Dude spot on. The way he can flip and catch is super fast and crisp like Geoff. I noticed to anytime he’s doing any trick with rotation he literally can bring it around and land perfectly straight Everytime. Never over rotates or under. It’s dead center.
skating is not just the video part, it's largely the rough cut the majestic bails, developement of the trick, the homies' hype, and dedication to style are so important in skating. these rough cuts give us a great glimpse into the truth of this artistic medium.
I like seeing how somebody got to a trick more than just seeing the trick just by itself. The struggle (if there is one) is such a huge part of what makes the trick satisfying to land/watch.
This guy makes me realize how important self-sacrifice is in sk8boarding ... I find this feeling in the Bjj / grappling now, it's great. I'm very impressed by Mason, he's huge, his speed, his commitment, the spots he takes, I give him his black belt right away :)
I miss seeing this type of raw style. I personally don’t care for “steezy” shit and lands smoother than Keith Stone. He straight full sends and hangs on, showing how much more gnarly the damn tricks are
8:35 as a dude growing up skating in the 80’s, finding a ditch like that meant pure heaven for the summer and literally skating 20+ miles round trip daily to skate it. Today as I approach age 50, I’ll drive by wayyyy better ditches and wonder “where is everyone??” Appreciate seeing ditches still getting love somewhere EDIT: by wayyyy better ditches I mean the ones we used to enjoy not this one here. This one is money
Half-cab front 50 at 3:38 is fucking insane. Go and try that trick, even on a ledge and you will realize how nuts that is to do on a downrail. I wish the clip didn't feel so buried in the part, I've never seen someone do that on a handrail before.
Mason is gnarly & awesome... so much amazing footage & every bit worth watching! The wheel to rail thump at 25:49 is unreal & the fact that he stuck to it... what a Thrasher! Rail fire for sure & Spitfire is lucky to have him... beyond insane dedication & mental focus!!
Even when Mason battles for a trick, when he lands it it's usually perfect! So many gnarly things in this part and so epic to ser the rough cut of all of the work that he puts in
He is too much in the zone and focused to feel the pain at this moment I guess. Just walks right back to do it again. Pure determination. Very impressive.
I watch this at least 3 times a month. Mason skates with so much power. His style is incredible. I’m all about the late 90’s early 00’ “fresh” style, but Mason is always landing bolts. Looks so good. It looks like he brings a surfer type of style as well. Anyways sick ass part. Sick ass skater. Always rooting for you Mason!
Whenever I see Mason Silva’s name. I know I gotta click on it lol. And I haven’t watched any of these videos in a long while. So now it’s something to look forward to again
Literally skateboard involves pure imagination before even committing. As soon as you visualize each trick in your subconscious. God delivers the flow to the physical form. How COMPLEX. Pure perfection
this rough cut was insane. would have no idea he did that nosebonk while sliding in water or that board slide on louie's board. those type of details remind me how much of a true beast this dude is. wow.
Holy fucking shit. This guy has so much power and he still mixes technical tricks AND STILL HAS FINESSE!! !! WTF!?! WE ALL KNOW HE'S GOING TO GET BETTER TOO WTF?! some people are just gifted I guess.
I lived in a condo and the type of person that would spray mason with water is definitely the kind of person to be on an HOA council and take their shit ultra seriously
If he chooses to stay in San Fran he deserves to have people skating all over his property. He’s probably the type to vote to build a homeless shelter in someone else’s neighborhood.
I saw that kinked rail that he does at the end - its in Inglewood, CA off Brea not far from Launderland coin laundry and Astro burgers. the rail isnt that high, but the gaps in the rail are diesel...Mason Silva is a different breed of skater, he's got the gift
This guy has literally zero fear. Doesnt give a shit he just puts it down no matter what
29:53 That'd be a career ender for moi. Finit.
U cant land shit if u are afraid of failing. When doimg tricks u must think like, i will not fail, i can do it
@@luccu448 straight up!
@@luccu448 that’s goes for skating in general if you’re worried about falling then you’re already screwed just skate and commit
This dude is so fucking crazy good. Easily one of the greatest to step on a board.
He's like if Geoff Rowley and Brandon Westgate had a crack baby.
Such an accurate description lmao
"plot twist" as the internet children say: he was born of Rowley, Westgate, and *BASE* mixed in a tube
Dude spot on. The way he can flip and catch is super fast and crisp like Geoff. I noticed to anytime he’s doing any trick with rotation he literally can bring it around and land perfectly straight Everytime. Never over rotates or under. It’s dead center.
skating is not just the video part, it's largely the rough cut
the majestic bails, developement of the trick, the homies' hype, and dedication to style are so important in skating. these rough cuts give us a great glimpse into the truth of this artistic medium.
rough cuts are arguably better than parts imo
I like seeing how somebody got to a trick more than just seeing the trick just by itself.
The struggle (if there is one) is such a huge part of what makes the trick satisfying to land/watch.
great perspective dude. love that
@@Bojonni absolutely agree
i read that as “majestic balls”
"Never get tired of skating, never"
How can you when you're THIS good
Mans looking rough for 40 though lol.
@@VENGEFULHEXX prolly had sum good stuff you what am sayin
@@VENGEFULHEXX 40?? He’s 24 lmao
This dude is straight class - no fear, no ego, calm under pressure and insanely talented
You know its gonna be a good day when theres a new mason silva rough cut
yesss siiiiiirrr
Cool ass old guy “is he gonna ride the rail” 😂
Lol yeah that guy was mad chill
"You gotta work on your courageeee" he was a dude
@@987heartbeaten7 18:20
you have got to be so jealous of his skills to give him a thumbs down, nerd.
Facts, like Who wouldnt like such a talented Beast, only jelousy
I really dig the style everything looks like something nobody wants to try
Nailed it.
Nah watch the new deathwish if you want to see once in a lifetime gnar gnar
Like every clip you physically cringe knowing what'd happen if they miss
I love how the guy just starts watering his plants after shooting mason
I read this comment before watching the video and was expecting a very different type of shooting lol
Same here
Hahahaha! Yeh
@@charlesjeon6600 No rest for the wicked, Get it while you got it, one bird in two hands is worthy and so on.....
@@wizardjunkie especially in Cali they dont want to waste water.
Man, most of these could be enders. Skateboarding came a looong way fellas
For real dude
Hell yeah it has
I'd say a good 90 to 95% of skaters wouldn't attempt to try most of the things he does.
gnarliest dude in the streets right now, not up for debate...
Milton Martinez exists though
@@glockdookie5231 Milton is more aggressive but less technical spots
This is so gnarly... I’m not even hyped to skate this is just pure madness this guy
I actually prefer watching the rough cut to the part they are so beautiful
The most well deserved SOTY of all time.
Am I the only one that likes watching these rough cuts better than the actual polished/edited parts
Is Mason Silva friends with all of skating?!? His crew at these spots is a who’s who of skate royalty.
The way he throws his board down at 9:31 is my favourite trick of the whole video.
This guy makes me realize how important self-sacrifice is in sk8boarding ...
I find this feeling in the Bjj / grappling now, it's great. I'm very impressed by Mason, he's huge, his speed, his commitment, the spots he takes, I give him his black belt right away :)
Mason is the guy who skates spot that nobody wants to skate, he´s a beast
Mason skates too good, style is immaculate.
I miss seeing this type of raw style. I personally don’t care for “steezy” shit and lands smoother than Keith Stone. He straight full sends and hangs on, showing how much more gnarly the damn tricks are
If Mason weren't a skater, he'd be a professional fighter. That is one tough dude!
Yeah... he'd have an MMA career like CM Punk 😆... he'd do well in WWE, though.
8:35 as a dude growing up skating in the 80’s, finding a ditch like that meant pure heaven for the summer and literally skating 20+ miles round trip daily to skate it. Today as I approach age 50, I’ll drive by wayyyy better ditches and wonder “where is everyone??” Appreciate seeing ditches still getting love somewhere EDIT: by wayyyy better ditches I mean the ones we used to enjoy not this one here. This one is money
These rough cut vids show how hard these tricks really are and the difficulty behind them whereas the finished part, they make skating look easy
Dude had me on the edge of my seat and legs tingling
Never clicked on a video so fast. I LOVE mason silva
been waiting for this since his part released
50% Terminator 50% Punisher=Mason Silva...straight killa
The Silvanator
"That was pretty much a 900" 😂😂
he dont gotta skate that fast bruh well deserved soty
I was thinkin the same thing
Half-cab front 50 at 3:38 is fucking insane. Go and try that trick, even on a ledge and you will realize how nuts that is to do on a downrail. I wish the clip didn't feel so buried in the part, I've never seen someone do that on a handrail before.
His half cab everything is fkn insane... Half cab heel over the rail into that steep bank... The half cab back smith...
While going fucking Mach 10. Well I guess he has to for popping fakie and being able to get onto the rail, but still
@@c1dtl39 das Mach 22 lol
@@pdru4132 that half cab flip over the bump to bar. Absolutely perfect.
@@c1dtl39 HE HAULS!!!!
I’m glad today is my day off. Too bad it’s raining though this is getting me hyped
Mason is gnarly & awesome... so much amazing footage & every bit worth watching! The wheel to rail thump at 25:49 is unreal & the fact that he stuck to it... what a Thrasher! Rail fire for sure & Spitfire is lucky to have him... beyond insane dedication & mental focus!!
Even when Mason battles for a trick, when he lands it it's usually perfect!
So many gnarly things in this part and so epic to ser the rough cut of all of the work that he puts in
5:36 mans just bodied that rail and didn’t say a word or make a sound, just walked off 😨
Bruh man ain’t got a Dick or some shit
He is too much in the zone and focused to feel the pain at this moment I guess.
Just walks right back to do it again.
Pure determination.
Very impressive.
@@hunterbona3946 his balls of steel cratered that rail
because it is not his first time lol
15:34 how can you not love this dude....puts it all out there every single try, emotions run hot, still so kind to everyone around him.
A rough cut is always a treat
Listen brother you have all the respect in the world for this video you actually deserve it♥️🏆✌🏽
Now this is one dude that has learnt the pain of not making it is worse than the pain of committing. Every part he puts out is amazing.
I watch this at least 3 times a month. Mason skates with so much power. His style is incredible. I’m all about the late 90’s early 00’ “fresh” style, but Mason is always landing bolts. Looks so good. It looks like he brings a surfer type of style as well. Anyways sick ass part. Sick ass skater. Always rooting for you Mason!
Those falls on that back blunt were super gnarly. Dude's a warrior
30 minutes of mason silva? Yes please
love the Jerry Hsu sighting he's like that fall wasn't shit lol....
He’s always somewhere on Beverly lmaoooo
Whenever I see Mason Silva’s name. I know I gotta click on it lol. And I haven’t watched any of these videos in a long while. So now it’s something to look forward to again
yo hes my favorite skater honestly every trick he does is the perfect combination of stylish and powerful
Why is this guy so crazy, throwing himself at things with so much speed. Blows my mind
One of the best out there...
What an Attitude!
Much love from Switzerland
This video will go down in skateboard history. Incredible.
Mason is truly a beast. Trick selection, style, skates the gnarliest spots.
I have to just assume that the 46 dislikes were misclicks and they were trying to like the video. Absolutely insane skater.
Rough cuts are the best🔥🔥
After sacking himself hard on the last double rail, he still got back up and landed it like a boss. Respect.
His Skateboarding shows why he's professional. Consistent and on point. Holy shit!
I like Mason and his crew... Good attitude!
7:15 lmao homie was like “look guys i tried”
I love the rough cuts
that half cab heeflip at 4:10 was insane. dude is on a whole different level. earned that SOTY
Hahahahah the man was spraying water on him💦😂😂😂
He knows skaters' greatest weakness... It's super effective
Mason's a fire type
You're so good on your style dude Mason Silva.
Respect 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Seeing the tries makes it even more insane
What I like about this dudes style, is how fast he rides to do his tricks, its awesome
First time seeing this guy skate but I love it how he just sticks to his regular stance mostly but the stuff he pulls off is big and insane!!
Mason goes the hardest, fastest, biggest, longest, gnarliest, cleanest tricks. SOTY 2020!!
Insane. Possibly the most I've seen anyone suffer for a part ever. This is the level skating's at now and it's insane but amazing.
This dude is a beast with a true heart for his art.
well that was absolutely insane. one of the greatest to ever do it.
This dude is unbelievably good god damn. Everything just looks perfect even on the sketchiest spots
13:02 when the gnomes saw you land that gnarly ass trick and they're showing excitement in their own language LOL
Those rough cuts make me more excited to skate than actual video parts.
some of his best takes look like he's not gonna stick it, and that makes it so much better when he does
So much punishment on the body my god, he’s insane
Insane is the only think that is close to even relative to this masterpiece
He’s insane!! Full send with no fear
New favorite skater right here, absolute role model
7:02 check out this family's setup hahaha also just genuinely enjoying the gnar.
Literally skateboard involves pure imagination before even committing. As soon as you visualize each trick in your subconscious. God delivers the flow to the physical form. How COMPLEX. Pure perfection
Fuuuck men this guy is a legend! Such dedication, the tricks are gnarly AF and the spots... bro ur insane congrats u deserve ur SOTY title
this rough cut was insane. would have no idea he did that nosebonk while sliding in water or that board slide on louie's board. those type of details remind me how much of a true beast this dude is. wow.
Holy fucking shit. This guy has so much power and he still mixes technical tricks AND STILL HAS FINESSE!! !! WTF!?! WE ALL KNOW HE'S GOING TO GET BETTER TOO WTF?! some people are just gifted I guess.
No fear!!! Dam man, he goes hard every trick
I cannot imagine anyone else being SOTY 2020 than him!
Incredible,easily one of the best and real treat to see efff.n SHRED sh#t the F UP!! Definitely future legend!
that last rail double rail slide 😮 dude is on another level. my favorite all time is old man Rod mullen, but this dude has become one of my favorites
I lived in a condo and the type of person that would spray mason with water is definitely the kind of person to be on an HOA council and take their shit ultra seriously
If he chooses to stay in San Fran he deserves to have people skating all over his property. He’s probably the type to vote to build a homeless shelter in someone else’s neighborhood.
We did a big ass group cannonball and soaked the old hoa hags at the pool, right after I sold my florida condo. Those nosy bitches were a nightmare.
this inspires me to try the hardest at whatever I do in life
One of the best right now. Let's see how long he can hold on.
I love how he surprises even himself
I saw that kinked rail that he does at the end - its in Inglewood, CA off Brea not far from Launderland coin laundry and Astro burgers. the rail isnt that high, but the gaps in the rail are diesel...Mason Silva is a different breed of skater, he's got the gift
22:13 Free health care enrollments
Easily the gnarliest rough cut ever put out.
Without a doubt one of the best skateboarders in the world.
Like how good is this dude 🔥🔥🔥 insane
Like a Kang-guro! just absolutely made my day.
I counted 2 nollie tricks and no switch tricks and got SOTY because of this video part. Imagine being that gnarly.
Mason is on another level
rough cut's are my favorite skate content
And that right there is why Mason is a SOTY. Insane
15:00 Last try Mason!
Mason: Ight imma head out
That was the Buzzer Beater of Skateboarding
And the 10:21 spot is right off the 95 in vegas down by my old place!
Omg he just gets crazier as it goes on wtf?! Solid brass balls!!!