If it landed more inside the connector it would be a solid smoke. I actually think this will help the CTs because they can just run out to the left or peek the spot that you mentioned.
@@ATPH99PS3 Firstly I just want to say thankyou for sharing your opinion and I appreciate it. I'm glad to see some feedback. My idea behind the way this smoke lands is that it's good for the initial execute to take the site because of how it spreads so you can come down the stairs easier. However I absolutely agree that It isn't as good as one that lands deeper in connector once you have the site for the exact reason you mentioned that it gives the CT's more room to slip out of the smoke I will certainly be making a video on several ways to throw a deeper con smoke for both A and B site
If it landed more inside the connector it would be a solid smoke. I actually think this will help the CTs because they can just run out to the left or peek the spot that you mentioned.
Firstly I just want to say thankyou for sharing your opinion and I appreciate it. I'm glad to see some feedback.
My idea behind the way this smoke lands is that it's good for the initial execute to take the site because of how it spreads so you can come down the stairs easier.
However I absolutely agree that It isn't as good as one that lands deeper in connector once you have the site for the exact reason you mentioned that it gives the CT's more room to slip out of the smoke
I will certainly be making a video on several ways to throw a deeper con smoke for both A and B site