Rune Teywaz. Norse Runes.

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • This rune belongs to the warrior and is filled with the energy of Mars. Thanks to it, a person acquires the ability to fight - even with the chaos of the personal "I". As for the keyword, in this case it is "rationing". It's time for an active life.
    The rune can help you:
    - become more vigilant;
    - work more methodically;
    - courageously deal with adversity;
    - strengthen self-confidence;
    - behave with dignity;
    - take responsibility for your actions.
    In ancient times, warriors put this sign on the hilts of their swords before the battle. Rune Teywaz helps in any struggle, including with oneself. Strengthens resolve.
    Oracle for every day. Draw a rune and get an immediate answer to your question.
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    Formulate a question about your personal or business life or a specific intention, desire, and draw out a rune.
    Every question has an immediate answer. Ask the oracle about the most important thing for yourself, it will immediately enlighten you, directing you to one of the 25 characters.
    But don't overdose. Only one question per day, no more!