Vir is actually a philosopher disguised as a comedian because if not with humor, how else will the world understand bitter truths? This was beyond amazing!!!
On the contrary he is just another misinformed average comedian. Most of the things he said are not backed by any scientific research. And why is your definition of 'amazing' so liberal and incorrect? Is it not quite senseless to call something amazing and bitter truth in same breath? But let's not get serious after all he is joking.
@@cas3885 I don't know how good or bad are your comprehension skills, so to clarify my comment is not about a comedian's remarks but reaction of a person who is calling them 'bitter truth'. I am glad my teachers were not cracking jokes and that why I don't call poor jokes based on opinions and not research as 'amazing' and 'bitter truth'.
He says Men are monkeys holding women back from being scientists. Can you Imagine the backlash he would have got had the sexes been reversed. How exactly is it a man’s fault that women isn’t high achieving, at a time when women have all the power in the world? Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example; most corporations and prestigious schools now have reservations for women and LGBTQ folks, in the name of “Inclusion”. ( So your idea of inclusion is to exclude men altogether?) 1. Racists are running the world? Where is he coming from ? Like what proof does he have to substantiate? 2. 80% of masculinity is BS? Aren’t you tired of being a man? Abso* freaking *lutely not! Yes, it is exhausting to be a man. Because we have to constantly prove our value in society through hard work - only then will you be regarded as a capable person. Women don’t have to do anything and still would be respected. That’s why we have to show strength- Everyday! I don’t exactly walk around the street and beat women to a pulp to show my masculinity. I think that’s Vir’s version of masculinity. 3. A strong handshake, signifies confidence. 4.Why do men have to defend women like they are objects? I don’t think we have to anymore coz women are strong and independent. They claim they can take care of everything yet say men are not supportive. 5. Women don’t care about what women wear ? Really? Why on earth do they spend thousands on makeup and take 4 hours to get ready for work? And if one dresses up like a sl*t and walk around the streets guess what people are going to call you? If she is not ‘asking for it’, why wear revealing clothes out in public in the first place? Also, women sl*t shame women more than men do, and that’s a fact! I know this is a standup, but none of the stuff in the video he said was funny. He said he wasn’t pandering women, but that is exactly what he did for 7 minutes straight.I agree that there are bad men out there, but not all women are angels either. Vir, try being a man first before identifying yourself as a feminist.
He says Men are monkeys holding women back from being scientists. Can you Imagine the backlash he would have got had the sexes been reversed. How exactly is it a man’s fault that women isn’t high achieving, at a time when women have all the power in the world? Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example; most corporations and prestigious schools now have reservations for women and LGBTQ folks, in the name of “Inclusion”. ( So your idea of inclusion is to exclude men altogether?) 1. Racists are running the world? Where is he coming from ? Like what proof does he have to substantiate? 2. 80% of masculinity is BS? Aren’t you tired of being a man? Abso* freaking *lutely not! Yes, it is exhausting to be a man. Because we have to constantly prove our value in society through hard work - only then will you be regarded as a capable person. Women don’t have to do anything and still would be respected. That’s why we have to show strength- Everyday! I don’t exactly walk around the street and beat women to a pulp to show my masculinity. I think that’s Vir’s version of masculinity. 3. A strong handshake, signifies confidence. 4.Why do men have to defend women like they are objects? I don’t think we have to anymore coz women are strong and independent. They claim they can take care of everything yet say men are not supportive. 5. Women don’t care about what women wear ? Really? Why on earth do they spend thousands on makeup and take 4 hours to get ready for work? And if one dresses up like a sl*t and walk around the streets guess what people are going to call you? If she is not ‘asking for it’, why wear revealing clothes out in public in the first place? Also, women sl*t shame women more than men do, and that’s a fact! I know this is a standup, but none of the stuff in the video he said was funny. He said he wasn’t pandering women, but that is exactly what he did for 7 minutes straight.I agree that there are bad men out there, but not all women are angels either. Vir, try being a man first before identifying yourself as a feminist.
How bad is your sense of humor? That you think if god himself/herself wrote few jokes they would be equally good if not better. You know if you start watching good international comedians on just UA-cam you would end up finding atleast 10 better than him in just first 15 minutes.
@@himanshu01123 I never said you can't find any better than him. I appreciate your opinion, it's just that I haven't asked for it, so no need to back up on insults. Calm down
He says Men are monkeys holding women back from being scientists. Can you Imagine the backlash he would have got had the sexes been reversed. How exactly is it a man’s fault that women isn’t high achieving, at a time when women have all the power in the world? Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example; most corporations and prestigious schools now have reservations for women and LGBTQ folks, in the name of “Inclusion”. ( So your idea of inclusion is to exclude men altogether?) 1. Racists are running the world? Where is he coming from ? Like what proof does he have to substantiate? 2. 80% of masculinity is BS? Aren’t you tired of being a man? Abso* freaking *lutely not! Yes, it is exhausting to be a man. Because we have to constantly prove our value in society through hard work - only then will you be regarded as a capable person. Women don’t have to do anything and still would be respected. That’s why we have to show strength- Everyday! I don’t exactly walk around the street and beat women to a pulp to show my masculinity. I think that’s Vir’s version of masculinity. 3. A strong handshake, signifies confidence. 4.Why do men have to defend women like they are objects? I don’t think we have to anymore coz women are strong and independent. They claim they can take care of everything yet say men are not supportive. 5. Women don’t care about what women wear ? Really? Why on earth do they spend thousands on makeup and take 4 hours to get ready for work? And if one dresses up like a sl*t and walk around the streets guess what people are going to call you? If she is not ‘asking for it’, why wear revealing clothes out in public in the first place? Also, women sl*t shame women more than men do, and that’s a fact! I know this is a standup, but none of the stuff in the video he said was funny. He said he wasn’t pandering women, but that is exactly what he did for 7 minutes straight.I agree that there are bad men out there, but not all women are angels either. Vir, try being a man first before identifying yourself as a feminist.
yeah and he had a good point with it, because woman have more right than man, obviously and then he swapped it and made us, man look like we are inferior to woman, a pussyficated man. Simpleton!
You can be a Guru rather than being a comedian. It appears that you have solved most of the mysteries of life thats why your lecture is that much composed. Keep it up
He is actually a Guru...rather a terrific one. He doesn't only identifies and unravels the issues, their root causes and the solutions but does so in this sugary caramel candy coating...lesson taught, msg spread while having a great laugh. Tell me anybody who listens to an actual preacher when they preach in their mundane tone 😀
Well life's much more nuanced than that. One doesn't necessariy has to be a guru to share wise thoughts. Comedians are in a way thinkers and Vir is a great one.
He just defined feminism in the most fantastic way.!! God!! I just feel awesome being a woman after his speech!! I didn't think he was doing stand up comedy because what he said was the damn true!!
What an amazing transformation.... Manifestation... His sense of humour is at next level... His confidence... Presentation skills... Speech is incredible
I quoted Vir Das with "A woman wanting to be on the same level as a man is like a scientist dreaming of becoming a monkey" to a bunch of anti-feminists and they had no idea how to react. And that's why its genius. lol
The thing is there is truth to that statement but also his exact words reflect the frustration that all sane Indians feel due to normalised misogyny in India. In a liberal country where women are free and relatively equal to men, these words will just seem over the top and even annoying.
Which in itself is sexist, saying females are superior to men, imagine the same but comparing men to scientists and females to monkeys. The audience woud bark loudly about it,
I was having a really hard day medically. I needed to sit down after 2 more biopsies today, to try for the 4th time to eat something healthy and get it to stay down. I needed to find something funny, intelligent and capable of distracting my brain from my body. I’m so happy I found you! Video 2 - listening on my speaker outside. I finished my small meal and I feel that little extra courage to trust my instincts and speak my truth. Thank you for sharing your brain with the world.
LMFAO THE COMMENTS. Misogynistic people bitching about him being a 'woke feminist', misandrist people bitching about him being 'too misogynistic' when he didnt even say anything of that kind. His jokes may be unfunny but great appreciation for being able to trigger both the sides simultaneously
Speaking of defending women as objects , I do relate to this. Most of the time, when there is woman harassed, even the kindest man will say things like, YOU DON'T WANT TAHT HAPPENS TO YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER, DO YOU? But that is wrong in the first place. Because all women are people with soul, not something to be won as trophies of men.
Killed it man , it was fucking hilarious I swear. Absolutely loved it. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to hear more of such genius comedy from you .👏👏👏
He says Men are monkeys holding women back from being scientists. Can you Imagine the backlash he would have got had the sexes been reversed. How exactly is it a man’s fault that women isn’t high achieving, at a time when women have all the power in the world? Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example; most corporations and prestigious schools now have reservations for women and LGBTQ folks, in the name of “Inclusion”. ( So your idea of inclusion is to exclude men altogether?) 1. Racists are running the world? Where is he coming from ? Like what proof does he have to substantiate? 2. 80% of masculinity is BS? Aren’t you tired of being a man? Abso* freaking *lutely not! Yes, it is exhausting to be a man. Because we have to constantly prove our value in society through hard work - only then will you be regarded as a capable person. Women don’t have to do anything and still would be respected. That’s why we have to show strength- Everyday! I don’t exactly walk around the street and beat women to a pulp to show my masculinity. I think that’s Vir’s version of masculinity. 3. A strong handshake, signifies confidence. 4.Why do men have to defend women like they are objects? I don’t think we have to anymore coz women are strong and independent. They claim they can take care of everything yet say men are not supportive. 5. Women don’t care about what women wear ? Really? Why on earth do they spend thousands on makeup and take 4 hours to get ready for work? And if one dresses up like a sl*t and walk around the streets guess what people are going to call you? If she is not ‘asking for it’, why wear revealing clothes out in public in the first place? Also, women sl*t shame women more than men do, and that’s a fact! I know this is a standup, but none of the stuff in the video he said was funny. He said he wasn’t pandering women, but that is exactly what he did for 7 minutes straight.I agree that there are bad men out there, but not all women are angels either. Vir, try being a man first before identifying yourself as a feminist.
It was just humor Women aren't superior to men... This guy literally just said what Tate says but genders reversed and this is reality? Calling men Monkeys (I guess monkeys created Network, Internet, Surgery, The very concept of Zero, Cars, Computers) and women scientists (yep apparently inventing new ways to wash the dishes is a real scientific glory) This ain't sexist?
this dude is on a different kind of smart compared to other comedians. kind of like existential kind of smart compared to street smart and quick witted comedians, could relate to his humor and views.
Hi Vir, eagerly waiting for new materials. The beauty of Vir's pieces is I watched it again and again even when I already watched the special few times previously.😅😅
Like Sheikh chilli.. he had immensely powerful messages hidden in his jokes. Some says that he was Sufi other says he was philosopher . he is known for his jokes. Vir das is modern Sheikh chilli.
Yeah for feminists men are shit and that's the reason men oppose feminism. And still the feminist have the audacity to call you mysoginist after saying all that
"We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women's voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored." - Sheryl Sandberg
Women only desire for the top tier positions, where they have to do nothing & they can encash big bucks! Simultaneously they can pretend to be so called strong women & role models for other feminist hippies!
He says Men are monkeys holding women back from being scientists. Can you Imagine the backlash he would have got had the sexes been reversed. How exactly is it a man’s fault that women isn’t high achieving, at a time when women have all the power in the world? Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example; most corporations and prestigious schools now have reservations for women and LGBTQ folks, in the name of “Inclusion”. ( So your idea of inclusion is to exclude men altogether?) 1. Racists are running the world? Where is he coming from ? Like what proof does he have to substantiate? 2. 80% of masculinity is BS? Aren’t you tired of being a man? Abso* freaking *lutely not! Yes, it is exhausting to be a man. Because we have to constantly prove our value in society through hard work - only then will you be regarded as a capable person. Women don’t have to do anything and still would be respected. That’s why we have to show strength- Everyday! I don’t exactly walk around the street and beat women to a pulp to show my masculinity. I think that’s Vir’s version of masculinity. 3. A strong handshake, signifies confidence. 4.Why do men have to defend women like they are objects? I don’t think we have to anymore coz women are strong and independent. They claim they can take care of everything yet say men are not supportive. 5. Women don’t care about what women wear ? Really? Why on earth do they spend thousands on makeup and take 4 hours to get ready for work? And if one dresses up like a sl*t and walk around the streets guess what people are going to call you? If she is not ‘asking for it’, why wear revealing clothes out in public in the first place? Also, women sl*t shame women more than men do, and that’s a fact! I know this is a standup, but none of the stuff in the video he said was funny. He said he wasn’t pandering women, but that is exactly what he did for 7 minutes straight.I agree that there are bad men out there, but not all women are angels either. Vir, try being a man first before identifying yourself as a feminist.
I just wish the same equality was applied to the women of Ukraine between the ages of 16-60. I wish it was not just the men between those ages who were legally barred from leaving the country because they had to protect it. I always thought that the men standing on street corners catcalling women were always looked down by the society -- by both men and women alike. Never knew such scumbags were the default models of masculinity contrary to the scolding your mother would give you if you hung out with such men. I always though masculinity was in defending your motherland, in storming the beaches of Normandy, in protecting the glaciers of Siachen, or maybe in just working till your back broke trying to provide a stable income for your family. I am glad to have been proven wrong, I hope feminists come to the rescue of the men "trapped" in Ukraine defending their country. -- Just a regular man.
It's not about men vs women, It's about good men vs bad men. Good men protect their country and their loved ones, bad men do bad things. Now if you want to argue that why women are allowed to leave then ask about India first. Indian armed forces are the same, we don't take women in battlefields too.
You know they will never talk about that. In today’s world, in almost every aspect of life, men are made out and shown to be fools/predators and women superior beings/prey .But the truth is, without men and their masculinity, Humanity would never have made this far. Modern Feminism is all about misandry my friend. In my opinion, it’s not the gender we should judge but the human being itself.
That call comes from inside your own house. Patriarchy made us believe that men are the strong ones, meant to protect and provide for the family, therefore the ones who fight for their countries. Needless to say, it also made women the weak, inferior ones, whose only role is to be obedient, pretty (but not too much), to care for the children and the house. PATRIARCHY set this system up. That's literally what feminism is battling against. We want rights, opportunities and responsabilities equally and fairly distributed (yes, that also includes the army). People who treat us like we're a man-hating cult or misandric bitches sadly have no idea what feminism is about.
I have seen the later half in another video... and i love it a lot... 😁❤ If we want we can just ask for it, you Don't need to guess that "she really wants it" you really don't need to !! 😊🙏🙏
"If she's asking for it, she can just ask for it" - Vir Das, 2022
I don't think Vir and his sheeps realise that this statement itself is sexist.
@@vishu2593 Dang. I'd sincerely love to hear an elaboration on that statement.
@@anonymousunknown2430 Dang.
Find a better resource for social commentary than stand ups.
@@vishu2593 its comedy. you got it all wrong.
@@vishu2593 don't be shy, elaborate
Vir is actually a philosopher disguised as a comedian because if not with humor, how else will the world understand bitter truths?
This was beyond amazing!!!
On the contrary he is just another misinformed average comedian. Most of the things he said are not backed by any scientific research.
And why is your definition of 'amazing' so liberal and incorrect? Is it not quite senseless to call something amazing and bitter truth in same breath?
But let's not get serious after all he is joking.
@@himanshu01123 you expect a comedian to say things backed by science. you probably expect your physics teacher to crack jokes 🤡
He’s joking with many contradictions and baseless assumptions.
@@cas3885 Why not? Professors can crack jokes and comedian can mislead people.
@@cas3885 I don't know how good or bad are your comprehension skills, so to clarify my comment is not about a comedian's remarks but reaction of a person who is calling them 'bitter truth'. I am glad my teachers were not cracking jokes and that why I don't call poor jokes based on opinions and not research as 'amazing' and 'bitter truth'.
This guy can do both Delhi Belly and a set on Indian Feminism, incredible range man.
I think a better comparison would be Mastizaade and this set
@@SnehilVishwakarma127 just reading that movies name has ruined my day
TIL i realised that was vir das lmao😂😂😂achcha hua ye comment padha
He says Men are monkeys holding women back from being scientists. Can you Imagine the backlash he would have got had the sexes been reversed. How exactly is it a man’s fault that women isn’t high achieving, at a time when women have all the power in the world? Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example; most corporations and prestigious schools now have reservations for women and LGBTQ folks, in the name of “Inclusion”. ( So your idea of inclusion is to exclude men altogether?)
1. Racists are running the world? Where is he coming from ? Like what proof does he have to substantiate?
2. 80% of masculinity is BS? Aren’t you tired of being a man? Abso* freaking *lutely not! Yes, it is exhausting to be a man. Because we have to constantly prove our value in society through hard work - only then will you be regarded as a capable person. Women don’t have to do anything and still would be respected. That’s why we have to show strength- Everyday! I don’t exactly walk around the street and beat women to a pulp to show my masculinity. I think that’s Vir’s version of masculinity.
3. A strong handshake, signifies confidence.
4.Why do men have to defend women like they are objects? I don’t think we have to anymore coz women are strong and independent. They claim they can take care of everything yet say men are not supportive.
5. Women don’t care about what women wear ? Really? Why on earth do they spend thousands on makeup and take 4 hours to get ready for work? And if one dresses up like a sl*t and walk around the streets guess what people are going to call you? If she is not ‘asking for it’, why wear revealing clothes out in public in the first place? Also, women sl*t shame women more than men do, and that’s a fact!
I know this is a standup, but none of the stuff in the video he said was funny. He said he wasn’t pandering women, but that is exactly what he did for 7 minutes straight.I agree that there are bad men out there, but not all women are angels either.
Vir, try being a man first before identifying yourself as a feminist.
He says Men are monkeys holding women back from being scientists. Can you Imagine the backlash he would have got had the sexes been reversed. How exactly is it a man’s fault that women isn’t high achieving, at a time when women have all the power in the world? Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example; most corporations and prestigious schools now have reservations for women and LGBTQ folks, in the name of “Inclusion”. ( So your idea of inclusion is to exclude men altogether?)
1. Racists are running the world? Where is he coming from ? Like what proof does he have to substantiate?
2. 80% of masculinity is BS? Aren’t you tired of being a man? Abso* freaking *lutely not! Yes, it is exhausting to be a man. Because we have to constantly prove our value in society through hard work - only then will you be regarded as a capable person. Women don’t have to do anything and still would be respected. That’s why we have to show strength- Everyday! I don’t exactly walk around the street and beat women to a pulp to show my masculinity. I think that’s Vir’s version of masculinity.
3. A strong handshake, signifies confidence.
4.Why do men have to defend women like they are objects? I don’t think we have to anymore coz women are strong and independent. They claim they can take care of everything yet say men are not supportive.
5. Women don’t care about what women wear ? Really? Why on earth do they spend thousands on makeup and take 4 hours to get ready for work? And if one dresses up like a sl*t and walk around the streets guess what people are going to call you? If she is not ‘asking for it’, why wear revealing clothes out in public in the first place? Also, women sl*t shame women more than men do, and that’s a fact!
I know this is a standup, but none of the stuff in the video he said was funny. He said he wasn’t pandering women, but that is exactly what he did for 7 minutes straight.I agree that there are bad men out there, but not all women are angels either.
Vir, try being a man first before identifying yourself as a feminist.
"...If she's asking for it, she can just ask for it" - Epic.
If only that were true
@@lmiller1413you have doubt on that?
That's why she was asking for it lmao
"monkeys will give scientists equal rights!" nailed it! you've absolutely nailed who and whom :)
Vir Das has the courage to make you uncomfortable and question the norms, hilariously. His intelligent comedy has you walk away happy, thoughtfully :)
Its not even funny, its just demeaning towards masculinity and putting femininity on a pedestal
@Cat Zack why would he. He's hindu
@@randomlyswatching9481 he is atheist and he is a feminist who degrade women, go read his old tweets he change colour faster than chameleon.
Sometimes I think why was I ever born
This guy is a gem. How can he be so on point while being hilarious af??
Even though I'm a feminist, he was bit cringe here.
@@HemantKumar-id3jg he was doing over. Feminists are hypocrite
Vir Das NEVER disappoints! God-level humour
Andh Bhakt
@@ultimate6243 u
@@ultimate6243 l+bozo+ratio
How bad is your sense of humor? That you think if god himself/herself wrote few jokes they would be equally good if not better.
You know if you start watching good international comedians on just UA-cam you would end up finding atleast 10 better than him in just first 15 minutes.
@@himanshu01123 I never said you can't find any better than him. I appreciate your opinion, it's just that I haven't asked for it, so no need to back up on insults. Calm down
When he started with the monkey and scientists, I thought, "This is gonna be a boring one. ".... But oh maan, you rocked it!! 🥵🔥💯💯
Must admit... I was confused for a while there too
@@csgollum Me 2 😉
He says Men are monkeys holding women back from being scientists. Can you Imagine the backlash he would have got had the sexes been reversed. How exactly is it a man’s fault that women isn’t high achieving, at a time when women have all the power in the world? Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example; most corporations and prestigious schools now have reservations for women and LGBTQ folks, in the name of “Inclusion”. ( So your idea of inclusion is to exclude men altogether?)
1. Racists are running the world? Where is he coming from ? Like what proof does he have to substantiate?
2. 80% of masculinity is BS? Aren’t you tired of being a man? Abso* freaking *lutely not! Yes, it is exhausting to be a man. Because we have to constantly prove our value in society through hard work - only then will you be regarded as a capable person. Women don’t have to do anything and still would be respected. That’s why we have to show strength- Everyday! I don’t exactly walk around the street and beat women to a pulp to show my masculinity. I think that’s Vir’s version of masculinity.
3. A strong handshake, signifies confidence.
4.Why do men have to defend women like they are objects? I don’t think we have to anymore coz women are strong and independent. They claim they can take care of everything yet say men are not supportive.
5. Women don’t care about what women wear ? Really? Why on earth do they spend thousands on makeup and take 4 hours to get ready for work? And if one dresses up like a sl*t and walk around the streets guess what people are going to call you? If she is not ‘asking for it’, why wear revealing clothes out in public in the first place? Also, women sl*t shame women more than men do, and that’s a fact!
I know this is a standup, but none of the stuff in the video he said was funny. He said he wasn’t pandering women, but that is exactly what he did for 7 minutes straight.I agree that there are bad men out there, but not all women are angels either.
Vir, try being a man first before identifying yourself as a feminist.
Well i was going to skip the video
But your comment made me stay
And i must stay
It was worth it
yeah and he had a good point with it, because woman have more right than man, obviously and then he swapped it and made us, man look like we are inferior to woman, a pussyficated man. Simpleton!
You can be a Guru rather than being a comedian.
It appears that you have solved most of the mysteries of life thats why your lecture is that much composed.
Keep it up
He is actually a Guru...rather a terrific one. He doesn't only identifies and unravels the issues, their root causes and the solutions but does so in this sugary caramel candy coating...lesson taught, msg spread while having a great laugh. Tell me anybody who listens to an actual preacher when they preach in their mundane tone 😀
Well life's much more nuanced than that. One doesn't necessariy has to be a guru to share wise thoughts. Comedians are in a way thinkers and Vir is a great one.
He just defined feminism in the most fantastic way.!!
God!! I just feel awesome being a woman after his speech!!
I didn't think he was doing stand up comedy because what he said was the damn true!!
80% masculinity is bs? Men are monkey and women are scientists? Nice Feminism
What an amazing transformation.... Manifestation... His sense of humour is at next level... His confidence... Presentation skills... Speech is incredible
He just said a lot and expressed a lot, only if one really understands 👌🏻👌🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Only if one understands, dude, this wasn't rocket science. Everyone understood.
@@3_16CanOfWhoopAss its cute how much faith you have in the human race. most people did not understand who he was making fun of here.
Stand Ups are the examples that one can be utterly hilarious and still pass the most serious message! 😇
there was nothing hilarious there - just some stupid unreal leftist shit
Women are not trophies to achieve they are souls to carry your whole life and so thankful that he described feminism in a such a way❤
"Racism is very inclusive movement" 🤣🤣🤣
its not, because white race is the priveleged race
Lo es 😂😂
I quoted Vir Das with "A woman wanting to be on the same level as a man is like a scientist dreaming of becoming a monkey" to a bunch of anti-feminists and they had no idea how to react. And that's why its genius. lol
Who asked ?😂
That explains why women have less nobel prizes.
The thing is there is truth to that statement but also his exact words reflect the frustration that all sane Indians feel due to normalised misogyny in India. In a liberal country where women are free and relatively equal to men, these words will just seem over the top and even annoying.
Because of how little sense it actually makes
Which in itself is sexist, saying females are superior to men, imagine the same but comparing men to scientists and females to monkeys. The audience woud bark loudly about it,
I was having a really hard day medically. I needed to sit down after 2 more biopsies today, to try for the 4th time to eat something healthy and get it to stay down. I needed to find something funny, intelligent and capable of distracting my brain from my body. I’m so happy I found you! Video 2 - listening on my speaker outside. I finished my small meal and I feel that little extra courage to trust my instincts and speak my truth. Thank you for sharing your brain with the world.
Hello stranger! Hope you are having a good day. ❤
Wait what, it ended!? 🥺
This was just so DAMN accurate in most of the aspects. Very very well written.
Its not even funny, its just demeaning towards masculinity and putting femininity on a pedestal
LMFAO THE COMMENTS. Misogynistic people bitching about him being a 'woke feminist', misandrist people bitching about him being 'too misogynistic' when he didnt even say anything of that kind. His jokes may be unfunny but great appreciation for being able to trigger both the sides simultaneously
He's just bitching that's his entire show lol
shutup femcel
@@caelestisimperator9829 ShUt Up FeMcEl 🤓 🤓
@@user-go7yi8ye7j bro do you even know the meanings of the words you just threw around?
Simp spotted
Speaking of defending women as objects , I do relate to this. Most of the time, when there is woman harassed, even the kindest man will say things like, YOU DON'T WANT TAHT HAPPENS TO YOUR WIFE OR DAUGHTER, DO YOU? But that is wrong in the first place. Because all women are people with soul, not something to be won as trophies of men.
And yet most women behave and want to be desired as a prize, especially in liberal countries
That's a problem of language 🤦♂️which limits ppl expression. It's so stupid to find something negative in something which is obviously positive
the kindest you have met are not even kind then. Those who are kind simply help out whoever they can without saying a word or waiting for a thanks.
What part of not wanting the same to wife and mom is “WON THEM /SOUVENIR “?
Alright what do you propose as an alternative to that statement? Should we say yeah that should happen to our wife or daughter?
I can't express in words how much I love this vedio, it is pure gold 😂 this makes me feel alive god damn it, this vedio is full of life.
Killed it man , it was fucking hilarious I swear. Absolutely loved it. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to hear more of such genius comedy from you .👏👏👏
U just found it funny cuz he's talking about feminism lmao
"i take a man's hand and kiss it"
~vir das
true if we had this mindset 50% or more of the men would have survived titanic and war in Ukraine and other countries
2:11 this was the funniest part imo
The thing is he is generalizing exception which exist in all cultures....
Vir Das is saying what must be said using comedy as a platform... That's great!
Corporate America might love this guy. Audition to replace Trevor Noah dude. You'll fit right in.
"Asking for it"... Nah dude it's not just an Indian thing.
This is a Hard Slap Of Reality Check With Flavour of Humor!!!! 🔥💯
He says Men are monkeys holding women back from being scientists. Can you Imagine the backlash he would have got had the sexes been reversed. How exactly is it a man’s fault that women isn’t high achieving, at a time when women have all the power in the world? Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example; most corporations and prestigious schools now have reservations for women and LGBTQ folks, in the name of “Inclusion”. ( So your idea of inclusion is to exclude men altogether?)
1. Racists are running the world? Where is he coming from ? Like what proof does he have to substantiate?
2. 80% of masculinity is BS? Aren’t you tired of being a man? Abso* freaking *lutely not! Yes, it is exhausting to be a man. Because we have to constantly prove our value in society through hard work - only then will you be regarded as a capable person. Women don’t have to do anything and still would be respected. That’s why we have to show strength- Everyday! I don’t exactly walk around the street and beat women to a pulp to show my masculinity. I think that’s Vir’s version of masculinity.
3. A strong handshake, signifies confidence.
4.Why do men have to defend women like they are objects? I don’t think we have to anymore coz women are strong and independent. They claim they can take care of everything yet say men are not supportive.
5. Women don’t care about what women wear ? Really? Why on earth do they spend thousands on makeup and take 4 hours to get ready for work? And if one dresses up like a sl*t and walk around the streets guess what people are going to call you? If she is not ‘asking for it’, why wear revealing clothes out in public in the first place? Also, women sl*t shame women more than men do, and that’s a fact!
I know this is a standup, but none of the stuff in the video he said was funny. He said he wasn’t pandering women, but that is exactly what he did for 7 minutes straight.I agree that there are bad men out there, but not all women are angels either.
Vir, try being a man first before identifying yourself as a feminist.
It was just humor
Women aren't superior to men...
This guy literally just said what Tate says but genders reversed and this is reality?
Calling men Monkeys (I guess monkeys created Network, Internet, Surgery, The very concept of Zero, Cars, Computers) and women scientists (yep apparently inventing new ways to wash the dishes is a real scientific glory)
This ain't sexist?
this dude is on a different kind of smart compared to other comedians. kind of like existential kind of smart compared to street smart and quick witted comedians, could relate to his humor and views.
I have seen many Politicians doing comedy with their speech and actions but you're the first comedian doing politics !
I like this guy, he's got an unique approach at comedy, which is hard to find nowadays. He gives off a similar energy as George Carlin
One of my Favourite Stand Up Comedians you are 🥰🔥
@@travellingphysicist Mandalorian?
@@cyber_gypsygaming7452 Like it, I did.
Couldn't have been better Love thisss
Hi Vir, eagerly waiting for new materials.
The beauty of Vir's pieces is I watched it again and again even when I already watched the special few times previously.😅😅
To all who are elated or offended by what he said, I am just reminding you guys that he is just a stand up comedian
He just said whole masculinity is purposeless & lacks self respect. High time.
Vir, Have you ever heard of the term 'Hypergamy'?
Bro they are hypocrite feminazis they don't know facts
Ah, good old incel bs. Put the hammer down so you can see other things than just nails
Thank you so much Vir for these gems.
This person needs to educate our politicians , extreme religious people and others...
This guy is a Gem!
Dude man, freaking beautiful set!!!
Like Sheikh chilli.. he had immensely powerful messages hidden in his jokes. Some says that he was Sufi other says he was philosopher . he is known for his jokes. Vir das is modern Sheikh chilli.
Vir... you are SIMPLY AWESOME! Loved every bit of this piece!!!
He n his senses of humor is just amazing
This guy is too good.
This was great. Pure class. 💙
this video reminds of a famous saying - Reject humanity return to monke
Are you a stand-up comedian not at all you are a good thinker.❤️
👏👏👏👏👏👏❤❤❤❤❤ love him for his take on feminism..I'm a fan of his now
Just like an Indian, intellectual comedy 🥰🥰😍😍making India proud Vir Das...good job man🌸🌸🕊️🕊️
Good one , yes we shouldn't emasculate men , healthy masculinity is important like femininity.
0:02 This is the best definition of FEMINISM ❤❤
Yeah for feminists men are shit and that's the reason men oppose feminism. And still the feminist have the audacity to call you mysoginist after saying all that
5:20 will smith needs to hear this
Incredible man just love it🤜🤘
How am I just now finding this guy? What a gem
wake up to see this masterpiece 😍
Brilliant set !!! Wow
This man has my heart ❤️❤️
That's so witty, cool. ❤
This guy is an author❤️
That was fucking hilarious and so so so witty! Love it ❤️
Bro waiting for ur next Netflix special
Never seen him before. Very refreshing.
Your sets are brilliant... Take on extremely important topics and present it humorously... 🙏🙏🙏
I find it interesting how Vir always succed in adding politics that would get most cancelled.
Waiting for Matt Walsh to react to this video
Brilliant piece of work!
this is ultimate! absolute genius!
I laughed so loud, over and over, I'm afraid I woke up my family (it's 2 a.m. here in Ukraine)
You're amazing!
One day will watch your many live shows.
I Charlie Murphy laughed at 1:20 😂😂😂
2:12 For some reason I hear it with a slight South Indian accent
It sounded like J Sai Deepak's speech.
Becoming the biggest fan of this guy everyday!
Do you believe women are superior than men?
If I say I am feminist you will also become my fan
@@user-go7yi8ye7j Yep, that is why men are traditionally responsible for guiding and protecting. Afsos that has changed.
I just admire your thoughts … great comic ❤️
Vir always love ir content...upload new one man...its been a long day..
WTF. Vir u blew my mind again. I could feel every word in my heart and this was so relatable.
"And thats how I feel about feminism"
"We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women's voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored." - Sheryl Sandberg
They only want the top ones
Women only desire for the top tier positions, where they have to do nothing & they can encash big bucks! Simultaneously they can pretend to be so called strong women & role models for other feminist hippies!
He says Men are monkeys holding women back from being scientists. Can you Imagine the backlash he would have got had the sexes been reversed. How exactly is it a man’s fault that women isn’t high achieving, at a time when women have all the power in the world? Don’t believe me? Let me give you an example; most corporations and prestigious schools now have reservations for women and LGBTQ folks, in the name of “Inclusion”. ( So your idea of inclusion is to exclude men altogether?)
1. Racists are running the world? Where is he coming from ? Like what proof does he have to substantiate?
2. 80% of masculinity is BS? Aren’t you tired of being a man? Abso* freaking *lutely not! Yes, it is exhausting to be a man. Because we have to constantly prove our value in society through hard work - only then will you be regarded as a capable person. Women don’t have to do anything and still would be respected. That’s why we have to show strength- Everyday! I don’t exactly walk around the street and beat women to a pulp to show my masculinity. I think that’s Vir’s version of masculinity.
3. A strong handshake, signifies confidence.
4.Why do men have to defend women like they are objects? I don’t think we have to anymore coz women are strong and independent. They claim they can take care of everything yet say men are not supportive.
5. Women don’t care about what women wear ? Really? Why on earth do they spend thousands on makeup and take 4 hours to get ready for work? And if one dresses up like a sl*t and walk around the streets guess what people are going to call you? If she is not ‘asking for it’, why wear revealing clothes out in public in the first place? Also, women sl*t shame women more than men do, and that’s a fact!
I know this is a standup, but none of the stuff in the video he said was funny. He said he wasn’t pandering women, but that is exactly what he did for 7 minutes straight.I agree that there are bad men out there, but not all women are angels either.
Vir, try being a man first before identifying yourself as a feminist.
"Gender Roles are not social construct. Gender Roles are product of evolution."
Dual Inheritance Theory
@@ultimate6243 We haven't stopped evolving...
The course of evolution can change too...
I love this guy
I acknowledge my laughter on his jokes. Please pass on my acknowledgement to this great comedian.
He always tells the bitter truth of society , becuz of that few felt emotionally damaged... And guess what he don't give a f* about it !!
I just wish the same equality was applied to the women of Ukraine between the ages of 16-60. I wish it was not just the men between those ages who were legally barred from leaving the country because they had to protect it. I always thought that the men standing on street corners catcalling women were always looked down by the society -- by both men and women alike. Never knew such scumbags were the default models of masculinity contrary to the scolding your mother would give you if you hung out with such men. I always though masculinity was in defending your motherland, in storming the beaches of Normandy, in protecting the glaciers of Siachen, or maybe in just working till your back broke trying to provide a stable income for your family. I am glad to have been proven wrong, I hope feminists come to the rescue of the men "trapped" in Ukraine defending their country. -- Just a regular man.
It's not about men vs women,
It's about good men vs bad men. Good men protect their country and their loved ones, bad men do bad things.
Now if you want to argue that why women are allowed to leave then ask about India first.
Indian armed forces are the same, we don't take women in battlefields too.
If you have the balls to criticize your own country then you have the right to talk about Ukraine
You know they will never talk about that. In today’s world, in almost every aspect of life, men are made out and shown to be fools/predators and women superior beings/prey .But the truth is, without men and their masculinity, Humanity would never have made this far. Modern Feminism is all about misandry my friend.
In my opinion, it’s not the gender we should judge but the human being itself.
That call comes from inside your own house. Patriarchy made us believe that men are the strong ones, meant to protect and provide for the family, therefore the ones who fight for their countries. Needless to say, it also made women the weak, inferior ones, whose only role is to be obedient, pretty (but not too much), to care for the children and the house. PATRIARCHY set this system up. That's literally what feminism is battling against. We want rights, opportunities and responsabilities equally and fairly distributed (yes, that also includes the army). People who treat us like we're a man-hating cult or misandric bitches sadly have no idea what feminism is about.
Ukraine? What you don’t have problems closer to home you gotta go to Europe?
my gosh.... what a roller coaster, he's brilliant lol
Everything is so true !
ohh this bit never gets old! so great!
that's enough truth for today. it overdosed me with laugh.
ha ha ha... 😅😂
Really? So 80% masculinity is bs? Why do women want men to step down instead of them competing with men to reach that hieght which men have achieved?🤡
this comedy is powerful
Vir, man!! You beauty...🔥
I have seen the later half in another video... and i love it a lot... 😁❤
If we want we can just ask for it, you Don't need to guess that "she really wants it" you really don't need to !! 😊🙏🙏
Bhai tereko diya harr ek pichla gaali cancel. Bhai bawaal pela tune. Great job 👍👍👍😎😎
Feminists have great talent of raising social issues without providing solutions.
Dreaming unrealisticaly got us this far as humans
His vedios are more likely "Educational" one than "Comedy" to me . 😅
I looooooveeeeee youuu vir daaaassssss......... Whhatttt a gentleman way of thought......! Sarcasam on point... Exact points on pointtt!
Best way to present the it
It was Beautiful ❤️❤️
Just love you Virdas 💕💕