Alco (MEP v-3) engine not cranking
- Опубліковано 21 гру 2024
- मेधा MEP-V3, ALCO लोको में इंजन क्रैंक न करें तो इस वीडियो के द्वारा जाने पूर्ण कारण व निवारण।
इसके अलावा डीजल लोको से संबंधित दूसरी वीडियो देखें नीचे दिए लिंक से देखी जा सकती है
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HHP/GM लोको में मेधा टच स्क्रीन वाली डिस्प्ले यूनिट में विभिन्न ऑपरेशन करने का वीडियो
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• Air Brake Self Test n ...
HHP/GM लोको डबल कैब में इलेक्ट्रोमोटिव ग्राफिकल स्क्रीन वाली डिस्प्ले यूनिट में विभिन्न ऑपरेशन करने का वीडियो
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HHP/GM लोको में मेधा VFD स्क्रीन वाली डिस्प्ले यूनिट में विभिन्न ऑपरेशन तथा air ब्रेक सेल्फ टेस्ट करने का वीडियो
• Air Brake Self Test pr...
HHP/GM लोको सिंगल कैब में सीमेंस वर्टिकल ग्राफिकल स्क्रीन वाली डिस्प्ले यूनिट में विभिन्न ऑपरेशन करने का वीडियो
• Air Brake Self Test in...
Thanks sir you have make it very easy to understand the way engine crank... And why it's not cranking...waiting for your next video
Bot mast अच्छी jankari mili sirji
Superb se v uper
Sir aise hi video banaya kijiye
You are Really very greatful for running staff and very helpful this video thank you sir ji
Thanks Dear
Sab reason aa gye..Thank u sir
Sir aap bahut achha vidio banate he
Thanks Dear
Well done railway officer 🎉
Sir throttle ke bare me jankari de
Sir PLPC AND FPC contactor ek SATH Operated hota hai kya?
No Dear, पहले FPC pick up करता है और जब आप स्टार्ट बटन दबाते हैं तो उसके बाद PLPC पिक अप करता है।
अतः 60 सेकंड पूरे हो जाने पर या 60 सेकंड से पहले स्टार्ट बटन छोड़ देने से PLPC drop हो जाता है।
Very good knowledge for me sir ji.
Thanks Sudhansu
Sir Namaste. W W gov loco mai stop button press karne par gov cluth coil de energies as fuel rake goes no fuel Position. What about MCBG gov loco, when stop button pressed
In the MCBG, there are 7 cards.
Sir achcha samjhaya
Sir isme Alarm push Button lga he..Iska actual use kya he
Engine crank karvane se pehle, teen baar bell ko bajaya jaata hai, alert karne ke liya ki engine start hone ja raha hai
Very nice information GURU JI
Thanks dear
Sir I find a ALCO locomotive fitted "Distributed power control system" screen.what is function about this.
This is a optional feature in MEP Ver 3.0 locos. Have you ever heard about long haul trains. This feature is especially for that. In this feature other locos can be controlled remotely through frequency. In remote locos there is no any requirement of crew.
Remote loco can be attached in between the formation or in the rear of formation. Remote loco is coupled with formation or leading loco mechanically and pneumatically only not electrically. All the controlling is through leading loco remotely.
Yes sir dpc switch work for when more than one loco is attached, it is mainly used in hill section to overcome gradient.. but it's fitted mainly in wdg4d i didn't seen this dpc switch in alco loco.
Sir one more question when u touched electrical components of alco r u 100% sure we won't get electric shock
And sir to operate ckc in manual we have to take permission frm shed or not?
Sir 1mint tak start button ko daba kar rakhne par mep loco crank hona suru karta hai?
Superb, please do the same for HHP loco sir
Very knowledgeable sir
U r best
Thanks dear
Very useful
संगीत की आवाज कम करेंगे तो शब्द साफ सुनाई देंगे |
Thanks sr ji
Very nice sir ji
Thanks Dear 💓
Sir I notice wdp4 or wdg4 i,e GM locomotive feed pipe pressure gauge not provided why
Good Question, in previous days these locos haven't FP gauge BC'S there is no any role of feed pipe in CCB (knorr bremse) brake system. But now a days every loco is equipped with feed pipe gauge is provided to know the FP pressure availability in loco.
Wdp4d locomotive alerter bypass procedure explain sir
Good there is no provision to isolate alerter because as per instruction of RDSO, option for VCD bypass is being deactivate through software.
Very good
Good information,guruji
Great job sir
V good sir
Nice sir vedio
Very good sir
Very helpful
Can change Ka video banaye sir ji
Ho good
Superb sir nice video
Thanks dear
Thanks dear
Thanks Dear 💞
bahut achha sardari bally bally
Thanks Choudhary sahib
Thanks 🎉
Nic vedio
Thanks dear
Utam ati Utam
Thanks Dear
Video me music add krna jaroori tha faltu
Very good sir ji
Thanks sirji
Thanks sir