个就是他亲生老爸呢,那当年古代就是没有dna mapping认证突破性创新科技呢,!
That is truly awesome. When are they coming to Scotland?!
Very very good 🎶 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Wow.. Amazing
Hubert how can i get the chinese words for dancing queen song please
here are the lyrics to the entire Chinese recording:
Mamma mia here we go again the musical sophie wedding
Bloody love a bit of Chabba
Super mario victor says yes
that s ..great
Too bad they didn’t translate the original lyrics but rewrote the lyrics. 😢
If this is in China, did they cut out the gay character? Just asking for a friend
Less likely. I don't think people who went for this show will file complaints regarding to homosexual content.