This is masterpiece "capo lavoro" of Somali Culture based on Islam, Tolerance, human right, brotherhood, kindness, Work and respect. This is therapy for humanity. This s the path to Allah. This is the foundation of Somali Society, this is medicine for all illness including envy, anger, selfishness, corruption, clannish and tribalism..
Masha Allah alx alahumasali cala sayidina mahamed scw scw scw scw scw 😢❤❤❤❤
This is masterpiece "capo lavoro" of Somali Culture based on Islam, Tolerance, human right, brotherhood, kindness, Work and respect. This is therapy for humanity. This s the path to Allah. This is the foundation of Somali Society, this is medicine for all illness including envy, anger, selfishness, corruption, clannish and tribalism..
1 Apr
Mashaa allah ❤❤❤❤❤❤
warkeesa yaasun Virginian kedabasaa