I honestly feel we need mother and daughter conversations / sessions where we are able to have such talks and heal because kuningi okwenzeka in our mothers generation and in our current generation where siyagejana khona , but if we can reason more openly and don't shut each other down [ in terms of listening to each other] because of amaexperience angafani
Thank you for sharing we honestly need more of such sessions ❤ truth is some of us are in need of oMama who will guide and pray with us but unfortunately kunzima ukubathola
I honestly feel we need mother and daughter conversations / sessions where we are able to have such talks and heal because kuningi okwenzeka in our mothers generation and in our current generation where siyagejana khona , but if we can reason more openly and don't shut each other down [ in terms of listening to each other] because of amaexperience angafani
so wish I have a woman in my life like you, okholwayo🥺❤
Thank you for sharing we honestly need more of such sessions ❤ truth is some of us are in need of oMama who will guide and pray with us but unfortunately kunzima ukubathola
Kunzimaaaaaa abakhona bahleli besi suspect ukuthi sijola notata befundisi