The Perfect Beginner Guitar Solo. The Wasp (Texas Radio & The Big Beat) Robbie Krieger & The Doors.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheStereoField
    @TheStereoField 4 роки тому +3

    That’s a really pretty guitar

  • @AnAverageDude
    @AnAverageDude 3 роки тому +2

    THANK YOU! Massive Doors fan and Robby just murders this song.

  • @BabaBest2000
    @BabaBest2000 3 роки тому +1


    @xBABYxSHAKERx 4 роки тому +4

    preciate u Kelly

  • @imannonymous7707
    @imannonymous7707 4 роки тому +1

    always loved this american prayer has a cool alternate take.....great lesson

  • @MitchMcnalley
    @MitchMcnalley 4 роки тому +3

    Sounds great! 👌🔥 have a good day! 😊

  • @dkolk01
    @dkolk01 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you Kelly!

    • @KellyDeanAllenGuitar
      @KellyDeanAllenGuitar  4 роки тому +1

      I'll be expecting you to have this mastered by Sunday, haha. Good luck with it.

  • @Beachbumartist
    @Beachbumartist 4 роки тому +1

    Great lesson man, thanks so much.

  • @prashantsarkar821
    @prashantsarkar821 4 роки тому +2

    This is a great solo for any beginner. I've only been playing for a few years and I wish I had learned this while I was at that level.
    My favorite beginner solo is Wasting Love by Iron Maiden. It's a lot shorter and a little more intricate than this one. But it taught me the fundamentals of the melodic minor scale and it sounds amazing no matter what level of player you are.

  • @wilhelmrogue1
    @wilhelmrogue1 4 роки тому

    Love the new background... great lesson as usual sir.

  • @deanmccaskill5495
    @deanmccaskill5495 3 роки тому

    If you’re trying to get a feel for who’s out there, I’d totally be interested in a few lessons. Intermediate level with an interest in theory( which I should’ve got into many years ago). Also out of ordinary stuff like Marc Ribot. Let us know.....

  • @automstone7613
    @automstone7613 4 роки тому +1

    How do I sign up for guitar lessons ?

    • @KellyDeanAllenGuitar
      @KellyDeanAllenGuitar  4 роки тому +1

      I wanted to get started with one student (which I have) to see how it goes. It's going great so far I think after two months. Should be offering up more soon. I would love nothing more than to quit work and do this for a living. I'll let you know Larry, ok?

    • @automstone7613
      @automstone7613 4 роки тому

      Kelly Dean Allen Guitar - sounds good. Have you ever thought about making online and DVD lessons that pre-recorded to purchase ?

  • @imannonymous7707
    @imannonymous7707 4 роки тому

    listen man i find your comentary interesting...i do...may i give you a suggestion on you tube lessons tho..i am a working well busking lol musician. anyway i look at alot of lessons....
    simply break a lesson into for preface.. one for rythym and one for solo.....its hard for us to try and figure out where the lessons actualy start..and playing it over n over to learn them gets annoying when you have to find it yes a time stamp helps......but let me send you an example ...take a look at his trying to help us both......happy holidays ....please dont take offense...its not my intention.....youll notice how he makes it easy to simply push a link to get to part 2 3 n so on hit the link below... its awesome to get a complete demo of the song we can decide if we want to learn it