87歲英國老奶奶考亞州英文公開試卷 成績比香港學生還要差!連英國人都批評內容太離地!試卷問題出在那裏?English Grandma FAILS Hong Kong Public Exam!?!

  • Опубліковано 14 жов 2024
  • 英國奶奶挑戰香港DSE考試!?
    English Grandma FAILS the Hong Kong DSE Exam?!?
    歡迎來到第三集的「輕鬆料理 學日常英語」!
    Welcome back to EP3 of the Casual Curriculum Cook-Along!
    來看我們這禮拜的影片,看看一個用了英語超過80年的母語者如何完成公認難度超高的香港DSE英文考卷 🇬🇧 vs 🇭🇰📖
    Join us this week to see how a Native English person of over 80 years handles Hong Kong’s notoriously difficult DSE English Exam. 🇬🇧 vs 🇭🇰📖
    She won’t be alone in sitting the paper though, as Gladys gets an unexpected surprise! 😱
    你們猜猜看誰會表現得比較好呢?✍️ 👩‍🎓
    Who will perform better on this challenging exam? ✍️👩‍🎓
    Whilst they sit their exam, see how Laurence breaks down the Reading paper and gives important tips for how to transfer formal exam skills into more Casual learning.
    But that’s not all, watch how to make the BEST chocolate cake, so at least our students are rewarded with a sweet treat after their gruelling test! 🍫🍰
    這次我們也會提到正式 vs 非正式的英語學習,希望大家能從中獲益!
    This episode combines fun with some key comparisons of formal vs casual learning. We hope you take value from it!
    And as always, please remember to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT to let us know what you think and how we can help in future episodes! 🙏🏻
    我們下次見 ☺️
    See you next time ☺️


  • @Charles-sg9zu
    @Charles-sg9zu Рік тому +1480


  • @yumiko9406
    @yumiko9406 Рік тому +426


    • @chl2628
      @chl2628 Рік тому +23


    • @dominic213w
      @dominic213w Рік тому +10


  • @pearlbb
    @pearlbb Рік тому +582


    • @Hehehe527
      @Hehehe527 Рік тому +13


    • @chrismail0914
      @chrismail0914 Рік тому +24

      你要認真考慮, 你小朋友在一個價值觀咁扭曲嘅教育下係咪真係會快樂成長? 如果唔係, 係咪應該讓佢去一d正常d嘅地方讀書, 還佢一個快樂童年?

    • @s.a.m.9326
      @s.a.m.9326 Рік тому +40


    • @cokeecat111
      @cokeecat111 Рік тому +6


    • @chanman1238
      @chanman1238 Рік тому


  • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
    @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Рік тому +616

    很多人不明白,以為native speakers都考不好英文卷,就會覺得考試卷離地,相反有些英文考試成績好的,就會覺得自己英文很好,甚至有些人覺得自己就是接近native。其實兩種都是錯誤的觀念。
    其實我在讀Master of Teaching時,其中一個有關TESOL 的course就提及,我們在大學時讀的學術文章,和我們平常英文用語,本來就是兩套不同的系統,所以莫說外語學生,連native speakers也不是人人可以成功轉接到,所以由學校教英文以至公開考試的目的,就是要預備升上大學的學生有足夠的準備去閱讀學術文章,否則連文章都不明白隨時畢不了業。將來工作,我們使用的官式文章亦與日常會話有很大不同。所以我覺得考試和日常會話無須mutually exclusive ,都不用因為覺得連native speakers都做不好就去否定這些考試的重要性。

    • @zeuscho
      @zeuscho Рік тому +83

      所以我反而覺得grandma 分數少好正常。因為已經70年無返過學,唔知睇文章既方法同點答卷好常見。平時D人睇報紙其實只會get佢地背後既意思啫。

    • @ulysseslee9541
      @ulysseslee9541 Рік тому +41

      考試是時間競賽, 根本是無時間整篇材料看明白才去做問題, 當然就是一邊看問題, 一邊找材料的關鍵字, 主題句找答案, Reading 根本就是考你的人肉GPT 能力

    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Рік тому +25

      @@ulysseslee9541 所以考試其實唔係考你由頭到尾完整地睇晒成篇嘢,其實閱讀有兩個概念,一種係skimming ,即係好快睇一次篇文,然後理解當中大概嘅意思,另一種係scanning,就係好似你講睇問題搵番段落中相關嘅答案,呢兩種skills無論考試定係將來返工學習要睇一大堆文件都好重要,好多考生淨係掛住scanning唔識skimming,無睇通上文下理就有機會因為咁考得唔好。當然,老師有無好好教學生用呢啲skills,學生有無好好運用,都係考試成績好唔好嘅關鍵。

    • @mawchequein5344
      @mawchequein5344 Рік тому +2


    • @AnthonyLuxuryTravel
      @AnthonyLuxuryTravel Рік тому

      @@mawchequein5344 其實我真係唔敢講易定難,因為每個人都會有佢嘅觀感,我話易有啲人就會嘈唔係喎我覺得好難喎,我話難又會有好多人講我輕輕鬆鬆鄧梓峰係啲人唔識技巧啫。的確技巧係好重要,例如上述reading 講嘅skills,係要熟習嘅,又好似聆聽及綜合能力咁,更加涉及超過一種skills嘅運用。所以如果能夠成熟哋掌握呢啲skills,加上好嘅time planning,自然事半功倍。當然如果英文程度一直都唔好,有呢啲skills都無用(例如睇十次都唔明、人哋講完一堆嘢一隻字都聽唔到,咁就真係好頭痕😅)。

  • @wong2mandi60
    @wong2mandi60 Рік тому +101


  • @gavintsang7127
    @gavintsang7127 Рік тому +19

    好正面鼓勵學生,有料到,多謝grandma 既客串,好精彩😊🙏

  • @ali-gg8ff
    @ali-gg8ff Рік тому +54

    Really appreciate that you guys are not trying to discredit the public/formal exams but to focus on discussing our attitude towards the exams instead. You’re conveying positive attitudes and points of view towards the exam. I enjoy watching the video so much!!

  • @makmak5342
    @makmak5342 Рік тому +26


  • @kalidasi1
    @kalidasi1 Рік тому +30

    I love grandma ❤❤❤. Especially she said “Don’t give up”❤. She’s absolutely adorable!

  • @leungmuffin
    @leungmuffin Рік тому +29

    Grandma 好似我當年既鬼佬啟蒙老師,講野好傳統好優雅❤

  • @hin1282
    @hin1282 Рік тому +9


  • @kingshingwong645
    @kingshingwong645 Рік тому +34


    • @apple123tam
      @apple123tam Рік тому

      點樣係唔識英文嘅情況生活到6年??no offense純粹想知

    • @Inthemaze_1827
      @Inthemaze_1827 Рік тому +1

      ​@@apple123tam (長文)
      但就係我呢種冇撚柒用嘅社會渣滓,又可以唔入華人圈就生活到,美國中中地間嘅大學都返到。只係人地(非主修水準嘅)生物化學lab做1-2粒鐘搞掂,我就要拎住google translate做足4-7個鐘;人地paper/presentation/speech搵文獻資料3-4個鐘起草完,我就要花十幾粒鐘仲要外國朋友/室友幫我一齊睇;人地15分鐘寫完教授要求嘅150字短comment,我就要花1粒鐘以上。如果教授播條片然後要求即堂討論即堂交結果,我會焦慮發作當堂自閉。家下叫我去考雅思托福,都係堅fail。只可以學人話齋啦,生命自會搵到出路。

  • @shermancheungg
    @shermancheungg Рік тому +25

    2024 dser報到🫡time flies and there's not much time until we step inside the examination venue🥲🥲
    really agree with what's grandma saying that it is very important not to give up and keep trying even if we fail!!

  • @surewing66
    @surewing66 Рік тому +296


    • @vianneleung6145
      @vianneleung6145 Рік тому +54

      但係英文卷係design 比非母語者
      你可以試下做alevel 中文(as second language )

    • @charlottehui2920
      @charlottehui2920 Рік тому +6

      @@vianneleung6145 咁睇,政治諗住自己啲學子係中英雙母語(好明顯成件事好失敗)

    • @surewing66
      @surewing66 Рік тому +17

      @@vianneleung6145 因為我相反,英文比中文好。雖然係土生土長的香港人,但中文好差,所以我覺得唔關母語/非母語者。

    • @vianneleung6145
      @vianneleung6145 Рік тому +9

      @@surewing66 母語應該係一個人最習慣或者用嘅時候覺得最舒服安心嘅語言

    • @chapfor7
      @chapfor7 Рік тому +6

      Nah 英文比中文好但中文/廣東話為母語大有人在。我本身認字好一般所以就算英文係第二語言都會比中文好, 因為英文可以憑音串字。

  • @太陳-w2v
    @太陳-w2v Рік тому +3


  • @vanmegaqumin8883
    @vanmegaqumin8883 Рік тому +19

    Spoken English and formal English just like fraternal twins, they can look alike, but clearly they are not identical. Can you film more videos about daily life English that takes me go beyond the classroom

  • @minicc
    @minicc Рік тому +17

    呢集好搞笑. 先前都睇過台浰UA-camR 挑戰DSE卷 , 好好睇..

  • @kellychan8522
    @kellychan8522 Рік тому +20

    Actually, I was the 2020 dser and most of us thought that 2020 English dse was a bit easier than other years. For the video, you may probably choose 2016-2018 dse which show the actual difficulty of dse English paper.

  • @chungjessica4612
    @chungjessica4612 Рік тому +6

    Grandma 好後生已經可以四代同堂💯💯💯

  • @rachelle20
    @rachelle20 Рік тому +74

    DSE results never define who you are! ! I got 5** in English speaking but I'm still scared of talking to people when I visited the UK lol

    • @bonbon19977
      @bonbon19977 Рік тому +4


    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому +10

      We hope the Casual Curriculum gives you more confidence as we bring out more episodes 😁 And keep trying! The more you try, the more confident you’ll become 💪🏻

    • @rachelle20
      @rachelle20 Рік тому

      @@thereynoldsfamily thank you for making such a great content:) especially the 1st episode, it does help me a lot to handle the casual conversation haha!

  • @clee230
    @clee230 Рік тому +2

    Lawrence's grandma is such an elegant lady and is so positive 😊👍👍

  • @teresachan9572
    @teresachan9572 Рік тому +28

    I think we can take the results with a pinch of salt cuz Grandma isn't as trained as Gladys in taking exams. Exam-taking does require tons of practice, hence the need of mock exams. Simply reading the questions beforehand gives Gladys a head start. And if we were to look at it from Grandma's pov, isn't it amazing she was able to score half the marks of Gladys given that she already skimmed through the whole passage and began answering the questions? Having taken the DSE myself, the passage was academically challeneging and definitely takes time to digest, that's impressive already. The fact that Grandma didn't 'nail' it sheds light on the fact that the exam definitely requires so called exam skills to excel.

    • @aidenwinter1117
      @aidenwinter1117 Рік тому +2

      Additionally I think there's this common misconception that you have to pass DSE English with flying colours in order to claim proficiency in the language, this video has debunked it since Grandma is obviously proficient in using the English words she needed for survival within her own communities, using correct grammar. I know a bunch of friends who've got 5s or above in English but are still uncomfortable in using the language in any form, so clearly whoever set those academic standards for DSE English have put the cart before the horse; or worse, setting impossible papers (at least for non-native speakers) for the sake of it so that they could show them off to the gov for a raise or promotion or whatever.
      What they should really be doing is to aim for conversational fluency, and then the vocabulary bank will just snowball as students feel the joy of using the language as part of their daily lives like it's second nature. It's that easy. The gov has one job and they failed.

  • @traxtrax1169
    @traxtrax1169 Рік тому +1


  • @wendaleung5979
    @wendaleung5979 Рік тому +1

    终於聽到聲音了! 🎉😊謝謝!

  • @火水-v1x
    @火水-v1x Рік тому +23

    應該做今年嗰份,奧巴馬老婆個篇,來自2023 dser😂同埋DSE英文reading從來都唔會有人睇完篇文先至做題目😌

  • @yei6429
    @yei6429 Рік тому +2

    It seems that everyone is talking about the exam, but I LOVE the CAKE!😄😄😄

  • @nonameperson5251
    @nonameperson5251 Рік тому +5

    As a DSE candidate next year , thank you grandma !🥹

  • @eleanorleung7203
    @eleanorleung7203 Рік тому +27

    Love this episode, your grandma is a charming lady! Must listen to her & learn the proper table manner and be polite BTw the chocolate looks yummy 😋 😍👍🏼👍🏼

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому +2

      Yes we certainly think so too! 😊 The cake really was delicious 😋

  • @hokali1279
    @hokali1279 Рік тому +2

    Enjoy watching your episodes .. in teaching casual English and u guys really convey a positive vibe to express how it works around in different cultures relationship 👍❤️😊

  • @carmentam7411
    @carmentam7411 Рік тому +4

    Oh my goodness, Lawrence grandma doesn’t look like she is 87! She looks so feminine ❤ Gladys, you looked so great 🌷💕

  • @koko4533
    @koko4533 Рік тому

    Lovely fam and cool granny 👍💯🤣😂🤓
    As for exam, I think Granny 😂🤣

  • @lilibetwindsor79
    @lilibetwindsor79 Рік тому +9

    I sat for my O level English and passed. I was brought up in Hongkong. Many of my classmates failed even though they were native speakers.

  • @sophiayip3796
    @sophiayip3796 Рік тому +14

    Grandma is so charming.

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому +4

      She was a great sport. Not an easy thing to do at any age, but she did it gracefully ☺️

  • @piannthomas
    @piannthomas Рік тому +1


  • @app1esmeow
    @app1esmeow Рік тому +4

    guess u can consider trying the HKALE Use of English exam for fun🤣
    not the reading part, but the language systems & listening part, we had proof-reading, matching... and many more types of questions there🙈

    • @cokeecat111
      @cokeecat111 Рік тому

      Good one. DSE is just a piece of s_ _t comparing to UE. Take the UE exam to face the real 😈

    • @berniethekiwidragon4382
      @berniethekiwidragon4382 Рік тому

      I left Hong Kong for Albion after the HKCEE. I've never taken the HKALE.

  • @Lifewithjaydagirl
    @Lifewithjaydagirl 5 днів тому

    When Laurence said don’t slurp I was slurping my soup

  • @eliwong6214
    @eliwong6214 Рік тому +3


  • @salmonlovereel
    @salmonlovereel Рік тому +1

    It makes me cry todayyyyy
    Exam period has begun for senior form innocent small potatoes😢

  • @youknowwho1699
    @youknowwho1699 Рік тому +6

    如果唔係太熟英文,所以比較怕羞,但依家你去旅行,要出入境& check in out , 如早左check in 想放底行李🧳係酒店先,呢啲全部你地英國文化做法係當地/去外地會係咩方式嘗試簡單表達都令人直接易明我地講咩呢😢🙏🏻

  • @cheungkayung
    @cheungkayung Рік тому


  • @theoriamoris
    @theoriamoris Рік тому

    這個奶奶個性很好很有耐心 是美好榜樣

  • @wanwanchu
    @wanwanchu Рік тому +1

    Very meaningful video.
    Dont give up!

  • @22の兵隊
    @22の兵隊 Рік тому +30

    平時我打機同外國人都可以正常溝通到 但係一面對今年份卷我都一樣死咗 DSE份卷一向都唔係為test啲實用技能而存在 主要都係分人 因為其實佢有路可以捉 努力學考試技巧就應該成績唔會太差 某程度上DSE都算係可以分到一批肯努力嘅人入U 但今年出題模式似乎唔同咗 用唔太到啲考試技巧 做得多pp都係冇用

  • @asapsben5932
    @asapsben5932 Рік тому +5

    It would be nice to have an episode / playlist on the slang words or phases that are common in UK

  • @kit.9157
    @kit.9157 Рік тому +1

    To be fair, the DSE exam is an entrance exam for getting into university which itself is a very academic pursuit to begin with. It is not an exam meant for casual use of English...

  • @nmor8240
    @nmor8240 Рік тому +2


    • @yani8322ify
      @yani8322ify Рік тому

      要開心就等餘去banding 低學校,升大學既機會大大減半
      要banding 高既學校,就無得happy school , 死記爛背爛做家常事
      而家AI 盛行,靠人腦去做操卷同考試機器,會比AI 犀利?

  • @kate-p5w
    @kate-p5w Рік тому +16


  • @manyuen4277
    @manyuen4277 Рік тому +1

    I have been in the UK for almost 9 years now, which I have to admit I was quite bad in English when I was studying in HK. However living and submerging myself in the environment have improved my English a lot, so don't give up. Which I am still trying to improve everyday for my ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) English proficiency test. TT

  • @finniebear6744
    @finniebear6744 Рік тому +3

    I am a Chinese but no guarantee I can get a good grade in a Chinese exam. Exam is exam which rewards the hard-working students.

  • @lilyyeung1779
    @lilyyeung1779 Рік тому +2


  • @dundunsar
    @dundunsar Рік тому +2

    same as O level English in UK, only for academic English. Local students must take it too. Exams are all about techniques.

  • @wannyean
    @wannyean Рік тому

    This is a very positive thinking Video, well done

  • @reneekan3002
    @reneekan3002 Рік тому +3

    I think most people that studies in HK use the way that Gladys read the article.

  • @Theonlymonkichi
    @Theonlymonkichi Рік тому +1

    The video very encouraging. ❤

  • @hnzkrk
    @hnzkrk Рік тому +3

    How about the GCSE and A-level English in the UK? As the exam style may not be the seam, so could Laurence do some sharing in the future as well.

  • @tywoods3613
    @tywoods3613 Рік тому +4

    Numbers in brackets are percentage points of students getting the full point. Single slashes are alternative wording accepted. Double slashes are alternative answers.

  • @KrystianandVenus
    @KrystianandVenus Рік тому

    Great video guys!! Very interesting topic 😁👍🏻

  • @zerotomz7623
    @zerotomz7623 Рік тому

    I was a 2022 DSE candidate 😂 my english was not so well when I was F4 started , but I was good at english in F1 to F3...... Finally, I got LV2 in english

  • @it8746
    @it8746 Рік тому +1

    係你話every minute counts後,Grandma 串你應付到咁既style又點,最緊要communication 同 BE KIND! 好似暗串你剛話老公好串嘴咁😂

  • @googleuserrr
    @googleuserrr Рік тому

    Thank you❤️❤️❤️ 好睇

  • @berniethekiwidragon4382
    @berniethekiwidragon4382 Рік тому

    6:18 You look at the questions, then dig through the passage for the answers. I sat the HKCEE 20 years ago. This is exactly what I did.
    It seems the DSE has evolved little at its core from the HKCEE it replaced. Meet the new public exam, same as the old one.

  • @hayleyhahaha
    @hayleyhahaha Рік тому

    Grandma looks so young😊

  • @Xtarry
    @Xtarry Рік тому

    8:58 "people swear a lot more'

  • @fishfish5282
    @fishfish5282 Рік тому +1


  • @squishylove6479
    @squishylove6479 Рік тому +5

    😂😂😂 Grandma look so funny

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому +3

      We all think humour is important and Grandma certainly knows how to have a laugh 😊

    • @squishylove6479
      @squishylove6479 Рік тому

      @@thereynoldsfamily so I very love this video to know how to bake a yummy chocolate cake 🍰🍰🍫🍫and learn about more English to use in my daily life.
      Next video can you do about football 💪💪☺️☺️

  • @chttam
    @chttam Рік тому +1

    Graham Norton......I think you chose the 2020 one because he existed in the reading passage of Part B2 and I actually did it for going to university. Crazily difficult for me... (I'm a candidate in 2020 DSE)

  • @SandyWang-wc7gp
    @SandyWang-wc7gp Рік тому +1


  • @jenlau3954
    @jenlau3954 Рік тому

    The brackets next to the answers show the percentage of students got the question correctly

  • @chowp.s.7365
    @chowp.s.7365 Рік тому


  • @ertang1010
    @ertang1010 9 місяців тому

    Take some time to have a look at the old education system of Hong Kong (AS level use of English)you will find something even crazier

  • @ntong4952
    @ntong4952 Рік тому

    Elegant grandma 😊❤

  • @eho5009
    @eho5009 Рік тому

    Grandma is so gorgeous and elegant~ 😃

  • @betabot.
    @betabot. Рік тому +6

    I was born in HK .... but I moved in Canada when I was grade 4 .... and to be honest .... the system of education in HK is very nonsense .... 99.999999% memory test .... once we ask to explain ..... it will be a doomsday scenario

  • @willieho3056
    @willieho3056 6 місяців тому

    Your video draws my attention that bring back my memories when I took the Hong Kong Secondary school English exam, I got a B , my mom got very disappointed, after many years, I don’t care at all, I have a good job and making good income, the English only for communication, who care !

  • @beebee8485
    @beebee8485 Рік тому

    It’s really interesting of your video. ❤

  • @堅抽巴打
    @堅抽巴打 Рік тому +2


  • @HappyHappylife123
    @HappyHappylife123 Рік тому +9


  • @isabelchung9767
    @isabelchung9767 Рік тому

    Lovely family 😊

  • @leavemealone9692
    @leavemealone9692 Рік тому +3


  • @ulysseslee9541
    @ulysseslee9541 Рік тому +2

    even IELTS, native speaker also can't get good mark without any tutorial/ practice before the test.

  • @letitiaprincess1125
    @letitiaprincess1125 Рік тому

    Can you do a Singapore A-level paper challenge next time?

  • @vangyk
    @vangyk Рік тому +2

    I did really well in high school English exams. But after moving to AU I feel that my English is so broken, I didn't even know how to say taking the tram without paying in one or two words 😢

    • @布丁好好味
      @布丁好好味 Рік тому

      same for me... The knowledge learnt for exams just doesn't work well in the reality

  • @lwf5842
    @lwf5842 Рік тому +8

    其實DSE 已經算很淺了,當然拿5*/5**還是有點難度,但要坐4望5只是基本功問題。要說難AS 的Use of English才稱得上難。

    • @chanselenium7136
      @chanselenium7136 Рік тому

      當年我dse (2015)都係應該坐4望5,原本諗住做果時感覺自己發揮得唔錯有機會衝5,結果都係得4…🌚🌚🌚

    • @KyrusCrys0520
      @KyrusCrys0520 Рік тому

      我當年 UE 係D...但係 IELTS 已經 7.5...

    • @HiHi-ht7ji
      @HiHi-ht7ji Рік тому

      ​@@KyrusCrys0520same, ue其實算最難既英文考試?

  • @CircleFong6209
    @CircleFong6209 Рік тому +2

    試吓做life in The UK Test 可能覺得仲癲😅

  • @Pamela_super_fans
    @Pamela_super_fans Рік тому +6


  • @rlam8867
    @rlam8867 Рік тому +1

    現實是殘酷的,今天世界全球,不只在香港,競爭相當激烈,各地在搶人才,少一分知識學歷,也會被人比下去。 不是想與不想,是為勢所迫,為求有好生活,求學的同時,要同時求取得高分數!! 🤔😢

  • @怎麼這麼怎麼這麼怎麼
    @怎麼這麼怎麼這麼怎麼 Рік тому +10


    • @roanldli8571
      @roanldli8571 Рік тому +1


    • @yani8322ify
      @yani8322ify Рік тому

      又要加D 修辭手法

  • @polariod0033
    @polariod0033 7 місяців тому

    GCSE English language and literature is actually much harder than dse English. I am literally crying before doing my mocks

  • @勇者ああああ-r2x
    @勇者ああああ-r2x Рік тому +1


    • @someernie6179
      @someernie6179 Рік тому +1

      其實學語言最緊要有語境 英文比起法文德文根本easy job la

    • @vickybobo412
      @vickybobo412 Рік тому

      講無人太介意grammar, 寫絕對係另一回事。
      當然啦,考試真係好講操練同技巧。 IELTS 一樣會有呢種reading.

  • @jasontsang9384
    @jasontsang9384 Рік тому

    Like this new theme ❤

  • @ahugebug
    @ahugebug Рік тому +2

    Think the importance here is casual vs formal. Casual learning results in good casual English. Formal learning results in good formal English. Formal English is not often spotted casually.
    When I did German in UK it was a lot about grammar, structure, at the start. Comprehension, listening and writing were certainly part of it but when you are trying to communicate the meaning and purpose of the langauge, one often use structure to help learners form the resulting sentence. There were not many native German speakers to learn casually from in the UK surprisingly; or Latin.
    The time line fast forwards to my career. At times I have been told my formal English is bad. When I was asked to correct it, formal grammer is usually referenced to tell me precisely where I have gone wrong by an English colleague. I regretted then that I threw all those to the back of my mind when I was learning languages.
    Depends on what you want to do and where you want to be really. No right or wrong.
    Now, I have a kid, I really appreciate the simple tips on how you would read a piece of article and turn it into an interesting conversation. Graham Norton is definitely a good start to an enjoyable banter :)
    Thanks for putting it together!

  • @kumameow3045
    @kumameow3045 Рік тому

    I was in an international school, got back to the state school and did the hkce.
    I thought that still I can learn something from the preparation year of hkce but finally I only earn the skill of taking the exams, nothing practical. Just like how gladys did the paper 😂😂😂 every second count😂😂😂

  • @doradoralao
    @doradoralao Рік тому +2

    老婆好仰慕望住老公 😻

  • @Irradiated_water
    @Irradiated_water Рік тому +1

    Absolutely agree.

  • @Ctm168
    @Ctm168 Рік тому

    Probably gotta find an english major to do the dse paper. Cuz they would problem hv a better response

  • @chris1743
    @chris1743 Рік тому +1


  • @raiser7154
    @raiser7154 Рік тому


  • @C-hing_Li
    @C-hing_Li Рік тому +4

    Do paper 3 next time🤣🤣🤣

    • @thereynoldsfamily
      @thereynoldsfamily  Рік тому +1

      Is it even more difficult? 😅

    • @lotinlam2540
      @lotinlam2540 Рік тому

      Paper 3 is a listening paper. Part a is easier with multiple choices and short questions. Part B is like listening to a recording while jotting down notes, and writing 3 short passages like mail or proposal combining contents from given sources. But the workload was quite high with limited time that makes students quite frustrated lol.

  • @charling2429
    @charling2429 Рік тому


  • @kelszeto
    @kelszeto Рік тому

    I am curious to see the questions on the paper