I think the brother knew that the bully remembered, and that's probably why he didn't tell anyone he was dating her until the engagement. He didn't say anything because he knew his sister would reject her and might turn the family against the two. He just didn't care that his sister was bullied.
She “doesn’t remember” because it’s more convenient and if she actually admitted she remembered her brother wouldn’t of started dating her…. If they do end up marrying I don’t see it lasting long Also if she really didn’t remember she wouldn’t cry
Sounds to me like Annika didn’t “forget” about the bullying like she claimed. More like she does remember and is pretending she doesn’t to escape consequences. :/
The SIL might remember but she might not. Either way she should have apologized. The brother is a terrible person for dating her in the first place. A lot of times bullies have such guilt they actually forget as a coping mechanism. But she had a chance to start over and didnt want to bother. I would cut off ties with my brother. He showed his true colors. Hope if he ever has kids they arent bullied as he wont care, and if he does then he's a Hippocrate. Good on the OP for calling her out.
Okay but I had a similar thing to the first story happen to me... In elementary school there was this boy who used to bully me and on the first day of school that year (the first day we even met) he threatened to kill my cats who I absolutely adored. I was too scared to tell anyone because I was afraid of what would happen if he really was a freaking psychopath who would actually kill my cats if I told anyone about what he said (stupid I know but I was a kid _AND_ I'm mildly autistic). Well over the year my cats slowly died off one by one...and on the day that my last cat died he decided (for the first time since he threatened me at the beginning of the year) that he was going to remind me of his little promise and said that tonight was going to be the night that he killed them. And I _SNAPPED_ I burst into tears and yelled at him saying that my last cat had already died last night (he didn't even know that the other two had died because up until now I had never told anyone). He just kind of stared at me in shock before smirking and telling me that he was the one who killed her....to which I went off on him again telling him that she was killed by a dog (which he then claimed was his but when I asked him what color his dog was it was a different color than the one my mom had supposedly seen). After that I had two more full on mental breakdowns (and _FINALLY_ told my mom who told the teacher which led to a meeting in which he admitted that he was "just joking" about everything) throughout the day and after the last one I just started praying to God to let me see them one last time...and my prayer was answered with either their actual spirits or a tactile/auditory/visual hallucination so I guess I at least got closure.... Anyway... that was just the backstory.... The thing that was simular was what happened later... So, in highschool I was (I think) waiting for the bus or something when this boy and his friends walk up to me....one of his friends says something along the lines of "he thinks you're really pretty and he wants to know if you'd go out with him" and the person in question? You guessed it--the same guy who said he would kill my cats (yeah, that entire scenario was one of those "boys bully girls they like" things. It does in fact happen and it actually happened to me constantly throughout elementary school...one of them even confirmed it!) I just looked him up and down and said that I wasn't going to go out with the person who threatened to kill my cats in elementary school (plus I'm grey-aromantic anyway but I didn't mention that part). He just looked at me confused (unlike the girl he genuinely forgot since it had been YEARS) and said that he never did anything like that. I just rolled my eyes, stared at him completely deadpan and asked if he really thought that I would lie about something like this. And his eyes just slowly widened as he started to remember and his friends just stared at him like "What the hell man you threatened to kill her cats?! What's wrong with you?!" and I just literally sashayed off (which I always do but this time it was a lot more pronounced) And the best part? That's the first and only time I have ever actually said no to a person asking me out before to their face. Every other time I run away because I'm too socially awkward to tell them that I'm not interested because I'm grey-aromantic....and I'm too awkward/shy to say no because I don't want to hurt their feelings (which is stupid since running away is probably worse but my brain doesn't work when it's in fight or flight mode). I was just so mad at this guy that I didn't even care about hurting his feelings.
I love that you “sashayed” away but also I’m so sorry for the death of your cats. I know how heartbreaking it can be, especially if it was a violent death. Glad you got closure ❤
In the first story, she's clearly lying about not remembering the all the bullying she did. (first story literally reminds me a bit of that one movie You Again)
Jay is not smart. I have no words for this level of stupidity. He stole the books in front of people, took the books to *his job* and when OP gave him a way out (give them back) he wasn't smart enough to see he was cornered and should give up. Of course he was fired, imagine a business that deals in books having stolen books at their property, plus having the police involved.
The book one.... Oh hell no! I have a collection of books myself and some are collectors or big volumes that are super expensive. The kind of expensive, you buy insurance over and that can be sold if you are in a bad place in life. Plus, we you love reading and you got them signed by the author, they have so much emotional value on top of it. Jay had malicious intentions for sure!
S1: Brother and bully are both TA, they deserve each other and I bet they'll both be crying because of each other soon enough S2: Don't tell your kids to respect "elders" when those elders refuse to act their age, the uncle is borderline bullying OP and the parents being okay with it makes them TA S2: Spoiled BIL is TA for not only not appreciating that someone was spending money on his wife, kids and mother, but also trying to extend that spending to something completely unreasonable. Very much a f*k around and find out situation and he f*ked around and found out, too bad for him S3: Another FAAFO situation, and Jay was warned and then still went ahead and found out, so he's TA. You don't mess around with people's valuables unless you're planning something shady, and no one should pay a thief for facing the consequences of their theft, like this dude is dreaming
Thank you for posting everyday! Your videos help me relax!! Have a good day and remember to take breaks💖 I also love the comments you make for each story lmao
Why announce its your treat? Why not just pay for everything after the bill arrives?? That way you still treat the person and you don't get to lose too much money
@@loosilu They tried to have the child order something else. The father insisted... it's not OP's fault that the child didn't finish the food. The OP also gave the father 2 chances to back out of the bet and have the child order something else.
There's a difference between teasing for fun and looking down on "those millennials". Also, you gotta be the person that enjoys teasing each other. It's only fun when both have that kind of humor.
The steak story: This is on OP. When you're treating, you get to say no. A 3 pound steak is clearly ridiculous. You tell the 11 year old to get something else.
She tried to, but the dad sided with the son. Telling him to pay if he doesn't finish seems reasonable to me. Being angry because OP followed through is just a ridiculous attempt of taking advantage of their generosity.
Also, as someone with autism it's entirely that she didn't remember and just felt threatened/intimidated by the sudden shift in attention towards her (not to mention probably negative attention) and got overwhelmed and ran off crying. You might _THINK_ that she was doing that because she remembered and ran off because she felt called out but it's entirely possible that she _DIDN'T_ remember. If I were in her situation I also would have ran off crying even if I didn't remember (and even if it was a completely different subject where I hadn't even done anything wrong) because my autism makes me really nervous and uncomfortable in social situations and a sudden shift in attention is enough to make me break into tears and hide. It's also entirely possible that like the guy in my other comment she genuinely didn't remember anything until the person she bullied spoke up about it at which point it reminded her. It's entirely possible that OP's brother asking wasn't enough to trigger the memory since he probably wasn't involved but the victim bringing it up did. So I don't know if it's entirely fair to say that she 100% remembered. I'm not saying I approve just that it's entirely possible that she genuinely forgot.
I still think it's highly unlikely since they seemed to have spent a lot of time together. I can't really imagine that someone would forget that whole episode to the point of not remembering when the brother asked her about it.
Nah, she remembered. Why else would she avoid OP the entire time before dinner? Why didn't she ask to meet OP's brothers family before they got engaged so she could apologize and clear the air before they took any major steps in their relationship? Even if say, the brother wanted to avoid it cause he knew it would upset his sister(he's a huge a hole). Wouldn't you want to be on good terms with the in-laws?
@@groggyowl6871 This is all fair but honestly as someone with social anxiety/autism who avoids interacting with people I don't know/don't know very well I honestly probably wouldn't do any of that just because I'd keep trying to put it off even if I knew that it would have to happen eventually. _I_ wouldn't be the one to ask to meet the family you would have to invite me to meet them yourself or bring it up in conversation and _THEN_ I might agree because "welp I guess it's gotten to that point". And if I were told that I used to bully my SO's sister I would probably try even harder to avoid confrontation and therefore meeting them for as long as possible because I'm not good with conflict/awkward social situations even if I didn't remember bullying her. Like, I'd probably try to apologize when we did meet but even then I'm so awkward that I'd probably end up stumbling over my words and having a mini panic attack just because I'm really awkward when it comes to interacting with people _WITHOUT_ having to apologize for something I did in the past. Add on that extra bit of awkwardness and I'd just kind of break and would probably end up trying to run away from my problems even if I knew it was wrong. Obviously that's probably not the case here, she probably did remember even if it's just because seeing the sister's face was enough to remind her but it's still theoretically possible for this kind of thing to actually happen to someone else.
Honestly, it'd be even worse if she truly didn't remember. Because that'd mean this behavior was so normal to her that it was as memorable than a typical Tuesday for her.
"A woman should let her feelings go to "make thing easier" ". I feel like that Carter grew up with entitlement, surrounding his gender , so when it came to choose between him and his sister, he some how found a way to make him more important than his sister.
0:05: On the one hand, OP probably needs to get over whatever hang-ups she had in high school. On the other hand, the fact Annika never apologized to OP after all these years says a lot about her. Carter had to have known this was his sister's bully. I shudder to think how Annika is going to treat Carter now that they're engaged. 4:26: The uncle sounds like a lazy sloth. Unless he is physically unable to do so (which is not readily apparent in this story), Uncle needs to get his own drinks. 6:06: The BIL just took advantage of OP's generosity by ordering a steak his son clearly wasn't able to finish. Oh well, at least they took the leftovers home with them. Plus, they could have seen the new Spiderman movie at a later date. 8:42: Jay took OP's books without permission and acts as if he was told he could borrow them. Jay clearly had ill intentions and absolutely got what he deserved.
"Getting over the hang ups" isn't that easy when the people in high-school become the reason for a life long anxiety, cause the flip in your personality and ruin one of the peak times of your youth. The bare minimum she could do is admit her mistakes and apologise but she is such a wuss my god did that Anikka girl make me angry
Depends on what the bullying was. I was bullied to the point that a kid pulled a knife on me and tried to slice my throat! That's something you don't get over easy, especially while Autistic and physically handicapped. The worst thing was the kid didn't even get in trouble. My parents took me out of the school to save my life. I was suspended, tho for defending myself. That's when my parents said my safety was more important than my education. Never went back to school after because I was traumatized, and my dad got cancer. So I helped take care of him til he died. That same kid told all my friends they would catch the cancer. So I can understand not getting over it. We all react differently.
In the very first story, Annika was probably just very envious of her because maybe she had better grades, way better friends, better manners, and maybe she was way more well liked than Annika. I can't stand when those people start negative rumors about you all because you're out shining them. That's exactly what Annika gets, and as Carter goes, he didn't fall in love at first sight he fell into the other thing that also begins with an L. Yes Annika does remember she's just playing innocent in front of Carter so that she can get some sympathy points.. Why did Annika run of out of there in tears when she had no reason at all to? Carter was never there to see or to even witness all of the bad things that Annika put his little sister through n High school. Something like that should definitely put distance her and her brother all because he fell for the wrong woman. In the second story, I would have to agree with the parents right here because that is rude , and they don't have any point to prove. That is their Uncle, their relative, and their guest too so suck it up and just play nice until their leave. I was always taught to respect my elders, and that's something that I still do to this very day. In the third story, when she mentioned that the food was her treat, she didn't mean take advantage of her generosity. I would've made the brother in law pay for the Tomahawk steak too that his son just completely messed over. I love all of these stories!! Have a great day!! Much love my dear sweet friend!! Stay safe!!
Don't see how it can be "at first sight" when he must have seen her around before, either the same college they were attending, or as a former friend of OP. Sounds like brother and the bully are a good pair; they both lie.
Annika fully remembers what she put the poster through, but is just denying it so that she "doesn't have to feel bad". I wouldn't want to be anywhere near someone who made my life hell either. also, Annika is the one who SHOULD BE APOLOGIZING to the poster, not the other way around. shame on annika and her fiance. 🫤
I think the brother knew that the bully remembered, and that's probably why he didn't tell anyone he was dating her until the engagement. He didn't say anything because he knew his sister would reject her and might turn the family against the two. He just didn't care that his sister was bullied.
She “doesn’t remember” because it’s more convenient and if she actually admitted she remembered her brother wouldn’t of started dating her…. If they do end up marrying I don’t see it lasting long
Also if she really didn’t remember she wouldn’t cry
For the first story, all I can say is that Annika's a wimp. She boo-hooed before OP gave any details on the bullying.
Sounds to me like Annika didn’t “forget” about the bullying like she claimed. More like she does remember and is pretending she doesn’t to escape consequences. :/
In the first story, I think the brother was the one that came up with the idea to lie.
The SIL might remember but she might not. Either way she should have apologized. The brother is a terrible person for dating her in the first place. A lot of times bullies have such guilt they actually forget as a coping mechanism. But she had a chance to start over and didnt want to bother. I would cut off ties with my brother. He showed his true colors. Hope if he ever has kids they arent bullied as he wont care, and if he does then he's a Hippocrate. Good on the OP for calling her out.
Okay but I had a similar thing to the first story happen to me...
In elementary school there was this boy who used to bully me and on the first day of school that year (the first day we even met) he threatened to kill my cats who I absolutely adored. I was too scared to tell anyone because I was afraid of what would happen if he really was a freaking psychopath who would actually kill my cats if I told anyone about what he said (stupid I know but I was a kid _AND_ I'm mildly autistic). Well over the year my cats slowly died off one by one...and on the day that my last cat died he decided (for the first time since he threatened me at the beginning of the year) that he was going to remind me of his little promise and said that tonight was going to be the night that he killed them.
And I _SNAPPED_ I burst into tears and yelled at him saying that my last cat had already died last night (he didn't even know that the other two had died because up until now I had never told anyone). He just kind of stared at me in shock before smirking and telling me that he was the one who killed her....to which I went off on him again telling him that she was killed by a dog (which he then claimed was his but when I asked him what color his dog was it was a different color than the one my mom had supposedly seen).
After that I had two more full on mental breakdowns (and _FINALLY_ told my mom who told the teacher which led to a meeting in which he admitted that he was "just joking" about everything) throughout the day and after the last one I just started praying to God to let me see them one last time...and my prayer was answered with either their actual spirits or a tactile/auditory/visual hallucination so I guess I at least got closure....
Anyway... that was just the backstory....
The thing that was simular was what happened later...
So, in highschool I was (I think) waiting for the bus or something when this boy and his friends walk up to me....one of his friends says something along the lines of "he thinks you're really pretty and he wants to know if you'd go out with him" and the person in question? You guessed it--the same guy who said he would kill my cats (yeah, that entire scenario was one of those "boys bully girls they like" things. It does in fact happen and it actually happened to me constantly throughout elementary school...one of them even confirmed it!)
I just looked him up and down and said that I wasn't going to go out with the person who threatened to kill my cats in elementary school (plus I'm grey-aromantic anyway but I didn't mention that part). He just looked at me confused (unlike the girl he genuinely forgot since it had been YEARS) and said that he never did anything like that. I just rolled my eyes, stared at him completely deadpan and asked if he really thought that I would lie about something like this. And his eyes just slowly widened as he started to remember and his friends just stared at him like "What the hell man you threatened to kill her cats?! What's wrong with you?!" and I just literally sashayed off (which I always do but this time it was a lot more pronounced)
And the best part? That's the first and only time I have ever actually said no to a person asking me out before to their face. Every other time I run away because I'm too socially awkward to tell them that I'm not interested because I'm grey-aromantic....and I'm too awkward/shy to say no because I don't want to hurt their feelings (which is stupid since running away is probably worse but my brain doesn't work when it's in fight or flight mode). I was just so mad at this guy that I didn't even care about hurting his feelings.
I love that you “sashayed” away but also I’m so sorry for the death of your cats. I know how heartbreaking it can be, especially if it was a violent death. Glad you got closure ❤
She wouldnt cry if she didnt remember also yea the brother is fucking INSANE to even still wanna be enganged with his sister BULLY
In the first story, she's clearly lying about not remembering the all the bullying she did.
(first story literally reminds me a bit of that one movie You Again)
Jay is not smart. I have no words for this level of stupidity. He stole the books in front of people, took the books to *his job* and when OP gave him a way out (give them back) he wasn't smart enough to see he was cornered and should give up.
Of course he was fired, imagine a business that deals in books having stolen books at their property, plus having the police involved.
The fact that Annika didn’t acknowledge the person that was going to be her sister in law shows that she remembers her
If they were signed books they probably were going to sell them
literally what I was thinking
I've found that I agree with Ellen's reaction to bad behavior and stupid behavior in every video.
The book one.... Oh hell no! I have a collection of books myself and some are collectors or big volumes that are super expensive. The kind of expensive, you buy insurance over and that can be sold if you are in a bad place in life. Plus, we you love reading and you got them signed by the author, they have so much emotional value on top of it. Jay had malicious intentions for sure!
S1: Brother and bully are both TA, they deserve each other and I bet they'll both be crying because of each other soon enough
S2: Don't tell your kids to respect "elders" when those elders refuse to act their age, the uncle is borderline bullying OP and the parents being okay with it makes them TA
S2: Spoiled BIL is TA for not only not appreciating that someone was spending money on his wife, kids and mother, but also trying to extend that spending to something completely unreasonable. Very much a f*k around and find out situation and he f*ked around and found out, too bad for him
S3: Another FAAFO situation, and Jay was warned and then still went ahead and found out, so he's TA. You don't mess around with people's valuables unless you're planning something shady, and no one should pay a thief for facing the consequences of their theft, like this dude is dreaming
We appreciate your effort and hard work. Keep it up.
Anika should have apologised if she sincerely didn't remember,
Thank you for posting everyday! Your videos help me relax!! Have a good day and remember to take breaks💖 I also love the comments you make for each story lmao
We need more true crime form you!😭
I agree, i need more true crime. 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Is everything Ok? Why did you choose that name?
I always wonder where she finds these stories LOL; I wanna read some
They're from Reddit. Actually, there are a few other people that do the same thing, but she is the best by far.
@@markcollins2666 ohh ok! Thanks!!
Reddit. AITA (am I the asshole) subreddit.
I could never understand that there are people like this in the world its so crazy to think about
Why announce its your treat? Why not just pay for everything after the bill arrives??
That way you still treat the person and you don't get to lose too much money
Agreed, OP did it to themselves. Or here's an idea, when an 11 year old orders a 3 pound steak, you say no.
@@loosilu They tried to have the child order something else. The father insisted... it's not OP's fault that the child didn't finish the food. The OP also gave the father 2 chances to back out of the bet and have the child order something else.
Second story: I would have grabbed both a beer and a Coka Cola.
@@o.m9514 Or I could do that
The brother would be dead to me
Polite manners are if someone takes you out to eat. You choose something that is equal or lessor value than the, host of the meal.
Carter is just stupid imo💀 "You're a bad person, because you embarrassed my fiance"💀🤨😰
Girlll you were my favorite UA-camr in 2017
Ellen thank you for being our best friend we all love you so much
personally my favorite uncle is the one that teases me the most but each to their own :)))
There's a difference between teasing for fun and looking down on "those millennials". Also, you gotta be the person that enjoys teasing each other. It's only fun when both have that kind of humor.
The steak story: This is on OP. When you're treating, you get to say no. A 3 pound steak is clearly ridiculous. You tell the 11 year old to get something else.
There is no 11 year old. It was the 15 year old.
@@LisaTigressHardy Thanks for the correction! and the answer is the same regardless of age.
She tried to, but the dad sided with the son. Telling him to pay if he doesn't finish seems reasonable to me. Being angry because OP followed through is just a ridiculous attempt of taking advantage of their generosity.
@@_mortiam She's paying. The dad doesn't get to side with his son. He doesn't have a vote when it's not his wallet.
Also, as someone with autism it's entirely that she didn't remember and just felt threatened/intimidated by the sudden shift in attention towards her (not to mention probably negative attention) and got overwhelmed and ran off crying. You might _THINK_ that she was doing that because she remembered and ran off because she felt called out but it's entirely possible that she _DIDN'T_ remember. If I were in her situation I also would have ran off crying even if I didn't remember (and even if it was a completely different subject where I hadn't even done anything wrong) because my autism makes me really nervous and uncomfortable in social situations and a sudden shift in attention is enough to make me break into tears and hide. It's also entirely possible that like the guy in my other comment she genuinely didn't remember anything until the person she bullied spoke up about it at which point it reminded her. It's entirely possible that OP's brother asking wasn't enough to trigger the memory since he probably wasn't involved but the victim bringing it up did. So I don't know if it's entirely fair to say that she 100% remembered. I'm not saying I approve just that it's entirely possible that she genuinely forgot.
I still think it's highly unlikely since they seemed to have spent a lot of time together. I can't really imagine that someone would forget that whole episode to the point of not remembering when the brother asked her about it.
Nah, she remembered. Why else would she avoid OP the entire time before dinner? Why didn't she ask to meet OP's brothers family before they got engaged so she could apologize and clear the air before they took any major steps in their relationship? Even if say, the brother wanted to avoid it cause he knew it would upset his sister(he's a huge a hole). Wouldn't you want to be on good terms with the in-laws?
She's still a bully and ruined a lot for someone.
This is all fair but honestly as someone with social anxiety/autism who avoids interacting with people I don't know/don't know very well I honestly probably wouldn't do any of that just because I'd keep trying to put it off even if I knew that it would have to happen eventually. _I_ wouldn't be the one to ask to meet the family you would have to invite me to meet them yourself or bring it up in conversation and _THEN_ I might agree because "welp I guess it's gotten to that point". And if I were told that I used to bully my SO's sister I would probably try even harder to avoid confrontation and therefore meeting them for as long as possible because I'm not good with conflict/awkward social situations even if I didn't remember bullying her. Like, I'd probably try to apologize when we did meet but even then I'm so awkward that I'd probably end up stumbling over my words and having a mini panic attack just because I'm really awkward when it comes to interacting with people _WITHOUT_ having to apologize for something I did in the past. Add on that extra bit of awkwardness and I'd just kind of break and would probably end up trying to run away from my problems even if I knew it was wrong.
Obviously that's probably not the case here, she probably did remember even if it's just because seeing the sister's face was enough to remind her but it's still theoretically possible for this kind of thing to actually happen to someone else.
The video title is the plot to "You Again".
And From friend to fiance".
The first story sounds oddly similar to the movie You Again
Have a great day everyone!
You too, thanks (*^_^*)
the first story was kinda giving “you again” the movie
Meanwhile me Anika! Thank God my husband got no sister! 😵💫
Another amazing video Ellen! ^u^🧇
Honestly, it'd be even worse if she truly didn't remember. Because that'd mean this behavior was so normal to her that it was as memorable than a typical Tuesday for her.
I love your videos kyutie
Here's your gold medal! ====> 🥇
Annika sounds like the plot of You Again.
The first story reminds me of 'From friend to Fiance'.
"A woman should let her feelings go to "make thing easier" ". I feel like that Carter grew up with entitlement, surrounding his gender , so when it came to choose between him and his sister, he some how found a way to make him more important than his sister.
0:05: On the one hand, OP probably needs to get over whatever hang-ups she had in high school. On the other hand, the fact Annika never apologized to OP after all these years says a lot about her. Carter had to have known this was his sister's bully. I shudder to think how Annika is going to treat Carter now that they're engaged.
4:26: The uncle sounds like a lazy sloth. Unless he is physically unable to do so (which is not readily apparent in this story), Uncle needs to get his own drinks.
6:06: The BIL just took advantage of OP's generosity by ordering a steak his son clearly wasn't able to finish. Oh well, at least they took the leftovers home with them. Plus, they could have seen the new Spiderman movie at a later date.
8:42: Jay took OP's books without permission and acts as if he was told he could borrow them. Jay clearly had ill intentions and absolutely got what he deserved.
"Getting over the hang ups" isn't that easy when the people in high-school become the reason for a life long anxiety, cause the flip in your personality and ruin one of the peak times of your youth. The bare minimum she could do is admit her mistakes and apologise but she is such a wuss my god did that Anikka girl make me angry
Depends on what the bullying was. I was bullied to the point that a kid pulled a knife on me and tried to slice my throat! That's something you don't get over easy, especially while Autistic and physically handicapped. The worst thing was the kid didn't even get in trouble. My parents took me out of the school to save my life. I was suspended, tho for defending myself. That's when my parents said my safety was more important than my education. Never went back to school after because I was traumatized, and my dad got cancer. So I helped take care of him til he died. That same kid told all my friends they would catch the cancer. So I can understand not getting over it. We all react differently.
Great video
Here's your bronze medal! ====> 🥉
Been a minute since I was here
You should post gaming videos again hehe
Hello Ellen😊😊😊😊😊
Shadow boxer I’m I second
You're numero uno! You're golden tonight!
In the very first story, Annika was probably just very envious of her because maybe she had better grades, way better friends, better manners, and maybe she was way more well liked than Annika. I can't stand when those people start negative rumors about you all because you're out shining them. That's exactly what Annika gets, and as Carter goes, he didn't fall in love at first sight he fell into the other thing that also begins with an L. Yes Annika does remember she's just playing innocent in front of Carter so that she can get some sympathy points.. Why did Annika run of out of there in tears when she had no reason at all to? Carter was never there to see or to even witness all of the bad things that Annika put his little sister through n High school. Something like that should definitely put distance her and her brother all because he fell for the wrong woman. In the second story, I would have to agree with the parents right here because that is rude , and they don't have any point to prove. That is their Uncle, their relative, and their guest too so suck it up and just play nice until their leave. I was always taught to respect my elders, and that's something that I still do to this very day. In the third story, when she mentioned that the food was her treat, she didn't mean take advantage of her generosity. I would've made the brother in law pay for the Tomahawk steak too that his son just completely messed over. I love all of these stories!! Have a great day!! Much love my dear sweet friend!! Stay safe!!
Don't see how it can be "at first sight" when he must have seen her around before, either the same college they were attending, or as a former friend of OP. Sounds like brother and the bully are a good pair; they both lie.
omg early team
early ❤️
Annika fully remembers what she put the poster through, but is just denying it so that she "doesn't have to feel bad". I wouldn't want to be anywhere near someone who made my life hell either. also, Annika is the one who SHOULD BE APOLOGIZING to the poster, not the other way around. shame on annika and her fiance. 🫤