All the serials of your kannada channel have lived much more than lives.I am afraid what if every lady in the house wants to follow either Varsh or Yeshoda of your great Amrutha varshine serial.Analytical discussion that starts in our house generally ends up in a heated unpleasant argument. Sir,my honest request is that you find a way out to conclude them at the earliest in the larger interest of the women who are being harassed endlessly.
Skuntala shantala good understanding
Nanage kopa bandaga maneli jagala Aadaga i episododthini manasu nirala Aagiths
Heart touching
All the serials of your kannada channel have lived much more than lives.I am afraid what if every lady in the house wants to follow either Varsh or Yeshoda of your great Amrutha varshine serial.Analytical discussion that starts in our house generally ends up in a heated unpleasant argument. Sir,my honest request is that you find a way out to conclude them at the earliest in the larger interest of the women who are being harassed endlessly.
I episode nodi kannalli niru bantu
Edaravai nodi tunba kalitive
Matthomme eee siriyal beku. Bere thara ede story aki