🔵250107🔵The Three Little pigs (2):The Wolf's Mistake

  • Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
  • #easywriting #ebs영어 #마스터유진 #세리나 #영어 #영어공부 #영어영작 #영어회화 #초중급영어
    The Three Little pigs (2):
    The Wolf's Mistake
    ♡ 핵심 표현
    could hear : 들렸다
    》과거에 일회성으로 해낸 것을 말할 땐 could 가 아니라 was able to 를 써야 하지만, 지각동사(hear, see 등) 앞에서는 could 사용 가능
    I could hear someone knocking on the door.
    We could hear the rain on the roof.
    Seriana could hear people talking about her.
    ※ knock + on 명사 : ~를 두드리다 - 24.10.28 핵심표현
    ♡ 핵심 단어
    attempt 시도하다 (*시도는 했지만 실패했다는 뉘앙스가 있음)
    chimney 굴뚝
    clever 영리한
    boil 끓이다 (끓는다)
    pot 냄비
    footstep 발소리
    ♡ 주요 표현
    1. climb + onto 명사 : ~ 위로 기어 올라가다
    》뭔가를 타고 올라간다고 할 땐 climb up something 을 사용
    Little Mayu climbed onto the sink.
    The cat climbed onto the table.
    2. slide + down 명사 : ~를 타고 미끄러져 내려가다
    》참고로, 미끄럼틀도 slide 라고 부름
    (* slide - slid - slid )
    The children slid down the hill.
    Sebong slid down the slide like a little child.
    3. lived happily + ever after : 내내/영원히 행복하게 살았답니다
    》동화의 결말에 흔히 쓰는 마무리 표현
    The princess and prince lived happily ever after.
    The two lived happily ever after.
    ♡ 어순 영작
    The angry wolf attempted to enter the house through the chimney.
    ( enter 들어가다 )
    angry ➡️ mad 보다 느낌 더 강함
    But the clever third pig boiled a pot of water beneath it.
    ( boil 끓이다 )
    a pot of 명사 : ~ 한 냄비
    As the wolf climbed onto the roof, the pigs could hear his footsteps.
    ( roof 지붕 )
    climb onto 명사 ➡️ (명사)가 최종 목적지
    ※ as 평서문 : ~하며 - 23.12.01 주요표현
    When the wolf slid down the chimney, he fell into the boiling pot.
    After that, the three pigs lived happily ever after in the brick house.
    ☆ 이런! 느낌
    And she lived happily ever after... without me...