Do you think?! People matter, not conglomerates. Yes business is important but people make business prosper. The bottom line is to take care of the general population, not the top 1,%.
@@ritafreeman6929 I agree with the premise of the quote, but it's not the big companies that have been saved at the expense of people, it's the small businesses.
Democrates and Republicans seem to be in the pockets of companies. Companies are the ones that make China stronger and some day the Chinese missiles will rain down Washington, shame, shame, Shame.....We need to elect politicians who serious about fixing America not a fox in sheep clothing!!!!!!!
Wow! What a closing remark - "that capitalism doesn't work unless it rests on a groundswell of empathy". The most succinct, accurate and insightful explanation of how our country has gone so, so wrong that i've ever heard. Bravo, Sir!
I agree, a fine sentiment, and a dire need in this graceless age. I’d argue, though, that history shows us that capitalism only - ONLY - “works” if its practices are restrained not by sentiment but by legislation and regulation - thus the New Deal and the rise of the now defunct American middle class. The necessary end of UNrestrained capital/ capitalism is the concentration of wealth in the hands of the owner class, a rarified locale where empathy results in charity rather than structural change, and is not only in short supply, but as an economic practice largely considered a sucker’s move.
Before Thatcher, this failure used to be called the "Unacceptable face of Capiltalism". Now things have become so distorted that the functioning of society is threatened. Putin and Xi have their ways of dealing with this.
He’s 100% on spot. One of the many reasons why I supported Bernie Sanders. But I also know it’s the reason why they were never going to allow him to win.
That was eye-opening, amazing, sad, and hopeful all at the same time... Thank you, Amanpour and Company, for providing great interviews, deep insight, factual information, and all done without drama. Now, let's get to work to make some positive change!
@Soapandwater6 - Yup sad but so true. I think eventually the stock market WILL crash if the middle and lower classes are essentially wiped out by this fiasco - and we are certainly headed in that direction. The wealthy do live off of the lower classes in many ways (but for the most part, not the retired wealthy who have invested securely - they just need the lower classes to clean their houses, cook/deliver/serve food, teach their kids, protect their lives/assets, etc. But for the wealthy who own businesses or shares in corporations , their livelihood and portfolios will be affected. In a sense it is the way capitalism works, at best we have a healthy middle class and the "American Dream" is alive and well (but that is becoming ancient history now); at worst capitalism is "pyramid scheme - food chain" but that is the sad reality.
Obvious... and while I deplore both sides arguments, presidents from both parties have touted the market as a measure of how well the economy is doing. It's immoral to pretend that it is.
@@sunlight4169 Absolutely, even without Covid given the trends. It's short-sightedness in the extreme. Have been wondering why the wealthy seem to not care and I think it's because people have been in a me, me, me, grab and get mode since the 80s. Right now, the US is experiencing the largest wealth gap its seen (pre covid and worse now). People are being used and abused and spit out. Essentially those who can afford chauffeurs, go about their days viewing the rest of the world as serfs.
Yep. Helping "most" small business is a waste of money. They don't need money, they need customers. Give the people the help and they get their customers back.
Actually, Germany and others paid 80% or more of employee wages, so even when the country went on lockdown, nobody lost their jobs. When the country reopened, people went back to the same jobs.
@@ElsaGSD Have you ever had an Aha moment? He just may be including himself in his statement about idolatry. Times change and so do people. Don't let your opinion of someone stay stuck in their past if they're not. Watch what he does after this and then report back to us.
@@ElsaGSD So answer these questions? Do you think there is a problem? What do you agree with in the talk and what do you disagree with? Try adding something useful here.
One of the most cleared eye interviews about where we find ourselves and where we are likely to go. Galloway hits the nail squarely on the head. Well done professor and I hope you’ll continue to find avenues to speak clearly about capitalism.
I agree - we absolutely need to break up these big monopolies. Capitalism needs serious oversight and regulation if it is to serve the interests of the people - not just the top percent.
@@NoOne-vm2wd Yes, that would be ideal, but I don't see it happening - at least, not in the US. I don't see why we can't have a system that both provides every citizen with basic human rights - an education or training in some skill, universal healthcare, living wages, and decent and affordable housing - along with a market.
@@NoOne-vm2wd Not theoretically, but as I said, as much as I have a strong distaste for capitalism: it takes time to change so drastically from a means of trade we, and as far as I know, every country uses. We progress a few steps, go back, and then go forward again. But, we do progress. There may indeed come a time when capitalism is no more, and I'm fine with that. But in the meantime, there are things we can do to put people on a far more equal standing. Instead of the past few decades of 'top/down' economics, we can move to a 'bottom/up' standard. That's what make a strong middle class in the post-war years, and we can build back on that.
@@curiousworld7912 because it isn’t profitable. Profit is the motivation for all things under capitalism. You can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still gonna bathe in shit
This guy has hit the nail solidly on the head. If we could just drive this nail all the way in, we could be strong, healthy and happy as a country. The Bell system breakup is a perfect example. Let's do this!
Justice Scalia reasoned that corporations deserved "person" status. His decision encouraged not only the unchecked, unfettered growth of mega companies, but billions in campaign contributions of dark money to ensure election of candidates who would be beholden to them. Not just in political jobs but also in our courts.
A copy of Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity" should be required reading to all Corporations, Higher Learning Institutions and Government leaders and Families. Thank you Hari Sreenivasan, and Amanpour and Company for this insightful interview with Scott Galloway; this Vital Interview should be Required Listening also!
Oh, they know! Like the CEOs of Big Business they also benefit from not solving the problem, especially after they leave office. Before they get elected and before they leave office they get obscene levels of "donations" (bribes) to perpetuate the evil game that they are in with their "supporters". They are all in this game together which makes it just about impossible to break it up.
@@letthesunshinethru2355 They are all part of that deep swamp of con artists who rule the roost. Guess it pays to cheat, lie, and steal ... Somebody should reform the elementary school curriculum accordingly.
Finally!!!! Someone has the gall to tell it how it is! #PeopleMatter Thank you for interviews that are responsible, fact based, intelligent and meaningful. Keep it up.
He is so right; if you aren't near power physically, sitting in your country house, not in your office, you aren't going to advance. Nobody makes it to the C-suite that way. Go ahead and move to Poughkeepsie for a cheap little house, but you are gonna be living there forever. You aren't going to be moving up in the organization if you aren't seeing the CEO, seeing the people in power.
This issue NEEDS to be aired on all news outlets, on every radio station, in every convosation. Trump and his cronies only care about the people with power staying in power, and for people without money and power to stay powerless. I detest these people. They dont care about average people, they only care about their own interest.
Scott is always interesting. I loved his closing statement about Capitalism and empathy. I'll say it again and again, it is why Gordon Gekko and his Satanic 'Greed is good" mantra that infected the ego of Wall Street was the beginning of the end for America. Unless we change that mentality we are completely screwed. Private equity is the Queen Bee of this ecosystem and as long as it stays the same, nothing will change. No current Wall Streeter incorporates empathy into their decision-making process. It is seen as a weakness. Only one thing matters: whether you can get away with it and make money.
Forcing mega companies to pay fair wages would also help to reduce the inequality. Wages have not kept pace with profitability of corporations. Unions used to protect wages and rights of workers, now corporations prohibit workers from forming Unions. It's not a complete answer, but it would be a step in the right direction.
Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. stopped being innovators a long time ago. As soon as they became innovators, they stopped innovating. They started using their money to kill innovation and competition. They buy out newly thriving companied to kill competition. They do not innovate, but they buy the innovating companies. If the company is not from the US, they pay US Congress and the military industrial complex to pressure the company and its country of origin to sell. This is how they got Toshiba from Japan and Alstom from France. Only China seems to have the capacity to stop this madness. The reason why China is about to overtake the West is due to these too big to fail companies and banks. As long as they dictate their rules, US cannot compete fairly because innovation and real competition have died (been massacred) from within.
Bailouts (money mostly generated by taxpayers) should benefit individuals not corporations that pay the least amount of taxes. People over profits. As stated, let the people decide which company they invest in rather than allowing companies to thrive while people die.
No one is talking about the elephant in the room... If Reagan had not gutted the American labor movement 40 years ago, we would not be in the shape we are in today. An organized workforce would hold employers accountable and would not tolerate the income and wealth disparities we have today. Strong labor unions, representing the interests of millions, would be the political king makers. Instead, they are pharmaceutical and financial services lobbyists, representing the interests of hundreds. Go ahead... someone try to refute my assertion. You can't. The arithmetic is incontrovertible.
Working class individuals have almost always gotten the short end of stick! I appreciate Gallaway’s focus on these individuals and the idea that we need to let the cards fall where they may on companies both small and large. We have only been perpetuating our current focus on the bottom line and the wealthy!
I like how we call it non-government healthcare even though government subsidies keep this market failure afloat. They tell us it would be scary to put government money into making people healthy but we do it now to make a few people rich.
I agree, the AT&T breakup seems to have worked (albeit painful for the workers of the time), but the breakup attempts of IBM and MS didn't work, right? I was at IBM during the time the government was going after them, and all it did for the workers there was depress wages and create uncertainty. I also think it stifled not only productivity, but creativity as well. Were is this empathy for the workers, when we talk of big government breakups?
If people audit the airlines and some big business you would see that they were failing before covid19. Congress should have taken care of the small business first....
I really think the US needs to start learning from the rest of the world, rather than arrogantly telling everyone else what to do. We Americans are no more human than anyone else in the world... not all of us want or should live the same way.
when are people going to realize that the Stockmarket is not an indicator of good economy or the quality of life? when are Congressmen and Economists going to realize that many of us cannot afford to be INVESTORS?
The ignorance of the consumer to make Amazon a monopoly. Support a multi-duplicity of distribution, or you will see the Big is Better is just a marketing ploy to own you.
I have watched over the years how people stopped going to the small local businesses and went instead to the big box stores. 7/11 stores flourished while the little neighborhood stores closed down. Local bookstores closed because Chapters took over. Online shopping takes business away from local businesses. We the people have contributed to this shift and continue to support big businesses through shopping online rather than go out of the house to the store down the street, and were doing this before the pandemic hit. If we had supported small businesses rather than being persuaded by glitzy big business ads we could have saved a lot of the small businesses, but we gave up our power when we chose where to spend our money.
The poor and the lower middle class are at the bottom of the economic pyramid, struggling and holding up the upper economic class. There is a huge gap btwn the rich and the lower classes.
"Idolatry of the innovators", this is the right expression. However, the real innovators, people who actually come up with innovative ideas, get paid off or pushed out within two years of their invention. The corporations just run and get rich by their ability to pay for the innovative capabilities of regular people. People credit the wrong participants in the economy. Most valuable innovations evolve straight from manufacturing floors. When the US allowed the dismantling of manufacturing floors in the US and leave the country, they GAVE the technology lead to countries with cheap labor forces.
That’s Andrew Yang said. We need UBI ASAP!!!!! everyday people who keep small businesses going. When they got those big stimulus bailout. They don’t even spread them($) out to their employees!!!!!!!that is what happened now!!!
I was a Mr. mom for 15 years in which I founded three kung fu systems, ran a record company and a book publishing company. Unfortunately I didn’t have any funding resources and very little time so none of those ventures got as far as they could’ve if I wasn’t also a Mr. mom, but I was working from home.
Please define "most vulnerable household' means. Protecting those households is fine; however, the government needs to make sure that the people above that level should not slide down to the 'most vulnerable' level.
@@sydneyashton9830 You are a FAKE POSTER. This account you’re using was created just 2 MONTHS AGO. Americans have had UA-cam accounts for years and have no need to create new accounts. All, there are a lot of foreign bots and hacks on UA-cam comments these days and they’re very active. Before believing the up/down votes or taking time to respond to inflammatory political comments, check when the UA-cam account was made by clicking on the account’s icon. There are a lot of fake accounts made in the past 6 months. They are trying to amplify the political fighting more in the US and spread lies. I’ve actually had two so far in the past couple of days who admitted they create new accounts all the time because UA-cam is deactivating those accounts.
Excuse me?!? A massive stimulus although we already had one!?! Canada gave their adult citizens $2,000.00 a month.. each month of their mandatory quarantine! (They immediately dropped the same amount on their elderly, children and homeless that our POtuS dropped on the stock market!) The UK gave their citizens $2,500.00 Australia gave their citizens $3,200.00 Germany just over $4,000.00 Paris, France over $8,900.00 Each Country per month to each adult citizen regardless of whether they were Essential Worker’s or not so that they didn’t have to figure out hazard pay! In The UK... after disinfecting all of their buildings in school buses they decided to keep all of their highschoolers working remotely and stretched out all of the elementary and middle school students across all three buildings so that they could stay safe socially distancing! Doesn’t take a genius to figure out how to handle this it’s quite humiliating to the rest of the world to admit that I was born in this country capitalism our democracy has been dead for centuries! Another thing get rid of the negative label of Medicare for all... call it universal healthcare because it is absolutely disgusting how our taxpayers money funds all the research and development of immunizations and medicine, vaccines and distribution that help’s save countless of lives around the world yet we pay 200% to 2000% more for those same prescriptions etc. A prime example is Remdemisfeir... Google it or ask Siri, find a fifth grader to help you.. the company is out of California our taxpayers money yet we pay over $500 per script when they only pay just over $50 in Germany, $8 dollars in Canada, $6 dollars in Australia, $30 something in the UK.
I REALLY wish we’d go to a single payer system of Health care. I grew up in WA and had many Canadian friends who all appreciated Canada’s Health care system. I’m paying $1,200 a Month for small business health care and I still pay a lot out of pocket @ 10% of treatments, copays, deductible. It’s ridiculous. Talk to anyone that’s been in a Canadian Hospital and they’ll tell you how great their attitudes are and they get great service.
The Egyptian prophecy of Throth "When the business of death is more lucrative than life" This is the most disgusting thing I have seen in my lifetime we are literally dealing with a caste system where the top 10% look down their noses and literally think their right to life supersedes any one who is "poor". And some of these poor are college-educated and not making more than 50,000 a year it's impossible these days to even think about improving life for your family. My salary has not changed since the year 2000. The entitlement is grossly nauseating.
COVID19 situation requires action from the high end earners. The way that our Governments can operate (generally speaking), is that promises are made that are often not followed through on, and by the time they get implemented, or even begin to be, the government has changed hands and the present oversight loses focus or has a different agenda. Here in Australia we witnessed a confounding roll-out of the NBN that has literally been like the never ending story. So many companies have made bucket loads of money from it but we still do not have, as yet, what was originally envisaged. I was walking past an open telecommunications hole on the footpath which told the true story. I looked down only to see that the wires and cables were held together with binding twine like you would use in the garden. So where did all the funding for the infrstructure go then? Politicians need to be warned that this current crises has opened the eyes of their constituents in a way as never before. Many issues become, what I call, as being on The Merry Go Round, we go again.. And I think to myself, "well, I thought that has already been chewed over, legislated even, and change promised by countless goverments before???"..Things like: health, the climate, homelessness, crime, justice to name only a few. And there is plenty of money being made in every sector but the undergirding societal supports are eroded or absent. As consumers we have been subtely trained to expect less and less from all of our providers, banks, medical industries, hospitals, services, etc. While, due to legislation, subsidies, writeoffs and tax breaks their bottom line has increased exponentially. The mega businesses that have not paid appropriate taxes v's asset need to contribute into the local economies right now, without delay. Each Federal Government's (or equivalent to) taxation departments has the numbers and they need to oversee where the money goes. It is unfortunate that Governments have embraced capitalism to a point that they have not balanced that with true care for their populations. Including the provision of supporting infrastructure around what is considered peoples basic, fundamental, rights. In provision of this employment is generated in the areas as the spin off. But the situation has arisen where people are just seen as consumers and not as the fundamental reason for their existence, and worthy of investment. Protect people instead of creating a poor class who are then maligned and seen as negligent because they are unable to obtain a certain level of lifestyle. COVID is different than what has preceded it. How many people have to die? Life is treated with such disdain. This situation reminds me of the old Peter, Paul and Mary song..Blowing in the wind...are the people just chaff, blowing in the wind then?
Make no mistake...the wealthy are doing REALLY, REALLY WELL. They are hiring me. My income has gone up 20% this year, and we have one month to go. All of that increase is due to THEM, and my proximity to them. I fear for people at the other end of the spectrum. If you are in this situation too, please support local charities that help them out. This administration doesn't care about them, so we have to.
My husband got bit by a Rattlesnake. He spent a night in the hospital. His bill was $90,000! Just his COVID-19 test was $400. Why? Luckily, he’s 70 years old, so MEDICARE paid a lot of the bill. We still are in the hole for $1,700 ! SAD!
12:27 do you see what he did there? he set up the opposition to capitalism to be "excessive government overreach" - it was a loaded, biased question, such that if the person answering the question says he's opposed to capitalism, then he's de facto in favor of excessive government overreach. As if there's no good alternative to capitalism as it currently stands in the U.S. This is why people don't trust mainstream and corporate white-collar media (even though PBS is non-profit, it is still part of that same professional/managerial media complex of CNN/NBC/FOX/ABC/NYTimes/WSJ/WaPo. Indeed, Christiane Amanpour used to be an anchor/contributor on CNN).
"We should have protected people not companies. " That should go on America's tombstone
That is a scary but possible commentary for the future. Why???
Do you think?! People matter, not conglomerates. Yes business is important but people make business prosper. The bottom line is to take care of the general population, not the top 1,%.
I think so but its so unusual for CNN to express such a non corporate opinion. (I doubt they really mean it.)
@@ritafreeman6929 I agree with the premise of the quote, but it's not the big companies that have been saved at the expense of people, it's the small businesses.
Democrates and Republicans seem to be in the pockets of companies. Companies are the ones that make China stronger and some day the Chinese missiles will rain down Washington, shame, shame, Shame.....We need to elect politicians who serious about fixing America not a fox in sheep clothing!!!!!!!
Wow! What a closing remark - "that capitalism doesn't work unless it rests on a groundswell of empathy". The most succinct, accurate and insightful explanation of how our country has gone so, so wrong that i've ever heard. Bravo, Sir!
Ha, seems to work just fine without any empathy at all! But it would be nice if the controlling capitalists had some.
Waiting for Bezos and zuckerberg to show empathy for the workers they have displaced.... don't hold your breath.
I agree, a fine sentiment, and a dire need in this graceless age. I’d argue, though, that history shows us that capitalism only - ONLY - “works” if its practices are restrained not by sentiment but by legislation and regulation - thus the New Deal and the rise of the now defunct American middle class. The necessary end of UNrestrained capital/ capitalism is the concentration of wealth in the hands of the owner class, a rarified locale where empathy results in charity rather than structural change, and is not only in short supply, but as an economic practice largely considered a sucker’s move.
Before Thatcher, this failure used to be called the "Unacceptable face of Capiltalism". Now things have become so distorted that the functioning of society is threatened. Putin and Xi have their ways of dealing with this.
He’s 100% on spot. One of the many reasons why I supported Bernie Sanders. But I also know it’s the reason why they were never going to allow him to win.
That was eye-opening, amazing, sad, and hopeful all at the same time... Thank you, Amanpour and Company, for providing great interviews, deep insight, factual information, and all done without drama. Now, let's get to work to make some positive change!
Essential workers should be valued workers, not serfs, owned by their employer.
They shouldn't have to wear diapers during their work shift, that's desperate, and soooo beyond the pale.
Slavery has never really gone away, it just got new marketing and PR.
@@jaclynvaudine9514 yup... it’s called covert and overt
Trump the savior King !
Indentured servants in debt to some financial institution for their entire adult life.
Scott Galloway, A man of wisdom, foresight, and courage!
The stock market is a measure of how well the wealthy are doing, not how well the economy is doing. 💡💡💡
@Soapandwater6 - Yup sad but so true. I think eventually the stock market WILL crash if the middle and lower classes are essentially wiped out by this fiasco - and we are certainly headed in that direction. The wealthy do live off of the lower classes in many ways (but for the most part, not the retired wealthy who have invested securely - they just need the lower classes to clean their houses, cook/deliver/serve food, teach their kids, protect their lives/assets, etc. But for the wealthy who own businesses or shares in corporations , their livelihood and portfolios will be affected. In a sense it is the way capitalism works, at best we have a healthy middle class and the "American Dream" is alive and well (but that is becoming ancient history now); at worst capitalism is "pyramid scheme - food chain" but that is the sad reality.
And it's been shored up by taxpayer dollars
@@sunlight4169 well put!
Obvious... and while I deplore both sides arguments, presidents from both parties have touted the market as a measure of how well the economy is doing. It's immoral to pretend that it is.
@@sunlight4169 Absolutely, even without Covid given the trends. It's short-sightedness in the extreme. Have been wondering why the wealthy seem to not care and I think it's because people have been in a me, me, me, grab and get mode since the 80s. Right now, the US is experiencing the largest wealth gap its seen (pre covid and worse now). People are being used and abused and spit out. Essentially those who can afford chauffeurs, go about their days viewing the rest of the world as serfs.
Yep. Helping "most" small business is a waste of money. They don't need money, they need customers. Give the people the help and they get their customers back.
Actually, Germany and others paid 80% or more of employee wages, so even when the country went on lockdown, nobody lost their jobs. When the country reopened, people went back to the same jobs.
I think it was Rober Reich who said Bezos could give every one of his employees $105,000 and still be just as rich as he was before the pandemic.
Probably one of the most humane capitalists I have ever listened to.
@@ElsaGSD Have you ever had an Aha moment? He just may be including himself in his statement about idolatry. Times change and so do people. Don't let your opinion of someone stay stuck in their past if they're not. Watch what he does after this and then report back to us.
@@ElsaGSD So answer these questions? Do you think there is a problem? What do you agree with in the talk and what do you disagree with? Try adding something useful here.
One of the most cleared eye interviews about where we find ourselves and where we are likely to go. Galloway hits the nail squarely on the head. Well done professor and I hope you’ll continue to find avenues to speak clearly about capitalism.
I agree to break up these monopolies to save the United States. This would be the best for our future.
I agree - we absolutely need to break up these big monopolies. Capitalism needs serious oversight and regulation if it is to serve the interests of the people - not just the top percent.
@@NoOne-vm2wd Yes, that would be ideal, but I don't see it happening - at least, not in the US. I don't see why we can't have a system that both provides every citizen with basic human rights - an education or training in some skill, universal healthcare, living wages, and decent and affordable housing - along with a market.
@@NoOne-vm2wd Not theoretically, but as I said, as much as I have a strong distaste for capitalism: it takes time to change so drastically from a means of trade we, and as far as I know, every country uses. We progress a few steps, go back, and then go forward again. But, we do progress. There may indeed come a time when capitalism is no more, and I'm fine with that. But in the meantime, there are things we can do to put people on a far more equal standing. Instead of the past few decades of 'top/down' economics, we can move to a 'bottom/up' standard. That's what make a strong middle class in the post-war years, and we can build back on that.
@@NoOne-vm2wd I get that. Believe me, I do.
@@curiousworld7912 because it isn’t profitable. Profit is the motivation for all things under capitalism. You can put lipstick on a pig but it’s still gonna bathe in shit
Then its not capitalism
This guy has hit the nail solidly on the head. If we could just drive this nail all the way in, we could be strong, healthy and happy as a country. The Bell system breakup is a perfect example. Let's do this!
This is utterly confusing and bizarre. Save the corporations and let the people starve.
If the evidence would not be so overwhelming i'd say your mad.
What are you confused about?
Idk who decided corporations were pretty sure it wasn't the middle class or the the rich are doing well...thats the problem.
It was the Supreme Court who decided (reasoned?) that corporations are people.
Justice Scalia reasoned that corporations deserved "person" status.
His decision encouraged not only the unchecked, unfettered growth of mega companies, but billions in campaign contributions of dark money to ensure election of candidates who would be beholden to them. Not just in political jobs but also in our courts.
a world where corporations are people and animals are objects.
A copy of Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity" should be required reading to all Corporations, Higher Learning Institutions and Government leaders and Families. Thank you Hari Sreenivasan, and Amanpour and Company for this insightful interview with Scott Galloway; this Vital Interview should be Required Listening also!
Many persons know about the solutions to the problems except the politicians.
Well, except the politicians who never make it into the ultimate and meaningful races.
Oh, they know! Like the CEOs of Big Business they also benefit from not solving the problem, especially after they leave office. Before they get elected and before they leave office they get obscene levels of "donations" (bribes) to perpetuate the evil game that they are in with their "supporters". They are all in this game together which makes it just about impossible to break it up.
They are lured by the luxury and captured. Just ask Bill, Hillary, and the Obama clan. Life is good at the top. Hope and Change baby!
@@MrKansaitim you forgot to mention Trump and friends, like Epstein. I know you may despise that correlation. Doesn't suit a qanoner.
@@letthesunshinethru2355 They are all part of that deep swamp of con artists who rule the roost. Guess it pays to cheat, lie, and steal ... Somebody should reform the elementary school curriculum accordingly.
Finally!!!! Someone has the gall to tell it how it is! #PeopleMatter Thank you for interviews that are responsible, fact based, intelligent and meaningful. Keep it up.
Professor Galloway is amazingly knowledgeable, compassionate and wise. This is a beautiful interview and I hope it is shared widely.
Thanks for watching.
Prioritizing the equality of knowledge and opportunity would be a good start.
Boy ! Did I enjoy THAT speech; thanks Scott, I save this page so I can get that book !!
Keep speaking truth Scott loved your NYU interview!
He is so right; if you aren't near power physically, sitting in your country house, not in your office, you aren't going to advance. Nobody makes it to the C-suite that way. Go ahead and move to Poughkeepsie for a cheap little house, but you are gonna be living there forever. You aren't going to be moving up in the organization if you aren't seeing the CEO, seeing the people in power.
Scientific socialism is the answer. We need a government of action comprised of engineers and scientists not lawyers and businessmen.
Unfortunately most scientists don't have the psychopathic nature that makes lawyers and businessmen fight for the positions they occupy.
“Optimism verging on arrogance”... he got that right.
Brilliant guy. I've got to listen to this twice to really absorb all that he's offering. Great interview.
This issue NEEDS to be aired on all news outlets, on every radio station, in every convosation. Trump and his cronies only care about the people with power staying in power, and for people without money and power to stay powerless. I detest these people. They dont care about average people, they only care about their own interest.
Scott is always interesting. I loved his closing statement about Capitalism and empathy. I'll say it again and again, it is why Gordon Gekko and his Satanic 'Greed is good" mantra that infected the ego of Wall Street was the beginning of the end for America. Unless we change that mentality we are completely screwed. Private equity is the Queen Bee of this ecosystem and as long as it stays the same, nothing will change. No current Wall Streeter incorporates empathy into their decision-making process. It is seen as a weakness. Only one thing matters: whether you can get away with it and make money.
Forcing mega companies to pay fair wages would also help to reduce the inequality. Wages have not kept pace with profitability of corporations. Unions used to protect wages and rights of workers, now corporations prohibit workers from forming Unions.
It's not a complete answer, but it would be a step in the right direction.
Exactly, in many, many ways!!! So sad ...😔 The PPP loan was not utilized properly by businesses.
I pray GEORGIANS VOTE BLUE to flip the Senate and remove obstructionists from strangling our nation with gridlock. We need help now.
Without the Georgia Senate seats, the toad McConnell will get his way once again.
Georgians "we ain't stupid" oh, realllly?
Hopefully we are going to learn from this crisis. Thank you for making sense. Thank you
"idolatry of innovators". We're sick in the mind.
Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. stopped being innovators a long time ago. As soon as they became innovators, they stopped innovating. They started using their money to kill innovation and competition. They buy out newly thriving companied to kill competition. They do not innovate, but they buy the innovating companies. If the company is not from the US, they pay US Congress and the military industrial complex to pressure the company and its country of origin to sell. This is how they got Toshiba from Japan and Alstom from France. Only China seems to have the capacity to stop this madness. The reason why China is about to overtake the West is due to these too big to fail companies and banks. As long as they dictate their rules, US cannot compete fairly because innovation and real competition have died (been massacred) from within.
Bailouts (money mostly generated by taxpayers) should benefit individuals not corporations that pay the least amount of taxes. People over profits. As stated, let the people decide which company they invest in rather than allowing companies to thrive while people die.
Amazon needs regulation. The ingenuity should not come at the cost of their customer.
No one is talking about the elephant in the room...
If Reagan had not gutted the American labor movement 40 years ago, we would not be in the shape we are in today.
An organized workforce would hold employers accountable and would not tolerate the income and wealth disparities we have today.
Strong labor unions, representing the interests of millions, would be the political king makers. Instead, they are pharmaceutical and financial services lobbyists, representing the interests of hundreds.
Go ahead... someone try to refute my assertion. You can't. The arithmetic is incontrovertible.
I wish this was more mainstream
Thank you for exposing the truth and reality of the pandemic.
Enjoyed this interview!
Working class individuals have almost always gotten the short end of stick! I appreciate Gallaway’s focus on these individuals and the idea that we need to let the cards fall where they may on companies both small and large. We have only been perpetuating our current focus on the bottom line and the wealthy!
Balance with Economic expert Professor Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy at Work.
Milton Freidman has alot to answer for regarding goals of Big Companies to benefit shateholders and not the Community. Interesting talk and ideas.
I like how we call it non-government healthcare even though government subsidies keep this market failure afloat. They tell us it would be scary to put government money into making people healthy but we do it now to make a few people rich.
The economy is 70% consumer-driven, by the way. Without enough workers, the people who fuel the economy, we have a collapse of the system.
Cool! Thank you for having profesor Galloway, always good to have his knowledge and wisdom :)
Thanks to Amanpour for such profound interview!
I enjoyed this interview. Thanks. Nice to hear a Capitalist talk about empathy for a change.
I agree, the AT&T breakup seems to have worked (albeit painful for the workers of the time), but the breakup attempts of IBM and MS didn't work, right? I was at IBM during the time the government was going after them, and all it did for the workers there was depress wages and create uncertainty. I also think it stifled not only productivity, but creativity as well. Were is this empathy for the workers, when we talk of big government breakups?
This guy Galloway knows the score!
Smart fellow...
Great information
If people audit the airlines and some big business you would see that they were failing before covid19. Congress should have taken care of the small business first....
I really think the US needs to start learning from the rest of the world, rather than arrogantly telling everyone else what to do. We Americans are no more human than anyone else in the world... not all of us want or should live the same way.
when are people going to realize that the Stockmarket is not an indicator of good economy or the quality of life? when are Congressmen and Economists going to realize that many of us cannot afford to be INVESTORS?
Thank you for your excellent analysis of our horrible economy.
Very interesting. I’d like to hear more from him
The ignorance of the consumer to make Amazon a monopoly. Support a multi-duplicity of distribution, or you will see the Big is Better is just a marketing ploy to own you.
Just boycott them ... hit em where it hurts!
Amazon...too much money and power in one business. Now, it is entering into filling prescriptions.
Scott Galloway knows all the issues.
I have watched over the years how people stopped going to the small local businesses and went instead to the big box stores. 7/11 stores flourished while the little neighborhood stores closed down. Local bookstores closed because Chapters took over. Online shopping takes business away from local businesses. We the people have contributed to this shift and continue to support big businesses through shopping online rather than go out of the house to the store down the street, and were doing this before the pandemic hit. If we had supported small businesses rather than being persuaded by glitzy big business ads we could have saved a lot of the small businesses, but we gave up our power when we chose where to spend our money.
The poor and the lower middle class are at the bottom of the economic pyramid, struggling and holding up the upper economic class. There is a huge gap btwn the rich and the lower classes.
"Idolatry of the innovators", this is the right expression.
However, the real innovators, people who actually come up with innovative ideas, get paid off or pushed out within two years of their invention. The corporations just run and get rich by their ability to pay for the innovative capabilities of regular people. People credit the wrong participants in the economy. Most valuable innovations evolve straight from manufacturing floors. When the US allowed the dismantling of manufacturing floors in the US and leave the country, they GAVE the technology lead to countries with cheap labor forces.
How many Trillions of $$$$, went to who???
Who was underfunded?
I'm listening to this again. This is good.
“A crisis is a terrible thing to waste.”
That was awesome and insightful. Thank you Amanpour for your awesome work.
Thanks, Celeste,
Absolutely powerful and insightful discussion. Bravo Zulu
If government to work for the people we have to take money out of politics
That’s Andrew Yang said. We need UBI ASAP!!!!! everyday people who keep small businesses going. When they got those big stimulus bailout. They don’t even spread them($) out to their employees!!!!!!!that is what happened now!!!
I was a Mr. mom for 15 years in which I founded three kung fu systems, ran a record company and a book publishing company. Unfortunately I didn’t have any funding resources and very little time so none of those ventures got as far as they could’ve if I wasn’t also a Mr. mom, but I was working from home.
Thanks for turning on the light while there is light
Outstanding 👍👊
Please define "most vulnerable household' means. Protecting those households is fine; however, the government needs to make sure that the people above that level should not slide down to the 'most vulnerable' level.
The best way to help the poor is - not become one.
It's all a rich man's game. The bait and switch, the sale and the sellout. It's all one big lie.
That was an excellent interview. I learned some important economic principles.
Because corporations control our politicians
I hope Biden puts this brilliant man in his administration.
Amen. (Probably won't happen though.)
Biden didn't win. He is a 78 yr old frail man with Dementia. He said he was running for US SENATE..SO SAD..
You are a FAKE POSTER. This account you’re using was created just 2 MONTHS AGO. Americans have had UA-cam accounts for years and have no need to create new accounts.
All, there are a lot of foreign bots and hacks on UA-cam comments these days and they’re very active. Before believing the up/down votes or taking time to respond to inflammatory political comments, check when the UA-cam account was made by clicking on the account’s icon. There are a lot of fake accounts made in the past 6 months.
They are trying to amplify the political fighting more in the US and spread lies.
I’ve actually had two so far in the past couple of days who admitted they create new accounts all the time because UA-cam is deactivating those accounts.
He is so right.
This guy makes a lot of great points.
DUH! Just like we should have protected home owners and not the banks during the housing bubble burst.
Excuse me?!? A massive stimulus although we already had one!?!
Canada gave their adult citizens $2,000.00 a month.. each month of their mandatory quarantine! (They immediately dropped the same amount on their elderly, children and homeless that our POtuS dropped on the stock market!)
The UK gave their citizens $2,500.00
Australia gave their citizens $3,200.00
Germany just over $4,000.00
Paris, France over $8,900.00
Each Country per month to each adult citizen regardless of whether they were Essential Worker’s or not so that they didn’t have to figure out hazard pay!
In The UK... after disinfecting all of their buildings in school buses they decided to keep all of their highschoolers working remotely and stretched out all of the elementary and middle school students across all three buildings so that they could stay safe socially distancing! Doesn’t take a genius to figure out how to handle this it’s quite humiliating to the rest of the world to admit that I was born in this country capitalism our democracy has been dead for centuries!
Another thing get rid of the negative label of Medicare for all... call it universal healthcare because it is absolutely disgusting how our taxpayers money funds all the research and development of immunizations and medicine, vaccines and distribution that help’s save countless of lives around the world yet we pay 200% to 2000% more for those same prescriptions etc.
A prime example is Remdemisfeir... Google it or ask Siri, find a fifth grader to help you.. the company is out of California our taxpayers money yet we pay over $500 per script when they only pay just over $50 in Germany, $8 dollars in Canada, $6 dollars in Australia, $30 something in the UK.
You finally decided to listen to us AFTER you received the money, which you aren't giving back to protect people right now. Hot air.
I REALLY wish we’d go to a single payer system of Health care. I grew up in WA and had many Canadian friends who all appreciated Canada’s Health care system. I’m paying $1,200 a Month for small business health care and I still pay a lot out of pocket @ 10% of treatments, copays, deductible. It’s ridiculous. Talk to anyone that’s been in a Canadian Hospital and they’ll tell you how great their attitudes are and they get great service.
I'm liking this on the title alone.
"Resting on a tide pool of empathy." That is excellent advice for capitalism, government, community, family, personal!
The Egyptian prophecy of Throth
"When the business of death is more lucrative than life"
This is the most disgusting thing I have seen in my lifetime we are literally dealing with a caste system where the top 10% look down their noses and literally think their right to life supersedes any one who is "poor".
And some of these poor are college-educated and not making more than 50,000 a year it's impossible these days to even think about improving life for your family. My salary has not changed since the year 2000.
The entitlement is grossly nauseating.
COVID19 situation requires action from the high end earners.
The way that our Governments can operate (generally speaking), is that promises are made that are often not followed through on, and by the time they get implemented, or even begin to be, the government has changed hands and the present oversight loses focus or has a different agenda.
Here in Australia we witnessed a confounding roll-out of the NBN that has literally been like the never ending story. So many companies have made bucket loads of money from it but we still do not have, as yet, what was originally envisaged. I was walking past an open telecommunications hole on the footpath which told the true story. I looked down only to see that the wires and cables were held together with binding twine like you would use in the garden. So where did all the funding for the infrstructure go then? Politicians need to be warned that this current crises has opened the eyes of their constituents in a way as never before.
Many issues become, what I call, as being on The Merry Go Round, we go again..
And I think to myself, "well, I thought that has already been chewed over, legislated even, and change promised by countless goverments before???"..Things like: health, the climate, homelessness, crime, justice to name only a few. And there is plenty of money being made in every sector but the undergirding societal supports are eroded or absent.
As consumers we have been subtely trained to expect less and less from all of our providers, banks, medical industries, hospitals, services, etc. While, due to legislation, subsidies, writeoffs and tax breaks their bottom line has increased exponentially.
The mega businesses that have not paid appropriate taxes v's asset need to contribute into the local economies right now, without delay. Each Federal Government's (or equivalent to) taxation departments has the numbers and they need to oversee where the money goes.
It is unfortunate that Governments have embraced capitalism to a point that they have not balanced that with true care for their populations. Including the provision of supporting infrastructure around what is considered peoples basic, fundamental, rights. In provision of this employment is generated in the areas as the spin off. But the situation has arisen where people are just seen as consumers and not as the fundamental reason for their existence, and worthy of investment.
Protect people instead of creating a poor class who are then maligned and seen as negligent because they are unable to obtain a certain level of lifestyle.
COVID is different than what has preceded it.
How many people have to die? Life is treated with such disdain.
This situation reminds me of the old Peter, Paul and Mary song..Blowing in the wind...are the people just chaff, blowing in the wind then?
Exactly. But it was something that experts knew already. Politically, it was harder.
It's the same the World Over a Democracy of a few Oligarchs.
All hierarchies lean toward tyranny. Only the paranoid survive.
Recognize and fight CLASS WAR!!
Did he just suggest house calls as a revolutionary innovation in medical practice?
Make no mistake...the wealthy are doing REALLY, REALLY WELL. They are hiring me. My income has gone up 20% this year, and we have one month to go. All of that increase is due to THEM, and my proximity to them. I fear for people at the other end of the spectrum. If you are in this situation too, please support local charities that help them out. This administration doesn't care about them, so we have to.
good luck w that.
Nice talk. Empathy..... Yeah. Something corporations don't have and yet they get to be people. Hmmm.....
My husband got bit by a Rattlesnake. He spent a night in the hospital. His bill was $90,000!
Just his COVID-19 test was $400. Why?
Luckily, he’s 70 years old, so MEDICARE paid a lot of the bill. We still are in the hole for $1,700 ! SAD!
12:27 do you see what he did there? he set up the opposition to capitalism to be "excessive government overreach" - it was a loaded, biased question, such that if the person answering the question says he's opposed to capitalism, then he's de facto in favor of excessive government overreach. As if there's no good alternative to capitalism as it currently stands in the U.S. This is why people don't trust mainstream and corporate white-collar media (even though PBS is non-profit, it is still part of that same professional/managerial media complex of CNN/NBC/FOX/ABC/NYTimes/WSJ/WaPo. Indeed, Christiane Amanpour used to be an anchor/contributor on CNN).
When we all sing “How Great Thou Art” we are singing to corporations primarily.
What happened to the law against monopolies?