@@Estella_alsoknownasgabi123 am not saying its a good thing am just saying its entertaining a lot because this is how 70% of people who use vapes on what happens
This is very 13+.there is abuse,swearing,vaping, and bullying... anyone under 13+, I really recommend you don't watch this but don't let this comment stop you from showing support!
@@Notrubynatsofficial people over 13 know that vaping abuse and swearing is bad. it’s not about being a minor, it’s about knowing what’s right and what’s wrong..
This is so good because nobody could think of adding vapes into high school roleplays 🗣🗣
thats kinda true SO slay💋💖🌸💐🌷🍑🍨🍧🧁🍭🥇♥🧸🏳⚧
Because vapes are disgusting??
@@Estella_alsoknownasgabi123 am not saying its a good thing am just saying its entertaining a lot because this is how 70% of people who use vapes on what happens
@BerthasSonFarted no, and I'm never going to. You're basically killing your lungs. I'll stick to normal air, thank you.
13:54 the "hI SisY bYe sIsY" got me dying 😂
The voice though🥺🥰🥰🥰
@@rosariolambino4687 I KNOW
For real
She said p1$$ off was not cool but I still love her channel 😊
this is not her video she just reposts videos
this is soo underated!!
24:34 “another day another slay” LOL
Who remembers whenever teachers say the bell doesn’t dismiss you I do
Me like what the fuck the all ways be saying that
Can you make a video about the girls best friend is her long lost sister ?
She did it call The Lost Sisters.
@@sofinasary1201shut up
@@Happyray-ace what is wrong with you-
@@Happyray-aceU shut up
The funny part is Amy’s dad has eyelashes😂
Here is part: 14:45
I love the video it’s so cool I thought the two girls were twins because they matched
Me too😂
I swear they are lollll
Yeah same lol
Umm yeah maybe its 15 but small 😂😂😂😂😂
Umm somebody got some explaining😂😂😂
Mental issues 😅
Another day, another slay 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
OMG thank you for pining me
@@Addisyn1234she hearted u -_-
I watched this video and I had to watch it so much more Your channel is awesome!!!
@@TocaCalla you dont even make the vids
@@yurivg26yeah she does-
@@yurivg26she doesnt make SOME and she gives credits whats the problem tho?
@@yurivg26why you hating because she makes alot of them and the others she gives credits and I still love them so much
31:52 "Greetings! -SHAKES BUM-
I really love your videos❤❤❤❤❤❤ 🤫🧏♀️
How old is she to be saying all these things she sounds so young💀😭
16 Idk but she is aloud to say b**be so probably
14 she's 14 I think
How girl be sounding so young dang💀
I know right
I just subscribed to you
I love the story ❤
Did anybody hear calla say the b word like the bad word 😂😂
Yeah 😅😅😅😅
That’s not calla I don’t think
This is not Calla, it’s someone else. She said in and video that she was not allowed to post her own, but she gives credit!
@@theofficialcoco441i think it’s her it look like her profile
@@ismebaez26look in the start is says *this roleplay belongs to* so it’s not hers
Why is there an baby in high school 💀
She's not actually a baby, just the mentality
Fr fr
I’ve never seen a Toca boca story use curse words before
I have
FR THO 💀😭🙏
I know rightt
Lol at the end she is British 😂
Lol fr
And can’t wait for more
How do you said the word B***😂
I love when she bullies the baby teen
Guess that’s where Highschool gets the name from.
I really like the part when she bully's the baby 😂😂 well teen baby
Omg this is so great but it's kinda dirty minded AND I LOVE IT
Edit:OMG ty for 10 likes ( not tryna be a pick me)
bro the mom is what turned her into this
Too truee
10:46 it’s about to make a tornado happen
Dang that is crazy
23:33 I never heard her say the B word😮😮😮
she sweared😶😶
Love you videos
thank you!!
@@TocaCalla𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕤
This is very beautiful ❤❤❤
😂😂😂😂6:51 Mr.cowboylinin😂😂😂😂
Mr cowboi
I wish I was like you🥺😭😻👍
Those both girls looking like twins r W cuz she bullied those 3 girls,btw love u vids
the way the baby teen was crying WaWaWaWa
41:12 k be honest was that c*m or smth
also her accent when she says ✨ eleven ✨
I love channel😊😊😊
23:33 bro Wut 😂-
Can I be in a shout ρlss
sure!! ❤
another day, another slay period 💋💄💅🏾😂
“Wanna just make out in these cubicles”
Bro wth
Slay girl
Damn this stories kinda js abt vaping
Breath in* PHHHHhHOOoHHHHhh 💀 sheesh its not like the end of the world 😭😭
😢😢😭😭😭 I was crying so much when the mom was strict
Vape??= kids ? Wait is this generation
FR this generation is messed up :(
Aw feel better soon hope you feel better soon
23:33 💀
your SO good😱😎
Ok so I love this ur the best
I love your videos
But her sound effects r so good- the baby the cat- 😂
I love You só só much
Bro theres twins same
Hair outfit And look 😂😂
Yes they are twins
And there noses are different
23:33 a WHATTTT😂😂😂😂😂❤
Is the school blind or deaf😭
yea and? she also said the b word
yeah and honestly if u don like it just stay quiet babes
Anyone else has how the sound is faster than the video
Oop girly sweared the b word out
Slayyyy 🎉
15:14 LaLaLa😂😂😂
I might not be able to watch it because my parents won’t let me watch bad words😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Just saying it’s. sOOO FUN😝
Just don’t tell em my parentsdon’t let me watch bad word’s and am watching bad words24/7
When they kissed that was the f****** cringiest part😂
l Love your viode
Ummmmm the swearing is ummm suprising
Little sisy:vaping again tsk tsk tsk got me rolling 😂😂😂
So funny I made it at 10😂😂😂😂🎉❤😊
Why the mom assuming she smell like vape and not purfume or sum
Becuase perfume and vape smell completely different
the way you said b----
your videos are awesome. I can’t wait for more❤️ ❤❤️ ❤️
tysm! 💗
Things that she calls the vapes are actually batteries
If this was in a move I would want watch this but my mom would say”No ItS rAtEd R”😡😏
Doing your normal accent and then after doing a fake British/australian accent is actually crazy
Please tell me how this video has barely any likes
Maybe bc it's a little to aggressive not trying to be mean
The video is good but some things are inappropriate
You are right but it is nice but not the lo ve making and vaping
And the 💦 on the couch…
I don’t like much but it’s true it’s good but inappropriate
Never vape guys. Stuff like that kills. I’ve read some article about a 15-year-old boy dying from vaping so just don’t.
I’m glad my mom quit
Where did you get the school?
Her voice changed😊
This is very 13+.there is abuse,swearing,vaping, and bullying... anyone under 13+, I really recommend you don't watch this but don't let this comment stop you from showing support!
13+ is considered a child/minor…..
@@Notrubynatsofficial people over 13 know that vaping abuse and swearing is bad. it’s not about being a minor, it’s about knowing what’s right and what’s wrong..
Ya. I’m under 13. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 this is so inappropriate in different ways
Im watching it and it won’t affect me bcuz I will Never v@pe in my LIFE my mom cusses and I can mentions of @buse and I’ve been Bullied
Handle* but this anyway
Nah bro never again 👀
At the end i still love it but it was British
So this is what high school is like?…
No it’s just…. Their version…..
There are some people that are special like the special kids they don't know anything so they act like baby's
This is good but little kids should not be vaping or saying foul language at her age
Someone a baddie slay u said the b word it's dirty minded yasss😂😂😂🎉🎉😊
And they have the same hairstyle so I thought they were twins
She just said the b word😢
@@TocaCalla omg i love ur vids
Waitttttt how did u get more than one of the “vapes”
You can find them all over the university
Random question
Why did her voice turn British
Like wtf u can literally here it so strong
Ik she said she’s sick but still why did it turn British
Why does myah talk like a ai when she talks to chad?
why in some parts she’s american and then she is british? (js asking not being rude)
where do you find the vapes