Our Best WIN in Las Vegas YET!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ProudSlytherin5123
    @ProudSlytherin5123 4 місяці тому +5

    I love how the guy next to you was even getting excited and laughing

  • @mattp9636
    @mattp9636 Рік тому +18

    I love when you get excited for the people next to you!

  • @hollyshafer9701
    @hollyshafer9701 Рік тому +2

    That's was the best video and win I have ever seen and you guys deserve it. That was amazing win and congrats to you guys.

  • @MzzzNettie
    @MzzzNettie Рік тому +4

    So excited for you. That's a win you'll be replaying in your memory for a long time! Congratulations.

  • @traceygilligan1201
    @traceygilligan1201 Рік тому +2

    Crystal and Angel excited mode activated 🎉🥳🤑😅🙌🏽👏🏾 🍾🥂🏆🎊 Congrats

  • @lorene1027
    @lorene1027 Рік тому

    that was AMAAZZZIINNGGG!!! Congrats!!!

  • @diamondglenn6034
    @diamondglenn6034 Рік тому +1

    That was amazing I know that was a wild rush good job angel and crystal

  • @jennajames89318
    @jennajames89318 Рік тому

    My goodness i was so excited for you 2! I couldn't believe how amazing you were doing. In shock how much you won.

  • @carriedonahue4821
    @carriedonahue4821 Рік тому

    Wow congratulations that was such an amazing win and such a fun video to watch

  • @gaylesage71
    @gaylesage71 Рік тому +1

    That was really fun to watch, great job guys!!

  • @lauraspear434
    @lauraspear434 Рік тому

    Best win ever, well deserved. Angel and Crystal so excited for you, 🤩🤩🥳🥳

  • @jadenbrown7424
    @jadenbrown7424 Рік тому +1

    That was INSANE!

  • @dereckperkins
    @dereckperkins Рік тому +1

    Congrats y'all!! The first of many giant wins!

  • @lorriethompson6254
    @lorriethompson6254 Рік тому

    Good job always glad to see you win.

  • @rebeccakoelz380
    @rebeccakoelz380 Рік тому

    This was such an awesome video loved it

  • @ChloeVlogs
    @ChloeVlogs Рік тому +1

    What the heck did I just watch!!! HOLYBUBBACHUCKS ❤

  • @derekbartlett4506
    @derekbartlett4506 Рік тому

    Congratulations amazing win you had me smile god bless

  • @lynnh321022
    @lynnh321022 Рік тому

    Wow, wow, wow amazing win, congrats guys!!!

  • @katiecummings4823
    @katiecummings4823 Рік тому

    Im so excited for you guys. That was so crazy and awesome.

  • @angelaness9658
    @angelaness9658 Рік тому

    That was nice play good job you guys

  • @andrewbetter514
    @andrewbetter514 Рік тому

    Now that game was on FIRE! Congrats! and well do i wanna see you play it again.. Can we get a HELL YEAH !

  • @kristabuerster942
    @kristabuerster942 Рік тому

    That was insane!!! So excited for you!🎉🎉🎉

  • @pennyskelly8657
    @pennyskelly8657 Рік тому +1

    What that was so cool guys and a massive win you deserve it 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 much ❤ guys

  • @noahbundonis
    @noahbundonis Рік тому

    That was incredible! Congrats guys!!

  • @caryeddy6928
    @caryeddy6928 Рік тому

    That was crazy how the wins just kept coming! You should definitely film this game again!

  • @juliapilcher5545
    @juliapilcher5545 Рік тому

    That's amazing! Happy for you both!

  • @lisabaca6793
    @lisabaca6793 Рік тому

    Such an amazing win so excited for you both

  • @jeff1962-y
    @jeff1962-y Рік тому

    Congratulations guys . Thank you for sharing it with us .

  • @paulabroadworth2504
    @paulabroadworth2504 Рік тому

    Love it. Knew that something like this was coming for you.

  • @marioneveni6228
    @marioneveni6228 Рік тому

    😱😱...that was super insane wins. I would love to see this game again. But the amount of money 💰 you guys got..man..that was crazy, but in a good way.
    It was so great that the person next to you guys was excited for your guys' wins, too, and helping you guys out, too. Thank you for sharing this video. I hope you guys have a fantastic day and week, Take care ✌🏾

  • @hollyshafer9701
    @hollyshafer9701 Рік тому

    You really should play that slot again for sure 😃😃😃😃😃😃

  • @trudysmith4273
    @trudysmith4273 Рік тому

    Congratulations 🎊 a well deserved win 🏆

  • @crystalwahpoosywan
    @crystalwahpoosywan Рік тому +1

    Congrats angel and crystal love your vlogs

  • @UrCherryDarling
    @UrCherryDarling Рік тому +1

    Woah that was incredible! Such an epic win, congratulations! I really hope ya'll treated that guy to some dinner or at least a drink because he really hyped ya'll up and I honestly believe that he may be your lucky charm lol

  • @derekbartlett4506
    @derekbartlett4506 Рік тому

    I was so excited for you guys

  • @soongjin123
    @soongjin123 Рік тому +2

    As an experienced gambler I do give advice if you're at 1k immediately take the ticket out because if it gets more than 1200 you have to take taxes out.

  • @Kimberly-sq9bd
    @Kimberly-sq9bd Рік тому

    Congratulations.. This is how your supposed to act. 🥳🥳🥳 You made my day..

  • @StephR1791
    @StephR1791 Рік тому

    Congrats on the huge win guys 🎉🤑

  • @pennyskelly8657
    @pennyskelly8657 Рік тому

    Congrats on your big win 🎉that was amazeballs you guys so deserve that almost a handpay guys you guys just make me smile much❤ 🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @dylanclark4976
    @dylanclark4976 Рік тому

    Congratulations crystal and angel!!!

  • @dndhomecooking6505
    @dndhomecooking6505 Рік тому

    What a great win 🏆

  • @calypsokitty
    @calypsokitty Рік тому

    Wow that was exciting! Congratulations on your win! Your reactions were priceless! 😊

  • @chris420x
    @chris420x Рік тому

    amazing win guys

  • @RobertDoremus-ls1ek
    @RobertDoremus-ls1ek 11 місяців тому

    Congrats big win

  • @mtelab4941
    @mtelab4941 Рік тому

    Congrats. Kinda reminds me of ticket man! 😂

  • @minipyrokamden2324
    @minipyrokamden2324 Рік тому

    That’s so sweet nice win

  • @habbixes
    @habbixes Рік тому

    Congrats on your 1k win

  • @kathleensuhy1875
    @kathleensuhy1875 Рік тому

    Congrats!!! 🎉🍾

  • @supereurobeat
    @supereurobeat Рік тому +1

    I've been watching you both for a long time and this is your best win. I wonder if it all balancing out in the end. But who cares because it's all about the experience.

  • @saraturpin6053
    @saraturpin6053 Рік тому

    That was awesome!

  • @melaniejaneprocter5529
    @melaniejaneprocter5529 Рік тому

    Wow wow wow, wow CONGRATULATIONS 🎊 🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💖💖💙💙XXXXX

  • @BlueYoshi85
    @BlueYoshi85 Рік тому

    Never thought I'd see the day where angel gets out of control with $4 bets lol glad you had the self control to leave at $1k

  • @kimberlys.
    @kimberlys. Рік тому


  • @sharongirlpower8104
    @sharongirlpower8104 Рік тому

    Well done both of you x

  • @kellishuster9788
    @kellishuster9788 Рік тому

    Love all your channels ❤

  • @MelanieBrinegar
    @MelanieBrinegar Рік тому

    I am beyond happy for you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @asian_buttahs
    @asian_buttahs Рік тому

    Wow, what a game!!!

  • @SakibTube
    @SakibTube Рік тому

    Wow. Congratulations 🎉

  • @melindarivera6598
    @melindarivera6598 Рік тому

    Congrats y'all! Everyone watching this, just remember the saying, "The house always wins." is a saying for a reason! You better believe at the end of the year when they do their taxes, they will show a loss on their casino winnings. Not saying this to negate the excitement of y'all's win (that was so cool and so much fun to watch!) Just reminding people that 99.9% of people are going to lose over all. Play responsibly. Angel and Cris, even tho they seemingly spend a lot, are still playing responsibly according to their budget, which might be $200 per video or $500, but their budget can afford that. Just play within your means, that is all ☺️

  • @theshadow5836
    @theshadow5836 Рік тому

    Good one guys

  • @bethkurtz5472
    @bethkurtz5472 Рік тому

    congratulations to both you

  • @tabbycat4606
    @tabbycat4606 Рік тому

    That was awesome 🎉

  • @helenabudrow8648
    @helenabudrow8648 Рік тому

    What a great video

  • @sharondunsmore9768
    @sharondunsmore9768 Рік тому

    Well done.from Scotland

  • @bianca_bn6
    @bianca_bn6 Рік тому

    Wow that’s insane look how much money you guy won this is the game to play best when of your life

  • @rhondacarter81
    @rhondacarter81 Рік тому


  • @LillyBug77x4
    @LillyBug77x4 Рік тому

    WOW just wow!

  • @tobygardner1355
    @tobygardner1355 Рік тому +1

    Pretty sure that voice of the person next to you is extremely familiar

  • @lorieo4197
    @lorieo4197 Рік тому +1

    hey guys did you stop making claw machine videos i miss them and you dont do them anymore????

    • @SlotTime
      @SlotTime  Рік тому +2

      No, we just branched out and made a new channel for another hobby. You can still find our arcade videos on Plush Time Wins.

    • @lorieo4197
      @lorieo4197 Рік тому

      @@SlotTime well that really sucks what about all those million subs you cant walk away from us can you

  • @helenabudrow8648
    @helenabudrow8648 Рік тому

    Good luck

  • @djlamar2
    @djlamar2 Рік тому

    Told ya you'd get a hand pay one of these days :D

  • @eve2924
    @eve2924 Рік тому


  • @nikkimorgan4860
    @nikkimorgan4860 Рік тому

    Yeah 🎉❤🌶️🎉💖🌶️❤️‍🔥

  • @richatwood
    @richatwood Рік тому

    Nice win but Play it again but hit a jackpot on it

  • @jepsea
    @jepsea Рік тому

    Woot woot!

  • @crystalwahpoosywan
    @crystalwahpoosywan Рік тому +1


  • @juanitapalmero5768
    @juanitapalmero5768 Рік тому

    I miss Vegas

  • @diegodominguez8245
    @diegodominguez8245 Рік тому

    Play all slot machine 😊

  • @joangeddes380
    @joangeddes380 Рік тому

    Wow wow wee wow excitement over load well done fantastic win 🎊 🎉 ❤❤❤💙💙💙🤎🤎🤎🤍🤍🤍

  • @teresazurberg893
    @teresazurberg893 Рік тому

    Yahooooo 🎉

  • @Logical
    @Logical 3 місяці тому

    Always walk away after a big win.

  • @Pandora7985
    @Pandora7985 Рік тому

    I once put a 20 in a machine and won a little over a 1000. I played a couple more dollars then cashed out.

  • @g__o__l__d__6673
    @g__o__l__d__6673 Рік тому

    hot tomali

  • @RandemNJ
    @RandemNJ Рік тому

    What in the RNG is this?😮

  • @JennyverseLive
    @JennyverseLive Рік тому


  • @annieralph5538
    @annieralph5538 Рік тому


  • @kevinwillingham901
    @kevinwillingham901 Рік тому

    No more video arcade you guys graduated to the

  • @jasonchampagne3520
    @jasonchampagne3520 Рік тому

    I put a 20 in a machine once and within 10 minutes I walked away with $750.00

  • @aaronparis9304
    @aaronparis9304 Рік тому +1

    Ok, I will start out by saying, I love y’all and your content. I follow three of your other channels not knowing about this one or how many more you have. Anyway, the videos on this channel y’all make very difficult to watch. It’s like y’all go bonkers. You spend $50 and win $4 and get all stupid. I have watched several on this channel and they are all the same. I may not continue following this channel.

  • @thunderbirds3-tv208
    @thunderbirds3-tv208 Рік тому

    Play it again and not just show features