Ad cenam Agni providi O.P. (Dominica Resurrectionis)

  • Опубліковано 29 бер 2024
  • The vespers hymn during Eastertide.
    Ad caenam agni providi
    Et stolis albis candidi
    Post transitum maris Rubri
    Christo canamus principi
    Cuius corpus sanctissimum
    In ara crucis torridum
    Cruore eius roseo
    Gustando vivimus Deo
    Protecti paschae vespere
    Ad devastante Angelo
    Erepti de durissimo
    Pharaonis imperio
    Iam pascha nostrum Christus est
    Qui immolatus agnus est
    Sinceritatis azyma
    Caro eius oblata est
    O vere digna hostia
    Per quam fracta sunt tartara
    Redempta plebs captivata
    Reddita vitae praemia
    Consurgit Christus tumulo
    Victor redit de barathro
    Tyrannum trudens vinculo
    Et reserans Paradisum
    Quaesumus auctor omnium
    In hoc paschali gaudio
    Ab omni mortis impetu
    Tuum defende populum
    Gloria tibi Domine
    Qui surrexisti a mortuis
    Cum Patre et Sancto Spiritu
    In sempiterna saecula
    The Lamb's high banquet we await
    in snow-white robes of royal state:
    and now, the Red Sea's channel past,
    to Christ our Prince we sing at last.
    Upon the Altar of the Cross
    His Body hath redeemed our loss:
    and tasting of his roseate Blood,
    our life is hid with Him in God.
    That Paschal Eve God's arm was bared,
    the devastating Angel spared:
    by strength of hand our hosts went free
    from Pharaoh's ruthless tyranny.
    Now Christ, our Paschal Lamb, is slain,
    the Lamb of God that knows no stain,
    the true Oblation offered here,
    our own unleavened Bread sincere.
    O Thou, from whom hell's monarch flies,
    O great, O very Sacrifice,
    Thy captive people are set free,
    and endless life restored in Thee.
    For Christ, arising from the dead,
    from conquered hell victorious sped,
    and thrust the tyrant down to chains,
    and Paradise for man regains.
    We pray Thee, King with glory decked,
    in this our Paschal joy, protect
    from all that death would fain effect
    Thy ransomed flock, Thine own elect.
    To Thee who, dead, again dost live,
    all glory Lord, Thy people give;
    all glory, as is ever meet,
    to Father and to Paraclete. Amen.
    Score: gregobase.sela...
    Friars: Stefan Ansinger O.P. & Pier Giorgio Galassi O.P.
    Do you want to support OPChant financially? We always need your help to continue to promote the truth and beauty of Gregorian Chant: www.gofundme.c...
    We thank the church and the Dominican community of Santi Giovanni e Paolo in Venice for their hospitality. en.wikipedia.o...
    The video was recorded in the Rosary Chapel of this Basilica.
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