60% of the time, the cowbell works every time! Almglocken is the germanic name, sounds like a police issued sidearm.... Spellcheck Toque not Toute, toute sounds like a character from "The Mighty Hercules" cartoons. You can also call it by the name folks in the south gave it...Beanie @twistedsunriseki Nice vid Coach Mike! I appreciate the melodic sounds of the Almglocken.
Its Grr-ific!"
Awesome video Love the Cow Bells need more videos with cowbells like the sunglasses and touqe
that's so happening
CowBells oh yah sqaud six of cow bells
that's a lot of cowbells!
Lol. YOU need more cowbell!
Lol looking for cat videos lol
60% of the time, the cowbell works every time! Almglocken is the germanic name, sounds like a police issued sidearm.... Spellcheck Toque not Toute, toute sounds like a character from "The Mighty Hercules" cartoons. You can also call it by the name folks in the south gave it...Beanie @twistedsunriseki
Nice vid Coach Mike! I appreciate the melodic sounds of the Almglocken.
It's the 60% of the time I'm aiming for.
I take no responsibility for the spelling mistakes of my viewers. Toque off, eh?...Hoser
Everyone Needs mega cow bells
I almost thought you said mega cow BALLS.
Here's where I tell you that cows don't HAVE balls