I don't get why so many people are complaining about this. Riot just gave us a beautifully done explanation of the new lore of Shurima, and everyone seems to hate it for some reason. Do you guys have any idea how much freaking work went into this? The 3D modeling for the exquisitely done stained glass sections, the art that was worked on for hours on end, blending the many shadows and coloring strands of hair. People put their heart into creating this, and now it's just being scoffed at...
Don't forget how long it is to write the story and stuff for it. They're basically rebooting the lore. A process that takes a lot of time and creativity. People are just never satisfied. Nobody gets that these don't take a week to make. They take a very long time over a very elaborate process.. :/
DorkATex They are rebooting the lore in a way that will ultimately no sense because of the way the game is constructed. "Oh yeah, uh they come back to life (for no reason) repeatedly when on top of this mountain place called Dingus's Rift, and they also can use these two abilities I just made up called Flash and Ignite because GOD WILLS IT." Removing summoners means you basically have DotA without the ANCIENTS, which is how DotA explains everything (The Ancients are gods trapped in orbs). And unless Riot wants to deal with the backlash they either have to steal that concept or just bullshit their way through it and do 2x as much work as before rather than just leaving League of Legends as a way of getting action heroes to fight and settle political disputes. In short, they took the League, and now we just have some Legends fighting in the middle of buttfucking nowhere for no reason. RIOT showing its competence as always.
lost lanius In fact, they are seen as demigod characters by normal people due to their immense power. Lore based, ascendants are one of the most powerful races in the league universe, only compared to the original iceborn (not Ashe or sejuani, but yes lissandra) and the frozen watchers. But even being an extremely powerful creature, ascendants like azir or nasus are surpassed by xerath.
werta600 Good theory but why would Xerath be stronger? He stole his ascension and his body was mutilated as a result. He is probably just as strong but the power that would normally go to the body instead amplified his arcane power maybe. In the old lore he and Brand and possibly Anivia was clearly the most powerful in LoL, but now Xerath's "prison" is an armor, part of him. That's what he looks like, he wouldn't be more powerful if he "broke out" because the armor is part of him in this lore.
+spongeyspikes09 just farm.. dont engage in early game just poke. in clash, just stay behind your 2nd skill and 1st can reach the enemy dont dive in :)
So easy play bruh, squishy at the beginning.. but make sure you dodge those range attacks and your jg constantly ganks so you can farm. Dont use your mana so fast just use W and leave it there around the minions. When you are enged near your turret by combat, use ult faci g turret and push him to your turrt. if not mear your turret, push him away from you amd go opposite direction. You are fucked by teleporting people. Like Zed, Yi, that Flower lady that blinks at you.. anyone. You will certainly die from Teemo.
not to mention rn his ult acts as normal terrain after deploying, the nerf of his range, his soldiers, his entire kit aside from his e that i think was buffed wiht more shield, ohh how the mighty have fallen in game
Necrit made a video about what would happen if Azir didn't die and apparently Azir would've united the ascended because without him dying, the rest of the ascended wouldn't have become Darkin therefore preventing the Darkin wars and so Azir would've taken over Runeterra for a period of time. If i remember correctly, eventually either the Freljord gods or Mordekaiser or someone else stops his advance.
See world thats what comes out of a good Free To Play Title. When League of Legends started they had some good artworks and all the focus on the game mechanics. Then they could proceed with a good concept and a good backup from community to get a deal that made them becoming one of the worlds biggest competitive eSports titles! Now After 5 Years they can build a Lore in Cinematic format that even competes with Blizzard! Continue like this Riot! I dont regret any payment by now!
Not trying to put down Riot or anything, but Blizzard's cinematics are way out of this world when compared to any of these. There's just no competition.
And the most amazing thing on this video is, that the Nasus himself talks about the Azir. That his the greatest in Shurima. Wow, this Azir must be OP as hell, if Nasus say so :>
I like lore is now being told with official videos. I feel the lore more when I can see it than just reading blocks of text. One thing that turned me off was that Azir isn't actually a bird originally, but then does that mean people become animals when they ascend? That would mean both Nasus and Renekton were human before as well. How come Xerath didn't ascend into an animal? Also, that would make cool ideas for skins for the 4 (pre- ascension Nasus, Renekton, Azir and Xerath). I'm also loving the end shot of Shurima being rebuild with the giant sun disc just hovering there. Looks monstrously huge!
I think telling the lore through videos like these helps players get more of a feel of what the champion is like other than through gameplay. Personally i think this video made me a whole lot more interested in Azir. Idk how to describe it but Azir just looks and seems more epic after this video. And damn Shurima looks so awesome!
It was explained that in the Q&A that Xerath is actually a failed ascended, and that more of his lore would be revealed later. Hopefully, his in-depth retcon will make him out to be more than just a basic power hungry vilain...
In Azir case, he turned into bird, due to now Shurima (and Runeterra aswell) facing a new dire threat (Xerath and Renekton being released). For Xerath case, they weren't in danger at that time and thus the Ascension of his did not turn him into an animal like the other. This would've happen to Azir as well if he took it instead of Xerath.
Them 3 are animal 'cause they're from Egyptian Mythology, they're Anubis (Nasus), a Crocodile God that i can't remember what's his name (Renekton) and Ra (Azir, that is was he's the emperor). Xerath's just a complement, or maybe Riot was thinking about a powerful priest or mage, but I don't think so.
he always was a bird man. Same that Nasus and Renekton always were as they are. They are modeled after Egyptian gods, there never was a time "before he became a bird"
TheInferno3210 ...Not sure if this is a troll, but I'll play along. All Ascended characters used to be regular humans (this includes Nasus and Renekton as of their lore change). If you look closely at from 2:00 until the ritual is done, he clearly has a human form (although it's shadowed for some weird reason).
TheInferno3210 Wrong. All were men in the new lore. Then when they ascended they gained animalistic attributes. Except Xerath who went into magus overdrive.
I'm really glad you guys are coming back to the lore. I miss Journals of Justice still, but they've been knocking it out of the ball park lately. On a more shameful note, please watch my League vids and help me feed my 20 starving children.
RIOT, hands down, you guys have best cinematics, unique and always with own style and techniques of art, it's just amazing, love it! Keep it up! I wish to know this guys in behind the scene !:)
Tony Montana Now this is the new take on lore Riot should take :) "I didn't have to go easy on you. A different combo, another reset. I want you to remember that. In all the years to come, in all your private moments, i want you to remember the one person who beat you" - Katarina to Garen
Would be awesome if they made a new Summoners Rift type map that's Shurima. Nearly identical set up, but the difference it's the City instead of Summoners Rift.
if you want to modify your map you can go on yurixy works that's what i did and now my summoners' rift is has sunset beach theme i love it , so much sand
It'd be pretty sweet if every match had a random theme, but look at how long it's taking them to release the new map coming out (Though I'm pretty sure it's just gonna be at the change of seasons) I think if every time you play, the map generated was randomly one of five themed maps, that'd be badass. I have some specific ideas: Freljord theme (Lots of ice and poros! Just decoration of course), Demacia vs Noxus (I think this is what they tried to go for with the default?), Bandle City (Little yordle constructs in the jungle), Shadow Isles and Void (Basically just a creepy ass map like the Twisted Treeline), Piltover vs Zaun (With ridiculous machinery everywhere, with one side being steampunk and the other side being Zaun-ish evil science and such) This would be REALLY AMBITIOUS to say the least. Each map would have to 'work' in terms of abilities being easily seen and champs being differentiated etc., each jungle creep would have to be different aside from Dragon and Baron (Probably), they'd have to make the team colors Red v Blue regardless of theme and make it work to some degree, and every corner needs to look visibly accurate to where you can walk, while being identical to each other theme's paths. It'd be a crap ton of work but it'd look badass with a lot of payoff.
Just after this kinda "cinematic" thing, i realized that league will certainly be bigger than any game ever made. It already has a huge Esports scene, but when riot decides to push some lore into the concept of league, it can even reach the incredible heights of Blizzard's games or such. I'm looking forward to it. :D
I'd honestly say League has surpassed the likes of Warcraft and Diablo franchises, and it's got a much bigger player base world wide than Starcraft or WoW. The latter 3 are all at the top of their respective genres, but I'd say overall League is actually at a higher height than anything Blizzard's released at this point.
Thejewishpeople gotta agree. wow is the pinnacle of mmo genres as is starcraft for the rts genre. and league sits ontop of its throne as the pinnacle of the moba genre. However its seat isnt as secured as wow's (whos only real competition is guild wars 2 but theyre not even close) or starcrafts as i believe dota 2 is a close 2nd. i dont mention diablo since i believe PoE (path of exile) surpassed it in terms of arpg.
Thejewishpeople Not really. LoL hasn't become a religion to the Korean ppl like Starcraft is right now rofl.. And that won't really change anytime soon considering LoL is no where near Starcraft's mechanical skill and all that APM shenanigans which Koreans jizz all over for. On a serious note, Dota is at an odd competition with LoL, considering LoL playerbase is drastically larger than Dota, but at the same time drastically smaller with resources when it comes to the competitive scene. LoL: 8.5 millions players w/ a 2 million prizepool, Dota: Around 1.2 million players w/ an average of 12 million prizepool. Because of that, Dota is currently and has more potential to draw in more pro players and attention. So unless LoL somehow uses its larger player base to expand the competitive scene, its going to fall behind eventually.
omg this is the best video i have ever seen in my history as a dota player. I watched this video about 20 times and i know every single word in this cinematic now. would watch again 10 times. Even my friends loved it
I don't see what everyone is complaining about. This is by far one of the most awesome things Riot has ever done. I hope they do things like this for all new champs (though that would be a lot of work and people complaining about the time it takes to release new champs) so you get a better view of their background, that way you could understand their lore, quotes etc.
Lukas M. To be serious, who really cares for the lore? It's nice to have and it's good that riot puts some effort into it, but it's not really nessecery besides to establish characters
Totally agree you with you RandomTacklez , really looking forward to see what Rito has in store for us! Lukas M. They didn't kill all the lore just for this 2-part animation y'know?
They reshaped xeraths personality this is just as bad if not worse as what they did to viktor. Oh well atleast it took like 3 champs to bring xerath down.
Idk if Azir would be available in URF unless they disabled half of his passive. Since there's 80% CDR in URF, and he and his soldiers gain attack speed with his CDR percentage, he'd be ridiculously op. I haven't played with him so idk if the soldier storage in his w decreases as it levels, but a base recharge of 11 seconds, activated soldiers lasting 9 seconds, and storing up to two seems pretty good already. Actually it seems like his entire kit is broken for URF.
I truly love these lore videos, and even the promotion videos. It's just so freaking cool to see our champions reacting "in game", or to see a part of their lives through those videos. Just awesome. There are things riot fucks up on but these videos? nah man, they're just great. I r8 8/8 m8 it's gr8
If only they can make the gameplay graphics as good as this. Map and gameplay gives you a feeling that the heroes are fighting on your garden/backyard.
This World of Runeterra needs a Game-Implementation - and i dont talk about a MOBA i talk about a Full-Scale-Open-World-Game! With Demacia, Noxus, Shurima, Freljord, Bandle, Piltover and more! ... What an amazing imagination! *.* :D
League of Legends logic: champions, have lores, lives, business and else, but spend all their time fighting in some tiny arena of clusterfuck and massacre. For example Azir instead of ruling his empire again goes to Fields of Justice? O_O
League of legends is a game which solves problems to avoid war is what i have heard. Example: 1 country wants to take over another instead of attacking that country they are going to the fields of justice.
I think it's pretty much the same with what they did with Freljord when they released Lissandra,so there'll most likely be more Shurima in the not-too-distant future
***** Kind of left out Renekton, Nasus' brother, along with Xerath, Rammus, and Skarner. Cassiopeia, Amumu, and Ezreal also have ties to Shurima in their lore, though they are not from the place.
Ok Riot, you over did it..... I was so on the train of Azir and changing the lore of those champs, but you just created a champ with an Empire with thousands of soldiers... I though Azir would have a quest to Ascend, but this is way to lore changing op new Empire! Lore wise what will you make of Demacia and Noxus having an giant empire with an HUGE army (of sand?) surging of no where?
He only cares of raising shurima from the sand and now of sivir as well. If any of the other factions pose a threat to that goal he will use deathly force but if they dont he will leave them alone.
Well atleast it is not like dota, the bloody creater of that world is fighting there, also there is a demon who is feared by other demons. That stuff is insane.
I think in the end the cinematic shows what Shurima used to be like before it got destroyed; so the image in the end looks like the memory or the dream of the emperor correct me if I'm wrong :)
wellcho0 actually good point...it looks much more sense rather then out of no where you got thousands of troops and bird guy turns to be greatest ruler...
Imagine Nasus talking about this lore while farming all those minions.
+Yuwen Taiji
*Lane opponent throws spell
"Hey! I'm trying to read a story here! Now where was I?"
+Andy Li Better yet
"Lane opponent throws spell"
"Uses E"
"Hahah yea fuck you too im not in farm mode anymore its storytelling mode"
+Andy Li (Egg Roll) It would be more of something like this:
"And so... (sound of dying champion)...Azir was reborn!"
+Bartek Sojka use the Wilhelm scream
+Yuwen Taiji ROFL
Nasus' voice is like pure gold waves of sound to my ears, i could sleep for a week just listening to his platinum voice
VexxLoL i like more diamond
GamerPro0728 either way, his voice tops Markiplier's voice but can be compared to Morgan Freemans
+VexxLoL The older one was even better, rip voice actor
Stroppi93 Agreed, it's a shame that he couldn't be there to see his rework :(
***** yea Nasus is narrating Azir's story
I don't get why so many people are complaining about this. Riot just gave us a beautifully done explanation of the new lore of Shurima, and everyone seems to hate it for some reason. Do you guys have any idea how much freaking work went into this? The 3D modeling for the exquisitely done stained glass sections, the art that was worked on for hours on end, blending the many shadows and coloring strands of hair. People put their heart into creating this, and now it's just being scoffed at...
Don't forget how long it is to write the story and stuff for it. They're basically rebooting the lore. A process that takes a lot of time and creativity. People are just never satisfied. Nobody gets that these don't take a week to make. They take a very long time over a very elaborate process.. :/
DorkATex They are rebooting the lore in a way that will ultimately no sense because of the way the game is constructed.
"Oh yeah, uh they come back to life (for no reason) repeatedly when on top of this mountain place called Dingus's Rift, and they also can use these two abilities I just made up called Flash and Ignite because GOD WILLS IT."
Removing summoners means you basically have DotA without the ANCIENTS, which is how DotA explains everything (The Ancients are gods trapped in orbs). And unless Riot wants to deal with the backlash they either have to steal that concept or just bullshit their way through it and do 2x as much work as before rather than just leaving League of Legends as a way of getting action heroes to fight and settle political disputes. In short, they took the League, and now we just have some Legends fighting in the middle of buttfucking nowhere for no reason. RIOT showing its competence as always.
So fucking true. This fairytale has no sense now.
Who said they were removing summoners from the lore?
Ketamine Riot themselves
After the success of arcane, i hope riot decide to tap into the potential of shurima lore wise, most of my fav characters are from Shurima.
The piltover/Zaun story isn't over yet
they will eventually, because those hextech crystals originate from shurima
would much rather see ionia vs noxus. shurima is so random
Not before noxus
Imagine being lost in the desert, just wandering, and a giant city suddenly rises up from the sand
“Man, I gotta stop drinking cactus juice…”
@@OhioUltimate979 i choke in my water hahaha lmfao
"As Sivir lies betrayed and bleeding, something incwedible occurs."
Nasus has such accent...
Something "incwedible" aiueqieuhqiufvhqeiu
i lost it
That was absolutely gorgeous. Stunning artwork and narration, I applaud the Riot team for all of the hard work put into this.
yo how have you been after 6 years
Nasus the new Morgan Freeman
Daniel Scarpaci Look up "Azir Voice" on youtube. Then tell me that's Azir.
Daniel Scarpaci Ooh, rekt!
Daniel Scarpaci Wrong. look up the first video. When Renekton comes out of the Tomb he says "The brother, i loved and locked away" -> Nasus.
Daniel Scarpaci You, are some form of idiot.
Lol he deleted his stupid comment XD
Wow, nice
thats was cool i love everything omg
anime would be the best thing
no movie, a series, a series of every tale of every champion and then then make a movie. i would pay for it a thousand times..
The city of Shurima became League of Legend's version of Atlantis.
shurima is ancient egypt bro
@@Assassinclips yeah, but it was a lost city.
@@xxninjasansxx4684 a ancient city in the desert sounds nothing like the atlantis
@@teemomain1238 have you heard of the Atlantis of the Sands... yeah the what they're referring not the stereotypical Atlantis
@@VeganAncientDragonKnight sounds like the stereotypical Egypt lol
How powerful do you have to get to revive an empire by simply waking up? o.o
Mike Litoris 5 powerful maybe 6
those lights and him becoming a bird was some all powerful force "ascending" him, so he's like a demi-god
lost lanius In fact, they are seen as demigod characters by normal people due to their immense power.
Lore based, ascendants are one of the most powerful races in the league universe, only compared to the original iceborn (not Ashe or sejuani, but yes lissandra) and the frozen watchers.
But even being an extremely powerful creature, ascendants like azir or nasus are surpassed by xerath.
werta600 Good theory but why would Xerath be stronger? He stole his ascension and his body was mutilated as a result. He is probably just as strong but the power that would normally go to the body instead amplified his arcane power maybe. In the old lore he and Brand and possibly Anivia was clearly the most powerful in LoL, but now Xerath's "prison" is an armor, part of him. That's what he looks like, he wouldn't be more powerful if he "broke out" because the armor is part of him in this lore.
Mike Litoris But not enough powerful to defeat xerath :DDDD
I'm shocked on how real this looks, incredible work
hug! she! we are going to be the best way fudge! hey. might Jr my ilk I was in the industry and a lot more to do
Aren't you like HexaVision?
why is every cool looking champ always the hardest to play
+spongeyspikes09 Not that hard for me though
Seth Valencia any tips?
+spongeyspikes09 just farm.. dont engage in early game just poke. in clash, just stay behind your 2nd skill and 1st can reach the enemy dont dive in :)
So easy play bruh, squishy at the beginning.. but make sure you dodge those range attacks and your jg constantly ganks so you can farm.
Dont use your mana so fast just use W and leave it there around the minions.
When you are enged near your turret by combat, use ult faci g turret and push him to your turrt. if not mear your turret, push him away from you amd go opposite direction.
You are fucked by teleporting people. Like Zed, Yi, that Flower lady that blinks at you.. anyone.
You will certainly die from Teemo.
Azir : If I can't save this one girl, how can I become Hokage!
@@sn4ke16 Ohh so true. I missed that.
Azir the emperor of Nerfs...
his knockup ._.
+PersianWarlock And bugs
not to mention rn his ult acts as normal terrain after deploying, the nerf of his range, his soldiers, his entire kit aside from his e that i think was buffed wiht more shield, ohh how the mighty have fallen in game
So true it hurts
If in the lore, azir can have infinite soldiers to command at his will, he can defeat the whole noxus empire by his own, imagine that
Every single Ascended is a legitimate world-class threat on his/her own.
The main reason why Targon had to intervene to stop Darkin Wars.
Necrit made a video about what would happen if Azir didn't die and apparently Azir would've united the ascended because without him dying, the rest of the ascended wouldn't have become Darkin therefore preventing the Darkin wars and so Azir would've taken over Runeterra for a period of time. If i remember correctly, eventually either the Freljord gods or Mordekaiser or someone else stops his advance.
@@DragonCaptain I really wish that happened...
They have one advantage: strategic brain power.
Who’s here after watching the Legends of Runaterra cinematic?!
Why not me ?
The name of Azir shall once again CRACK THE SKY
See world thats what comes out of a good Free To Play Title. When League of Legends started they had some good artworks and all the focus on the game mechanics.
Then they could proceed with a good concept and a good backup from community to get a deal that made them becoming one of the worlds biggest competitive eSports titles!
Now After 5 Years they can build a Lore in Cinematic format that even competes with Blizzard!
Continue like this Riot! I dont regret any payment by now!
***** "trashed" they retconned it to give themselves more creative freedom to produce stories like this
Not even close to Blizzard or Square Enix lol
***** Why reinvent the wheel? ;)
Play more video games.
Not trying to put down Riot or anything, but Blizzard's cinematics are way out of this world when compared to any of these. There's just no competition.
This shit needs movie
+Orcaluv26 why fizz lol
+Фаик Тагиев ayy lmao
League of Legends (the Movie) - And the Emperor of Shirima
As a Nasus main, I loved that he was narrating the story but I hated not seeing him animated!
+Gor Vkhkryan he was afk farming top
+Gor Vkhkryan is it only me, that can see Nasus free farming top while Narrating this clip?
+SinOfDisaster "Oh hey, I didn't see you there" *Q farm noise* "Here for a story?" *E activation noise* "Well..."
mee to
He got animated now
And the most amazing thing on this video is, that the Nasus himself talks about the Azir. That his the greatest in Shurima. Wow, this Azir must be OP as hell, if Nasus say so :>
Well... He is just a libarian. Compare to an emperor, he is really 'nothing'. (joke)
I almost cried at the end. Holy shit
Do you have the emotional capacity of a teaspoon? Holy shit this stuff is so amatuer.
Hahaha, that's pathetic
youtube community: "you have emotions, that makes you gay".
Damo445 maybe he cried laughing?
If you get emotional at this you need to strongly consider counseling.
I like lore is now being told with official videos. I feel the lore more when I can see it than just reading blocks of text.
One thing that turned me off was that Azir isn't actually a bird originally, but then does that mean people become animals when they ascend? That would mean both Nasus and Renekton were human before as well. How come Xerath didn't ascend into an animal? Also, that would make cool ideas for skins for the 4 (pre- ascension Nasus, Renekton, Azir and Xerath).
I'm also loving the end shot of Shurima being rebuild with the giant sun disc just hovering there. Looks monstrously huge!
I think telling the lore through videos like these helps players get more of a feel of what the champion is like other than through gameplay. Personally i think this video made me a whole lot more interested in Azir. Idk how to describe it but Azir just looks and seems more epic after this video.
And damn Shurima looks so awesome!
Xerath failed his ascencion
It was explained that in the Q&A that Xerath is actually a failed ascended, and that more of his lore would be revealed later. Hopefully, his in-depth retcon will make him out to be more than just a basic power hungry vilain...
In Azir case, he turned into bird, due to now Shurima (and Runeterra aswell) facing a new dire threat (Xerath and Renekton being released). For Xerath case, they weren't in danger at that time and thus the Ascension of his did not turn him into an animal like the other. This would've happen to Azir as well if he took it instead of Xerath.
Them 3 are animal 'cause they're from Egyptian Mythology, they're Anubis (Nasus), a Crocodile God that i can't remember what's his name (Renekton) and Ra (Azir, that is was he's the emperor).
Xerath's just a complement, or maybe Riot was thinking about a powerful priest or mage, but I don't think so.
I can't believe this is 7 years ago already.
so shiny. This is like Ra
Hi there, I see that you like LoL too? :o
Ra wanted to be a champion too
Kervin Jame Gordola Ra is an Egyption God before he is from Yu Gi Oh :P
Azir dares not dream: "Save the cheerleader. Save the world."
Who else still comes to watch this even now ?
Me bc I miss the sand map
Because I love Azir
I'm starting to main azir so yes
2:30. Sivir resurrected into... Gal Gadot.
well doesn't Sivir have a wonder woman inspired skin? seems fitting tbh
I'd imagine that's kinda like what she would look like in real life, just a little bit more muscular.
Its not Sivir tho, Its Azir who ascended for saving Sivir.
This video was stunning that emprire shot at the end was insane
Dat Nasus voice... Ah.. Its perfect ♥
And here comes Katarina :"Double kill!"
SydneyStreets Bring on Rule #34....
+SydneyStreets Abso-fucking-lutely.
+SydneyStreets you mean wonder woman right? sivir's just a fake ass copy
+Alvis Nguyen What in the actual fuck are you talking about bro? What makes her a fake ass copy?
+SydneyStreets aatrox puts his hand in her....
A skin of Azir before he became a bird would be pretty cool. :)
he always was a bird man. Same that Nasus and Renekton always were as they are. They are modeled after Egyptian gods, there never was a time "before he became a bird"
TheInferno3210 ..What? But when he was receiving the power he was human with a Jamaican hair...
TheInferno3210 ...Not sure if this is a troll, but I'll play along. All Ascended characters used to be regular humans (this includes Nasus and Renekton as of their lore change). If you look closely at from 2:00 until the ritual is done, he clearly has a human form (although it's shadowed for some weird reason).
TheInferno3210 Wrong. All were men in the new lore. Then when they ascended they gained animalistic attributes. Except Xerath who went into magus overdrive.
kiandymundi Skin material much
2:50 who fed Azir?
O M lol
This CGI (especially the crystal reliefs) is amazing. Hat's off to whoever did this, this is a masterpiece of a work:)
League of Legends: The Empire Strikes Back
and now Shurima has returned!
I'm really glad you guys are coming back to the lore. I miss Journals of Justice still, but they've been knocking it out of the ball park lately.
On a more shameful note, please watch my League vids and help me feed my 20 starving children.
Have a grand evening everyone.
makes a relevant positive post then proceeds to plug his channel timez are hard
Nebi Mekonnen Gotta do it for the keedz. Having a crippling addiction to booze is cruel.
you know whats funny to me, my summoner name is shinanaghins and you have shenanigans in your name
hbarkus 'Tis a magical word in all manners of spelling, friend!
Man, if nasus were to read you a bed time story, you would already fall asleep at "Once upon a time"
An order has been given.
Trust in my vision
you need not follow but you must witness
shurima lives in me
i will return shurima to greatness
The name Azir will once again crack the skies
and now taliyah is on her over there gj riot
Still freaking fantastic after 5 years. Shurima is just so rich, there is so much to explore. Can't wait for Shurima to join LoR!
Then Noxus rushes towards Shurima, and the giant sun disk does shit damage. They're all obliterated.
meanwhile Phreak in the background saying:
tons of dmg.
told ya
MrPaksh dont go to the darude-est way :D , and you will be okay
RIOT, hands down, you guys have best cinematics, unique and always with own style and techniques of art, it's just amazing, love it! Keep it up! I wish to know this guys in behind the scene !:)
Report Sivir for feeding.
Report Idot Tzoar for verbal abuse.
Report neo khing chee for assiting enemy team.
All reported. Wait for tribunal. You're welcome.
Report this guy too pls.
OverdosedDrop honored.
Russel Crowe to Azir:
"You can save her. You can save them all"
"You think your daughter is safe (Sivir), I will find her, I WILL FIND HER!!" - Xerath
Tony Montana Now this is the new take on lore Riot should take :)
"I didn't have to go easy on you. A different combo, another reset. I want you to remember that. In all the years to come, in all your private moments, i want you to remember the one person who beat you" - Katarina to Garen
jeez, i just posted the exact same thing, before checking the comments XD
Xqwzts "With great items comes great responsibility." Shop keeper to every support ever.......I'll go hang my head in shame now.
Just discovered the History of Shurima ! Loved the lore and the narrator ! All hail Shurima's Legends ! ;)
Narrator is actually Nasus (Curator of the Sands), an Ascended like Azir.
Would be awesome if they made a new Summoners Rift type map that's Shurima. Nearly identical set up, but the difference it's the City instead of Summoners Rift.
i would pay all the money for that
*throws money at screen* NOTHING IS HAPPENING
That would be awersome. But not just only for Shurima, Demacia, Noxus Etc etc all major city states could have a summoners rift.
if you want to modify your map you can go on yurixy works that's what i did and now my summoners' rift is has sunset beach theme i love it , so much sand
It'd be pretty sweet if every match had a random theme, but look at how long it's taking them to release the new map coming out (Though I'm pretty sure it's just gonna be at the change of seasons)
I think if every time you play, the map generated was randomly one of five themed maps, that'd be badass. I have some specific ideas:
Freljord theme (Lots of ice and poros! Just decoration of course), Demacia vs Noxus (I think this is what they tried to go for with the default?), Bandle City (Little yordle constructs in the jungle), Shadow Isles and Void (Basically just a creepy ass map like the Twisted Treeline), Piltover vs Zaun (With ridiculous machinery everywhere, with one side being steampunk and the other side being Zaun-ish evil science and such)
This would be REALLY AMBITIOUS to say the least. Each map would have to 'work' in terms of abilities being easily seen and champs being differentiated etc., each jungle creep would have to be different aside from Dragon and Baron (Probably), they'd have to make the team colors Red v Blue regardless of theme and make it work to some degree, and every corner needs to look visibly accurate to where you can walk, while being identical to each other theme's paths. It'd be a crap ton of work but it'd look badass with a lot of payoff.
so nasus can voice act a lol cinematic but graves still cant have his cigar
How did I know I'd see this comment somewhere?
hes got it now lol
Just after this kinda "cinematic" thing, i realized that league will certainly be bigger than any game ever made. It already has a huge Esports scene, but when riot decides to push some lore into the concept of league, it can even reach the incredible heights of Blizzard's games or such. I'm looking forward to it. :D
To be fair the game already had lore, Riot just never decided to capitalize on it, and are scrapping it for different lore now
I'd honestly say League has surpassed the likes of Warcraft and Diablo franchises, and it's got a much bigger player base world wide than Starcraft or WoW. The latter 3 are all at the top of their respective genres, but I'd say overall League is actually at a higher height than anything Blizzard's released at this point.
Thejewishpeople gotta agree. wow is the pinnacle of mmo genres as is starcraft for the rts genre. and league sits ontop of its throne as the pinnacle of the moba genre. However its seat isnt as secured as wow's (whos only real competition is guild wars 2 but theyre not even close) or starcrafts as i believe dota 2 is a close 2nd. i dont mention diablo since i believe PoE (path of exile) surpassed it in terms of arpg.
Gamewise, I agree. Lorewise, WoW will be hard to beat cause they are doing some Tolkien level lore in there.
Not really.
LoL hasn't become a religion to the Korean ppl like Starcraft is right now rofl..
And that won't really change anytime soon considering LoL is no where near Starcraft's mechanical skill and all that APM shenanigans which Koreans jizz all over for.
On a serious note, Dota is at an odd competition with LoL, considering LoL playerbase is drastically larger than Dota, but at the same time drastically smaller with resources when it comes to the competitive scene. LoL: 8.5 millions players w/ a 2 million prizepool, Dota: Around 1.2 million players w/ an average of 12 million prizepool.
Because of that, Dota is currently and has more potential to draw in more pro players and attention. So unless LoL somehow uses its larger player base to expand the competitive scene, its going to fall behind eventually.
coolest champion ever released period. Shurima, your emperor has returned!
Imagine just chilling in the desert then seeing giant sun disc start flying again.
Blood Magic: exists
League community: but sivir's blood bringing azir back makes no sense
Sivir was gonna get Ascension, but it was a mistake, so the sun revived Azir and gifted him the power of ascension.
Riot, please make book about League - all champs in one story - it must be crazy and great!!!
agreed. a photobook explaining all the champions thus far and their stories connecting to each other would be great
The problem is that they might change the lore as they release new champions, just like they did with Azir.
omg this is the best video i have ever seen in my history as a dota player. I watched this video about 20 times and i know every single word in this cinematic now. would watch again 10 times. Even my friends loved it
I got chills at the end.
Did anyone get chills at the end?
Cause i got chills at the end.
Imagine being so strong that you revive an entire empire by just existing lol.
Greetings my fellow runeterra comrades and welcome to the origin
I've re watched this so much. The art style and the narrator are so good.
Who's here after watching arcane? I hope they create movie about shurima too
I don't see what everyone is complaining about. This is by far one of the most awesome things Riot has ever done. I hope they do things like this for all new champs (though that would be a lot of work and people complaining about the time it takes to release new champs) so you get a better view of their background, that way you could understand their lore, quotes etc.
riot is not a poor little unexperienced company anymore. this is nothing special and they killed ALL THE LORE for this...still good?
Lukas M. To be serious, who really cares for the lore? It's nice to have and it's good that riot puts some effort into it, but it's not really nessecery besides to establish characters
Lukas M. What? Lets be honest, ever since the shutdown of JoJ the old lore was dead, if anything this is a good thing.
Totally agree you with you RandomTacklez , really looking forward to see what Rito has in store for us!
Lukas M. They didn't kill all the lore just for this 2-part animation y'know?
They reshaped xeraths personality this is just as bad if not worse as what they did to viktor. Oh well atleast it took like 3 champs to bring xerath down.
2:48 URF Azir. (Look at all dem soldiers, dayum).
Stijn Broekhuis mean*
Look at all these chickens!
Idk if Azir would be available in URF unless they disabled half of his passive. Since there's 80% CDR in URF, and he and his soldiers gain attack speed with his CDR percentage, he'd be ridiculously op. I haven't played with him so idk if the soldier storage in his w decreases as it levels, but a base recharge of 11 seconds, activated soldiers lasting 9 seconds, and storing up to two seems pretty good already. Actually it seems like his entire kit is broken for URF.
DemonLord Odin lololol u make my day XD
DeviltoGeorgia34 But you gotta say it would be fun as hell if you wait with like 10 soldiers in a brush and some poor guy decides to walk nearby...
I truly love these lore videos, and even the promotion videos. It's just so freaking cool to see our champions reacting "in game", or to see a part of their lives through those videos. Just awesome.
There are things riot fucks up on but these videos? nah man, they're just great. I r8 8/8 m8 it's gr8
Nasus his voice is zo beautiful, I love listening to this. I fall asleep every night listening to his voice.. Its so beautiful and charming...
If only they can make the gameplay graphics as good as this. Map and gameplay gives you a feeling that the heroes are fighting on your garden/backyard.
I demand a League Of Legends movie!! xD
or animated series
animated series is better
i don't know about a movie
An animated movie?
or at least a mini series of all the champs like a 15 minute video for every champ.
When the cinematic makes you wanna cry each time you see it. You KNOW you found your main.
Oh.. my.. GOD!
Riot I love your animations x.x
Caitlyn, your biggest lane counter is gonna become more popular this patch! Watch out
I0IIiP0p wait is sivir her lane counter or ?? i dont play adc sorry XD
mate skoko
Sivir > Caitlyn.
I0IIiP0p sivir is not really a counter to cait, only because you can pop her traps, you dont win the lane. she outranges sivir by a ton.
omg your username hahaha
This seems exactly like the movie "Atlantis: The Lost Empire"
how weird lol I just rewatched that movie 2 days ago, spoiler the 2nd one scks!
Yay for Atlantis With Sand~
More animations !!!!! AWSOME DUDE , i want to see in animations tryda , mundo , kha , renekton , fiora , yasuo , yi come onnn OVER POWERED champions
trynda is in an animation
Yi is also in an animation...
>OVER POWERED champions
Yi too
***** yes.
almost 4 years has passed, still getting chills while watching.
Holy crap, this is so cool
This World of Runeterra needs a Game-Implementation - and i dont talk about a MOBA i talk about a Full-Scale-Open-World-Game! With Demacia, Noxus, Shurima, Freljord, Bandle, Piltover and more! ... What an amazing imagination! *.* :D
I agree *0*
Raymond Liu +1
"But one day KFC opened a new restaurant in Shurima , and the chicken emperor Azir was no more..."
The stained glass part looked SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL.
i really want Azir human Skin XD please be legendary on DAT!
human form.*
azir had dreads so is ... black
Azir was a human before he ascended, then what about nasus and renekton? they need a human skin too!
azir has the galactic skin just like nasus already, renekton y no have dis rito pls.
hcn15fin renekon has a galactic skin. which all three make me happy just because....stargate
#MakeShurimaGreatAgain am i right guys? :D
I stand with Shurima. I’m an Azir main
that moment when Azir built the whole city DETAILED in seconds...
I absolutely love the art. The stained-glass thing is so beautiful.
Thanks for all your work Riot ^_^
Why do i always think of Wonder Women when i see Sivir?
Sivir does have a Wonder Woman skin and so does Shen.
Greco Dagoy Wonder Woman Shen
I think you should reword that.
***** the same reason i think of Ice climbers when i see either nunu or frostfire annie
Greco Dagoy Shen has a Wonder Woman skin?
***** I think that was intentional
They should do this for other champs lore. Like for the Frejlord and the Shadow Isles.
they kind of did the freljord already but i wanna see the shadow isles :D
sefeloth shadow isles are terrifying. If its undead, creepy or lucian then its from the shadow isles.
sefeloth Or bilgewater.
Aaron Mushinski i know! i love that stuff c:
The Gamer's Den that'd be pretty cool
2:50 the new urf mode looks good
Every time I came back here .. I feel shurima is our land .. our desert .. our story :'( we need more about shurima pls make more .. تحيا شوريما
شوريما وطن كل لاعب عربي
تحياااا شوريماااااااااااااااااا
@@mariamIbrahim5848 اتفق
League of Legends logic: champions, have lores, lives, business and else, but spend all their time fighting in some tiny arena of clusterfuck and massacre. For example Azir instead of ruling his empire again goes to Fields of Justice? O_O
He will seek revenge against Xerath who already joined Fields of Justice.
Zeljko Nikolic
Nah he will just sit with Xerath,and drink tea, LOL OFC he will beat the shit out of Xerath xD
you can say that about any game with a multiplayer by that logic -.-
You do realize that Riot stated that in the ACTUAL lore , the league doesn't exist right?
League of legends is a game which solves problems to avoid war is what i have heard. Example: 1 country wants to take over another instead of attacking that country they are going to the fields of justice.
You know, with all this lore and the whole league of legends world.. Why isnt there a mmorpg of that universe? There's so much material.
because mmos dont make a lot of money anymore (unless it's WoW), why do you think that blizzard cancelled their own mmo?
So, we gonna start seeing more Shurima champions, then?
Just like we saw more Freljord champions after Lissandras release?
I think it's pretty much the same with what they did with Freljord when they released Lissandra,so there'll most likely be more Shurima in the not-too-distant future
Nasus, Sivir and Azir
***** Kind of left out Renekton, Nasus' brother, along with Xerath, Rammus, and Skarner. Cassiopeia, Amumu, and Ezreal also have ties to Shurima in their lore, though they are not from the place.
Aiken Umholtz Dude I just fucking play the game, I don't read the books and their little bios xD
wonderful animations. you really outdid yourselves this time.
Sooooo Shuriman Princess Sivir incoming?
:o i dont even play sivir but that'd be pretty cool
Sivir ultimate skin comfirmed.
yes please
I hate to spoil the fun but it alreadt exists, its sivir the warrior princess...
Ok Riot, you over did it..... I was so on the train of Azir and changing the lore of those champs, but you just created a champ with an Empire with thousands of soldiers... I though Azir would have a quest to Ascend, but this is way to lore changing op new Empire! Lore wise what will you make of Demacia and Noxus having an giant empire with an HUGE army (of sand?) surging of no where?
Azir doesn't have anything to do with Demacia or Noxus lol.He only cares about Shurima.
He only cares of raising shurima from the sand and now of sivir as well. If any of the other factions pose a threat to that goal he will use deathly force but if they dont he will leave them alone.
Well atleast it is not like dota, the bloody creater of that world is fighting there, also there is a demon who is feared by other demons. That stuff is insane.
I think in the end the cinematic shows what Shurima used to be like before it got destroyed; so the image in the end looks like the memory or the dream of the emperor
correct me if I'm wrong :)
wellcho0 actually good point...it looks much more sense rather then out of no where you got thousands of troops and bird guy turns to be greatest ruler...
"lets release him then disable him"
IKR!!!!!!!!! the nerve of riot!!!!!!!!!
true ^^
Rito games people. Rito games.
He had a bug where his ult stopped towers from attacking permanently. Do you really want to play against that?
JumboShrimpV No, I want to play AS that. LOLz.
This is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen
So when Sivir has the same bloodline and is the reason Azir gets revived, why does Azir have then antagonistic taunts toward her?
Maybe something happens the the next episode xD
DareSoldier600 There is no next episode. It clearly says *Part 2 of 2* if you have eyes.
Cuz he said that she betrayed him in one of his taunts. Sivir helped Cass although she didn't know what was happening.
DareSoldier600 part 2 of 2
Only when they are enemies on different sides. Btw, the taunts infer their relationship.
Nasus has a great voice.. He should be a narrator at lol. xD
this video made azir become my main
+Heinz Blassen same lmao
and then i got cancer
You'll know that an emperor has risen once again when the mess starts fixing itself
-"She is the grate emperor of surima"
-"The woman with the giant boomarang..."
Sivir is so underrated
This dude just put a whole city back together...with his fucking MIND
the new jedi master
This makes me so happy I've spent $100+ on skins. I love Riot. Keep up the stunning work.