remember your proficiency in english , both spoken and written, is important especially you have to go to college, no one will adjust to your level, if you are behind sorry its your problem
That is true I never really touched on insurance. I assume insurance would only be needed if you are self-employed, if you are fully license And employed you probably don’t need to take individual insurance
Yes quite a good job, enough to support a family on Worth the investment to get qualified if electricity is a field that interests you Are you an electrician yourself?
I am a member of IET, but not chartered... I have a master degree in Manufacturing conferred by Warwick... I also have a Radar maintenance certificate from the DOT...Any exemption in all those electrical examination ? Thanks for the reply.
Your info only half correct...most electricians are not one man band and they always work in pairs for most jobs...unless just a small job. And minimum wage for apprentices is £4.15... and most jobs are from word of mouth etc....and tbh people here are sceptical about Chinese or oriental tradesperson. You make it sound easy job. And your English level has to be proficiency
Thanks for your information, I confess, the rate I had for apparent maybe out dated, I am glad the rate has increased. Maybe using the term most domestic installer work in ‘micro businesses’, rather than saying ‘1 mans bands’ would be more appropriate. It’s actually quite encouraging to learn that, as if most work as one man bands would be quite hard for a fresh domestic installer to get experience. You seem quite knowledgeable about the topic, do you work as an electrician yourself? If so will be great to hear how you find the job.
Have you checked if the home insurance will not be invalidated if someone works on a home's electrics without the NICEIC Certification? Even for a simple socket replacement ?
A good question. I’m not an expert on insurance so don’t have a definite answer. Did abit of research, and it says some insurers may ask for NICEIC certificate if you’re claiming for an electrical fire. That said though, they only recommend doing a NICEIC every 10 years on a non-rental residential property. So in theory you could do the work yourself, and as long as do you have NICEIC certification check every 10 years, will not affect the potential insurance claims Below is the article I got this information from
@@1041 I guess it's all fine and well if nothing happens. But one thing for sure is that if anything happens to the customer's property, for example, you burst a water pipe whilst trying to access cables behind a wall, they will look to sue you for compensation and as an electrician with no qualifying body behind you like the NICEIC, you as a worker won't be able to obtain affordable liability insurance to cover for any mishaps like that. The general rule regarding working with the electrics as a non qualified person is that a NICEIC will still need to follow up and verify the works are done to the right standard.
Found some more information, which suggests a non electrician is allowed to do non-notificable jobs, which would include like for like socket replacements. No mention if this effects insurance All new electrical work must comply with Part P of the Building Regulations which restricts DIY electrical work on grounds of safety. However, you are still allowed to carry out some work yourself without notifying Building Control. Minor repairs and maintenance are permitted, as well as ‘like for like’ replacements, such as changing existing sockets, switches and ceiling pendants or even replacing damaged cables. As long as the job isn’t within a ‘special location’ such as a bathroom or outdoors, you’re also allowed to install additional new light fittings, switches, sockets and even add a single fused spur to an existing circuit (a ‘spur’ is a new cable and socket run as a branch from an existing socket on the ring main).
@@1041 if we are talking about replacing like for like sockets and switches then these kinds of works are more at the realm of a handyman. Again I'm not confident what the insurance has to say about it should anything go awry. What I would say is that it doesn't need one to spend £3k on a course to do these jobs, you can basically learn from you tube!
多謝分享! 祝所有移英港人生活愉快, 加油!
其實. 電工係好好既開始, 鍾意得落手落腳,其實自顧係最好的. 打工只係開始時學習跟一個好既老闆,如果你本身待人接物都OK, 咁學個初級再自顧最好, 先幫下D 香港人做下電工先. 先了解英國既房屋. 英國既HOUSE 有大量電既相關需求的. 不只是單單裝電布線的. 例如時興既新能源, 太陽能電板, heatpump 冷氣 仲有天花改裝隔熱。 HMO改建。 都係好好的.
最重要係英國人會肯俾錢,明白好既手工對間屋用安全有咩好處. 施工都會做足安全,合理地支付。
Stephen 你好,感謝你的影片先,咬字清晰,介紹之餘還附加實例,花了不少心血,非常優質。你好. 小弟系香港做鎖匠,請問在英國做鎖匠要不要NVQ或其他相關牌照? 請問英國人是不是也會Google Search關鍵字找緊急服務,還是他們多會找朋友介紹或上一些知名網站(例如localhero)找?
睇嚟牌照 locksmith 冇法律規定一定要有牌 不過我都鼓勵你落地搵個course上 學下當地開工係點 亦都有可能導師或者同學會refer到工作
搵生意 locksmith 都有好多係連鎖經營嘅舖頭 唔使一定出嚟做自雇
至於客人點樣會搵到你 基本上上邊你提到嘅三個方法都會有人用
我建議你在英國安定下來以後。。長遠計劃應該還是去讀過degree...真的比你想象中容易得多。。。英國是個非常好的地方。 提供好多的機會和途徑讓你提升自己! 其中包括Mature students進大學。 會考慮你的工作經驗。
如果 係一個鍾意落手落腳既人. 其實讀過degree並不一定有好處的. 當然你做學術野又唔同. 但人老了一般只係讀書會有點吃力. 不過本身有米又唔同.
remember your proficiency in english , both spoken and written, is important especially you have to go to college, no one will adjust to your level, if you are behind sorry its your problem
Very true. Without good English your only really able to get warehouse, delivery, Chinese takeaway jobs
正確啊除咗考牌照 電工要浸好幾年 先真係會所謂’識做嘢’
我唔係想喺度潑大家冷水,而係見得太多所謂華人電工,牌照有齊但完全唔識做,這些事情在以前是不可能的.從前外國人見到你有牌就已經假設你已識得做,明白code 嘅要求,懂得教和帶學徒(這也是工作的一部分).結果最後請咗你返嚟竟然係個學徒教你做嘢,你係老細點諗,結果劣幣驅逐良幣,個牌現在越來越唔值錢,有牌唔等於識做已經係西人公司對華人嘅共識,我係呢度講係希望香港人唔好走這條歪路.仲有好多人對西人公會充滿幻想,可以話你知公會係白人嘅世界,華人入到去都係靠邊站,他們對直接考牌既人差唔多完全冇興趣,公會就像黑社會一樣,想入會麻煩你由𡃁開始做起,即係由第一年學徒做起,你有咗牌之後要過底(入公會)除非有極大嘅運氣,否則都唔會有乜嘢希望
@@shin2008 你嘅見解完全冇錯 去英國除非本身有港幣三,四百萬現金 去嗰度做嘢係一條要嗌嘅路 謝謝你係comments提點各位
@@1041 所以一定要有經驗
welcome ~
Trade 4u Domestic electrical installation 嘅course好似冇咗 得返Level two Level three 而家嘅話有冇咩建議或者可信任嘅課程中心
成日聽人講話英國電工好好搵 所以決定詳細分析下究竟係咪真係咁容易
發現都要不少付出 時間和努力 先可以喺電工行業成功
當然 我自己都諗緊考牌入行
Thank you
可以 如果髮型師入場門檻應該冇電工咁高 條片我都可以快啲做得出
都好 我就咁諗應該唔使特別考牌可以做 遲啲會research 一下再出片
非常感謝, 可否介紹水喉課程
Welcome !
在UK 做個十九电工。又要識英文,又要上堂,又要考牌,又分幾十級,又要交幾种稅.......真好能煩。好能辛苦。移民UK 重幸苦过在HK。
係d白痴youtuber 猛叫人學電,話去到UK揾5萬港元個月喎,好多傻仔真係去學,真係天真到暈。
搵5萬港元一個月,每個月差不多耍做二十幾間屋 ? ? 英國佬,差不多,個個揸住本 DIY 書,就乜都自己做。學咗,只係同自己整吓電線。揸架車,日日四處跑,或者係可以扱到 D 工做,當係有機會,扱多少就可以。
乜可以跳過第一個step就可以取得電工牌咩!.......... otherwise就是 “side氣”
非常詳盡。可否介紹渣雞頭,excavator 360職場情況?
Thanks for your sharing
Thanks for watching!
多謝支持 有冇啲咩topic想我下次研究
good job
Thank you! Cheers!
@@1041 我在香港只得電力A牌,要去英國打工很遙遠
很有用的資訊,thank you !
Welcome ~
謝謝支持 記住keep住留意 我每幾個星期會keep住出片
Your welcome 😄 如果有其他想知 或者想我研究其他行業不妨提出
This method is only for the Hongkong citizens who own the BNO identities.
正確 英國分到好專 可能因為每一行需要嘅牌子同要求都好高
就算喺香港做開有經驗大師傅 但係去到全英文已經死緊😔
冇錯去英國想返啲好啲嘅工 第一個大前提係要識英文🤪
係呀所以如果香港做開 去到都有優勢
非常感謝,想了解下如何可以成為 Health & Safety Officer 🙇🏻♂️
Push 🙇🏻♂️
@@itommytse8266 呢一樣嘢我冇深入了解過 但我見大多數建築工種 需要嘅都係City & guilds 嘅資歷架構 你可以從呢方面research 睇吓點樣入行
@@1041 thank you!
你計計,都係計自己做每日有工開, 日日最小收8粒鐘.唉
經濟好, 房产好, 起新屋,装修改建舊屋多,你可能日日做十四个鐘, 經濟差時, 你日日有job 做就以经祖保佑啦.
况且, 做电工单打獨斗会有幾多客人会揾到你吖!
新牌电工唯有比钱賣小廣告, 客人主要做小工程维修, 加下灯, 同制.野,唉
重要主要客係啲老人家,灯但燒,电制跳哩種call. 可以收得幾多錢吖?
我最近要修理煤氣熱水爐,了解工資每小時為£80 家居,£160 商業。在倫敦。
對的 倫敦工資比英國其他地方較高
你好Stephen, 想問下做最普通Domestic electrian牌照和行業有沒有年齡限制?
没有。 有年龄限制就算年龄歧视了,除了学徒制的培训,那个一般只面对16-19岁人群的。
One must have a legal license and insurance, to service the public
That is true I never really touched on insurance. I assume insurance would only be needed if you are self-employed, if you are fully license And employed you probably don’t need to take individual insurance
Yes, electrician (qualified) hourly rate in London £30+per hour...
Yes quite a good job, enough to support a family on
Worth the investment to get qualified if electricity is a field that interests you
Are you an electrician yourself?
考牌時間重快過香港. 資料好有用. 另外Domestic electrical installer 6 個星期就攪點. 起英國電工唔係短缺技工?
Very expensive
好詳細 好過其他UA-cam 👍🏼
Super cool
could you talk about Carpenter in the next episode? thank you!
I am a member of IET, but not chartered... I have a master degree in Manufacturing conferred by Warwick... I also have a Radar maintenance certificate from the DOT...Any exemption in all those electrical examination ?
Thanks for the reply.
係香港電協報讀中工課程D雞精班 讀完比錢可以拎個TQUK證書 請問呢個證書 有無用?
讀完等於識做?香港個套就唔係囉,讀完都要跟師傅拎d經驗,英國套課程好完善嗎?做一般家居電工又多數one man, 咁應該點比較好?大家探討一下。
我都係覺得讀完 唔好咁快自己出來接 做下Electrician labour 雖然人工低啲 但係可以吸收下經驗先
聽完你present 你都係唔好入行...唔怕你電死人,我怕你電死自己先。polyphase 係可以無限電流埋制箱出事真係無全屍
謝謝關心 點解咁覺得啊?
@@1041 一聽你講野就知你的職業唔係工程相關
早啲走 早啲開始新嘅事業 新嘅生活
請問可否介紹一下, 如果本身香港有水喉牌, 應如何在英國找工作或應讀哪類課程幫助搵工呢?
@@kcpoon595 正確
可否講下Electrical Engineer?
有D失望, google 左一大輪, 好多自僱/開檔都要LEVEL 3 !! 冇幾年時間都唔得!!
你有冇睇清楚? 開頭3 个都係一个月左右就可以了。最后果个都是1年左右. 97以前工业学院的證書及經驗是英国承认的可以快很多. 現在就不行了. 唔可能冇付出就有回报。
你讀完Domestic installer 就可以自己開檔接家居生意 無需level 3
@@1041 我同你同一想法, 只是GOOGLE 下 先發現一般自己開檔C FU, 佢地都有LEVEL 3, 因為佢地綱頁/FB 都寫出CV, 當然不能冇付出而有回報!!
@@31n85 英國好多師傅都係學徒制 apprentice 入行 所以普遍都會有level 3
如果想長期做 有個level 3 應該會好好多
至少出邊一定有人請 又唔使煩做自僱人士 需要自己開公司+搵客
@@31n85 有疑惑,有冇客不是應該係比較google 排名(seo) 嗎?
睇返啲資料,其實domestic installer有啲似工聯/再陪訓果啲課程,主要都係比一個咩都唔識既人去讀,跟住考埋果個NICEIC
而果個 nvq level 3 ,應該係類似香港既資歷架構
結果就似香港既註冊電工B 級
@@onjfungkee8669 香港果套太山頭主義, 有料都唔俾個牌你, 驚你搶左D 老細既JOB
很有用, 謝謝.
我有朋友囉住個港英時代水、電、氣牌照去澳洲及加拿大可以合資格經營、但英國就未知可唔可以啦。如果有朋友有英女皇管治時代嘅牌照、可以問一問英國政府 、可否轉當地牌照。
回歸前的始終都二十幾年前嘅牌照 regulations 轉咗好多 唔會直接轉到 如果去英國可以問當地的電工學院會唔會有top up course 俾你依家持有牌照嘅人去讀
請問Domestic installation course同Domestic electrical course(L2 diploma)有咩分別?去到英國應該讀邊個先(對電力有DD認識)?
HI, 可唔可以講吓英國焊接工?
其實藍領工大多數都好相似 讀一個NVQ再入行 下邊條link 有介紹welding資歷
唔係英國 答唔到你
Nice content, Thank you for sharing!!!
It's not easy to settle into new country and find work.
not easy indeed, especially if you want a job with career progression
Good video,add oil,Stephen.
Can you share the school in Manchester offering these training with us
I can’t personal recommend one. Can search “electrician course Manchester” into google and will get you results
如果係CIBSE charter engineer (CEng) 加有 C牌可唔可以直接走去做?
Eng 我唔清楚 我有朋友幾年前科大讀完去到英國可以直接做
JIB JIB JIB 好似冇一次講啱
我已經是退休的電力工作人員,退休前是B級電力裝置資格(即比A牌高一級,可以裝置2500AMP以下的三相電力設施),請問60歲後一樣可以報讀Domestic Installer,及領取牌照嗎
冇年齡限制 加油
都係果句啦 上咗18日只係知道書本上嘅知識 之後做得成唔成功就睇出嚟儲到嘅經驗啦
請問 你用時薪計算 係因為方便嗎?因為想問下英國的工程不跟香港一樣計做的咩一口價,因為唔清楚所以低級問多一點點🤏感謝回覆
做家居電工小型維修工程多數都係用時鐘計 如果大型工程 例如全屋重鋪電線就會一口價收
@@1041 你好嗎⋯⋯咁依你所說咁要揸車先到現場既 但又維修得好快1小時搞掂既 咁未得一小時錢囉 ,咁車馬費同材料錢都有得計算嗎⋯?
@@dannelhei 最後的總數是扣了成本 還計算每天應該只有大約四個鐘是開到工
@@1041 咁其真係搵到夠生活嗎🥲
@@dannelhei 英國國家家庭平均收入 扣咗稅 只係每個月英鎊 £2,000
電工人工比average高 生活應該唔成問題
have, but not that common, as the job has a lot of physical work
但倫敦以外樓價比香港平好多 所以其實拉返勻都係差唔多
在加洲(生活費很高)? 加拿大人工沒有這麼高!
Your info only half correct...most electricians are not one man band and they always work in pairs for most jobs...unless just a small job. And minimum wage for apprentices is £4.15... and most jobs are from word of mouth etc....and tbh people here are sceptical about Chinese or oriental tradesperson. You make it sound easy job. And your English level has to be proficiency
Thanks for your information, I confess, the rate I had for apparent maybe out dated, I am glad the rate has increased.
Maybe using the term most domestic installer work in ‘micro businesses’, rather than saying ‘1 mans bands’ would be more appropriate. It’s actually quite encouraging to learn that, as if most work as one man bands would be quite hard for a fresh domestic installer to get experience.
You seem quite knowledgeable about the topic, do you work as an electrician yourself? If so will be great to hear how you find the job.
在香港有電牌,打算去到做啲Domestic installer, 是否都要去讀個beginner 證書?我見你提供個網站只有幾個地方有得讀?同埋讀完之後,有冇咩網站係登記入行?謝謝🙏🏻
係 要讀beginner 上網search domestic installer course UK 有好多唔同嘅學院都有提供課程
Cheung Stephen thank you
Cheung Stephen 請問香港有冇得讀呢
Domestic installer 有兩年經驗後可以入NIC
登記複雜啲嘅notifiable jobs
Domestic installer主要做自僱人士 搵job要靠自己
@@christinepun6691 香港冇得讀
請問TRADE SKILLS 4U網址, 有冇遙距先在香港, 網上完成Domestic Electrical Installer Course嗎?
冇 課程有一半需要親身在學院上實習班
其實同香港差唔多 GBP15-40 per hr
見唔少租盤都要£1000+, 又要養車+其他開支
£2000 唔夠養家 你呢個數字係邊度嚟㗎
I am a Hong Konger living in the United Kingdom for 30 years, can help you settle in the United Kingdom
我就是英国JIB APPROVED ELECTRICIAN 想回中国工作,请问有什么门路
這個我不清楚 我估要重新考過嘅機會都大
上網search plumber NVQ 可以搵到入行所需資歷
做科技正常都有個相關嘅degree 然後再上搵返啲經驗啱嘅工作寄CV
保險係指做Agent?如果係英國機會相對少 普遍人好少買保險 因為英國退休有National insurance 醫療NHS
其實冇BNO 冇機會去英國 (除非你本身在英國 還有其他移民門路)都唔需要去讀呢個課程
Have you checked if the home insurance will not be invalidated if someone works on a home's electrics without the NICEIC Certification? Even for a simple socket replacement ?
A good question. I’m not an expert on insurance so don’t have a definite answer.
Did abit of research, and it says some insurers may ask for NICEIC certificate if you’re claiming for an electrical fire.
That said though, they only recommend doing a NICEIC every 10 years on a non-rental residential property. So in theory you could do the work yourself, and as long as do you have NICEIC certification check every 10 years, will not affect the potential insurance claims
Below is the article I got this information from
@@1041 I guess it's all fine and well if nothing happens. But one thing for sure is that if anything happens to the customer's property, for example, you burst a water pipe whilst trying to access cables behind a wall, they will look to sue you for compensation and as an electrician with no qualifying body behind you like the NICEIC, you as a worker won't be able to obtain affordable liability insurance to cover for any mishaps like that.
The general rule regarding working with the electrics as a non qualified person is that a NICEIC will still need to follow up and verify the works are done to the right standard.
Found some more information, which suggests a non electrician is allowed to do non-notificable jobs, which would include like for like socket replacements.
No mention if this effects insurance
All new electrical work must comply with Part P of the Building Regulations which restricts DIY electrical work on grounds of safety. However, you are still allowed to carry out some work yourself without notifying Building Control. Minor repairs and maintenance are permitted, as well as ‘like for like’ replacements, such as changing existing sockets, switches and ceiling pendants or even replacing damaged cables. As long as the job isn’t within a ‘special location’ such as a bathroom or outdoors, you’re also allowed to install additional new light fittings, switches, sockets and even add a single fused spur to an existing circuit (a ‘spur’ is a new cable and socket run as a branch from an existing socket on the ring main).
@@1041 if we are talking about replacing like for like sockets and switches then these kinds of works are more at the realm of a handyman. Again I'm not confident what the insurance has to say about it should anything go awry.
What I would say is that it doesn't need one to spend £3k on a course to do these jobs, you can basically learn from you tube!
@@giliguluedinburgh very true, The reason for doing the course would be for a career change.
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