I'm a mopar guy and wanted a C-series medium duty truck, but this already had a lot sorted out and it helped my friend out. I talked about trading it for a different truck, but they weren't having it. :D I'm curious to see what I can get out of this old motor with a turbo. If it pans out reasonably well, I want to find a bd264 and see if Cummings (not Cummins) race shop here can weasel some more cubes out of it.
@@oldplace2844 For what you describe as your main use (farm truck) it is built for exactly that, as is. I have a S160. These were built before the interstate, so they are slow. More HP won't make them much faster...it's all in the gearing. Where are you? I'm in Oregon. Good luck
@@doubledeuce5084 Sorry, it never alerted me to the comment. I'm in southern Indiana. I am going to try and find a gear set that's a little taller. 55 is my goal. I did find an aux trans, which might be an option. I want to put a pto on it since it has the output.
Clear coat it and keep that patina..! I love those 20 inch wheels....I'm keeping my budds and throwing discs behind them...I took my PTO off and the drive line...what crazy weight...!
I wish there was a way to keep the cast centers and upgrade to discs, but the drums will still put you through the windshield unless you have a lot of weight behind it.
That's my old truck I rescued it. I would love to see how it's coming along and also share some pictures of how and where I found it with you. My son and I did a lot of work on that truck.
Nice! I have a few questions on it too. It looked like it had something mounted to the roof. Was it a fire truck at one point? Any photos/videos I'd love to see and would be happy to share. It's sat in the barn for a while, just taking it out for local joy rides, but now finally getting down to putting real work into it.
@Old Place I have around 70 pictures from when I bought. It actually was a grain truck originally it had a dump bed. But the bed was removed before I bought it.
Where are you getting parts for it, I have a 56 s160 and I can't find parts anywhere, mainly looking for brake parts and possibly rear end and transmission.
Brake shoes can be relined via various companies. One of them is in Fort Wayne. Brake lines (including soft lines), ignition components, oil filters and more can be ordered from NAPA. Transmissions can be tough. It helps if you can get the number of your transmission from your line set ticket if possible. Many of these transmissions were made by 3rd party vendors, like Borg Warner and others. Mine has a T-21 5 speed (direct in 5th). Rear ends were often were international with their own part numbers. For medium duty I think it's easier to find parts than some of the light duty trucks, but you have to do a lot of digging through commercial truck catalogs. A lot of the brake boosters on Medium duties were made by Bendix. You can still get parts, but not cheap. oldinternationaltrucks.com/ The site I linked has quite a few parts.
@@oldplace2844 awesome thank you very much! I'll be working on the truck starting this week so I'll get a good idea on what stuff and can just clean up and what needs to be replaced.
Whoa, nice! Not many NOS fender floating around. Is it a medium duty fender or for the light duty trucks? I may be able to get that dent out of this fender. I am looking for headlight rings and a good bumper, though I may end up making my own heavy bumper for the front if I can find a pto winch.
I don't know if light duty, but it has the flares and lips like yours, I have s120 4x4 and bought extra trucks with lots of doors and stuff and this nos fender was with all the parts.the head lights rings I do have are beat up.but i do other parts.
@@oldplace2844 No, I went and looked at one last week. Some guy bought it before I could. It was the only one I've seen on the west coast that was a 4x4 dually S160. I'm on the hunt for another one. It will probably be a couple years before I find another one.
my brother had a 53 several years ago. it was like a half ton but same red and ran great!
I'm a mopar guy and wanted a C-series medium duty truck, but this already had a lot sorted out and it helped my friend out. I talked about trading it for a different truck, but they weren't having it. :D I'm curious to see what I can get out of this old motor with a turbo. If it pans out reasonably well, I want to find a bd264 and see if Cummings (not Cummins) race shop here can weasel some more cubes out of it.
@@oldplace2844 For what you describe as your main use (farm truck) it is built for exactly that, as is. I have a S160. These were built before the interstate, so they are slow. More HP won't make them much faster...it's all in the gearing. Where are you? I'm in Oregon. Good luck
@@doubledeuce5084 Sorry, it never alerted me to the comment. I'm in southern Indiana. I am going to try and find a gear set that's a little taller. 55 is my goal. I did find an aux trans, which might be an option. I want to put a pto on it since it has the output.
@@doubledeuce5084 is yours a dually or 4x4?
Clear coat it and keep that patina..!
I love those 20 inch wheels....I'm keeping my budds and throwing discs behind them...I took my PTO off and the drive line...what crazy weight...!
I wish there was a way to keep the cast centers and upgrade to discs, but the drums will still put you through the windshield unless you have a lot of weight behind it.
@@oldplace2844 check on the military dodge forums…they have a drum to disc conversion…since most are repowering with heavier diesels
That's my old truck I rescued it. I would love to see how it's coming along and also share some pictures of how and where I found it with you. My son and I did a lot of work on that truck.
Nice! I have a few questions on it too. It looked like it had something mounted to the roof. Was it a fire truck at one point? Any photos/videos I'd love to see and would be happy to share. It's sat in the barn for a while, just taking it out for local joy rides, but now finally getting down to putting real work into it.
If you want, I've got my contact info under the channel "about". Drop me a message and I'll get with you.
@Old Place I dont see any contact information in the about on your channel?
@Old Place I have around 70 pictures from when I bought. It actually was a grain truck originally it had a dump bed. But the bed was removed before I bought it.
1956 intornaional pickup
Where are you getting parts for it, I have a 56 s160 and I can't find parts anywhere, mainly looking for brake parts and possibly rear end and transmission.
Brake shoes can be relined via various companies. One of them is in Fort Wayne. Brake lines (including soft lines), ignition components, oil filters and more can be ordered from NAPA.
Transmissions can be tough. It helps if you can get the number of your transmission from your line set ticket if possible. Many of these transmissions were made by 3rd party vendors, like Borg Warner and others. Mine has a T-21 5 speed (direct in 5th).
Rear ends were often were international with their own part numbers. For medium duty I think it's easier to find parts than some of the light duty trucks, but you have to do a lot of digging through commercial truck catalogs.
A lot of the brake boosters on Medium duties were made by Bendix. You can still get parts, but not cheap.
The site I linked has quite a few parts.
@@oldplace2844 awesome thank you very much! I'll be working on the truck starting this week so I'll get a good idea on what stuff and can just clean up and what needs to be replaced.
If your interested I have a nos right front fender.
Whoa, nice! Not many NOS fender floating around. Is it a medium duty fender or for the light duty trucks? I may be able to get that dent out of this fender. I am looking for headlight rings and a good bumper, though I may end up making my own heavy bumper for the front if I can find a pto winch.
I don't know if light duty, but it has the flares and lips like yours, I have s120 4x4 and bought extra trucks with lots of doors and stuff and this nos fender was with all the parts.the head lights rings I do have are beat up.but i do other parts.
Definitely not for 3/4 or 1/2 ton trucks.
is this a dually or 4x4 by chance?
This one is a dually. Do you have a 4x4? I've seen a couple of them, but certainly uncommon... if any of the 56 internationals can be called common.
@@oldplace2844 No, I went and looked at one last week. Some guy bought it before I could. It was the only one I've seen on the west coast that was a 4x4 dually S160. I'm on the hunt for another one. It will probably be a couple years before I find another one.
@@josephkryszczak I maybe letting mine go after I get it on the road….it’s a s120 4x4 travel all….but 1st I want to have some fun with it….
@@offgridmangogrower sounds like a nice truck
@@offgridmangogrower almost a year later so you want to sell it?