Say Something - Margaret/Thornton [North & South]

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Sorry it's so grainy. First vid, featuring Margaret Hale and John Thornton from North & South. Song: "Say Something" by A Great Big World


  • @meesamagill1193
    @meesamagill1193 19 днів тому

    When they slowly extricate their hands after the long handshake/hand hold....fingers still touching.....shivers❤

  • @aeh0203
    @aeh0203 8 років тому +46

    I just discovered this mini series. I looooved it. Richard Armitage is magnificent! what a man... Wish they had many more episodes.

    • @mirrorflight5829
      @mirrorflight5829  8 років тому +12

      I wish they had many more Richard Armitages!

    • @marykatezehr1074
      @marykatezehr1074 7 років тому +2

      Ahhh! Yes, I'm with you!! I want a Richard Armitage of my own so badly!!!!

    • @martinen.5025
      @martinen.5025 4 роки тому +1

      @@mirrorflight5829 We could have one each... but the original is MINE!!! 😂😂🤣🥰🥰

    • @poiuytrewqasdfghjkl7483
      @poiuytrewqasdfghjkl7483 Місяць тому

      ​@@martinen.5025Зачем тебе оригинал? Он по мальчикам.

  • @mile114
    @mile114 8 років тому +53

    So sad. I discovered this series this year and not in 2004.. I''m crazy for Richard, his glance is so sweet!!! I love Mr. Thornton so so much. I can;t stop of watching the final scene on the train!!!

    • @mirrorflight5829
      @mirrorflight5829  8 років тому +6

      His intense eye contact gets me every time!

    • @chinu286
      @chinu286 7 років тому +1

      me too

    • @marykatezehr1074
      @marykatezehr1074 7 років тому

      Amen, sister!!!!

    • @dawnzai1656
      @dawnzai1656 5 років тому +4

      I discovered this series THIS year! how about that?? and now I'm hooked!

    • @moonamour.4646
      @moonamour.4646 4 роки тому +4

      I just discovered this yesterday 💔

  • @lindakrzyzewski6912
    @lindakrzyzewski6912 Рік тому +4

    This is a great series ❤❤❤

  • @marykatezehr1074
    @marykatezehr1074 7 років тому +17

    I have to say, that the kiss in the end of the show and this video, is the most perfect kiss I have EVER seen!!!! I really hope they are happy together.

  • @PatchesOfBluex
    @PatchesOfBluex 9 років тому +81

    I always find myself coming back to this mini series after all these years! It's just so gorgeous:) such a lovely video you have made.

  • @jelenajelena755
    @jelenajelena755 Рік тому +5

    Замечательный фильм, без пошлости и голых тел. Пример отношений мужчины и женщины, пример отношений между детьми и родителями. Книга не произвела такого сильного впечатления как фильм. Огромная благодарность создателям, все актеры великолепны, но главный герой - даже не могу подобрать слов для восхищения его образом.

  • @penmart127
    @penmart127 9 років тому +19

    Great job.....this is one of my all time fav shows

  • @kekelove5959
    @kekelove5959 5 років тому +6

    Omggg my fave British mini series!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  • @meesamagill1193
    @meesamagill1193 4 роки тому +5

    The handshake🤗

  • @marykatezehr1074
    @marykatezehr1074 7 років тому +8

    When it gets to the part, "You're the one that I love, and I'm saying GOODBYE" I started crying!

  • @loveGG3
    @loveGG3 7 років тому +10

    This is amazing! The song and the scene selection to go with the lyrics is just perfect! Like the "I'm still learning to love" with the handshake and "starting to crawl" as they slowly release it, perfection! The first "say something I'm giving up on you" with the carriage leaving but then all the ones after that were great too. And then "the saying goodbye" agh! So many great moments!

    • @mirrorflight5829
      @mirrorflight5829  7 років тому

      Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Those were definitely intentional haha. Glad you enjoyed! :D

  • @manuelagemelli3428
    @manuelagemelli3428 11 місяців тому +2

    L'attore rende intensamente il ruolo consapevole dell'uomo nel suo divenire.... Complimenti

  • @marykatezehr1074
    @marykatezehr1074 7 років тому +5

    Okay, this is already bringing tears to my eyes!!!! So beautiful, Richard is my HERO!!!!

  • @anitadwivedi7303
    @anitadwivedi7303 4 роки тому +2


  • @paulaivens2381
    @paulaivens2381 8 років тому +4

    brilliant movie

  • @sweetgal38
    @sweetgal38 9 років тому +8

    Awesome video! Very moving with just the right moments in it! Well done!

  • @ximenacabello1021
    @ximenacabello1021 7 років тому +14

    I loved this video! It's so beautiful! You really did an amazing job:D

  • @martinen.5025
    @martinen.5025 4 роки тому +2

    Beautiful video.. sublime music.. the very first song I ever thought of when I saw his face.. sixteen LONG years ago, was, The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Roberta Flack.. would you consider doing a video to that...I have in MY mind a montage of some of the most beautiful stills of him... but you're the expert!

  • @monicaalexandrabermudezcar8939
    @monicaalexandrabermudezcar8939 3 роки тому

    Hermoso muy hermoso su música nos enamora totalmente ya quiero ver la SERIE. COLOMBIA

  • @prairiepalmetto9378
    @prairiepalmetto9378 6 місяців тому +1

    Every time I watch the scene where Margaret is making her last visit to the Thorntons and he asks her if she’s really leaving I wonder “ what if”.
    If he could have pushed through his doubts and said “Margaret, I love you more than my own life and I need you. Please don’t leave me. We’ll make our own home and family together. You’re not alone. I’m right here and I’ll always be here.” I think she would have come into his loving arms and no Aunt or Mother-in-Law would have had any hope of separating them.
    In the book he fantasized about being the one to hold her as she cried at her mother’s death. Notwithstanding his outward pride-driven fury, he longed to be her comforter. In the movie when she looks up at him with those lost, exhausted eyes, I wonder at the horrible power his pride and doubt held over him that prevented him from there and then gathering her into his arms, carrying her to the sofa and cradling her on his lap until they had time to get through her tears and quietly talk through their misunderstandings. I can just hear his voice booming at protesting Aunt and Mother “Leave us! Give this poor girl some time! Our lives are more important than your bloody train schedule”!
    I think Thornton was one of those men who needed to give love as much as he needed to be loved. I think Margaret was the same.

  • @kellywilliams1332
    @kellywilliams1332 9 років тому +7

    i just finished watching this mini series and it is amazing! thanks for the video!

    • @mirrorflight5829
      @mirrorflight5829  9 років тому +4

      K Williams It's IS amazing. The worst part about N&S is that nothing is as good after you see it! Thanks for watching!

  • @giani_love_jesus
    @giani_love_jesus 7 років тому +4

    Richard Armitage te amooooo 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • @PattyHale
    @PattyHale 9 років тому +2

    Beautiful video.... thank you!!!

    • @mirrorflight5829
      @mirrorflight5829  9 років тому

      +Patty Hale I'm glad you liked it. Thank you!

    • @mirrorflight5829
      @mirrorflight5829  8 років тому

      lol I just noticed your last name - perfect!

    • @PattyHale
      @PattyHale 8 років тому

      No problem.... my real name is Patrizia Cromi... bye...

  • @annaespeitx2424
    @annaespeitx2424 8 років тому +2

    precioso video y musica ❤

  • @mellonlord4616
    @mellonlord4616 7 років тому +4

    Wonderful song pick. I wish when the lyrics say, "I will swallow my pride,' was her kissing his hand though.

  • @christineterry3079
    @christineterry3079 3 роки тому

    Yes say sonething becausing iam giving up its for you to speak up first ❤

  • @elinnkal530
    @elinnkal530 9 років тому +2

    Dankeschön für dich.

  • @ladyevenstar22
    @ladyevenstar22 5 років тому

    You should check out video about jonerys with this song she edited it with highlights of character speaking its beautiful . These two have beautiful dialogue that compliment this song

  • @rosanasimoes9689
    @rosanasimoes9689 6 років тому

    Gostaria de assistir mas traduzido em português obrigado

  • @crazyforshane
    @crazyforshane 6 років тому

    hi would you consider doing a north and south video to perfect by ed sheeran

  • @zoloosso3152
    @zoloosso3152 3 роки тому +1

    Oh shit, he played the dwarf king in Hobbit 😂😂

    • @marykatezehr1074
      @marykatezehr1074 3 роки тому +1

      You bet he did! Definitely the hottest Dwarf King ever!!!!

    • @h.n.5864
      @h.n.5864 3 роки тому

      ​@@marykatezehr1074 Yess! Thorin and John Thornton are my two favourite movie characters, Richard nailed both roles:)

  • @carolejander
    @carolejander 3 роки тому +5
