Nisam znao gde je istina i sada vidim zahvaljujući vama i baš mi je to u sadašnjem trenutku potrebno. prosto nisam iznenadjen što dobijam ovakva mišljenja kao da sam ja to naručio. U svakomslučaju hvala dragi učitelju. amin.
Hi Rabbi, I was 3 years old when I asked this question to my mother. She was so disappointed in me, because it implied I thought she was not real. When I saw her sadness, which I did not expect, I knew the world was real.
Our eyes are made to see a particular spectrum of light, the same for our ears,we hear frequencies in a certain range. We know light and sound spectrums exist beyond our senses so there's more happening than what we can see and hear. Animals can see and hear things we cannot. So what we perceive is a small part of reality.
While I don't believe we are in a simulation, using a simulation and computer systems process/matrix is a useful example in explaining many concepts in Chassidus
You are in heresy, you typical arrogant Evangelical Protestant. G_d does NOT exist because essence precedes existence. The LORD IS BEING ITSELF. As St. Paul quoted on Mars Hill, the Areopagus of Athens, from the ancient Hellenic pagan mysteries: “In Them we move, breathe, and have our being.” The Holy Trinity, the Three in One and One in Three, ARE THE BASIS FOR EXISTENCE, therefore They cannot be said to exist. Get an education before you run your foolish trap.
@@davidfinley7392 I suppose shadows don't meet your definition of existence either. You are deceived. Everything we conceive exists in context. Nevermind the bald assertions and ad hominem attacks. Try making a coherant arguement for your sophistry. You say: God doesn't exist because God is a being and beings don't exist. Yup! Wow! Is English your first language?
Rabbi, you do have a video talking about the things that we shouldn't say e.g "you can't talk too much about someone because it will trigger conflict" not verbatim but that kind of topic. Can you help me what video was that? I wanted to listen to it again. Please, thank you.
This is an interesting discussion, though I would disagree with various things. The ''real'' question, though, is why this is important. After all, we experience life, with all its facets and ramifications. There are consequences to actions, both from a physical law standpoint and a life-impacting standpoint. We cannot escape that. That really is sufficient in assessing its basic significance and value; its so-called, 'realness', so to speak. A lot of this "mysticism" is what is "more than you need"... and "Don't try to have more than you need, because you'll end up with nothing". That nothingness - or worse yet, a terrible misunderstanding, might lead you to despair.
B"H Very, very important point about not making an image really meaning not to create an illusion or delusion in addition to not trying to make a mental picture of God, never mind a physical representation. Considering that creating that which is a deceptive and essentially unreal, illusory or delusional, is avodah zara itself, we understand how critical it is not to trespass this commandment. We are liable to death if we do. And die we most certainly do if we trespass this most important don't. There are few transgressions for which we are liable to death - creating a world of illusion is one of them. We die for this transgression because only Truth can be eternal. We live in worlds we create. So if we create an illusion, that world is necessarily temporary and we will die with it when it disintegrates. Reality is only as real as the person generating it. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance, and one of HaShem's absolute demands of us, that we get real because that is the only way we can avoid creating images. This is why I'm always telling the Rabbis to get real when they start floating. This matter is precisely what I've been saying about Immortality. Those who can produce a really real reality are also producing an eternal reality in which the Body does not die. Anyone who leaves their Body when they die transgressed this most important don't. No one who is really real dies. We must become like our Teacher Eliyahu and connect with Chanokh (the Progenitor of correct education). They "died" properly. One of the hardest understandings to achieve is that God does not exist. Existence is a meta-creation of HaShem in which creatures can exist. One has to experience God directly to understand this. Anyone who asks if God exists has not experienced God. In retrospect, when we return to being "after" we encounter God, we realize that what we experienced is not even nothing. Yet, we come back from not even being nothing, we return knowing the whole Torah which gradually unfolds and reveals itself in our consciousness.
Thank you sincerely for your amazing videos. Can I ask you to kindly share the title of the book (textbook) from which you often read from? I am not referring to the Torah. God bless
@@gl9088 I am not sure dear. He usually used that book and I see it in many of his videos sitting by the library stack. The book seems to have a very colorful cover, and I was just so interested in knowing which book it was. Perhaps it is Tanya.
33:50 Minute: Thank you very much Dear Rabbi Friedman to differentiate between the time and the agedness/era. 🌸🌼🌺 One question I kept asking myself often, was this: When the EWIGE put a sleep on Adam to create Chavah, I couldn't find a passage in the Torah where he had woken him up again. This made me wonder if we could all only exist in Adam's dream?
42:20 our "only option is to describe what the creator might be like". This is incorrect. If you have a idea of what God is, it is false, it is a case of mistaken identity being that it is only a thought, it is of time and therefore limited by what it is a product of time/knowledge/definition... Definitions, words, thoughts, identifications are all limiting... These limits are reinforced via beliefs and conditioning. You might consider: ideology = Idolatry. 🕊🌻
I despise the Bible and all religions. This man has knowledge and I love how he asks the simple questions that no one asks, which shows religious people know NOTHING
Вай, вай, вай... this is getting too close for comfort, you guys are just way too smart... I can hardly hide anymore, the whole machinery is getting laid bare... ¿Qué es ilusión? Es lo que tenía para vosotros desde principio... It's a game we play cause you're my children and that's what we do.
I have a question about that story that person could have died of a blood clot because he was sitting in one place you see what I mean you might not know the answer
If you think about it it says in the beginning God created light but it didn't say anything about color henceforth color came before light our God himself is color which would explain how he's everywhere at all times are omnipotent and all knowing
Dear Rabbi, Thank you for being here! I hear a lot of people having the discussion about Round and Flat Earth.... Could you share something about this topic? Thank you 🙏 Much Love!
@@brunettelatina3966 you asking the question shows you have no idea of what you’re talking about.. Every evidence and experience man has had, proves Earth is not flat.. This subject is ridiculous and to bother a Rabbi on such an ignorant worldly issue is wasteful.
Hemen Firavun'a gidin, şöyle deyin: 'Âlemlerin Rabbi'nin resulleriyiz biz." Şu’arâ, 16./ İşte sana gerçeği apaçık gösteren Kitap'ın ayetleri... Şu’arâ, 2. Onlar iman etmiyorlar diye kendini üzüntüden tüketir gibisin. Şu’arâ, 3. Eğer istersek gökten üzerlerine bir mucize indiririz de boyunları onun önünde perişanlıkla eğilip kalır. Şu’arâ, 4./O Rahman'dan kendilerine söze bürünmüş yeni bir hatırlatma gelmeye dursun, ondan mutlaka yüz çevirirler. Şu’arâ, 5./Ve hiç kuşku yok, senin Rabbin gerçekten mutlak Azîz, mutlak Rahîm'dir. Şu’arâ, 9./Mûsa dedi: "O hem sizin Rabbinizdir hem de önceki atalarınızın Rabbidir." Şu’arâ, 26./Firavun dedi: "Şu size gönderilmiş bulunan resulünüz gerçekten tam bir deli." Şu’arâ, 27./Mûsa dedi: "Eğer aklınızı işletirseniz O, doğunun, batının ve bunlar arasındakilerin de Rabbidir." Şu’arâ, 28./Dedi: "Benden başka ilah edinirsen, yemin olsun seni zındanlıklar arasına atarım." Şu’arâ, 29./Nihayet büyücüler belirlenen bir günün, belirlenen bir vaktinde bir araya getirildi. Şu’arâ, 38./Halka da: "Siz de toplanır mısınız?" denildi. Şu’arâ, 39./"Sanıyoruz ki, büyücülere uyacağız, eğer galip gelirlerse." Şu’arâ, 40./ Bunun üzerine onlar, iplerini ve değneklerini ortaya attılar ve dediler: "Firavun'un onur ve yüceliği aşkına biz, evet biz galip geleceğiz." Şu’arâ, 44./Mûsa da asasını attı. Bir de ne görsünler, o onların hüner olarak ortaya getirdikleri şeyleri yalayıp yutuyor. Şu’arâ, 45./Bunun üzerine büyücüler, secdelere kapandılar. Şu’arâ, 46./Dediler: "İnandık âlemlerin Rabbi'ne." Şu’arâ, 47./"Mûsa'nın ve Hârun'un Rabbine." Şu’arâ, 48./Firavun haykırdı: "Ben size izin vermeden ona inandınız ha! Anlaşıldı, o sizin hepinize sihirbazlığı öğreten büyüğünüz. Yakında bileceksiniz. Yemin olsun, ellerinizi, ayaklarınızı çaprazlamasına keseceğim ve yemin olsun sizi toptan asacağım." Şu’arâ, 49./Mûsa'ya şunu vahyettik: Kullarımı geceleyin yola çıkar. Mutlaka peşinize takılacaklar. Şu’arâ, 52./İki topluluk birbirini görecek hale gelince, Mûsa'nın adamları seslendi: "İşte şimdi yakalandık!" Şu’arâ, 61./Mûsa dedi: "Hayır, asla! Rabbim benimledir, bana kılavuzluk edecektir." Şu’arâ, 62./Bunun üzerine Mûsa'ya, "Asanla denize vur!" diye vahyettik. Deniz hemen yarıldı, her dalga kümesi kocaman bir dağ gibi oldu. Şu’arâ, 63./Ötekileri de oraya yaklaştırdık. Şu’arâ, 64./Mûsa'yı ve beraberindekileri toptan kurtardık. Şu’arâ, 65./Sonra ötekileri boğduk. Şu’arâ, 66./Bunda elbette bir ibret vardır ama onların çoğu inanmış kimseler değildi. Şu’arâ, 67./Ve şüphesiz, senin Rabbindir O mutlak Azîz, mutlak Rahîm. Şu’arâ, 68./Hani babasına ve toplumuna şöyle demişti: "Siz neye ibadet ediyorsunuz?" Şu’arâ, 70./"Şüphesiz onlar benim düşmanım. Ama âlemlerin Rabbi dostum." Şu’arâ, 77./De ki: "Sizi gece ve gündüz Rahman'dan kim koruyabilir?" Hayır, hayır! Onlar, Rablerinin zikrinden/Kur'an'ından yüz çeviriyorlar. Enbiyâ, 42./Yemin olsun, senden önceki resullerle de alay edilmiştir. Sonunda, onlarla eğlenenleri, alay konusu yaptıkları şey kuşatıverdi. Enbiyâ, 41./De ki: "Ben sizi ancak vahiyle uyarıyorum." Ama sağırlar, uyarıldıklarında çağrıyı işitmezler ki! Enbiyâ, 45./ 51 Yemin olsun, İbrahim'e daha önceden, doğruyu bulma gücünü vermiştik. Onu bilmekteydik biz. 52 Babasına ve toplumuna şöyle demişti: "Şu başına toplanıp durduğunuz heykeller de ne?" 53 Dediler: "Atalarımızı onlara kulluk/ibadet eder bulduk." 54 Dedi: "Vallahi, siz de atalarınız da açık bir sapıklık içine düşmüşsünüz." 55 Dediler: "Sen gerçeği mi getirdin yoksa oynayıp eğlenenlerden biri misin?" 56 Dedi: "Hiç de değil! Sizin Rabbiniz, göklerin ve yerin Rabbidir ki, onları yaratmıştır. Ben de bunlara tanıklık edenlerdenim." 57 "Allah'a yemin ederim, sırtınızı dönüp gidişinizden sonra, putlarınıza bir oyun çevireceğim." 58 Sonunda onları parça parça etti. Yalnız en büyüklerini bıraktı ki, dönüp ona başvurabilsinler. 59 Dediler: "Tanrılarımıza bunu yapan kesinlikle zalimlerdendir." 60 Dediler: "Onları diline dolayan bir genç duymuştuk. Kendisine 'İbrahim' deniyor." 61 Dediler: "Halkın gözleri önüne getirin onu ki, açıkça görebilsinler." 62 Dediler: "Tanrılarımıza bunu sen mi yaptın, ey İbrahim?" 63 Dedi: "Hayır, ben değil. Şu büyükleri yapmıştır onu. Hadi, sorun onlara eğer konuşabiliyorlarsa!" 64 Bunun üzerine kendi benliklerine döndüler de şöyle dediler: "Siz, zalimlerin ta kendilerisiniz." 65 Sonra, yine kendi kafalarına döndürüldüler: "Vallahi, sen de bilirsin ki, bunlar konuşamazlar." 66 İbrahim dedi: "Siz, Allah'ın berisinden, size hiçbir şekilde yarar sağlamayan, zarar veremeyen şeylere mi tapıyorsunuz?" 67 "Yazıklar olsun size ve Allah'ın berisinden taptıklarınıza! Siz hâlâ aklınızı kullanmayacak mısınız?" 68 Dediler: "Yakın bunu! Eğer birşey yapacak kişilerseniz, ilahlarınıza yardım edin." 69 Biz de şöyle dedik: "Ey ateş, İbrahim'e bir serinlik ol, bir selam ol!" ( Enbiya ) / Göklerde ve yerde bulunan herkes, Rahman'a kul olarak gelecektir. Meryem, 93./ 9 Ulaştı mı sana Mûsa'nın haberi? 10 Hani, bir ateş görmüştü de ailesine şöyle demişti: "Bekleyin! Gözüme bir ateş ilişti. Olabilir ki, ondan size bir kor parçası getiririm, yahut onun üzerinde bir kılavuz bulurum." 11 Onun yanına geldiğinde kendisine "Mûsa!" diye seslenildi. 12 "Benim ben, senin Rabbin! Hadi, pabuçlarını çıkar; sen kutsal vadide, Tuva'dasın." 13 "Ve ben seni seçtim; o halde vahyedilecek olanı dinle!" 14 "Hiç kuşkulanma ki ben Allah'ım! İlah yoktur benden başka! O halde bana ibadet et ve namazını/duanı, beni hatırlayıp anmak için yerine getir." ( Taha ) ./ Şanı yücedir o Allah'ın ki toprağın bitirdiklerinden, onların öz benliklerinden ve nice bilmediklerinden bütün çiftleri yaratmıştır. Yâsîn, 36./"Ben, sizin Rabbinize iman ettim, artık dinleyin beni!" Yâsîn, 25./Bir zaman, cinlerden bir topluluğu, Kur'an'ı dinlemeleri için sana yöneltmiştik. Onu dinlemeye hazır hale geldiklerinede: "Susup dinleyin!" dediler. Dinleme bitirilince de uyarıcılar olarak kendi toplumlarına döndüler. Ahkâf, 29./ Bu böyledir, çünkü Allah hakkın ta kendisidir. O, ölüleri diriltiyor ve O, herşey üzerinde kudretiyle egemendir. Hac, 6./Ve saat mutlaka gelecektir. Kuşku yok onda. Ve Allah kabirlerdeki şuurlu varlıkları diriltecektir. Hac, 7./Göklerde ne var, yerde ne varsa Allah'ındır. Allah Muhît'tir, her şeyi çepeçevre kuşatmıştır. Nisâ, 126./Güneş, kendine özgü bir durak noktasına/bir durma zamanına doğru akıp gidiyor. Azîz, Alîm olanın takdiridir bu. Yâsîn, 38.
Reality = That which is/that I am. Absolute Reality is where all relative beings live, move and have their being. Illusion is mistaking this for that, mistaking a rope for a snake. Reality is the real ocean the real fish really lives and swims in. If God punishes disobedience then God is someone to escape or get even with; to be avoided in any case. Thank God that God is only a concept. Life living embodied or disembodied is all there is. Truth is ever faithful to Reality. The only thing created is the alphabet of representation. That which is nothing in particular (actual) is by definition everything in general (potential).
The Rabbi, at the outset of this video, said that any future projections(imaginations or illusions , both being called unreal), are one & the same concept,actually.But what about “visions” of the future, that sincere people have reported, that have come true, sometime in the future. Exactly, like a Polaroid (old-fashioned 10 second camera) snapshot, that appears! Einstein’s theory of time, as we think of it, as having past, present, & future, along a linear, chronological line, as being illusory, seems to be true, if said assertion is accepted as true. As unsettling as this is, the implication is even more unsettling: that events are predetermined! Maybe like a camera spinning a lifecycle film of one’s entire life events, in cyclic perpetuity. Since, fatalism is a depressing theory, perhaps the idea that man is a minor co-creator, is still possibly true! It has been speculated that one has a greater chance of changing reality, the further away point in time the person is, from said event desired to be changed. The closer in time to the event, you are, to the event you desire to change, the less chance you have of affecting said change, in other words.Sort of like a Doppler effect. If we could control our visions of the future, life would be turned upside down! A Twilight Zone episode was ahead of its time in its theme of a camera that could take a picture & project the future in the photo taken. The fictional story dealt with petty criminals using the camera to photograph horse racetrack results, resulting in divulging the winning race results of future races. Easy money was made, but negative energy was introduced to apply to the users of said camera, implying that such use of a device that could see the future, is somehow evil, sinful, or immoral. Religious indoctrination of dogma is ubiquitous! It comes to mind, that the ethics of genetic engineering of animals & humans, especially, are viewed similarly, with much passion, whether viewed as right or wrong!
Must be one, a really good one too. Maybe "Samadhi" or something like the "Matrix", me thinks realities are woven together, WTC, "Back to the Future" coincidence and even "Blue Thunder" movie scence where two Jets cause destructions of an empty two parted buildings. Sounds weird. But I could give even other coincidences or woven relationships between different stories. Like Tom Riddle in "Harry Potter" and "The Riddler " in Batman or "Voldemort" as inscription of "Voll der Mord" - "Mass Murder" - or "Totally Murder". Know not who thought this absurd reallity. But it is like the law of attraction, something in the small as a representation for something bigger or more enourmous, like the "Illuminati Collectors Card game predicting future 5 years ahead before events took place. Game was printed in 1995 - WTC Card and Pentagon card where already printed and 9/11 took place in 2001 at 9/11. Numerology seems to play a greeter part in in like in the Kaballah.
סוטה (אי ציות) ואלה המסכימים עם הסוטה, אי לכך, קיימת ישות אינטליגנטית כלשהי שכל הדברים הטבעיים או אי הצייתנות מכוונים אליהן עד סופן; ולהוויה זו אנו קוראים SATAN. אנחנו לא צריכים את אלוהים אפילו שהוא לא לבד עם הציות.
This is not true that God does not need or want anything, or feel emotions. Where do you think emotions come from? Clearly, the nothing... Clearly, The God. Human is a reflection of The God, and The God is ALL.
Isn't everything wishful thinking before you work for them? And make them a reality. On the other hand, there are some things that are on attainable. But maybe on the other hand, being careful to I'm talking to. Maybe sometimes we want things G-D ( יהוה) didn't mean for us to have.
In past I have always took the arm of G🙄D as a understanding as like🤔🤔..... The arm of G🙄D, could it also be speaking of G🙄D's reach not that G🙄D needs to have arm's or a arm to reach anyone. but this is what arm's do the arm has to be extended out from the body from point of rest to become efficient functional if one has arm's or a arm. whether to keep your fall or harm from a fall or to reach out to what ever it is one is reaching for, as G🙄D reaches out to us ALL with the strength that only G🙄D can provide to us all..... GOD'S ARM Just a point of view I had on this when I was younger in my teenage years. As always thanks for the videos 🙏💖🙏
I wear the Fylfot mirroring he and she-from G-d's Champions in faithful obedience to Thorah. Aleph, AêHêIêH but the transliteration into the divine Hebrew letter let it be told by me not. I tell you who are not no clue. Symbolised Aleph if-the ox my ancestors see in my wrestling performance in a Vikings sport. Shalom Israel. I think and pray and train every day for Jerusalem World.
Sounds good this whole thing is a holograph but it's the greatest ever bless the Lord we wear this world like a jacket or a coat an there is a film on our eyes that makes it look real plus our 5 I'm out 🙏😇
GOOD MORNING RABBI! Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
UA-cam is out of control with commercials. It’s every 3 minutes and that’s not an exaggeration
Try vanced, it's free. And let's go to
Cleveland: )
@@pascalhasidus3788 unfortunately Vanced does not support iOS
@@pascalhasidus3788 move the red dot at the bottom of the screen close to the end and let it finish, when done press replay no ads
Thank you🕊
Thank you Rabbi
This message is deep🦋…my morning prayers have even more meaning 🥰Thank you 🙏
Nisam znao gde je istina i sada vidim zahvaljujući vama i baš mi je to u sadašnjem trenutku potrebno. prosto nisam iznenadjen što dobijam ovakva mišljenja kao da sam ja to naručio. U svakomslučaju hvala dragi učitelju. amin.
Hi Rabbi, I was 3 years old when I asked this question to my mother. She was so disappointed in me, because it implied I thought she was not real. When I saw her sadness, which I did not expect, I knew the world was real.
תודה רבה לך
Our brains thought patterns are in constant distribution and transformation
All energy is in constant distribution and transformation
Peace and prayers go out to everyone
Thank you so much Rabbi Friedman for all your wonderful Torah shiurim.!
Rabbi,what are the pros and cons 10 Commandments wise in regards to vaccines?
Very wise Sir 👍😁🌹💞
The spirit hovering above the waters of creation.... ELOHIM
thank you
If nothing is real than nothing matters.
Our eyes are made to see a particular spectrum of light, the same for our ears,we hear frequencies in a certain range. We know light and sound spectrums exist beyond our senses so there's more happening than what we can see and hear. Animals can see and hear things we cannot. So what we perceive is a small part of reality.
Illusion was that air had ran out when it was still plentiful. Enjoy your teaching.
I love everything about your believe
Great perspective of thinking 😃
While I don't believe we are in a simulation, using a simulation and computer systems process/matrix is a useful example in explaining many concepts in Chassidus
The Bible is literal, symbolic & numeric all in one.
Teachings very great
Love you Rabbi thank you
Ignorance is bliss for that reason I don't have that option anymore
This is not making sense to me can you help me with this when I was a kid I wanted to be a magician they create illusions create an illusion
Thank you Rabbi for your wisdom I listen and hear you often on your channel. You are most logical.
We are not an Illusion, its like calling Gods creation a lie making God a Liar.
I wish our priest or professor talks about these kind of issue and topic before..
This has to be my favorite video from you so far! Thank you Rabbi
Thank you
We are free-willed AI clothed in matter, in a real time simulation of space/time/matter.
AI ? Artificial means man made. Man did not make us, God did.
Really? If so,, remove all mandates if you could
When you speak Hebrew or Yiddish. Could you put it up on captions, so we can understand what your saying? Please❤
If a placebo causes less stress, one would feel and actually be better?
Perhaps we all should trust & obey admonitions to not worry.
Context is everything! Everything is real within it's context. Nothing is real without context! This is why God is the alpha and omega!
When you're imagining you know you're delusional.....when you're delusional you don't know that you're imagining.
I agree, only God exist! I surrender, God is Almighty!
The world is real in context to God's plan!
You are in heresy, you typical arrogant Evangelical Protestant. G_d does NOT exist because essence precedes existence. The LORD IS BEING ITSELF. As St. Paul quoted on Mars Hill, the Areopagus of Athens, from the ancient Hellenic pagan mysteries: “In Them we move, breathe, and have our being.” The Holy Trinity, the Three in One and One in Three, ARE THE BASIS FOR EXISTENCE, therefore They cannot be said to exist. Get an education before you run your foolish trap.
@@davidfinley7392 I suppose shadows don't meet your definition of existence either. You are deceived. Everything we conceive exists in context. Nevermind the bald assertions and ad hominem attacks. Try making a coherant arguement for your sophistry.
You say:
God doesn't exist because God is a being and beings don't exist. Yup!
Is English your first language?
@@constructivecritique5191 you are illiterate and uneducated when it comes to the talk about the Divine.
@@davidfinley7392 and does that talk exist or is it a figment of your wickedness.
Rabbi, you do have a video talking about the things that we shouldn't say e.g "you can't talk too much about someone because it will trigger conflict" not verbatim but that kind of topic. Can you help me what video was that? I wanted to listen to it again. Please, thank you.
Messiachhh is coming 😍
He already came 2000 years ago and told the world that he is thr law of torah.
Illusion comes from the mind and heart of man with the purpose of creating his own reality.
The mind creates illusion by the will of human immotions.
This is an interesting discussion, though I would disagree with various things. The ''real'' question, though, is why this is important. After all, we experience life, with all its facets and ramifications. There are consequences to actions, both from a physical law standpoint and a life-impacting standpoint. We cannot escape that. That really is sufficient in assessing its basic significance and value; its so-called, 'realness', so to speak. A lot of this "mysticism" is what is "more than you need"... and "Don't try to have more than you need, because you'll end up with nothing". That nothingness - or worse yet, a terrible misunderstanding, might lead you to despair.
Yes, the point is to become godly, over time. You just do not understand the "why."
A mashal is a parable, but what's a nimshal? Is it the explanation of the parable?
Very, very important point about not making an image really meaning not to create an illusion or delusion in addition to not trying to make a mental picture of God, never mind a physical representation.
Considering that creating that which is a deceptive and essentially unreal, illusory or delusional, is avodah zara itself, we understand how critical it is not to trespass this commandment. We are liable to death if we do. And die we most certainly do if we trespass this most important don't. There are few transgressions for which we are liable to death - creating a world of illusion is one of them. We die for this transgression because only Truth can be eternal. We live in worlds we create. So if we create an illusion, that world is necessarily temporary and we will die with it when it disintegrates.
Reality is only as real as the person generating it. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance, and one of HaShem's absolute demands of us, that we get real because that is the only way we can avoid creating images. This is why I'm always telling the Rabbis to get real when they start floating.
This matter is precisely what I've been saying about Immortality. Those who can produce a really real reality are also producing an eternal reality in which the Body does not die.
Anyone who leaves their Body when they die transgressed this most important don't. No one who is really real dies. We must become like our Teacher Eliyahu and connect with Chanokh (the Progenitor of correct education). They "died" properly.
One of the hardest understandings to achieve is that God does not exist. Existence is a meta-creation of HaShem in which creatures can exist. One has to experience God directly to understand this. Anyone who asks if God exists has not experienced God. In retrospect, when we return to being "after" we encounter God, we realize that what we experienced is not even nothing. Yet, we come back from not even being nothing, we return knowing the whole Torah which gradually unfolds and reveals itself in our consciousness.
The first creation and flood. Jer 4:28
Thank you sincerely for your amazing videos. Can I ask you to kindly share the title of the book (textbook) from which you often read from? I am not referring to the Torah. God bless
Are you referring to the Tanya?
@@gl9088 I am not sure dear. He usually used that book and I see it in many of his videos sitting by the library stack. The book seems to have a very colorful cover, and I was just so interested in knowing which book it was. Perhaps it is Tanya.
@@LionRex9250 if I had to take one guess, it would be the Tanya. He very often quotes that book.
@@gl9088 Thank you so much for letting me know. I will surely check that book out. It is fascinating.
In reference to old testament
Isn't nothing also something?
33:50 Minute: Thank you very much Dear Rabbi Friedman to differentiate between the time and the agedness/era. 🌸🌼🌺
One question I kept asking myself often, was this:
When the EWIGE put a sleep on Adam to create Chavah, I couldn't find a passage in the Torah where he had woken him up again. This made me wonder if we could all only exist in Adam's dream?
does it matter?
@@randomfinds2756 For me, it does.
I share the same question
42:20 our "only option is to describe what the creator might be like". This is incorrect. If you have a idea of what God is, it is false, it is a case of mistaken identity being that it is only a thought, it is of time and therefore limited by what it is a product of time/knowledge/definition... Definitions, words, thoughts, identifications are all limiting... These limits are reinforced via beliefs and conditioning. You might consider: ideology = Idolatry. 🕊🌻
God is an image nary
If you feel pain that means your alive.
I despise the Bible and all religions.
This man has knowledge and I love how he asks the simple questions that no one asks, which shows religious people know NOTHING
It's real because we believe it.
Black holes also bring forth substance out of nothing yet a black hole is not a creator
Dunya, illusion means that this experience is limited with our imagination & perceptions of poor senses.
Вай, вай, вай... this is getting too close for comfort, you guys are just way too smart... I can hardly hide anymore, the whole machinery is getting laid bare... ¿Qué es ilusión? Es lo que tenía para vosotros desde principio... It's a game we play cause you're my children and that's what we do.
Maybe we only exist if some else remembers you.
I have a question about that story that person could have died of a blood clot because he was sitting in one place you see what I mean you might not know the answer
Maybe we are in the dream of someone.
Sometimes i'm asking my self if this world is Real.
If i'm not dead....slepping somewhere.
An illusion is a real nothing.
If you think about it it says in the beginning God created light but it didn't say anything about color henceforth color came before light our God himself is color which would explain how he's everywhere at all times are omnipotent and all knowing
0:47 2+2 is sometimes 5 sir. Take 2 strings with 2 knots on each of them. Now tie those 2 strings together with a knot. You will have 5 knots
Dear Rabbi, Thank you for being here! I hear a lot of people having the discussion about Round and Flat Earth.... Could you share something about this topic? Thank you 🙏 Much Love!
Couldn’t have an atmosphere if Earth was flat
@@BossGoals why not?
@@brunettelatina3966 wouldn’t be a sphere if it was flat 🙄
@@BossGoals just by your responses its obvious u have never researched flat earth.
@@brunettelatina3966 you asking the question shows you have no idea of what you’re talking about.. Every evidence and experience man has had, proves Earth is not flat.. This subject is ridiculous and to bother a Rabbi on such an ignorant worldly issue is wasteful.
What is God
בכך ששואלים שאלות ולא נותנים תשובות. עם זאת, אין תשובות מלבד אלה שחטפו סטיות.
That I am is certain. What I am, not so much. A lot of what he speaks about here sound like Buddhism. Truth is truth no matter who says it.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth!
הִנֵּ֛ה יָמִ֥ים בָּאִ֖ים נְאֻם־יְהוָ֑ה וְכָרַתִּ֗י אֶת־בֵּ֧ית יִשְׂרָאֵ֛ל וְאֶת־בֵּ֥ית יְהוּדָ֖ה בְּרִ֥ית חֲדָשָֽׁה׃
ירמיה 31:31
Lawrence Kraus also believes in something from nothing! I believe everything from God and god is
Hemen Firavun'a gidin, şöyle deyin: 'Âlemlerin Rabbi'nin resulleriyiz biz."
Şu’arâ, 16./ İşte sana gerçeği apaçık gösteren Kitap'ın ayetleri...
Şu’arâ, 2. Onlar iman etmiyorlar diye kendini üzüntüden tüketir gibisin.
Şu’arâ, 3. Eğer istersek gökten üzerlerine bir mucize indiririz de boyunları onun önünde perişanlıkla eğilip kalır.
Şu’arâ, 4./O Rahman'dan kendilerine söze bürünmüş yeni bir hatırlatma gelmeye dursun, ondan mutlaka yüz çevirirler.
Şu’arâ, 5./Ve hiç kuşku yok, senin Rabbin gerçekten mutlak Azîz, mutlak Rahîm'dir.
Şu’arâ, 9./Mûsa dedi: "O hem sizin Rabbinizdir hem de önceki atalarınızın Rabbidir."
Şu’arâ, 26./Firavun dedi: "Şu size gönderilmiş bulunan resulünüz gerçekten tam bir deli."
Şu’arâ, 27./Mûsa dedi: "Eğer aklınızı işletirseniz O, doğunun, batının ve bunlar arasındakilerin de Rabbidir."
Şu’arâ, 28./Dedi: "Benden başka ilah edinirsen, yemin olsun seni zındanlıklar arasına atarım."
Şu’arâ, 29./Nihayet büyücüler belirlenen bir günün, belirlenen bir vaktinde bir araya getirildi.
Şu’arâ, 38./Halka da: "Siz de toplanır mısınız?" denildi.
Şu’arâ, 39./"Sanıyoruz ki, büyücülere uyacağız, eğer galip gelirlerse."
Şu’arâ, 40./ Bunun üzerine onlar, iplerini ve değneklerini ortaya attılar ve dediler: "Firavun'un onur ve yüceliği aşkına biz, evet biz galip geleceğiz."
Şu’arâ, 44./Mûsa da asasını attı. Bir de ne görsünler, o onların hüner olarak ortaya getirdikleri şeyleri yalayıp yutuyor.
Şu’arâ, 45./Bunun üzerine büyücüler, secdelere kapandılar.
Şu’arâ, 46./Dediler: "İnandık âlemlerin Rabbi'ne."
Şu’arâ, 47./"Mûsa'nın ve Hârun'un Rabbine."
Şu’arâ, 48./Firavun haykırdı: "Ben size izin vermeden ona inandınız ha! Anlaşıldı, o sizin hepinize sihirbazlığı öğreten büyüğünüz. Yakında bileceksiniz. Yemin olsun, ellerinizi, ayaklarınızı çaprazlamasına keseceğim ve yemin olsun sizi toptan asacağım."
Şu’arâ, 49./Mûsa'ya şunu vahyettik: Kullarımı geceleyin yola çıkar. Mutlaka peşinize takılacaklar.
Şu’arâ, 52./İki topluluk birbirini görecek hale gelince, Mûsa'nın adamları seslendi: "İşte şimdi yakalandık!"
Şu’arâ, 61./Mûsa dedi: "Hayır, asla! Rabbim benimledir, bana kılavuzluk edecektir."
Şu’arâ, 62./Bunun üzerine Mûsa'ya, "Asanla denize vur!" diye vahyettik. Deniz hemen yarıldı, her dalga kümesi kocaman bir dağ gibi oldu.
Şu’arâ, 63./Ötekileri de oraya yaklaştırdık.
Şu’arâ, 64./Mûsa'yı ve beraberindekileri toptan kurtardık.
Şu’arâ, 65./Sonra ötekileri boğduk.
Şu’arâ, 66./Bunda elbette bir ibret vardır ama onların çoğu inanmış kimseler değildi.
Şu’arâ, 67./Ve şüphesiz, senin Rabbindir O mutlak Azîz, mutlak Rahîm.
Şu’arâ, 68./Hani babasına ve toplumuna şöyle demişti: "Siz neye ibadet ediyorsunuz?"
Şu’arâ, 70./"Şüphesiz onlar benim düşmanım. Ama âlemlerin Rabbi dostum."
Şu’arâ, 77./De ki: "Sizi gece ve gündüz Rahman'dan kim koruyabilir?" Hayır, hayır! Onlar, Rablerinin zikrinden/Kur'an'ından yüz çeviriyorlar.
Enbiyâ, 42./Yemin olsun, senden önceki resullerle de alay edilmiştir. Sonunda, onlarla eğlenenleri, alay konusu yaptıkları şey kuşatıverdi.
Enbiyâ, 41./De ki: "Ben sizi ancak vahiyle uyarıyorum." Ama sağırlar, uyarıldıklarında çağrıyı işitmezler ki!
Enbiyâ, 45./ 51 Yemin olsun, İbrahim'e daha önceden, doğruyu bulma gücünü vermiştik. Onu bilmekteydik biz.
52 Babasına ve toplumuna şöyle demişti: "Şu başına toplanıp durduğunuz heykeller de ne?"
53 Dediler: "Atalarımızı onlara kulluk/ibadet eder bulduk."
54 Dedi: "Vallahi, siz de atalarınız da açık bir sapıklık içine düşmüşsünüz."
55 Dediler: "Sen gerçeği mi getirdin yoksa oynayıp eğlenenlerden biri misin?"
56 Dedi: "Hiç de değil! Sizin Rabbiniz, göklerin ve yerin Rabbidir ki, onları yaratmıştır. Ben de bunlara tanıklık edenlerdenim."
57 "Allah'a yemin ederim, sırtınızı dönüp gidişinizden sonra, putlarınıza bir oyun çevireceğim."
58 Sonunda onları parça parça etti. Yalnız en büyüklerini bıraktı ki, dönüp ona başvurabilsinler.
59 Dediler: "Tanrılarımıza bunu yapan kesinlikle zalimlerdendir."
60 Dediler: "Onları diline dolayan bir genç duymuştuk. Kendisine 'İbrahim' deniyor."
61 Dediler: "Halkın gözleri önüne getirin onu ki, açıkça görebilsinler."
62 Dediler: "Tanrılarımıza bunu sen mi yaptın, ey İbrahim?"
63 Dedi: "Hayır, ben değil. Şu büyükleri yapmıştır onu. Hadi, sorun onlara eğer konuşabiliyorlarsa!"
64 Bunun üzerine kendi benliklerine döndüler de şöyle dediler: "Siz, zalimlerin ta kendilerisiniz."
65 Sonra, yine kendi kafalarına döndürüldüler: "Vallahi, sen de bilirsin ki, bunlar konuşamazlar."
66 İbrahim dedi: "Siz, Allah'ın berisinden, size hiçbir şekilde yarar sağlamayan, zarar veremeyen şeylere mi tapıyorsunuz?"
67 "Yazıklar olsun size ve Allah'ın berisinden taptıklarınıza! Siz hâlâ aklınızı kullanmayacak mısınız?"
68 Dediler: "Yakın bunu! Eğer birşey yapacak kişilerseniz, ilahlarınıza yardım edin."
69 Biz de şöyle dedik: "Ey ateş, İbrahim'e bir serinlik ol, bir selam ol!" ( Enbiya ) / Göklerde ve yerde bulunan herkes, Rahman'a kul olarak gelecektir.
Meryem, 93./ 9 Ulaştı mı sana Mûsa'nın haberi?
10 Hani, bir ateş görmüştü de ailesine şöyle demişti: "Bekleyin! Gözüme bir ateş ilişti. Olabilir ki, ondan size bir kor parçası getiririm, yahut onun üzerinde bir kılavuz bulurum."
11 Onun yanına geldiğinde kendisine "Mûsa!" diye seslenildi.
12 "Benim ben, senin Rabbin! Hadi, pabuçlarını çıkar; sen kutsal vadide, Tuva'dasın."
13 "Ve ben seni seçtim; o halde vahyedilecek olanı dinle!"
14 "Hiç kuşkulanma ki ben Allah'ım! İlah yoktur benden başka! O halde bana ibadet et ve namazını/duanı, beni hatırlayıp anmak için yerine getir." ( Taha ) ./ Şanı yücedir o Allah'ın ki toprağın bitirdiklerinden, onların öz benliklerinden ve nice bilmediklerinden bütün çiftleri yaratmıştır.
Yâsîn, 36./"Ben, sizin Rabbinize iman ettim, artık dinleyin beni!"
Yâsîn, 25./Bir zaman, cinlerden bir topluluğu, Kur'an'ı dinlemeleri için sana yöneltmiştik. Onu dinlemeye hazır hale geldiklerinede: "Susup dinleyin!" dediler. Dinleme bitirilince de uyarıcılar olarak kendi toplumlarına döndüler.
Ahkâf, 29./ Bu böyledir, çünkü Allah hakkın ta kendisidir. O, ölüleri diriltiyor ve O, herşey üzerinde kudretiyle egemendir.
Hac, 6./Ve saat mutlaka gelecektir. Kuşku yok onda. Ve Allah kabirlerdeki şuurlu varlıkları diriltecektir.
Hac, 7./Göklerde ne var, yerde ne varsa Allah'ındır. Allah Muhît'tir, her şeyi çepeçevre kuşatmıştır.
Nisâ, 126./Güneş, kendine özgü bir durak noktasına/bir durma zamanına doğru akıp gidiyor. Azîz, Alîm olanın takdiridir bu.
Yâsîn, 38.
Ether World is from Illuminose ether or plazma
Reality = That which is/that I am.
Absolute Reality is where all relative beings live, move and have their being.
Illusion is mistaking this for that, mistaking a rope for a snake.
Reality is the real ocean the real fish really lives and swims in.
If God punishes disobedience then God is someone to escape or get even with; to be avoided in any case. Thank God that God is only a concept. Life living embodied or disembodied is all there is.
Truth is ever faithful to Reality.
The only thing created is the alphabet of representation.
That which is nothing in particular (actual) is by definition everything in general (potential).
Rabbi, are you sure we are not allowed to create illusions?
Magic is forbidden
@@Blackowl44 true, for the word of light it is "magic".
But we are near the great balance. Things is working different.
These world's will not trick me into thinking we live in a simulation if we lived in a simulation we would pass through one another like raphahims do.
Well there are other realms around us and we are supposed to be walking right through them I think they call them densities
The Rabbi, at the outset of this video, said that any future projections(imaginations or illusions , both being called unreal), are one & the same concept,actually.But what about “visions” of the future, that sincere people have reported, that have come true, sometime in the future. Exactly, like a Polaroid (old-fashioned 10 second camera) snapshot, that appears! Einstein’s theory of time, as we think of it, as having past, present, & future, along a linear, chronological line, as being illusory, seems to be true, if said assertion is accepted as true. As unsettling as this is, the implication is even more unsettling: that events are predetermined! Maybe like a camera spinning a lifecycle film of one’s entire life events, in cyclic perpetuity. Since, fatalism is a depressing theory, perhaps the idea that man is a minor co-creator, is still possibly true! It has been speculated that one has a greater chance of changing reality, the further away point in time the person is, from said event desired to be changed. The closer in time to the event, you are, to the event you desire to change, the less chance you have of affecting said change, in other words.Sort of like a Doppler effect. If we could control our visions of the future, life would be turned upside down! A Twilight Zone episode was ahead of its time in its theme of a camera that could take a picture & project the future in the photo taken. The fictional story dealt with petty criminals using the camera to photograph horse racetrack results, resulting in divulging the winning race results of future races. Easy money was made, but negative energy was introduced to apply to the users of said camera, implying that such use of a device that could see the future, is somehow evil, sinful, or immoral. Religious indoctrination of dogma is ubiquitous! It comes to mind, that the ethics of genetic engineering of animals & humans, especially, are viewed similarly, with much passion, whether viewed as right or wrong!
Must be one, a really good one too. Maybe "Samadhi" or something like the "Matrix", me thinks realities are woven together, WTC, "Back to the Future" coincidence and even "Blue Thunder" movie scence where two Jets cause destructions of an empty two parted buildings. Sounds weird. But I could give even other coincidences or woven relationships between different stories. Like Tom Riddle in "Harry Potter" and "The Riddler " in Batman or "Voldemort" as inscription of "Voll der Mord" - "Mass Murder" - or "Totally Murder". Know not who thought this absurd reallity. But it is like the law of attraction, something in the small as a representation for something bigger or more enourmous, like the "Illuminati Collectors Card game predicting future 5 years ahead before events took place. Game was printed in 1995 - WTC Card and Pentagon card where already printed and 9/11 took place in 2001 at 9/11. Numerology seems to play a greeter part in in like in the Kaballah.
"Even God can't say that 2 and 2 makes 5".Thomas Aquinas.
סוטה (אי ציות) ואלה המסכימים עם הסוטה, אי לכך, קיימת ישות אינטליגנטית כלשהי שכל הדברים הטבעיים או אי הצייתנות מכוונים אליהן עד סופן; ולהוויה זו אנו קוראים SATAN. אנחנו לא צריכים את אלוהים אפילו שהוא לא לבד עם הציות.
This is not true that God does not need or want anything, or feel emotions. Where do you think emotions come from? Clearly, the nothing... Clearly, The God.
Human is a reflection of The God, and The God is ALL.
bs"d wow, the Mashal becoming the Nimshal... that's heavy, kind of makes it all hang together...
Human never understand that there is no human in his logic he is not alivej
Isn't everything wishful thinking before you work for them? And make them a reality. On the other hand, there are some things that are on attainable. But maybe on the other hand, being careful to I'm talking to. Maybe sometimes we want things G-D ( יהוה) didn't mean for us to have.
Maybe our whole universe is in a black hole, a big bubble!
We know there are many out there 🤷♀️
He's the alpha and omega!
Simulations have no feelings man does.
In past I have always took the arm of G🙄D as a understanding as like🤔🤔.....
The arm of G🙄D, could it also be speaking of G🙄D's reach not that G🙄D needs to have arm's or a arm to reach anyone. but this is what arm's do the arm has to be extended out from the body from point of rest to become efficient functional if one has arm's or a arm. whether to keep your fall or harm from a fall or to reach out to what ever it is one is reaching for, as G🙄D reaches out to us ALL with the strength that only G🙄D can provide to us all.....
Just a point of view I had on this when I was younger in my teenage years.
As always thanks for the videos 🙏💖🙏
I wont betray you I need wisdon tell the goverment to restore my water please Im ready To Clib The Next Mountain whatever it takes Im commited 😢😊😅❤
Fear is The mind Killer , master the mind don't create negative realities , dark Placebos
Who. Is god
I wear the Fylfot mirroring he and she-from G-d's Champions in faithful obedience to Thorah.
Aleph, AêHêIêH but the transliteration into the divine Hebrew letter let it be told by me not. I tell you who are not no clue. Symbolised Aleph if-the ox my ancestors see in my wrestling performance in a Vikings sport. Shalom Israel. I think and pray and train every day for Jerusalem World.
No we are not. I'd be doing math non-stop.
No we do not probably live in a simulation
A friendly reminder that the earth is flat and that we live in the Antarctic basin.
Sounds good this whole thing is a holograph but it's the greatest ever bless the Lord we wear this world like a jacket or a coat an there is a film on our eyes that makes it look real plus our 5 I'm out 🙏😇
You believe you are smarter then neighbor. Help him please 😁
Saying it's a simulation is like saying God lied. He says he is the creator of heaven and earth.... simulations are projected not created..