Done You Wrong - Aaron Pritchett

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Done You Wrong by Aaron Pritchett


  • @audreybaillie686
    @audreybaillie686 Рік тому

    I am seeing him tomorrow at Cook County Saloon on February 17th....can't wait!

  • @azuresky4600
    @azuresky4600 5 років тому +4

    This man is AMAZING live. If you ever get a chance to see him live DO IT... he rocked Sault Ste Marie Ontario

  • @audreybaillie686
    @audreybaillie686 Рік тому

    I did see him...that night and he did rock Edmonton Alberta as well

  • @jessicajohnson6939
    @jessicajohnson6939 11 років тому +1

    this is one song i can majorly relate to and love it ....

  • @iShannonCR
    @iShannonCR 12 років тому

    This is the first time Ive watched the video to this song. I always thought it was about a girl who held back emotionally and stuff because she was afraid that the singer would break her heart like the guy before. Now this song has a whole new meaning to it.

  • @audreybaillie686
    @audreybaillie686 Рік тому

    I listened when this video first debuted and still listening to it in 2023

  • @denisepare601
    @denisepare601 5 років тому +1

    that was so me back in the 80s

  • @firststepshardest1656
    @firststepshardest1656 4 роки тому +1

    Sometimes, you think you're having trouble trusting because of the past.
    The fact is, the first sign of ANY kind of abuse, you gotta walk away.
    There are lots of different kinds of pain and heartache that those we love can inflict.
    If it doesn't feel right, it's not your imagination. It's not going to change. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. They aren't going to change. Not before they've inflicted pain.

  • @emily94762
    @emily94762 11 років тому

    I must have been like eight when this song ame out and I loved it. Of course it didnt really understand it but oh well.

  • @TheVaporeonrules234
    @TheVaporeonrules234 14 років тому

    I came to this song just to see the comments from men. I am happy to say i was not disappointed. Guys, no matter how your friends laugh or call you gay. Just remember that in the long run, They'll be alone and you will most definitely have a beautiful wife and adorable kids. Trust me. I'm a girl and sensitive guys are what we all need. Which is why we date emos.

  • @raybascus3149
    @raybascus3149 10 років тому +11

    any man that puts his hands on a woman like that is a sorry piece of crap and ant a real man , a real man would never hit a woman, no woman should ever have go threw this , its just crazy how some men think they can do this, a woman should be loved n protected is what i think

  • @paulandrew9978
    @paulandrew9978 12 років тому

    i hope you getting your life back together rca chicky !! god bless !

  • @triciaeustache32
    @triciaeustache32 12 років тому +1

    I agree totally your right
    don't ever let a man lay one
    finger on you, go to the police
    as soon as the first hit comes
    or if you have a bad feeling I all
    can say is listen to your gut because
    it's mostly right.... :)
    he's going to hit you....

  • @paulc8829
    @paulc8829 11 років тому

    i hope hes there for you !!
    my fiancee let me go as shes not able to cope with what happened, me being there and strong for her wasnt enough, i wish you luck !

  • @dustinsaunders314
    @dustinsaunders314 10 років тому

    my family is friends with his family......i only met him once. also met his son once but i am going to his sister's tomorrow !

  • @terrypercy
    @terrypercy 11 років тому +6

    I wish my Uncle liked country, I wish I could show him this song to help him understand what's going on with my aunt and her attack. Why she's soo scared and why it's not his fault :(.

  • @triciaeustache32
    @triciaeustache32 12 років тому

    same here

  • @Krissy733
    @Krissy733 16 років тому

    This is a really good song!
    Hes hott too :P
    But one question;
    Those 2 guys in the video, two different men shes dating? lmao
    So confusing :S

  • @pedro335500
    @pedro335500 12 років тому

    i really dont understand how some men can do shit like this to a women it aint right

  • @ladyjpratt
    @ladyjpratt 14 років тому

    he sho look fine ;)

  • @paulandrew9978
    @paulandrew9978 12 років тому

    i recently found out my girl freind had been raped, bit before i meet her, only now do i understand why she was how she was with me, i love her dearly and one day i WILL marry her !! every time i hear this song , see this video i want to cry, my baby must have gone through hell !

  • @triciaeustache32
    @triciaeustache32 12 років тому

    I feel really
    sad for the
    girl in the

  • @keatsgipsy
    @keatsgipsy 14 років тому +1

    Oh you know this song must of gave a lot of woman strength to stand up and take their hearts and go ... you are a gem
    THINK this song need a lot more air-time -
    GIRLS request it from your local radio stations! I am going to!

  • @SquirrelGir
    @SquirrelGir 10 років тому +3

    It makes me so mad that anytime I try to talk to someone about it when they ask why I am acting funny they get mad at me. Why get mad at the victim, yet I understand it is a taboo to talk about but that is why it happens so much and part of why reporting it is so difficult to do. The guy I was with never did it when we where around people, he made sure it was just to two of us and then he waited till I was not paying attention and locked the dogs up first. He would always make sure the dogs where locked up because he knew that they would bite him if they saw this behavior. It has been a year and half yet I still cry at least once a week, the night-terrors are down to a few times a month. Last time I slept at a friends house when they tried to wake me up during one I started swinging and screaming in my sleep. I was with him for 5 years, the violence appeared during the last part of the 4th year. It is hard walking away from half a decades worth of life and picking yourself up and rebuilding. For this reason I understand why some women stay...

    • @amandap2650
      @amandap2650 8 років тому

      I hope you're doing better now that a year has passed since you posted this comment.

    • @denisepare601
      @denisepare601 5 років тому

      im so sorry to read about you going tru that but I went tru the same 33 years ago and I still suffer from it the only thing that really stops is the night terrors he was the father of my daughter the only way I got saved was he got stabbed 21 times and survived but stayed mentally handicapped my prayers are with you to get better I wish you the best but the memories last forever I think

  • @thomassolomon1355
    @thomassolomon1355 3 роки тому

    Yep I send this one out to my ex girlfriend she really did me wrong and I’m that kinda guy that Deserves it I’m the Nicest guy you will ever meet I have a heart of gold cheers

  • @mp2020202
    @mp2020202 6 років тому

    The women I am seeing now was recently in a relationship like this...she's happy and safe now but of course still has some insecurities. Her previous partner (the abuser) wanted to meet me a few days back "the idiot." He wanted to shake my hand and believe me..Im glad he didnt even speak to me let alone only looked at me once because it wouldnt have ended well. Karma shall come around.

  • @Whitneyxo
    @Whitneyxo 12 років тому +1

    i love this song so much!

  • @officeboy89
    @officeboy89 6 місяців тому

    I met Aaron yesterday!

  • @pretty_brittyr6
    @pretty_brittyr6 14 років тому

    i have went through a couple bad relationships where abuse was in the picture, more emotionally then physical but i had that in other aspects.. The last relationship i was in was amazing, but i was so scared of getting hurt that i never got close to them, and i apologize for it.. but when i told him what happened he understood.. and he loves me the way i should be treated and respects me the way i should be. so those who have been through it i know how you feel. STAY STRONG

  • @Krissy733
    @Krissy733 13 років тому

    I was in a 2 year long relationship that I was abused in, then a relationship that I was cheated on. Now theres a great guy in my life, and it's so hard to let him in, after everything I've been through! :(... I literally forgot this song even existed!

  • @KanisTeacher
    @KanisTeacher 15 років тому

    It's called a "flashback". They're showing what happened to her in the past and how it's affecting her present.

  • @lilsweetieable
    @lilsweetieable 13 років тому

    I 100% agree with that, the same goes for me and guys just don't understand... this song helps so much

  • @louistait9390
    @louistait9390 5 років тому

  • @brittanyboudloche4035
    @brittanyboudloche4035 12 років тому

    this song fits me perfectly about my ex and now the guy i talk to dont understand why im the way i am :( wish he could understand

  • @rebamac10
    @rebamac10 12 років тому

    I know how you feel

    • @brianj770
      @brianj770 7 років тому

      rebamac10 I hope you are doing better in your life now. God bless you

  • @triciaeustache32
    @triciaeustache32 12 років тому

    go to the police as soon as possible.

  • @triciaeustache32
    @triciaeustache32 12 років тому

    u got that right!!!