In the 2000s my dad brought home a "cheat card" and it was crazy. Everything that used to want money to watch we had free at any time along with every channel. Anything I wanted to watch, it was there. My dad said he was able to buy the "cheat" card in a store where they had a massive bin filled with them for sale at a cost of $50 for 1.
I also remember having such a cheat card. It would run out every couple of months though, and then in needed to be inserted in a small device that was just connected to power (without a computer).
Used to work for NDS back in the early 2000s. Vividly remember waking up slightly hungover one day, and hearing on the BBC news that we were being sued for $2 billion for hacking Canal+. Press descended on our office, and we all had to do the 'no comment' stuff. A few years later, I randomly bumped into James Murdoch outside the offices of the Discovery Channel in London, where I was then working. Not sure why he was there, but we'd both gone out for a quick smoke. I asked him what the hacking stuff was all about, and he just smiled. Several years later, I was working at Sky, when all the 'phone hacking scandal happened here on the UK. Good memories.
My grandmother was obsessed with me learning how to hack her TV receiver to get free TV! of course i was too young at the time and didn't even know such a thing was possible. Interesting video.
My uncles were always asking me how to do this, how to "fix thier cards" because I knew how to use a computer. I as well was too young to understand what they even meant by "satellite cards" so good to find out what the hell they were on about.
my grandpa made this when i was kid, we always got all the pay per view content unlocked and free XD, also we had available to watch all the US content in mexico. he served as communications specialist at the US navy when he was young, he was a brilliant man, i miss him alot, he pass away few years ago
Did this in the US all thru the early 2000s. Taught myself just from the internet. Glorious days of the H card! Got all my friends and family on free satellite. Eventually moved everyone to the PC emulator. Became a pain for me having to keep everyone running, so much so I was kinda glad when it ended..
I used to have a program called "Voyager" running on an old 386 laptop and it sat there for years cracking Sky TV. Just needed a RS232 to TTL level converter from radio shack and you were sorted.
I remember we used to watch Europe paid satellite TV channels in the early 2000s here in Morocco using piracy cards, they were very popular here and sold everywhere
I had a friend in the late 90s/early 00s that sold these cheat cards. He made a pretty good profit off it, being one of the few internet/computer savvy guys in a small town. Pretty much every person in town paid him for free satellite.
I'm an American, but the satellite hacking scene was largely similar for us. Oh how fondly I remember those days and the cat-and-mouse games between us hackers and the service!! Started out as just sharing keys, then hacking cards, then on to emulation (scrounging old PCs from swap meets to plop behind someone's TV). They kept upping their encryption, we kept circumventing it, until one day we couldn't any longer. Made a little money, made a few good forum friends, had a lot of fun!
I totally relate to everything there. There was an emulator I used for a while that put old DOS PCs to use. I got a fancy old 286 laptop with a mono LCD screen, and while it worked I loved watching the emulator do it’s thing. The young lady sourcing the old laptops to sell at markets didn’t seem to know the details of the emu software or keys, but was well aware that her customers were all chasing old laptops to hack TV :D
Aah, those were the days. I was quite involved and ran a web-page back then. I spoke to Lee at THOIC few times and remember the fuss that happened. His marriage broke up from memory and after he was 'outed' he simply disappeared one day! I originally worked for Galaxy until they folded and took some interesting things with me when I left... Started hacking almost immediately and built my first card reader from a wrecked Pace DGT400 box. I added a logging mod I created to Pace boxes and captured data for all the cards in service in Australia to a database. I had VBA code for the decryption algorithm working and added it to the database so any cards I had card data for would automatically decrypt to the plain masterkey. Many people gave me card data so I had a library of usable data I ran in an emulator on a PC connected to a DGT400. Also dabbled in goldcards and erasing/recoding provider smartcards. I was able to keep the system running until 2004 when the new cards and other changes were being rolled out and the last of my valid keys expired. I was aware of ongoing work on the cards but was not bothered anymore and none of the systems were reliable, from what I heard. Cardsharing had made an appearance by then but only working on the Austar system as they were slow to change. A consortium of hackers in the city paid for my Austar system (with two boxes) so they could 'borrow' my spare card and distribute data across a net connection to each of their houses. I had given up the hacking side of things by then...why bother when others will pay for your subscription! All this eventually died. I also ran the hackers tool of choice, the famous Nokia Mediamaster 9500 satellite receiver with an add-on hard drive running an incarnation of linux that could do all sorts of 'useful' stuff! Still got it but pretty useless these days. It was capable of grabbing data packets from unencrypted satellite internet and re-assembling them...saw a lot of pornography and some interesting email streams! In the latter years, the Dutch company...I****o began sending me threatening emails, which I dutifully ignored. The laws in Australia had not caught up with the digital age and it would be hard to charge someone. That changed around 2004 with the new laws. I was well known in the Australian scene for a few years, my online name was satellite related.... k****d. Additional note: Watched the Mediawatch vid. Back in 1999, card hacking pretty much involved only adding additional channels to a card which was dead easy as all the key data was in the clear except the last byte. All that was needed was a way to cycle instructions to the card about the channel package until you found the valid one of the possible 256!! More notes: Galaxy failed because of its business model, nothing to do with piracy as it was pretty rare in the mid nineties. I always thought it was designed to fail so someone would buy it but just a theory!. There was also TARBS. This was a multi-language service with a few channels common to Foxtel. It did not use a card but relied on on-board decryption which could be over-ridden by reprogramming one of the flash-roms on the board...did a few of those too. Another bad business model saw them disappear into history. CABLE: There was also cable TV provided by Optus and Foxtel. There was a cable in a pit outside a house I lived in for a while. One night I went out and opened it. I was at the end of the run so there was just a terminating resistor. I hooked up a cable, ran it into the shed and plugged in a cable box I had been sent that came from a rental property. The tenants had left it. Turns out it was still active so I was able to see what cable was all about. Same stuff as the satellite...extra movie channels from memory. It worked for a fair while till it eventually got its shut-down message.
Hi, I don’t think I know you, but do remember that name from a tutorial. I did have the old analogue Jerold decoder for cable as well ... It was because I had Optus cable internet that the connection was in the old house, and a simple splitter box allowed the use of the TV box as well. Whenever the satellite and cable box shared content, the cable had a slight lag.
I remember when I was 13-14, and I bought a card reader/writer and used free software (3 musketeers, if I'm not mistaken) to unlock the card to "test" status, and I got all the DirecTV channels, including all PPV, Adult, and East coast channels for free. Those were the good old days....
The system was designed by a Dutch company. I remember having talked to one of their employees at a trade show in the ninetees, he was supposed to be one of the tech buffs and he was completely convinced that the system was so cleverly designed that it was impossible to ever hack it... But of course a couple of years later most of the systems eventually were hacked, not just this one.
Hi, do you mind telling me how you found this? It’s getting traffic all a sudden. I think it is strong enough in theory that it wouldn’t be broken conventionally from the outside, looking at keys… but with an invasive attack getting software from the chip I guess do :D
@@BrekMartin I’m not the one you asked, but this video randomly popped up in recommended for me. Maybe not so randomly as into amateur radio and electronics fairly heavily. The algorithm must have dice rolled you.
Interesting knowing that it was happening over in Australia as well. In America the DirecTV was the main one that was being hacked. It was essentially the same exact thing. First cards were cloned and then later on HU cards were glitched to get into the memory spots. PC emulators were also big over here. The P4 new card pretty much ended the free ride.
@@machineman268 Yeah iptv has taken its place but I would still take card sharing over a low bitrate stream with added delay but its been patched in the uk for a while for hd channels anyway
Yup i remember, I was a kid back then and dad was heavily involved in it, and i was slowly tinkering with it myself. the P4 card was also vulnerable with very early startup code relying on external clock which would allow you to boot it into CardOS but you still needed to glitch past the transport key... Anyways under the threat of legal action it was just easier to bump over the charlie, so thats what everyone did. Until they hired their own team and went after everyone.
Ah, the good ol' days! I didn't know anything about what was going on down in Australia, but I was into the DirecTV hacking scene in the US. I remember programming H cards, then HU came along and unloopers (tools that glitched the power at precisely-timed points in the card's boot sequence) bypassed their security. Eventually we had full emulation (assisted by a dummy card with custom firmware to talk to the on-board super-secret NDS ASIC) that let us run multiple receivers from a single card. Finally we had to use receivers with hacked firmware loaded via JTAG that bypassed the ZKT (zero-knowledge test). Eventually DTV released cards that were effectively unhackable and the scene went away. I think there might have been a parallel scene involving Dish Network (the other big direct-to-home satellite company in the country at the time) but I never got into that. And none of us will ever forget Black Sunday!
great stuff mate, love the old sat tv hacking scene, if you have any newer knowledge, late 2000s early 2010s or even just general stuff should make some videos of that as well
Should be another coming when my emerald card arrives and I can do better on the sound player... there’s always something I forgot in any video that I can add then. I can already think of a couple of things. Cable wasn’t worth bothering with because I have no equipment, and I don’t like the idea of a whole talking head vid with no demonstration.
interesting though mostly over my head. Back then in Zimbabwe we had pirated gold cards that enabled us to watch south african DSTV (Multichoice Africa). I think you are right it was a professional hit job.
Austar was purchased by Foxtel and they used the brand for some time afterwards, but have now rebranded everything to Foxtel. I only replaced my last Austar receiver with a new Foxtel one a couple of months ago. So that's how they went under.
Great video, what a great trip down memory lane. I remember hacking a bt878 tv tuner card to get Optus analog cable by changing the frequency band in firmware, and then building an FM audio desynth and vblabk reassembler for the "special" channels. I can't remember the name of the newscrypt equivalent application for fxtel
I remember us getting direct tv back in 02 but the signal would mess up every couple of days and the card would be replaced but this did not last long as the technician got arrested for doing this,and after that we did not have cable or satellite tv until 2014 except for a few months with time Warner in 2011. In late 2015 we cutoff directv and now only use streaming services or watch Univision on over the air tv
As someone who is pretty tech savvy 90% of this went over my head but I really enjoyed it and will be looking further into this subject. It's all very interesting! Thank you for a great video!!
Thanks :) There were some virtuous reasons to take interest in it. It’s not as good a way to learn encryption now because the provider isn’t sending a bunch of clever countermeasures to fuck you over. The basic key algos will always work of course.
Hi :) Making videos could interfere with my channel growth :D maybe one day. I have had something in mind for a while. I want to destroy my core memory project very slowly on camera, as certain parts of it were undocumented, as well as the original videos about it being kinda shit.
Had these in the UK in the early/mid 90s, I don’t think anyone managed to crack the revised encryption that came with the digital service that started in about 98.
I believe Sky Digital’s encryption was eventually hacked in the late 2000’s. But piracy never seemed wide spread with the platform The encryption that he’s talking about was used by the likes of Canal + in Europe, Multichoice in South Africa and ON/ ITV Digital. The few people that I knew who had ITV digital all had hacked cards.
here in brazil we used mostly two kinds of "cheat" one was an admin login that you put on the decoder, and the other was a piggyback on the card, the "second card" was used for some time, but since you needed to keep buying new cards it wasnt so spread
If my memory serves me (I was no older the 12 at the time) It was a lot easier to get pay per view movies etc for free. We had a phone line connected that had the end cut off. Order a movie etc and at the right time, connect a 9v battery to the phone cable. I'm guessing that's all the box was looking for as authentication.
our north american provider started enforcing some phone line verifications. All it ever checked for was a dialtone. Even though a dialtone is two very specific frequencies, the receiver ("IRD") was fooled by a 9V connected to a 555 timer with the right resistor/capacitor combos, just making a single frequency anywhere within the range or a bit outside of those two real dialtone frequencies. Very dumb. I remember plugging an actual phone into this device once and it sounded *nothing* like a dialtone. Another huge project easily defeated with $1 in chips.
@@hassansyed5661 back in the 80's the slide out module used separate parts similar to the early computers. so there was a rom Ic and a processor IC and so on.
VC2 and VC2+ C-band, those were the days When direcTV first came out, they were so hell-bent on getting to market that t satellite signal actually had no encryption at all and back then there were no blind scan receivers but if you knew how to read the eprom with the channel map inside the receiver you could then take your digital free to Air receiver and program in all of the specifications for a specific channel and bingo you were getting that channel now to combat this the satellite company would change the channel map every single day In short order they change their signal but the cards that were in the receivers were not required and you could use your own homemade card that granted access to all the signals and that's what was done for I think about 5 years until they sent everybody new cards that had encryption built into the card and then it took a year or two for that to be hacked and then a couple years later they sent new cards again and the people hack those in a year and then a couple more years and they replace the cards a fourth or fifth time and that was the last I kept up with the chaos and I remember watching C-SPAN and watching the satellite companies telling Congress that they needed to make new laws because people hacking satellite TV was a threat to National Security and of course Congress went right along with that and changed or added new laws Nowadays I don't even know if people are still doing any of that hacking or if they have moved on to other methods of getting the content Years ago the satellite companies and the cable companies too had head ends when all of the little cable companies all around the country they all had their own little areas and they had to receive the signals and it was all done by satellite and I remember the local cable company where I was they had like 20 or 30 dishes and when they got bought out by one of the big companies they removed all the dishes and I couldn't figure out how they were getting the signal to all the homes if they didn't have any satellite dishes and in talking with one of the people that works at the head end they said everything comes over the internet now so all of the programming all of the stations all of the networks everything is sent over the net broadcast and they have digital boxes that are plugged into the internet that actually received the signal and then they load it onto their cables and send it out to all the subscribers so I imagine the people who used to hack the satellite signals have now figured out how to hack all the signals just right off the internet
In 1998-1999 i was like 8 years old when i visited my cousins over the weekend. Everyone was hyped because HBO announced they would play Godzilla the movie over cable. My cousins had just bought a small device that was inside a tuna can(real tuna can) full of circuits that could decode the HBO channnel without paying. It was a lot cheaper than buying the subscription. We watched Godzilla in crystal clear image. Also there was a huge earthquake that night. Much love from Vâlcea (Hackerville) Romania!
Allo, mate. Been a long time. Yes, this popped up on my YT home page again (PC, Win 10, Chrome). Worth another watch. It was good. ;) I remember when we first had ONdigital (first DVB-T here in the early 2000s), which was briefly bought, and renamed to ITV Digital. The Gold Cards etc. It was very easy to hack. And before that with Videocrypt, and the Season Interface with VOYAGER for DOS. hehe
Haha blast from the past, I remember acquiring old galaxy receivers and IRDETO hacking, still have my pheonix programmer and came across it the other day. Thanks for this
back in the day there was a MK13b board that you would put into where the smart card would go and you could, reader / programmer / emulator / blocker, to the get hex key and rewrite the cards, you could even use a loptop as a sim card and log the hex keys.
Rossanguussmith okandover hampshire sp116he what's Angus Smith here in Andover in Hampshire a want to know can we get Australian TV in the UK I want to know can you give me your seat satellite box for me I am the same person can you give me a free please mate can you give me the free satellite code for me I'm a super person I want to know can you pick up of saying TV I come from when I say you are born over free satellite box I'm happy Christmas in the new year my name is Ross Angus Smith 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
My Father did this here in the US, we got every single channel along with all the PPV movie channels, it worked for about 5 years or so, he would get hacked cards from some guy he knew…
Sorry to hear that brother. Should of had his stuff encrypted better. Gotta have both hardware and software to convict. Gotta keep access into the computer sealed tight
My father was an installer on and off over the years from the Galaxy days to the end of Austar. He also installed Vast. Helped with the roll out of Telstra NextG and NBN fixed wireless too. Austar and Foxtel had some kind of non-competing agreement for a long time. Austar served regional customers and Foxtel served metro customers. I don't believe that Austar ever operated CFC or cable TV. Around 2012 Foxtel and Austar merged with Austar operating under Foxtel Branding for a long time. In fact they continued to use Foxtel branded MyStar (competitor to iQ) boxes for sometime. This may have been because iQ and iQ2 boxes didn't have DVB tuners instead they broadcast local FTA channels over satellite. Austar only did that with ABC and SBS. It wasn't until around 2015 that Austar completely ceased to exist. The old Austar boxes still function as far as I'm aware.
Man, i first view this video about a year ago and discovered your content. It's amazing. Why did you stop making videos? :( Yours sincerly, a viewer from cold germany
Hi :) I’m glad you enjoy them. In a nutshell mental health issues. I am totally ok, but it’s complicated to find out, and work through. I do strongly believe such immersion in the hobby in my case, served as a distraction from myself, and offers some explanation for the lapse in motivation for it.
Yup until they started with the legal pressure and eventually they infiltrated everyone in the scene and had them turning against each other towards the end which basically killed off any future hacking.
Wow, this brings back memories of SIM hacking in the early noughties where we were brute-forcing 'Ki' keys on certain vulnerable cards (we were developing a JavaCard based app and no mobile provider would give us a legit Ki to use, despite us asking nicely)
Lol, wank card! When Austar was 'big', an installer dropped some blank card in the ceiling... they had no subscription... BUT, a quick switchero of cards and I could bypass the old man's adult channel subscription pin with 0000 from the blank card ;) I didn't get into sat 'hacking' until a bit later about the time the Afghans were watching the US drone video with some free software and a sat PCI card. I had a go at some stuff, and remember watching unencrypted internet traffic coming back to earth, which is still happening to some degree. Awesome video, legend.
There have been times when the US drone video of former Yugoslavia wasn't even encrypted, it was sent in plain from I think 37west, together with some American TV programmes. But then this was shown in a newsshow on BBC, and it quickly was over.
5:10 - I have an original Irdeto Optus card right here next to me. I brought it back to NZ from Aus. If you want it, I'll post it to you! Just tell me where to send it.
@@BrekMartin Hey no worries at all. I just want to say, thanks for taking the time to put together that video with the various software demos etc. It filled in a huge amount of gaps for me in my knowledge. I'm a ham from over the ditch and I used to delve into satellite reception amongst other things. I had plans of pulling the pre-VAST service in on my big 2.4M C-band dish at the time, not realising all I'd really need is a wee 30cm and a clear view of D1 (from memory) :). Anyway it was a thoroughly enjoyable video and I think I'll be watching it agian so thanks for sharing. Cheers, ZL2FSK.
Oh man, back in the day I was doing this with DTV. I hung out in the *DSS UNDERGROUND* forum where someone would release the fixed files to load onto our floppy drive. It was great until I ignorantly built one for my sister, my brother, a friend or two etc and then each time the DTV geeks would send down a new *countermeasure* I'd get a phone call from each one of them freaking out because their TV was out!
Looks a little bit like the almighty UA-cam Algorithm has picked up this video a year down the line and started showing it to people who watch videos on technology.. Great video. I'm a youngin' (early twenties) so hearing about hardware hacking back in the days where not everything was driven by an absurdly powerful SoC made for general computing is interesting. If you make more videos like this I would definitely watch.
i remember doing or participating maybe more properly in some of this in the late 90's early 2000's time frame, in us was it the f card I think, later they had the h card I think? I got and still have I think one of the early emulator cards you plugged into a pc. I remember reading about people calling directv "dave" on usenet and various web forums, the infamous black sunday ecm, it was a cat and mouse game
Good old days, there were other dirty tricks played back in those days, a certain sat TV broadcaster allegedly released fragments of their own smartcard encyption scheme via THoIC and left it vulnerable long enough to allow hackers to rush out updates to PIC and Wafer cards only to be blown out of the water a couple of days later, it was intended to wreck the market for pirate cards.
Aye, I think that one got into McCormac's book. Auctioned off the code in the Dorchester Hotel, waited for pirate cards to hit the market... then enabled a bit of the algorithm which wasn't in the source they sold. They probably gained from it though - get people to install the dish and receiver with a pirate card, then upsell them to a legitimate subscription. And on top of that, hack all your competitors and use it as a sales tactic. Skeevy as heck but what can you really expect from the company which gave the world the News of the World phone hacking scandal...
Interesting topic and the cloak and dagger stuff is something I was not aware of. Cable TV, pre-digital, in the UK used to be vulnerable with most of the technology coming from Germany in the form of DBOX, I guess it was a bigger scene there.
Pre digital were mainly Jerrold and CFT2100's, If memory serves NTL and Telewest opted to use Nagravision for their digital platforms and Ondigital went with the already wide open Seca for it's digital terrestrial. Both of which were compromised and the internet flooded with files via THOiC. When the site was closed, most if not all in the scene headed to Shack as the 12 Admin on there were directly involved in Exposing THOiC for what it really was so we kind of had a good reputation at that point. It took many more years for NDS to make their move on us to get revenge. It cost them far more than it cost us.
I think the original digital cable boxes were manufactured by PACE. I remember them trying to get me done for copyright when we altered their Digdebug software and released our Libdebug version.
Outside of the UK it was very difficult to get a subscription to the UK services, even when you wanted to pay for it. That likely explains why there was lots of activity from groups outside the UK. Even way before DBOX I had a surplus sat TV receiver using the analog videocrypt system, and the German software that emulated a smartcard (this was before the PIC cards, the emulation worked with a PCB card containing a level shifter and a cable to the serial port of a PC running the emulation program).
I'm from the UK, but this still brought a tear to my eye. _(Card wankers? I love it!)_ ***EDIT*** Shit, I posted before watching the whole thing... This is beautifull!
I have an AIR BOX, it went out of business around 2009. A couple of months after I bought 2 of their boxes. Can I switch out their smart card and just pickup local free channels and have it work like a DVR.
dish and dtv are still hackable using old tech but it's not as easy as it used to be. dtv tried to stop it back in the day with a mass card change and baseless threat campaign but the fight rages on. You can find some leaked information if you know the terms to search for.
I was into the "scene" pretty heavy. The P4 card pretty much ended the game. I am not aware of any new defeats. I doubt there are any public hacks available.
@@yourneighborhood yeah it ended the game publicly as far as I'm aware of. But if I'm not mistaking the GX28 and GX42 were hacked in Latin America In the underground scene
Great viewing, really enjoyed it. I ran Modshack back then (still do) and have some fond memories of Sat TV hacking back then. I was also one of the people who took down The House of Ill Compute which at the time was ran by Lee Gibling and funded by NDS. The name I used back then (still do) was HairyMonster. Ahhh card wanking lol
@@BrekMartin by the time that post had been made I had already been booted from the site, I was a moderator at the time and Lee suspected I knew more than I was letting on as he had arranged a moderator/admin meet up at a place called Mullion and at the last moment I and a few others backed out at the last moment as we knew that it was nothing more than a stunt to get to know who we were to entrap us. I actually went to prison for 3 months back in 2008 as NDS vowed payback on me and they got it in the end. So I appeared on Panorama and provided a lot of input into what eventually aired on screen.
Wow, talk about a blast from the past! Those days on IRC were some of the best. Good to see you are still around. Wonder if Sheepware triggers any memories?
Not sure if you are aware but you can transmitt your encrypted system (it sounds like videocrypt but not sure if you meant that) with program called hacktv So, transmitt with hacktv and then show your vafer cards doing some decryption, maybe for a next video if you want
This clip gave me flashback to the glorious days of Viasat in early 00's. Used to go with pops and pick a new card up basicly every 3-9months once the one we had stopped working 😂 good times My neighbor on the other hand did it himself, had the Nokia sat receivers card reader connected through a pc.
This was a fantastic video! Man i would of loved to of talked with you for hours about this back then. I was fascinated by it all. Bought my own old austar dish and a sat reciever along with a gold card and a pic card. I managed somehow to get it working. Im thinking about vast now as weve moved bush and get nothing terrestrial. Is it possible to get all the vast channels? Or just get friends from different states to sign up for smart cards? I mean its all garbage free to air tv, but if i go vast id like to get as many channels as possible. Cheers. Love the video! Really interesting and exciting stuff.! Also saw those sat finders on amazon. Is it worth buying one to muck around with now days?
Hi :) For the travellers license which needs renewal every six months, you can pick your destination state, so you could get most of the channels that way, but if you want a permanent activation, it must be done by the state your address is in. I think someone could activate a box for someone else in another state, and that should work in theory... Not sure about the legals tho.
I remember the days of free satellite I had all the way through the 00's and into 2010ish when encryption cards started rolling automatically blocking all my equipment..
Or you went to your friendly local (usually Asian run) computer store and bought a card for $20.. sometimes they wouldnt even charge you for a replacement when the original one took a dump after less than 12 months
ahhh sat hacking one of my fav past times from my youth, i also cloned cable modems back in the day had a load balancing router with 5 modems connected to it, i then got into card sharing and appeared in the news for costing rupert murdoch 750,000 uk pounds haha
My dad I remember had a computer that was set up to run a program in a floppy drive then the directv receiver was hooked up to the computer which was hooked up to the TV and we have free satellite for years... this was back in 99 and 00
I can say this as my dad is deceased. He used to sell hacked cards and systems back in the 90s. Free HBO, PPV and tits. Those cards but a lot of food on our table. He had no clue about programming or electronics. I ended up being a software engineer with another specialization in electronics. Yes, there was a FBI raid involved.
@@TFitz I wasn’t into selling it, but this, cable tv, and even chipping PlayStations was the beginning of my hobby with microcontrollers, and this channel shows a lot of projects there.
@@BrekMartin I can dig it....I love microcontrollers...started with Motorola 68HC711...moved to Rabbit and then Arduino came out and those's come so far...all just to turn some pins on or off...well unless analog input/output, but you get it...that's awesome
@@BrekMartin, I had Galaxy in 90s. I remember looking at the signals from the wall socket. all they seemed to do was invert the video signal. It was Analogue?
@@mitch19636 I didn’t know Galaxy had a cable service, but it sounds like analogue cable. Optus cable definitely worked that way. Low tier channels were colour inverted, but movie, sport, and adult channels had more complicated scrambling such as sync suppression.
@@mitch19636 Inverted video, no sync pulses, decoder would reinsert them along with putting in Macrovision signals based on a known block of black video at the sync pulse. That video block also contained the digital controls for the CA module, plus the compressed audio. Was broadcast here, and till around 10 years ago the decoders were still supported, but with much later versions of the encryption. There were hack chips for those decoders, as there was no smart card, but a soldered in CA chip. Had a good number of old Multichoice cards from getting upgrades and dead decoders, but probably tossed them. they went brown from the heat of the decoders, they were cost cut down a lot, and ran blistering hot. Was common to replace a dozen caps in them to get them running again, and the early versions of the digital satellite decoders the chips would desolder themselves off the boards. You got service kit that had all the caps, new ADC chips for the front end, and some stick on heatsinks that would fix the most common decoder failures. But have not watched them for over a decade, not worth the money.
@@BrekMartin We had such systems here as well. There was an AM sync pulse on the FM sound subcarrier and the original video sync was removed (or rather shifted). With a suitable multi-system IF card (obtained from surplus stores) which was intended for SECAM TV with AM sound, it was possible to re-generate the sync pulse and watch the movies. That was in the early 1980s here. After designs of "video improver circuits" became a little too widespread, the system was changed. I still have my decoder in a junkbox.
I might remember something like this being done (not by me, you understand), in the early 2000s, with DirectTV and a card programmer in Northern North America!
@@jseden ohhhh, that rings a bell. Also remember innermatrix and id-discussions, which stayed up until early-mid 2010s even though there was nothing to discuss. No idea how or why id-d stayed up since they didn't really have any sponsors and sold minimal gear
Thye 876 chip was a game changer, Do you remember the Nokia Dbox that had the scsi output that could log between the card and the cam. Geez i made some money in those days.
hmm, i wonder how viable my parents nearly 3 decade old direct tv satellite box, but pretty sure the company has guards in place for situations like this
hello sir can you help i need the some guide and software i will make setellite tv server so i need card infomation for box key and rsa key plz help me
:D and did you notice it was Lenovo Thinkpad i2? Made for XP, and later Win 7. I need it for some older software like IDEs. I have HDD caddies so the same old Thinkpad can run Win 10, 7, XP, and Ubuntu. When that Thinkpad breaks (with all the drivers set up in every OS for it) I will panic looking for another one! :D
Back in Time. I had done something similiar in Germany. But I was quite late in enter the "Scene". Late we changed from the PIC Cards to Atmel based Cards. Side Effect. You learn some stuff about Assembler and Atmel MCs. By the way, our Pay TV provider was also forced to switch to NDS.
ah yes, the 8515! I remember calling Radio Shack for one, and they immediately referred me to the "right" place for those and hung up right away, haha.
Honestly!! I dont know why i subb'd to your channel?...But the video must of interested me for sure. Btw? Dont take that the wrong way?...Im talking out loud really! lol Your video style and editing is very easy to watch and listen to. very good. Im gonna make sure i look out for more videos from yourself. Thanks. I havnt looked as its very late but i guess your all about electronics and the 2.4GHz world?? Cheers and Happy New Year.......fingers crossed we all get over this crap weve had to live last year
In the 2000s my dad brought home a "cheat card" and it was crazy. Everything that used to want money to watch we had free at any time along with every channel. Anything I wanted to watch, it was there. My dad said he was able to buy the "cheat" card in a store where they had a massive bin filled with them for sale at a cost of $50 for 1.
I also remember having such a cheat card. It would run out every couple of months though, and then in needed to be inserted in a small device that was just connected to power (without a computer).
First the cards. Then the nagra hack for fta receivers and bins.
@@carlosoruna7174 nagravision
Used to work for NDS back in the early 2000s. Vividly remember waking up slightly hungover one day, and hearing on the BBC news that we were being sued for $2 billion for hacking Canal+. Press descended on our office, and we all had to do the 'no comment' stuff. A few years later, I randomly bumped into James Murdoch outside the offices of the Discovery Channel in London, where I was then working. Not sure why he was there, but we'd both gone out for a quick smoke. I asked him what the hacking stuff was all about, and he just smiled. Several years later, I was working at Sky, when all the 'phone hacking scandal happened here on the UK. Good memories.
My grandmother was obsessed with me learning how to hack her TV receiver to get free TV! of course i was too young at the time and didn't even know such a thing was possible. Interesting video.
Thats Hilarious...Really? Your Grandma?......I would of loved to meet her....fantastic
Aww, bless her 😊😊
My uncles were always asking me how to do this, how to "fix thier cards" because I knew how to use a computer. I as well was too young to understand what they even meant by "satellite cards" so good to find out what the hell they were on about.
my grandpa made this when i was kid, we always got all the pay per view content unlocked and free XD, also we had available to watch all the US content in mexico. he served as communications specialist at the US navy when he was young, he was a brilliant man, i miss him alot, he pass away few years ago
The trick was.. go find the shady cable guy at your local bar, $50 for a card.. all you will need then is a TV program as you wouldn't get one.
Did this in the US all thru the early 2000s. Taught myself just from the internet. Glorious days of the H card!
Got all my friends and family on free satellite. Eventually moved everyone to the PC emulator.
Became a pain for me having to keep everyone running, so much so I was kinda glad when it ended..
Great times
I used to have a program called "Voyager" running on an old 386 laptop and it sat there for years cracking Sky TV. Just needed a RS232 to TTL level converter from radio shack and you were sorted.
Similar thing in Australia… would run on an old DOS 286.. ours was called Wallbanger. Funny title.
I remember we used to watch Europe paid satellite TV channels in the early 2000s here in Morocco using piracy cards, they were very popular here and sold everywhere
We had one of these back in the late 90's at my parents' house. It actually had a special PCB attached to it for easy reprogramming.
I found one of these in my box of junk... Card shaped PCB with I think is an ancient Atmel chip on it.
was it a D2MAC card with 4 buttons you press to enter the code?
I had a friend in the late 90s/early 00s that sold these cheat cards. He made a pretty good profit off it, being one of the few internet/computer savvy guys in a small town. Pretty much every person in town paid him for free satellite.
La carte pirate existe pu sauf arabi . Decodeur pirate sa oui
THIS video has to be the most honest and down to earth I have seen on the TUBE. Job well done SIR.
I'm an American, but the satellite hacking scene was largely similar for us. Oh how fondly I remember those days and the cat-and-mouse games between us hackers and the service!! Started out as just sharing keys, then hacking cards, then on to emulation (scrounging old PCs from swap meets to plop behind someone's TV).
They kept upping their encryption, we kept circumventing it, until one day we couldn't any longer.
Made a little money, made a few good forum friends, had a lot of fun!
I totally relate to everything there. There was an emulator I used for a while that put old DOS PCs to use. I got a fancy old 286 laptop with a mono LCD screen, and while it worked I loved watching the emulator do it’s thing. The young lady sourcing the old laptops to sell at markets didn’t seem to know the details of the emu software or keys, but was well aware that her customers were all chasing old laptops to hack TV :D
Aah, those were the days. I was quite involved and ran a web-page back then. I spoke to Lee at THOIC few times and remember the fuss that happened. His marriage broke up from memory and after he was 'outed' he simply disappeared one day! I originally worked for Galaxy until they folded and took some interesting things with me when I left... Started hacking almost immediately and built my first card reader from a wrecked Pace DGT400 box. I added a logging mod I created to Pace boxes and captured data for all the cards in service in Australia to a database. I had VBA code for the decryption algorithm working and added it to the database so any cards I had card data for would automatically decrypt to the plain masterkey. Many people gave me card data so I had a library of usable data I ran in an emulator on a PC connected to a DGT400.
Also dabbled in goldcards and erasing/recoding provider smartcards. I was able to keep the system running until 2004 when the new cards and other changes were being rolled out and the last of my valid keys expired. I was aware of ongoing work on the cards but was not bothered anymore and none of the systems were reliable, from what I heard.
Cardsharing had made an appearance by then but only working on the Austar system as they were slow to change. A consortium of hackers in the city paid for my Austar system (with two boxes) so they could 'borrow' my spare card and distribute data across a net connection to each of their houses. I had given up the hacking side of things by then...why bother when others will pay for your subscription! All this eventually died.
I also ran the hackers tool of choice, the famous Nokia Mediamaster 9500 satellite receiver with an add-on hard drive running an incarnation of linux that could do all sorts of 'useful' stuff! Still got it but pretty useless these days. It was capable of grabbing data packets from unencrypted satellite internet and re-assembling them...saw a lot of pornography and some interesting email streams! In the latter years, the Dutch company...I****o began sending me threatening emails, which I dutifully ignored. The laws in Australia had not caught up with the digital age and it would be hard to charge someone. That changed around 2004 with the new laws. I was well known in the Australian scene for a few years, my online name was satellite related.... k****d.
Additional note: Watched the Mediawatch vid. Back in 1999, card hacking pretty much involved only adding additional channels to a card which was dead easy as all the key data was in the clear except the last byte. All that was needed was a way to cycle instructions to the card about the channel package until you found the valid one of the possible 256!!
More notes: Galaxy failed because of its business model, nothing to do with piracy as it was pretty rare in the mid nineties. I always thought it was designed to fail so someone would buy it but just a theory!. There was also TARBS. This was a multi-language service with a few channels common to Foxtel. It did not use a card but relied on on-board decryption which could be over-ridden by reprogramming one of the flash-roms on the board...did a few of those too. Another bad business model saw them disappear into history.
CABLE: There was also cable TV provided by Optus and Foxtel. There was a cable in a pit outside a house I lived in for a while. One night I went out and opened it. I was at the end of the run so there was just a terminating resistor. I hooked up a cable, ran it into the shed and plugged in a cable box I had been sent that came from a rental property. The tenants had left it. Turns out it was still active so I was able to see what cable was all about. Same stuff as the satellite...extra movie channels from memory. It worked for a fair while till it eventually got its shut-down message.
Hi, I don’t think I know you, but do remember that name from a tutorial. I did have the old analogue Jerold decoder for cable as well ... It was because I had Optus cable internet that the connection was in the old house, and a simple splitter box allowed the use of the TV box as well. Whenever the satellite and cable box shared content, the cable had a slight lag.
@badazznc tech reviews Thanks :) I wouldn’t say I’m done with YT vids forever, but lately have tried to get away in the bush more.
Lee started showing up towards the end of the 2000s again in some random dish/echostar sites before disappearing again. I recall that.
@@THEtechknight That was a FAKE Lee lol We tracked the real one for awhile as he fled the country.
I remember when I was 13-14, and I bought a card reader/writer and used free software (3 musketeers, if I'm not mistaken) to unlock the card to "test" status, and I got all the DirecTV channels, including all PPV, Adult, and East coast channels for free. Those were the good old days....
The system was designed by a Dutch company. I remember having talked to one of their employees at a trade show in the ninetees, he was supposed to be one of the tech buffs and he was completely convinced that the system was so cleverly designed that it was impossible to ever hack it...
But of course a couple of years later most of the systems eventually were hacked, not just this one.
Hi, do you mind telling me how you found this? It’s getting traffic all a sudden. I think it is strong enough in theory that it wouldn’t be broken conventionally from the outside, looking at keys… but with an invasive attack getting software from the chip I guess do :D
@@BrekMartin You mean how I found this video? That was a year ago, and I think it was when I checked your channel after viewing a Dave Jones video.
Whoops. I just asked the wrong guy! Something has happened more recently.
@@BrekMartin I’m not the one you asked, but this video randomly popped up in recommended for me. Maybe not so randomly as into amateur radio and electronics fairly heavily. The algorithm must have dice rolled you.
@@BrekMartin dunno about the others, but I came here through youtube homepage recommendations.
Interesting knowing that it was happening over in Australia as well. In America the DirecTV was the main one that was being hacked. It was essentially the same exact thing. First cards were cloned and then later on HU cards were glitched to get into the memory spots. PC emulators were also big over here. The P4 new card pretty much ended the free ride.
Was a good ride till then tho, it did get rather annoying toward the end having to reprogram every other week
sat hacking became obsolete with high speed internet.
@@machineman268 Yeah iptv has taken its place but I would still take card sharing over a low bitrate stream with added delay but its been patched in the uk for a while for hd channels anyway
Yup i remember, I was a kid back then and dad was heavily involved in it, and i was slowly tinkering with it myself. the P4 card was also vulnerable with very early startup code relying on external clock which would allow you to boot it into CardOS but you still needed to glitch past the transport key... Anyways under the threat of legal action it was just easier to bump over the charlie, so thats what everyone did. Until they hired their own team and went after everyone.
remember it well......................
Ah, the good ol' days! I didn't know anything about what was going on down in Australia, but I was into the DirecTV hacking scene in the US. I remember programming H cards, then HU came along and unloopers (tools that glitched the power at precisely-timed points in the card's boot sequence) bypassed their security. Eventually we had full emulation (assisted by a dummy card with custom firmware to talk to the on-board super-secret NDS ASIC) that let us run multiple receivers from a single card. Finally we had to use receivers with hacked firmware loaded via JTAG that bypassed the ZKT (zero-knowledge test). Eventually DTV released cards that were effectively unhackable and the scene went away. I think there might have been a parallel scene involving Dish Network (the other big direct-to-home satellite company in the country at the time) but I never got into that. And none of us will ever forget Black Sunday!
Bringing back some DirectTV memories. Used to bring over the card to the neighbors for 20 bucks.
great stuff mate, love the old sat tv hacking scene, if you have any newer knowledge, late 2000s early 2010s or even just general stuff should make some videos of that as well
Should be another coming when my emerald card arrives and I can do better on the sound player... there’s always something I forgot in any video that I can add then. I can already think of a couple of things. Cable wasn’t worth bothering with because I have no equipment, and I don’t like the idea of a whole talking head vid with no demonstration.
interesting though mostly over my head. Back then in Zimbabwe we had pirated gold cards that enabled us to watch south african DSTV (Multichoice Africa). I think you are right it was a professional hit job.
We had a plasma tv with a cable card, I was too young to know but I always wondered what that slot could be used for.
Austar was purchased by Foxtel and they used the brand for some time afterwards, but have now rebranded everything to Foxtel. I only replaced my last Austar receiver with a new Foxtel one a couple of months ago. So that's how they went under.
I miss all the cool FTA receivers that were available and easily hackable. All you needed was that magical file.. Not that I ever did such things.
Great video, what a great trip down memory lane. I remember hacking a bt878 tv tuner card to get Optus analog cable by changing the frequency band in firmware, and then building an FM audio desynth and vblabk reassembler for the "special" channels. I can't remember the name of the newscrypt equivalent application for fxtel
Don’t forget Foxtel Cable
I remember us getting direct tv back in 02 but the signal would mess up every couple of days and the card would be replaced but this did not last long as the technician got arrested for doing this,and after that we did not have cable or satellite tv until 2014 except for a few months with time Warner in 2011. In late 2015 we cutoff directv and now only use streaming services or watch Univision on over the air tv
No, keep the beard! Really interesting stuff Brek, entertaining and informative :D
Thanks OLC :)
As someone who is pretty tech savvy 90% of this went over my head but I really enjoyed it and will be looking further into this subject. It's all very interesting! Thank you for a great video!!
Thanks :) There were some virtuous reasons to take interest in it. It’s not as good a way to learn encryption now because the provider isn’t sending a bunch of clever countermeasures to fuck you over. The basic key algos will always work of course.
What an old beautiful piece of software, FMCard
Yep :) It took Win XP to get it running for this.
@@BrekMartinand where can I download it?
Brek, missing your vids.
Have you quit the tube?
Hi :) Making videos could interfere with my channel growth :D maybe one day. I have had something in mind for a while. I want to destroy my core memory project very slowly on camera, as certain parts of it were undocumented, as well as the original videos about it being kinda shit.
Had these in the UK in the early/mid 90s, I don’t think anyone managed to crack the revised encryption that came with the digital service that started in about 98.
I dont know about in 98, but later encryption on digital satellite was cracked.
I believe Sky Digital’s encryption was eventually hacked in the late 2000’s. But piracy never seemed wide spread with the platform
The encryption that he’s talking about was used by the likes of Canal + in Europe, Multichoice in South Africa and ON/ ITV Digital.
The few people that I knew who had ITV digital all had hacked cards.
here in brazil we used mostly two kinds of "cheat" one was an admin login that you put on the decoder, and the other was a piggyback on the card, the "second card" was used for some time, but since you needed to keep buying new cards it wasnt so spread
love it, you should definitely try to do more longer form videos like this
It’s viewed 41% through on average, which tells me it’s too long.... but thanks lol
If my memory serves me (I was no older the 12 at the time) It was a lot easier to get pay per view movies etc for free. We had a phone line connected that had the end cut off. Order a movie etc and at the right time, connect a 9v battery to the phone cable. I'm guessing that's all the box was looking for as authentication.
Its easier now. Just go to a streaming site and its free.
@@greatleader4841 with ads though. You might as well pirate it.
our north american provider started enforcing some phone line verifications. All it ever checked for was a dialtone. Even though a dialtone is two very specific frequencies, the receiver ("IRD") was fooled by a 9V connected to a 555 timer with the right resistor/capacitor combos, just making a single frequency anywhere within the range or a bit outside of those two real dialtone frequencies. Very dumb. I remember plugging an actual phone into this device once and it sounded *nothing* like a dialtone. Another huge project easily defeated with $1 in chips.
Back in the 80's it was all about heating and removing the epoxy inside the descrambler module and then soldering on eprom sockets.
For which package this trick worked in 80's?
@@hassansyed5661 back in the 80's the slide out module used separate parts similar to the early computers. so there was a rom Ic and a processor IC and so on.
For videocipher 2 2 plus was harder
VC2 and VC2+
C-band, those were the days
When direcTV first came out, they were so hell-bent on getting to market that t satellite signal actually had no encryption at all and back then there were no blind scan receivers but if you knew how to read the eprom with the channel map inside the receiver you could then take your digital free to Air receiver and program in all of the specifications for a specific channel and bingo you were getting that channel now to combat this the satellite company would change the channel map every single day
In short order they change their signal but the cards that were in the receivers were not required and you could use your own homemade card that granted access to all the signals and that's what was done for I think about 5 years until they sent everybody new cards that had encryption built into the card and then it took a year or two for that to be hacked and then a couple years later they sent new cards again and the people hack those in a year and then a couple more years and they replace the cards a fourth or fifth time and that was the last I kept up with the chaos and I remember watching C-SPAN and watching the satellite companies telling Congress that they needed to make new laws because people hacking satellite TV was a threat to National Security and of course Congress went right along with that and changed or added new laws
Nowadays I don't even know if people are still doing any of that hacking or if they have moved on to other methods of getting the content
Years ago the satellite companies and the cable companies too had head ends when all of the little cable companies all around the country they all had their own little areas and they had to receive the signals and it was all done by satellite and I remember the local cable company where I was they had like 20 or 30 dishes and when they got bought out by one of the big companies they removed all the dishes and I couldn't figure out how they were getting the signal to all the homes if they didn't have any satellite dishes and in talking with one of the people that works at the head end they said everything comes over the internet now so all of the programming all of the stations all of the networks everything is sent over the net broadcast and they have digital boxes that are plugged into the internet that actually received the signal and then they load it onto their cables and send it out to all the subscribers so I imagine the people who used to hack the satellite signals have now figured out how to hack all the signals just right off the internet
Very interesting topic and well put together. Thank You!
In 1998-1999 i was like 8 years old when i visited my cousins over the weekend. Everyone was hyped because HBO announced they would play Godzilla the movie over cable. My cousins had just bought a small device that was inside a tuna can(real tuna can) full of circuits that could decode the HBO channnel without paying. It was a lot cheaper than buying the subscription. We watched Godzilla in crystal clear image. Also there was a huge earthquake that night. Much love from Vâlcea (Hackerville) Romania!
Allo, mate. Been a long time.
Yes, this popped up on my YT home page again (PC, Win 10, Chrome).
Worth another watch. It was good. ;)
I remember when we first had ONdigital (first DVB-T here in the early 2000s), which was briefly bought, and renamed to ITV Digital. The Gold Cards etc. It was very easy to hack.
And before that with Videocrypt, and the Season Interface with VOYAGER for DOS. hehe
Hi there :) YT is promoting this vid now. This sort of thing got me started programming microcontrollers, so it’s all quite close to the heart.
Haha blast from the past, I remember acquiring old galaxy receivers and IRDETO hacking, still have my pheonix programmer and came across it the other day. Thanks for this
back in the day there was a MK13b board that you would put into where the smart card would go and you could, reader / programmer / emulator / blocker, to the get hex key and rewrite the cards, you could even use a loptop as a sim card and log the hex keys.
Rossanguussmith okandover hampshire sp116he what's Angus Smith here in Andover in Hampshire a want to know can we get Australian TV in the UK I want to know can you give me your seat satellite box for me I am the same person can you give me a free please mate can you give me the free satellite code for me I'm a super person I want to know can you pick up of saying TV I come from when I say you are born over free satellite box I'm happy Christmas in the new year my name is Ross Angus Smith 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
My Father did this here in the US, we got every single channel along with all the PPV movie channels, it worked for about 5 years or so, he would get hacked cards from some guy he knew…
I know a guy who got sued by DVT in the US. Still paying off that 300K settlement. He was big time, and had his own website.
I was a kid but i remember when all that started, legal pressure was amped up. eventually charlie followed suit.
Sorry to hear that brother. Should of had his stuff encrypted better. Gotta have both hardware and software to convict. Gotta keep access into the computer sealed tight
@@brenthays9024 - He settled, they had him raided. You can still find the case on file in Indiana.
My uncle used to make these and sell the pirate cards on the reservation. We would always have free satellite tv because of him.
My father was an installer on and off over the years from the Galaxy days to the end of Austar. He also installed Vast. Helped with the roll out of Telstra NextG and NBN fixed wireless too.
Austar and Foxtel had some kind of non-competing agreement for a long time. Austar served regional customers and Foxtel served metro customers. I don't believe that Austar ever operated CFC or cable TV. Around 2012 Foxtel and Austar merged with Austar operating under Foxtel Branding for a long time. In fact they continued to use Foxtel branded MyStar (competitor to iQ) boxes for sometime. This may have been because iQ and iQ2 boxes didn't have DVB tuners instead they broadcast local FTA channels over satellite. Austar only did that with ABC and SBS. It wasn't until around 2015 that Austar completely ceased to exist. The old Austar boxes still function as far as I'm aware.
Man, i first view this video about a year ago and discovered your content. It's amazing. Why did you stop making videos? :(
Yours sincerly, a viewer from cold germany
Hi :) I’m glad you enjoy them. In a nutshell mental health issues. I am totally ok, but it’s complicated to find out, and work through. I do strongly believe such immersion in the hobby in my case, served as a distraction from myself, and offers some explanation for the lapse in motivation for it.
@@BrekMartin Man, this is hard to read. I wish you all the best and just to let you know: You are not alone with this stuff. Keep fighting.
I miss the dave and charlie days.. need to get back into this
Yup until they started with the legal pressure and eventually they infiltrated everyone in the scene and had them turning against each other towards the end which basically killed off any future hacking.
Wow, this brings back memories of SIM hacking in the early noughties where we were brute-forcing 'Ki' keys on certain vulnerable cards (we were developing a JavaCard based app and no mobile provider would give us a legit Ki to use, despite us asking nicely)
Lol, wank card! When Austar was 'big', an installer dropped some blank card in the ceiling... they had no subscription... BUT, a quick switchero of cards and I could bypass the old man's adult channel subscription pin with 0000 from the blank card ;)
I didn't get into sat 'hacking' until a bit later about the time the Afghans were watching the US drone video with some free software and a sat PCI card. I had a go at some stuff, and remember watching unencrypted internet traffic coming back to earth, which is still happening to some degree. Awesome video, legend.
There have been times when the US drone video of former Yugoslavia wasn't even encrypted, it was sent in plain from I think 37west, together with some American TV programmes.
But then this was shown in a newsshow on BBC, and it quickly was over.
@@Rob2 That's the problem with "security by obscurity"... it only works until someone notices...
Great content! Love seeing things from Australia.
5:10 - I have an original Irdeto Optus card right here next to me. I brought it back to NZ from Aus. If you want it, I'll post it to you! Just tell me where to send it.
Thanks for the offer, but I wouldn’t revisit this again. The equipment is mostly gone. I did have one of the legit Optus cards in the day.
@@BrekMartin Hey no worries at all. I just want to say, thanks for taking the time to put together that video with the various software demos etc. It filled in a huge amount of gaps for me in my knowledge. I'm a ham from over the ditch and I used to delve into satellite reception amongst other things. I had plans of pulling the pre-VAST service in on my big 2.4M C-band dish at the time, not realising all I'd really need is a wee 30cm and a clear view of D1 (from memory) :). Anyway it was a thoroughly enjoyable video and I think I'll be watching it agian so thanks for sharing. Cheers, ZL2FSK.
Man, my parents had this in the 2000s in Ireland. It was great being able to watch cartoon network until they changed it and it stopped working lol
Oh man, back in the day I was doing this with DTV. I hung out in the *DSS UNDERGROUND* forum where someone would release the fixed files to load onto our floppy drive.
It was great until I ignorantly built one for my sister, my brother, a friend or two etc and then each time the DTV geeks would send down a new *countermeasure* I'd get a phone call from each one of them freaking out because their TV was out!
Yeeeeep....the good ole days. Those HU cards where hot cakes 😏
The FBI was trying to crack down......they simply couldnt keep up
Looks a little bit like the almighty UA-cam Algorithm has picked up this video a year down the line and started showing it to people who watch videos on technology..
Great video. I'm a youngin' (early twenties) so hearing about hardware hacking back in the days where not everything was driven by an absurdly powerful SoC made for general computing is interesting. If you make more videos like this I would definitely watch.
That algo must be back for another round
i remember doing or participating maybe more properly in some of this in the late 90's early 2000's time frame, in us was it the f card I think, later they had the h card I think? I got and still have I think one of the early emulator cards you plugged into a pc. I remember reading about people calling directv "dave" on usenet and various web forums, the infamous black sunday ecm, it was a cat and mouse game
Good old days, there were other dirty tricks played back in those days, a certain sat TV broadcaster allegedly released fragments of their own smartcard encyption scheme via THoIC and left it vulnerable long enough to allow hackers to rush out updates to PIC and Wafer cards only to be blown out of the water a couple of days later, it was intended to wreck the market for pirate cards.
Aye, I think that one got into McCormac's book. Auctioned off the code in the Dorchester Hotel, waited for pirate cards to hit the market... then enabled a bit of the algorithm which wasn't in the source they sold. They probably gained from it though - get people to install the dish and receiver with a pirate card, then upsell them to a legitimate subscription. And on top of that, hack all your competitors and use it as a sales tactic. Skeevy as heck but what can you really expect from the company which gave the world the News of the World phone hacking scandal...
Emulators on Dave those cards were epic ..
Interesting topic and the cloak and dagger stuff is something I was not aware of. Cable TV, pre-digital, in the UK used to be vulnerable with most of the technology coming from Germany in the form of DBOX, I guess it was a bigger scene there.
Pre digital were mainly Jerrold and CFT2100's, If memory serves NTL and Telewest opted to use Nagravision for their digital platforms and Ondigital went with the already wide open Seca for it's digital terrestrial. Both of which were compromised and the internet flooded with files via THOiC. When the site was closed, most if not all in the scene headed to Shack as the 12 Admin on there were directly involved in Exposing THOiC for what it really was so we kind of had a good reputation at that point. It took many more years for NDS to make their move on us to get revenge. It cost them far more than it cost us.
I think the original digital cable boxes were manufactured by PACE. I remember them trying to get me done for copyright when we altered their Digdebug
software and released our Libdebug version.
Outside of the UK it was very difficult to get a subscription to the UK services, even when you wanted to pay for it.
That likely explains why there was lots of activity from groups outside the UK.
Even way before DBOX I had a surplus sat TV receiver using the analog videocrypt system, and the German software that emulated a smartcard (this was before the PIC cards, the emulation worked with a PCB card containing a level shifter and a cable to the serial port of a PC running the emulation program).
I'm from the UK, but this still brought a tear to my eye. _(Card wankers? I love it!)_
Shit, I posted before watching the whole thing... This is beautifull!
I have an AIR BOX, it went out of business around 2009. A couple of months after I bought 2 of their boxes. Can I switch out their smart card and just pickup local free channels and have it work like a DVR.
dish and dtv are still hackable using old tech but it's not as easy as it used to be. dtv tried to stop it back in the day with a mass card change and baseless threat campaign but the fight rages on. You can find some leaked information if you know the terms to search for.
I was into the "scene" pretty heavy. The P4 card pretty much ended the game. I am not aware of any new defeats. I doubt there are any public hacks available.
@@yourneighborhood yeah it ended the game publicly as far as I'm aware of. But if I'm not mistaking the GX28 and GX42 were hacked in Latin America In the underground scene
Great viewing, really enjoyed it. I ran Modshack back then (still do) and have some fond memories of Sat TV hacking back then. I was also one of the people who took down The House of Ill Compute which at the time was ran by Lee Gibling and funded by NDS. The name I used back then (still do) was HairyMonster. Ahhh card wanking lol
Cool! “HairyMonster” is mentioned in the THOIC bombshell thread.. it can be downloaded in the description. No actual posts from you in it though.
@@BrekMartin by the time that post had been made I had already been booted from the site, I was a moderator at the time and Lee suspected I knew more than I was letting on as he had arranged a moderator/admin meet up at a place called Mullion and at the last moment I and a few others backed out at the last moment as we knew that it was nothing more than a stunt to get to know who we were to entrap us. I actually went to prison for 3 months back in 2008 as NDS vowed payback on me and they got it in the end. So I appeared on Panorama and provided a lot of input into what eventually aired on screen.
Well damn, I remember you from those days...
Wow, talk about a blast from the past! Those days on IRC were some of the best. Good to see you are still around. Wonder if Sheepware triggers any memories?
LOL I also figured out your username I think ;)
Not sure if you are aware but you can transmitt your encrypted system (it sounds like videocrypt but not sure if you meant that) with program called hacktv
So, transmitt with hacktv and then show your vafer cards doing some decryption, maybe for a next video if you want
This clip gave me flashback to the glorious days of Viasat in early 00's.
Used to go with pops and pick a new card up basicly every 3-9months once the one we had stopped working 😂 good times
My neighbor on the other hand did it himself, had the Nokia sat receivers card reader connected through a pc.
Virgin media the cable tv provider in the uk has completely removed viewing cards now to stop any card sharing or hacking once and for all
Optus D1 in NZ has unencrypted FTA.
This was a fantastic video! Man i would of loved to of talked with you for hours about this back then.
I was fascinated by it all. Bought my own old austar dish and a sat reciever along with a gold card and a pic card.
I managed somehow to get it working.
Im thinking about vast now as weve moved bush and get nothing terrestrial.
Is it possible to get all the vast channels? Or just get friends from different states to sign up for smart cards?
I mean its all garbage free to air tv, but if i go vast id like to get as many channels as possible.
Love the video! Really interesting and exciting stuff.!
Also saw those sat finders on amazon. Is it worth buying one to muck around with now days?
Hi :) For the travellers license which needs renewal every six months, you can pick your destination state, so you could get most of the channels that way, but if you want a permanent activation, it must be done by the state your address is in. I think someone could activate a box for someone else in another state, and that should work in theory... Not sure about the legals tho.
I remember the days of free satellite I had all the way through the 00's and into 2010ish when encryption cards started rolling automatically blocking all my equipment..
Really good vídeo
A couple of my family members have worked at Irdeto for 1-2 decades.
I remember seeing people with old 486 pc's setting behind their tv with dbs card spoofers.
Really interesting topic, sadly the wind noises kinda ruined audio here and there.
Or you went to your friendly local (usually Asian run) computer store and bought a card for $20.. sometimes they wouldnt even charge you for a replacement when the original one took a dump after less than 12 months
ProgDVB was handy with a Hauppauge DVB card . Somehow the encrypted channels could be decrypted .Anyone remember the deets
it was easy to buy and program DTV cards, hardware and software was easily available
thank for the enlightenment
ahhh sat hacking one of my fav past times from my youth, i also cloned cable modems back in the day had a load balancing router with 5 modems connected to it, i then got into card sharing and appeared in the news for costing rupert murdoch 750,000 uk pounds haha
ausstar was brought out by Foxtel
My dad I remember had a computer that was set up to run a program in a floppy drive then the directv receiver was hooked up to the computer which was hooked up to the TV and we have free satellite for years... this was back in 99 and 00
Those were the days. I had a hu card writer and used to program cards for people.
I can say this as my dad is deceased. He used to sell hacked cards and systems back in the 90s. Free HBO, PPV and tits. Those cards but a lot of food on our table. He had no clue about programming or electronics. I ended up being a software engineer with another specialization in electronics. Yes, there was a FBI raid involved.
@@TFitz I wasn’t into selling it, but this, cable tv, and even chipping PlayStations was the beginning of my hobby with microcontrollers, and this channel shows a lot of projects there.
@@BrekMartin I can dig it....I love microcontrollers...started with Motorola 68HC711...moved to Rabbit and then Arduino came out and those's come so far...all just to turn some pins on or off...well unless analog input/output, but you get it...that's awesome
Fascinating stuff. I knew it could be done, but never had the time or money to mees around doing it :)
Thank you mate.
Glad you found it interesting, because I really had no idea if anyone would! :D
@@BrekMartin, I had Galaxy in 90s.
I remember looking at the signals from the wall socket. all they seemed to do was invert the video signal.
It was Analogue?
@@mitch19636 I didn’t know Galaxy had a cable service, but it sounds like analogue cable. Optus cable definitely worked that way. Low tier channels were colour inverted, but movie, sport, and adult channels had more complicated scrambling such as sync suppression.
@@mitch19636 Inverted video, no sync pulses, decoder would reinsert them along with putting in Macrovision signals based on a known block of black video at the sync pulse. That video block also contained the digital controls for the CA module, plus the compressed audio. Was broadcast here, and till around 10 years ago the decoders were still supported, but with much later versions of the encryption. There were hack chips for those decoders, as there was no smart card, but a soldered in CA chip.
Had a good number of old Multichoice cards from getting upgrades and dead decoders, but probably tossed them. they went brown from the heat of the decoders, they were cost cut down a lot, and ran blistering hot. Was common to replace a dozen caps in them to get them running again, and the early versions of the digital satellite decoders the chips would desolder themselves off the boards. You got service kit that had all the caps, new ADC chips for the front end, and some stick on heatsinks that would fix the most common decoder failures. But have not watched them for over a decade, not worth the money.
@@BrekMartin We had such systems here as well. There was an AM sync pulse on the FM sound subcarrier and the original video sync was removed (or rather shifted).
With a suitable multi-system IF card (obtained from surplus stores) which was intended for SECAM TV with AM sound, it was possible to re-generate the sync pulse and watch the movies. That was in the early 1980s here.
After designs of "video improver circuits" became a little too widespread, the system was changed. I still have my decoder in a junkbox.
Miss kac. Had the mikaboo the unlooper and all the tools memories Dave and charlie
Please how can I download the fmcard software or how can I get it. Please help
I might remember something like this being done (not by me, you understand), in the early 2000s, with DirectTV and a card programmer in Northern North America!
You definitely weren’t familiar with atsdss then..
@@jseden ohhhh, that rings a bell. Also remember innermatrix and id-discussions, which stayed up until early-mid 2010s even though there was nothing to discuss. No idea how or why id-d stayed up since they didn't really have any sponsors and sold minimal gear
Thye 876 chip was a game changer, Do you remember the Nokia Dbox that had the scsi output that could log between the card and the cam. Geez i made some money in those days.
We have it easy now with TBS cards, auto biss/oscam-emu etc
hmm, i wonder how viable my parents nearly 3 decade old direct tv satellite box, but pretty sure the company has guards in place for situations like this
I used to run a card sharing website in the UK.
We used to put the card in the freezer for a few minutes.
Card would be able to be read and rewritten then.
Lue est reecrite cmt sa
hello sir can you help i need the some guide and software i will make setellite tv server so i need card infomation for box key and rsa key plz help me
@@BrekMartin you can't help me
Huh, fucked up to think that one guy was able to single-handedly destroy every single satellite company on a whim.
At my household we never paid for sat tv for like ten years! Late 90’s to 2005
Mate your still using XP? Respect
:D and did you notice it was Lenovo Thinkpad i2? Made for XP, and later Win 7. I need it for some older software like IDEs. I have HDD caddies so the same old Thinkpad can run Win 10, 7, XP, and Ubuntu. When that Thinkpad breaks (with all the drivers set up in every OS for it) I will panic looking for another one! :D
Wow that's amazing. Can you still hack all sky UK channels and European channels?? Will it works or it won't work??
What about today? can digital Htv get be unlocked?
FOXTEL is the Australian version of sky in the uk. FOXTEL is a proper like clone of it. Same UI same remote
Who the hell is Brek?
13 years!
Back in Time. I had done something similiar in Germany. But I was quite late in enter the "Scene". Late we changed from the PIC Cards to Atmel based Cards. Side Effect. You learn some stuff about Assembler and Atmel MCs. By the way, our Pay TV provider was also forced to switch to NDS.
When the encryption was still Nagravision 2? :D
ah yes, the 8515! I remember calling Radio Shack for one, and they immediately referred me to the "right" place for those and hung up right away, haha.
Rip Pansat and Viewsat wars
I think I still have my programing kit
Honestly!! I dont know why i subb'd to your channel?...But the video must of interested me for sure. Btw? Dont take that the wrong way?...Im talking out loud really! lol
Your video style and editing is very easy to watch and listen to. very good. Im gonna make sure i look out for more videos from yourself. Thanks. I havnt looked as its very late but i guess your all about electronics and the 2.4GHz world??
Cheers and Happy New Year.......fingers crossed we all get over this crap weve had to live last year
Mainly electronics, computing, radio, programming, blah... usually all with a vintage slant on it.
Ahhh the good ol days of direct tv