" If you listen to these commands and obey them faithfully,then the Lord your God will continue to keep his covenant with you and will show you his love, as he promised your ancestors." Amen. Deuteronomy 7:12
on the first page if you will, I wasnot playing up to the third line in Bar 12! after the G on it the high D perfectly and was so excited! never hot the High D before wow! and that is not even the Altissimo! will work on this tomorrow afternoon. Vinny
Haha, It is good that you have idea while you play the song~there will be some idea of your own, It is always O.K. for you to arrange some of the parts.
Eunsan, your playing is so smooth, makes it sound effortless as someone who played alto sax in highschool and then didn't pick it up again for almost 25 years and now after a few months playing again can barely put it down, I know how you sound is anything but effortless and in fact takes intense dedication and discipline and control. I love this arrangement of one of my favorite songs and can already play somewhat well two other versions. Your version and Um Kilsub's are some big goals for me to learn this summer (or maybe over the next 2 years haha). I also love the simplicity and subtleness of your sound when it comes together and changes pace from a lazy summer day to a sudden sprint as if it the skies opened up and it started pouring rain and you were sprinting for shelter that you project in your Altissimo Danny Boy arrangement too. I am just beginning to learn the front E and Altissimo F and F# etc fingerings and mouth positions and would love to practice with those songs of yours. Is it at all possible you could send me a pdf (or backing track too even) of your arrangements of You Raise Me Up and Danny Boy too? Much love. Your playing brings joy to many and inspiration to many other sax players around the world like me. Thank you for that! - Darren PS...If it is possible you can send those, my email is: anoodle29@hotmail.com.
Hi, dear friend, Darren. It is good that you are into Saxophone after long time. I sent the the Music scores and backing tracks while ago. have a great time with the music~~
Most gracious thank you Eunsan! I received them tonight. I will come back in a couple years and post you a link when I can finally play the songs all the way through cleanly or hopefully sooner. :)
Also learning Hey Jude Warren Hill Version but I already have the pdf for that one. Another gorgeous arrangement but soooo hard. 2nd and 3rd pages might take years!
" Remember that the Lord your God is the only God and that he is faithful. He will keep his covenant and show his constant love to thousand generations Of those who love him and obey his commands, Amen! Deuteronomy 7:9
" This God---how perfect are his deeds, how dependable his words ! He is like shield for all who seek his protection. The Lord alone is God;God alone is our defense. This God is my strong refuge; he makes my pathway safe. Amen ! 2 Samuel 22:31--33
" When I place my Temple there to be among them forever,then the nations will know that I, The Lord, have chosen Israel to be my own people." Amen. Ezekiel 37:28 with God all things are Possible ! ! ! Jesus is "The way" Indeed.
I been working on the first 18 bars on this great tune little by little! phrase by phrase when I can. thinking about my tone and internalizing it as I play, thank you
wow! I have not played this yet just going through it in my mind right now! o have not tried yet going any higher that C or C # with the octave key! will try to learn this weekend the High D and High E (Palm) keys! wow! will be hard for me but will not give up. vinny
Hello Mr. Kim, my father recently started to teach himself how to play saxophone after a tragedy. He came across your UA-cam video and he fell in love with your rendition of this song and now he is trying to learn how to play your version. Is there any way I can get a copy of your music sheet? Thank you for your performance and best wishes!
Hi, Mr Lee! It is good that your father started to play Saxophone. I have many of senior citizens who plays saxophone as their life time friend here in My music studio. I have printed books and backing track CDs for saxophone learner, but this is for domestic use only.I have no experience to send those materials to international. If you still like I will try to send it, otherwise I will send some of pdf files through e-mail just as free gift to your father.
Mr Kim, thank you for your kind message! Yes, PDF files through email would be wonderful! Thank you so much! Would it be possible to also send the background music via email as well? I think my father would love to practice and play this song exactly as you do. Thank you again for your generosity!
목사님 평안을 전해드립니다~ 저희 중2아들이 현재 색소폰을 전공하고 있고 평소에 목사님 영상을 보고 공부를 많이 하는 데요 얼마나 감사한지 모르겠습니다. 목사님 저희 아들이 이번에 학교에서 공연을 하게 되었는데 이 곡을 하고 싶어해서요 죄송하지만 혹시 색소폰 mr을 보내 주실 수 있을까요? 작은 시골학교 아이들이기에 저또한 사모로서 찬양곡을 들려주고 싶은 소망이 큽니다.. 간절해서 문을 두드리게 되었네요.. 은혜가운데 주께 쓰임받으시는 목사님 감사드리며 25년 늘 강건하시기를 축복합니다!
" In the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was God, and the Word was God, From the very beginning the Word was with God. Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him. The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to people. The light shines in the darkness, And darkness has never put it out. ! John 1:1--5 Who came to tell people about the light, so that all should hear the message and believe." ! ? John 1:7 " Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor; the kingdom of heaven belongs to them ! Amen ! Matthew 5:3 " But Jesus answered, " The scripture says, 'Human beings cannot live on bread alone, but need every word that God speaks.' Amen ! Matthew 4:4 The Way !
So I've been "playing" sax for about 6 years in school, but I decided to take it more seriously this year. I've just been practicing my vibrato, longtones, and some music pieces that I came across but is there anything else I can do to gradually improve my saxophone sound?
I am not ready to play the 3rd page of this with the 3 flats, cAN I STOP at the end of pAge two, would that be considered a place to stop on this melody?? I am not sure I made sense????
I normally teach beginner in easy key that has no key modulation., but I think you can go on to third part which is in Key of Eb since you are already in second part. It will be much easier when you use Bis key for Bb note(small key under the B key)
테너는 악기 구조상 알토와 운지를 다르게해야 "솔" 음정이 납니다. 알토에서는 테너에서보다 더 쉽게 여러가지 방법의 운지로 알티시모 "솔"이 나옵니다. 악기마다 또 개인마다 특성이 다르므로 여러가지 방법의 운지를 사용해보세요. 저도 기회될때 저도 운지표를 한번 올리겠습니다.
" 밤에 내 영혼이 주를 사모하였사온즉 내 중심이 주를 간절히 구하오니 이는 주께서 땅에서 심판하시는 때에 세계에 거민이 의를 배우나이다." 아멘! 이사야 26:9 세상 죄를 용서하시고 사랑으로 지도 하시는 살아계신 주님께 모든것을 의탁하오니 무능한 저는 기도 하옵나이다.
" He leads the humble in the right way and teaches them his will. With faithfulness and love he leads all who keep his covenant and obey hes commands." Amen! Psalms 25:9,10 " 온유한 자를 공의로 지도하심이여 온유한 자에개 그 도를 가르치시리오다, 여호와의 모든 길은 그 언약과 증거를 지키는 자에게 인자와 진리로다.아멘! 시편 25:9,10
" For the Lord is good his love eternal and his faithfulness lasts forever. Amen! Psalms 100:5 " 대저 여호와 하나님은 선하시니 그 인자하심이 영원하고 그 성실하심이 대대에 미치리로다.아멘! 모든것이 협력하여 "선" 을 이루시는 하나님 아버지께 감사드리며 홀로 "영광" 받으시기를 바라옵나이다. 아멘.
Much much appreciated Eunsan! I started my lesson yesterday and hopefully I can soon play the whole song and play in my local church. Can you also send me the backing track as well? My email address is maystang@hotmail.com. Thank you so much Eunsan :)
Dear brother, I sow You tell Eunsan about partiture of music, I love this music also I would like play in my church, but don t have . Please can You send me a copy of this wonderful song to me ? My EM. ronypower7@yahoo.com.br God Bless You. Thank You.
I will have a good time playing it! however the last part is going to be the hardest to play! it will take me a good while to play this melody ! the melody does not sound the same in the lower register! so, it will take me time to play up there! Vinny
" Be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create, for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy. I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more.Amen! Isaiah 65:18,19 " 너희는 나의 창조하는 것을 인하여 영원히 기뻐하며 즐거워할지니라 보라 내가 예루살렘으로 즐거움을 창조하며 그 백성으로 기쁨을삼고, 내가 예루살렘을 즐거워하며 나의 백성을 기뻐하리니; 우는 소리와 부르짖는 소리가 그 가운에서 다시는 들리지 아니할것이며" 아멘. 이사야 66:18,19
할례루야~목사님 안녕하세요? 항상 목사님 강의로 연습열심히 하고있습니다. 요즘 곡관 쏘프라노를 구입해서 연습중인데.소리내는 방법이 궁굼합니다. 최대한 롱톤을 크게 연습해야하는 지 작게 해야하는지 궁금합니다. 크게하면 음이떨어지니 작게 부르라구 하는데 저는 이해가 잘안되니다. 목사님이 정의좀 내려주시구 쏘프라는 강의도 시간되시면 한번 부탁드립니다. 항상감사드립니다.
네! 소프라노 색소폰을 연습 하시는군요. 소리가 크면 음이 떨어지고 소리가 작으면 음이 맞는다는 말은 제가 들어도 말이 안됩니다. 음이 떨어지고 올라가는 것은 입술의 압력 때문이므로 적당한 입술의 압력으로 큰 소리도 작은 소리도 다 소화해낼 수 있도록 연습을 하는 것이 맞습니다. 이 때 주의해야 될 것은 작은 소리가 힘없는 소리가 되지 않을 수 있도록 주의해야 된다는 것입니다. 여리면서도 뻗어나가는 힘있는 소리가 날 수 있도록 연습해 보세요.
" 평강의 왕; 그 정사와 평강이 더함이 무궁하며 또 다윗의 위에 앉아서 그 나라를 굳게 세우고 자금 이후 영원토록 공평과 정의로 그것을 보호하실 것이라 만군의 여호와의 열심이 이를 이루이시라, 아멘. 이사야 9:7 " Everlasting Father of Prince of Peace of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his Kingdom, Establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. Amen ! Isaiah 9:7
여러번 도전했다가 조가 두번이나 바뀌고 알티시모 음정이 너무 어려워서 포기하길 여러번...ㅠ 선생님의 악보로 다시 도전해보고 싶습니다.. 다른연주도 쉽게 풀어서 연주 올려주셔서 너무나 감사한 마음으로 매번 듣고 공부하고 있습니다만 유레이즈미업은 난이도가 높더군요. 사보를 권하시는데 그려놓고 보니 어설퍼서 눈에 잘 안들어오네요. 죄송하지만 악보를 부탁드리겠습니다.. 감사하고 죄송스런 마음으로 글 올립니다. 추워진 날씨에 건강조심하세요 선생님~^^ kysdavid@naver.com
To sing in your honor, O Most High God, your faithfulness every morning, every night, with the music of stringed instruments and with melody on the what you have sing for joy. Amen !
원리를 알고 꾸준히 연습하면 누구나 낼수 있습니다. 그리고 다른 음들 과 연결 하는 훈련도 필요하구요. 원리는 배음의 원리라고해서 한자리에서 날수 있는 다른 음들을 훈련하는데서 시작 합니다.예를들어 최저음 시b 에서 5개개 많게는12개 까지의 음을 낼수 있는데 그런 훈련에서 시작하지요~^^
i bother you for the backing track for this I can pay you for it ! I play the beginning part with you on this video and of course I sound great with you playing but when I play, it sounds bad. vinny
초보자가 매일 듣고 매일 열심히배웁니다. LA 동역자입니다. 감사합니다. 할렐루야!!!
항상 감사드립니다 ~
It is a un universal language brings all people together, it's so awesome .
Thank you~ Vinny!
연주가 너무 멋지십니다
" If you listen to these commands and obey them faithfully,then the Lord your God will continue to keep his covenant with you and will show you his love, as he promised your ancestors." Amen. Deuteronomy 7:12
선생님의 연주는 깊히가 있으면서도 전혀 뽐내지 않고 소박하게 저희 귓가에 다가옵니다. 잘 들었습니다.
네~ 즐겁고 행복한 주말 맞이하세요.
김은산 님.
이곡 너무멋집니다
언젠가 이런 곡을 연주해보고싶습니다
즐겁게 연습하시다가보면 멋진 곡들도 연주할수 있는날이 올것입니다~
김은산Eunsan Kim
감사합니다 연주가 너무 멋있습니다 .. 선생님연주를듣고 섹스폰 을 배우기로해서 연습중입니다. 언젠가... 이곡을 꼭 연주 해보고싶습니다
" 여호와께 피함이 사람을 신뢰함보다 나으며;
여호와께 피함이 방백들을 신뢰함 보다 낫도다."
여호와 주 하나님은 나의 찬송이신 살아계신 주님; 주님은 오른손이 높이 들렸으며 오른손이 권능을 베푸시느도다.아멘.
홀로 영광 받으시옵소서!!!
외국에서도 많은 성원 보내주고 있네요 평소 유튜부에서 색소폰 연주 자주 접하는데 선생님 연주 뒤늦게 알게 됐네요
네~ 이곡은 특히 세계인의 애창곡ㅇ어서 더 인기가 있는것 같습니다.
Wow, I know I will never sound like you , however I might check into that !mouthpiece
this is another excellent melody, wow, vinny
Hi Vinny! I know, this is the kind of a song that you like.have a Nice Day~
감사히 잘듣고 활용하고 있습니다.
잘활용하고 계신다니 저도 기쁩니다.연주 향상에 조금이나마 도움이 되어드렸으면 좋겠습니다~^^
God is using you to be such a blessing to people yes me, God Bless you. vinny
Hi, Vinny!
Thank you for your cheering message.
God bless you too!
선생님 유레이즈미업.연주감명깊게 잘감상했습니다.감사합니다.. 부탁해도될까요.로라.알토연주로. 올려주주시면.감사합니다.
좋지요~ 조만간 녹음해보겠습니다.
on the first page if you will, I wasnot playing up to the third line in Bar 12! after the G on it the high D perfectly and was so excited! never hot the High D before wow! and that is not even the Altissimo! will work on this tomorrow afternoon. Vinny
Haha, It is good that you have idea while you play the song~there will be some idea of your own, It is always O.K. for you to arrange some of the parts.
멋진 명곡을 선생님 덕분에 많이 배우게 됬습니다 3옥타브 솔음에서 통과를 컨디션 좋은날은 통과 할때가 있습니다 좀더 노력하면 될것같아요 고맙습니다
네~ 많은 훈련을 통해 100발 100중의 실력을 쌓으실수 있으시길 바랍니다.
김은산Eunsan Kim 이몸다하도록 감솨합니다 고맙기도 합니다
" 사람의 걸음은 여호와께로서 말미암나니 사람이 어찌 자기의 길을 알 수 있을랴 " 아멘 ! 잠언 20:24
" 비를 땅에 내리시고 물을 밭에 보내시며"
오늘 새벽 주님과의 묵상과 우리 '에덴가든' 뒷뜰 생물들 에 필요를 채워 주시는 하나님의 손 길 빗소리와 바람소리 서로 부딫 치는 소리가 하나의 음악소리 로 조화를 이루시는 아버지께 감사함에 하루를 시작!
I am ready to get started tomorrow phrase by phrase , maybe I can play this this one day in church
Great! have a nice practice time~~
짝짝짝 최오
즐겁게 들어주시니 감사합니다.
Eunsan, your playing is so smooth, makes it sound effortless as someone who played alto sax in highschool and then didn't pick it up again for almost 25 years and now after a few months playing again can barely put it down, I know how you sound is anything but effortless and in fact takes intense dedication and discipline and control. I love this arrangement of one of my favorite songs and can already play somewhat well two other versions. Your version and Um Kilsub's are some big goals for me to learn this summer (or maybe over the next 2 years haha). I also love the simplicity and subtleness of your sound when it comes together and changes pace from a lazy summer day to a sudden sprint as if it the skies opened up and it started pouring rain and you were sprinting for shelter that you project in your Altissimo Danny Boy arrangement too. I am just beginning to learn the front E and Altissimo F and F# etc fingerings and mouth positions and would love to practice with those songs of yours. Is it at all possible you could send me a pdf (or backing track too even) of your arrangements of You Raise Me Up and Danny Boy too? Much love. Your playing brings joy to many and inspiration to many other sax players around the world like me. Thank you for that! - Darren PS...If it is possible you can send those, my email is: anoodle29@hotmail.com.
Hi, dear friend, Darren.
It is good that you are into Saxophone after long time.
I sent the the Music scores and backing tracks while ago.
have a great time with the music~~
Most gracious thank you Eunsan! I received them tonight. I will come back in a couple years and post you a link when I can finally play the songs all the way through cleanly or hopefully sooner. :)
Also learning Hey Jude Warren Hill Version but I already have the pdf for that one. Another gorgeous arrangement but soooo hard. 2nd and 3rd pages might take years!
Any tips for learning Altissimo? Your control on the super high notes is amazing!
" Remember that the Lord your God is the only God and that he is faithful.
He will keep his covenant and show his constant love to thousand generations
Of those who love him and obey his commands, Amen! Deuteronomy 7:9
Amen! "He is faithful all the time"
" I will sing to the Lord all my life;
as long as I live I will sing praises to my God,"
" This God---how perfect are his deeds, how dependable his words !
He is like shield for all who seek his protection.
The Lord alone is God;God alone is our defense.
This God is my strong refuge; he makes my pathway safe. Amen ! 2 Samuel 22:31--33
" The Lord is good; his love is eternal and his faithfulness lasts forever." Thank God to be the Truth!
Amen !
Awesome thank you so much. God bless
God bless you too!
플렛절레이 감동 입니다.^^ 잘 들었습니다.
ㅎㅎ 감사합니다~^^
" When I place my Temple there to be among them forever,then the nations will know that I, The Lord, have chosen Israel to be my own people." Amen. Ezekiel 37:28 with God all things are Possible ! ! ! Jesus is "The way" Indeed.
Perfect Master... SUCCES... 💗💗💗💗
Thank you for yiur cheerful message!
I started playing this tonight! only two lines yo start! I am horrible but had fun.
It is Good Starting~Keep go on!
I been working on the first 18 bars on this great tune little by little! phrase by phrase when I can. thinking about my tone and internalizing it as I play, thank you
Great! It will be harder after the first Key, but don't give it up. It worth, and will improve your skil and tone.
Because God is good to us. Indeed.
God is using you go make a great difference in people's life like mine
Thank you Vinny!music is really universal language~^^
wow! I have not played this yet just going through it in my mind right now! o have not tried yet going any higher that C or C # with the octave key! will try to learn this weekend the High D and High E (Palm) keys! wow! will be hard for me but will not give up. vinny
Great! I hope you to enjoy playing saxophone while you are practicing this song.
Hello Mr. Kim, my father recently started to teach himself how to play saxophone after a tragedy. He came across your UA-cam video and he fell in love with your rendition of this song and now he is trying to learn how to play your version. Is there any way I can get a copy of your music sheet? Thank you for your performance and best wishes!
Hi, Mr Lee!
It is good that your father started to play Saxophone. I have many of senior citizens who plays saxophone as their life time friend here in My music studio. I have printed books and backing track CDs for saxophone learner, but this is for domestic use only.I have no experience to send those materials to international. If you still like I will try to send it, otherwise I will send some of pdf files through e-mail just as free gift to your father.
Mr Kim, thank you for your kind message! Yes, PDF files through email would be wonderful! Thank you so much! Would it be possible to also send the background music via email as well? I think my father would love to practice and play this song exactly as you do. Thank you again for your generosity!
I am glad that I can help your father. Leave me your e-mail address. by the way are you in US?
목사님 평안을 전해드립니다~ 저희 중2아들이 현재 색소폰을 전공하고 있고 평소에 목사님 영상을 보고 공부를 많이 하는 데요 얼마나 감사한지 모르겠습니다. 목사님 저희 아들이 이번에 학교에서 공연을 하게 되었는데 이 곡을 하고 싶어해서요
죄송하지만 혹시 색소폰 mr을 보내 주실 수 있을까요?
작은 시골학교 아이들이기에 저또한 사모로서 찬양곡을 들려주고 싶은 소망이 큽니다..
간절해서 문을 두드리게 되었네요.. 은혜가운데 주께 쓰임받으시는 목사님 감사드리며
25년 늘 강건하시기를 축복합니다!
아드님의 음악의 여정이 주님을 높여드리고 많은 사람들께 주님을 전하는 도구가 되기를 바랍니다 🙏 악보와 반주는
eunsan0202@naver.com 로 신청 문자 남겨주시면 보내드리겠습니다
@kimsaxophone 감사~감사드려요ㅠㅠ
주님의 때에 저희 아이가 꼭 뵐 수 있기를 소망해봅니다~
" 주 여호와 하나님이 내개 간구하리니 내가 응답하리라
저희 환난 때에 내가 저와 함께 하여 저를 건지고 영화롭게 하리라.아멘.
" In the beginning the Word already existed; the Word was God, and the Word was God,
From the very beginning the Word was with God.
Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.
The Word was the source of life, and this life brought light to people.
The light shines in the darkness,
And darkness has never put it out. ! John 1:1--5
Who came to tell people about the light, so that all should hear the message and believe." ! ? John 1:7
" Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor; the kingdom of heaven belongs to them ! Amen ! Matthew 5:3
" But Jesus answered, " The scripture says, 'Human beings cannot live on bread alone,
but need every word that God speaks.' Amen ! Matthew 4:4
The Way !
where can i get a minus one for this? so good
So I've been "playing" sax for about 6 years in school, but I decided to take it more seriously this year. I've just been practicing my vibrato, longtones, and some music pieces that I came across but is there anything else I can do to gradually improve my saxophone sound?
The Best way to learn Saxophone is that listen great musicians. not only one area but all the styles.
thank you for enjoying the music.
" Praise the Lord, my soul! all my being, praise his holy name! Amen. psalm 103:1
I am not ready to play the 3rd page of this with the 3 flats, cAN I STOP at the end of pAge two, would that be considered a place to stop on this melody?? I am not sure I made sense????
I normally teach beginner in easy key that has no key modulation., but I think you can go on to third part which is in Key of Eb since you are already in second part. It will be much easier when you use Bis key for Bb note(small key under the B key)
Cho pdf được không bạn
Hi! Are you from Vietnam? If you need PFD music sheets leave me your email address.
@@kimsaxophone cuocdoinghesi@gmail.com thankyou
@@kimsaxophone yes
알토시모 "솔" 포지션은 어떻게 합니까? 알토와 테너 알토시모 포지션이 다른가요? 기회가 있으면 알토시모에 관해서 한번 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.
테너는 악기 구조상 알토와 운지를 다르게해야 "솔" 음정이 납니다. 알토에서는 테너에서보다 더 쉽게 여러가지 방법의 운지로 알티시모 "솔"이 나옵니다. 악기마다 또 개인마다 특성이 다르므로 여러가지 방법의 운지를 사용해보세요. 저도 기회될때 저도 운지표를 한번 올리겠습니다.
Eunsan Kim 김은산
악보집 구 할 수 있는지요.
" 밤에 내 영혼이 주를 사모하였사온즉 내 중심이 주를 간절히 구하오니
이는 주께서 땅에서 심판하시는 때에 세계에 거민이 의를 배우나이다." 아멘! 이사야 26:9
세상 죄를 용서하시고 사랑으로 지도 하시는 살아계신 주님께 모든것을 의탁하오니 무능한 저는 기도 하옵나이다.
" He leads the humble in the right way and teaches them his will.
With faithfulness and love he leads all who keep his covenant and obey hes commands." Amen! Psalms 25:9,10
" 온유한 자를 공의로 지도하심이여 온유한 자에개 그 도를 가르치시리오다,
여호와의 모든 길은 그 언약과 증거를 지키는 자에게 인자와 진리로다.아멘! 시편 25:9,10
This is a nice and wonderful music song , I love it so much, Thank You- Kim. ronylearnsax. US.
Yes! this is beautiful song that written by christian writer, Brendan Graham.
" For the Lord is good his love eternal
and his faithfulness lasts forever. Amen! Psalms 100:5
" 대저 여호와 하나님은 선하시니
그 인자하심이 영원하고
그 성실하심이 대대에 미치리로다.아멘!
모든것이 협력하여 "선" 을 이루시는 하나님 아버지께 감사드리며
홀로 "영광" 받으시기를 바라옵나이다. 아멘.
what mouthpiece did you use on this sounds fantastic
Hi Vini!My Alto Saxophone mouthpiece is Vandoren Jumbo Java A45.Kim
Hello Eunsan, great melody! I am starting to learn saxophone and would like to see if you can email me the music piece? Thank you.
I am not sending a scores personally these days, but since this is first time for you, I will send it via email. please leave your email here.
Much much appreciated Eunsan! I started my lesson yesterday and hopefully I can soon play the whole song and play in my local church. Can you also send me the backing track as well? My email address is maystang@hotmail.com. Thank you so much Eunsan :)
Dear brother, I sow You tell Eunsan about partiture of music, I love this music also I would like play in my church, but don t have . Please can You send me a copy of this wonderful song to me ? My EM. ronypower7@yahoo.com.br God Bless You. Thank You.
I will have a good time playing it! however the last part is going to be the hardest to play! it will take me a good while to play this melody ! the melody does not sound the same in the lower register! so, it will take me time to play up there! Vinny
Yes! Last part is kind of difficult part for fingering and sounding, but it worth. It will help you to grow musically~^^
I have the notes written out but is it ok if I get the chart from you
No problem! I will send it to you.
" Be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create, for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy.
I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people;
the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more.Amen! Isaiah 65:18,19
" 너희는 나의 창조하는 것을 인하여 영원히 기뻐하며 즐거워할지니라
보라 내가 예루살렘으로 즐거움을 창조하며 그 백성으로 기쁨을삼고,
내가 예루살렘을 즐거워하며 나의 백성을 기뻐하리니;
우는 소리와 부르짖는 소리가 그 가운에서 다시는 들리지 아니할것이며" 아멘. 이사야 66:18,19
할례루야~목사님 안녕하세요?
항상 목사님 강의로 연습열심히 하고있습니다.
요즘 곡관 쏘프라노를 구입해서 연습중인데.소리내는 방법이 궁굼합니다.
최대한 롱톤을 크게 연습해야하는 지 작게 해야하는지 궁금합니다.
크게하면 음이떨어지니 작게 부르라구 하는데 저는 이해가 잘안되니다.
목사님이 정의좀 내려주시구 쏘프라는 강의도 시간되시면 한번 부탁드립니다.
네! 소프라노 색소폰을 연습 하시는군요. 소리가 크면 음이 떨어지고 소리가 작으면 음이 맞는다는 말은 제가 들어도 말이 안됩니다. 음이 떨어지고 올라가는 것은 입술의 압력 때문이므로 적당한 입술의 압력으로 큰 소리도 작은 소리도 다 소화해낼 수 있도록 연습을 하는 것이 맞습니다. 이 때 주의해야 될 것은 작은 소리가 힘없는 소리가 되지 않을 수 있도록 주의해야 된다는 것입니다. 여리면서도 뻗어나가는 힘있는 소리가 날 수 있도록 연습해 보세요.
목사님 감사합니다.
바쁘신데 답주셔서 너무 감사드립니다.
정답을 이제 알게되여 속시원합니다.
목사님 말씀을 지침삼아서 열심히 연습 하겠습니다.
항상 주님의 은혜로 평강하시길 기도드립니다.
"여호와의 교훈은 정결하여 마음을 기쁘게 하고, 계명은 순결하여 눈을 밝게 하며."
금 곧 많은 정금보다 더 사모할 것이며 꿀과 송이꿀보다 더 달도다." 아멘! 시편 19:8,10
홀로 살아계신 주 예수님의 사랑 홀로 영광받으시옵소서,
thank you , Vinny
Your welcome!
안녕하세요 혹시 이노래 mr과 악보를 받을수있을까해서 이렇게 댓글 남깁니다. 이곡으로 연습하고싶은데 받을수있을까요??sagy1357@naver.com 괜찮으시다면... 부탁드립니다.
" 평강의 왕; 그 정사와 평강이 더함이 무궁하며 또 다윗의 위에 앉아서 그 나라를 굳게 세우고 자금 이후 영원토록 공평과 정의로 그것을 보호하실 것이라 만군의 여호와의 열심이 이를 이루이시라, 아멘. 이사야 9:7
" Everlasting Father of Prince of Peace of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end.
He will reign on David's throne and over his Kingdom,
Establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. Amen ! Isaiah 9:7
여러번 도전했다가 조가 두번이나 바뀌고 알티시모 음정이 너무 어려워서 포기하길 여러번...ㅠ
선생님의 악보로 다시 도전해보고 싶습니다..
다른연주도 쉽게 풀어서 연주 올려주셔서 너무나 감사한 마음으로 매번 듣고 공부하고 있습니다만
유레이즈미업은 난이도가 높더군요.
사보를 권하시는데 그려놓고 보니 어설퍼서 눈에 잘 안들어오네요.
죄송하지만 악보를 부탁드리겠습니다..
감사하고 죄송스런 마음으로 글 올립니다.
추워진 날씨에 건강조심하세요 선생님~^^
네~~ 악보 보내드리겠습니다.이 곡이 여러 모로 연습이되고 도전이 되는곡이지요~^^
Eunsan Kim 김은산
너무나 큰 감사를 드립니다...
열심히 해보겠습니다~~~^^
이곡 악보는 어디서 다운받을수 있나요?
공부를 위해서는 사보를해 보시는것이 가장 좋습니다. 하시다가 어려우시면 이메일주소 남겨주세요 이메일로 보내드리겠습니다.
To sing in your honor, O Most High God, your faithfulness every morning, every night, with the music of stringed instruments and with melody on the what you have sing for joy. Amen !
항상 목사님의 연주를 듣고 있읍니다 정말 감동 입니다 악보를 보내주실수 있나요 finedental21@yahoo.com 좀 어려워 보이지만 도전해보고 싶어요
3옥타브 솔은 어떻게내는가요...ㄷ
원리를 알고 꾸준히 연습하면 누구나 낼수 있습니다. 그리고 다른 음들 과 연결 하는 훈련도 필요하구요. 원리는 배음의 원리라고해서 한자리에서 날수 있는 다른 음들을 훈련하는데서 시작 합니다.예를들어 최저음 시b 에서 5개개 많게는12개 까지의 음을 낼수 있는데 그런 훈련에서 시작하지요~^^
플렛절렛 운지라고 합니다, 저도 소리내봤는데 소리내기 어렵습니다 옥타브키, 왼손 시음 검지, 중지는 떼고 솔음약지, 오른손 파음 검지, 중지떼고 레음 약지라고 알고 있습니다.
mr 얻을수 있을까요??
네~이메일 주소 남겨주세요
Eunsan Kim 김은산 wodnr0099@naver.com 정말감사합니다 지금 미국이여서 지금 확인했습니다 감사합니다!!!!
i bother you for the backing track for this I can pay you for it ! I play the beginning part with you on this video and of course I sound great with you playing but when I play, it sounds bad. vinny
Don't worry~I will send the backing track to you.
I sent the backing tracks~ "You Raise Me Up" and "Via Dolorosa"
이곡도 클래식인가요?
이 곡은 원래 뉴에이지 풍의 발라드곡입니다. 이곡의 원곡은 너무나 유명한 '대니보이'고 이곡을 현대적스타일에 맞게 편곡하고 크리스챤 작가가 기독교 정서로 가사를 붙인후 영국의 웨스트 라이프아는 젊은 4인조 남성팀이 노래한 곡입니다.
I was playing up to bar 12
뉴에이지곡이라는 말들이 많은 곡이었는데 깔끔하게 정리해주셔서 더욱 감사합니다 ^^
제게도 악보와 엠알 공유 부탁드립니다 ♡
네 보내드리겠습니다
as always . . . ..
Thanks, as always ~~^^
은혜 많이 받았습니다. 악보와 mr 부탁드립니다. sungkyung9@hanmail.net
네~ 보내드렸습니다. 멋진 연주하세요
혹시 가능하시다면 gkssmafma@gmail.com 여기로 악보를 공유 가능하신가요?? 아버지가 연주를 간절히 바라고 계십니다 ^^
네 보내드렸습니다.
The way,