[コラボ] 早稲田のSILSって実際どうなの?| Reality of SILS in Waseda Uni.
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- #SILS #早稲田大学 #国際教養学部
Hey guys ! みなさんこんにちは!今日はわたしが最近clubhouseというアプリで出会った早稲田大学国際教養学部所属のお二人に動画撮影に協力していただきました👏🏻 この撮影時が初対面だったんだけどさすがSILSなのか二人ともコミュ力が高くて面白い動画に仕上がったと思います笑笑 これから国際教養学部に入りたい!興味がある!という方にぜひ参考になればと3人で話し合い、この投稿をしました!もはや準レギュラーのような雰囲気を醸し出している二人との動画をお楽しみください!
海外AOでSILS 受かりました!楽しみ
参考になったらすごい嬉しいです泣 私自身はSILSじゃないけどSILSのお友達はいるので、何か質問があったらぜひ聞いてくださいね!早稲田で待ってるヨォ〜!受験ファイトです!!
国際教養学部興味あったので勉強になりましたm(*_ _)m
Hi there, I’m a student from university of Victoria in Canada. I just received my offer from SILS and I’m planning to head there next spring. Just wondering how often do you get to speak Japanese in this program? Thx:)
hey ! That's awesome!! I'm looking forward to see you in Japan ! Well, often the classes are conducted in English, but there are a lot of students who are fully Japanese. I heard they use both English and Japanese outside of the class so you will get chance to learn Japanese !
Hello :-) I also live in Thailand and I currently go to an international school. I can speak both Japanese (日本生まれ日本育ち) and English fluently. However, due to the fact that I came to Thailand when i was 6, I can’t write a lot of kanjis. I didn’t go to TJAS either so my kanji is really, like really terrible ( ; ; )I was wondering if you HAVE to be able to write kanjis and read kanjis during lectures in Waseda? Also, for the entrance exam do I have to take it in Japanese? sorry for asking a lot of questions D:
I’m still in 中3 so i could study kanji now but I go to a British school so my igcse are coming up and i have mock next month so i don’t really have much time to study for kanjis… I’ve never been to a Japanese school except in kindergarten so I really want to go to a Japanese university 🤧
Hey! Thanks for your comment ! I really get your situation ! It was also hard for me to learn Kanji from the very beginning haha If you go to SILS, they provide lectures in English. However, if you want to learn something in Japanese, I would recommend you to take classes out side from SILS (You can take classes outside SILS even if you are in SILS). For the entrance exam, if you are entering in April, there are lot of exams that requires Kanji. However, if you are expecting September entry, most of the exams are conducted in English. Hope this answer helps!!!!
@@marimosstory711 ahh i see that helped a lot thank you so much! :-)