Five Guy is not Spanish Restaurant nor Spanish food! Is like going to Taipei and eat in KFC! Same as eating Asian while in Barcelona! It is fine what you do, but to show it on video is just ridiculous!! There is plenty of authentic Spanish food beside Churros and Pimientos de Padron! instead of having burger or chinese noodle, you should/could try/show us famous Spanish food such as Gazpacho, Paello, Tostas de tomaye y jamon, Pollo al ajillo, Cochinillo asado etc etc! what a waste of opportunity!!!
Hotel的名字是 Hotel Praktik Essens這個是以香氛為主題的, 它還有一個Hotel Praktik Bakery是以烘焙為主題的好像也不錯
精彩的視頻!有關酒店的詳細資訊,請參見視頻中的 1:14。我們可能會考慮在 2025 年 4 月前往 BCN 期間入住 Essens 或 Bakery。問題:從 Essens 出發,最近的地鐵站是什麼,or from Essens location 使用公共交通方便嗎?Thanks from Sacramento
@gbn351 謝謝你的喜歡😘 Essens最近的地鐵站是Passeig de Gràcia,我印象中走路5-10分鐘左右可以看到地鐵站,附近也有很多公車,但因為我們想去的地方大部分是走路跟地鐵能到達的,所以公車我們就沒有研究了~
Five Guy is not Spanish Restaurant nor Spanish food! Is like going to Taipei and eat in KFC! Same as eating Asian while in Barcelona! It is fine what you do, but to show it on video is just ridiculous!! There is plenty of authentic Spanish food beside Churros and Pimientos de Padron! instead of having burger or chinese noodle, you should/could try/show us famous Spanish food such as Gazpacho, Paello, Tostas de tomaye y jamon, Pollo al ajillo, Cochinillo asado etc etc! what a waste of opportunity!!!
這是一個旅行紀錄,多年後,我還想好好回味我當時吃到的、感受到的,當時就是這麼想念亞洲食物,當時就是這麼飢寒交迫,連Five guys都能讓我這麼滿足,我想這一點都不ridiculous, 就像麥當勞都能讓我在巴黎活過來一般。
No worries, you are doing great! Please 繼續紀錄你的旅行!