i’ve heard way too many anime openings i can’t remember them all, like i’ll hear an anime opening which i literally know the lyrics of but forget the name of the anime
Just Some Girl With A Mustache Bro I was Legit waiting for Bungou Stray Dogs bc It’s SO good and it’s my all time favourite and I was scrolling through the comments to see if it was in the quiz and once I saw it was it came on and I didn’t get it i’m low key so sad
This probably counts as cheating, but bcuz he only played the most obscure parts, whenever i didn’t know the opening of the top of my head, i’d make my phone face away from me and guess the anime from the part that plays during the regeal
90/100 Nice quiz ! ^^ VERY EASY - 1. Noragami 2. Angel Beats! 3. Another 4. Bakemonogatari 5. Shokugeki no Soma 6. Sword Art Online 7. No Game no Life 8. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso 9. Ao no Exorcist 10. Death Note 11. Kimetsu no Yaiba 12. Fairy Tail 13. Boku no Hero Academia 14. Naruto Shippuden 15. Re:Zero EASY - 16. Parasyte 17. Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 18. Black Clover 19. Bleach 20. Blend S 21. Code Geass 22. Cowboy Bebop 23. FullMetal Alchemist 24. Gintama 25. Guilty Crown 26. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 27. Lucky Star 28. Mob Psycho 100 29. One Piece 30. Steins;Gate 31. Toradora! 32. Eromanga-sensei 33. Koi to Uso 34. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica 35. Yuri!!! On Ice MEDIUM - 36. Dr. Stone 37. AnoHana 38. Boku Dake ga Inai Machi 39. ??? 40. Death Parade 41. Free! 42. Great Teacher Onizuka 43. Inuyashiki 44. Kill La Kill 45. Kuroko no Basket 46. Little Witch Academia 47. Nichijou 48. Ouran Koukou Host Club 49. Psycho-Pass 50. Samouraï Champloo 51. Soul Eater 52. Mirai Nikki 53. Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari 54. Trinity Seven 55. Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo 56. Overlord 57. Grand Blue 58. Made in Abyss 59. Darling in the Franxx 60. ??? HARD - 61. ??? 62. Satsuriku no Tenshi 63. ??? 64. Beastars 65. Gabriel DropOut 66. Konosuba 67. New Game! 68. ??? 69. Hataraku Maou-sama! 70. Gotoubun no Hanayome 71. Tower of God 72. InuYasha 73. Bungou Stray Dogs 74. Domestic na Kanojo 75. Wotaku Koi wa Muzukashii 76. Barakamon 77. High School DxD 78. Arifureta 79. ??? OTAKU - 80. ??? 81. Hataraku Saibou 82. Chobits 83. Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou 84. Yowamushi Pedal 85. ??? 86. Kantai Collection 87. Beck 88. ??? 89. Shomin Sample 90. Tensura 91. Saiki Kusuo no Psi-San 92. Beelzebub 93. To Love-Ru 94. Mikakunin de Shinkoukei 95. Violet Evergarden 96. Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai 97. ??? 98. Okaasan Online 99. Dumbbell nan Kilo Moteru ? 100. Girls and Panzer
That feeling when you idly play this quiz as you draw your own manga and never realized the difficulty changed from very easy and you think “hey this Very Easy Segment seems pretty long” and you look and it’s at medium.
I kept skipping the songs to find one I knew so I could get something right for once and I accidentally skipped erased I live for that intro Another annoying thing that happened I heard the angels of death intro and said to myself "is that angels of death" not more than one second later I said "no it can't be" 2 seconds later I figure out it was angels of death all along
Me who only watches magical girl anime Me: *oh noes* Also me: **only guesses Kill La Kill and Madoka Magica and Cardcaptor Sakura** and nichijou but its not magical girl idk
Some suggestions: Play the most iconic parts of the song. Play the most known/iconic of an anime that has multiple openings. Example: Black Clover has 12 openings, I would play Haruka Mirai (Op 1, Black Rover Op 3, or Black Catcher Op 10) Ask yourself if this anime has a large fanbase first before deciding which category to put a song to. This list felt more personally because: As a starter weeb, I wouldn’t watch Angel Beats or Your lie in April. And those were in very easy, I would at least put them in Medium or Hard. Another factor deciding which category to put the song into would be if it’s seasonal or not. Some seasonal anime’s are long forgotten like Little Witch Academia. So seasonal openings would be at least easy, if it was memed (Blend-S) and Medium or above for just other shows.
Congratulations on the video, it was very good! Of course there was a cut in the opening of Sword Art Online, but I understand you because the world of Copyright is cruel!
That feeling when you are familiar with the song but forgot the anime titleee lol
Same sometimes I'm on spotify and listen to new anime OPs without even watching the shows... heck that's what got me to wa watch bakemonogatari
JustMartisEXE MLBB
Or when you know the song title but not the anime
I felt that throughout the whole video 😂
I know it... 😅
Everytime I got something wrong:
*I tOTaLLy kNeW tHaT*
Same 😂😂
We all did
Don’t mind me I just came here looking for recommendations
Not an anime series but have u seen hotarubi no mori e
Same lol
Got like 16 of them lmao
Steins gate, my personal favourite
@@stxcommunity7141 LOL got almost all of them
This is really just a test of "Have you watched this anime"
Really? I know more than 3/4 of the songs but haven’t even watch half of them.
@@tsynthetic I mean, I also know a lot of the songs, but I (personally) don't remember what animes they're from.
for me its more like which songs are on my playlist and which ones arent lmao
Techno Soul sameee brooo
Osu! Players will say that, that is not true
When you haven’t watched the anime but know the song
I made I 60 likes
Welcome to the world telling you that you have been watching to many of these( I can relate)
My guy plays the weirdest part of the op so you have no chance of recognizing it
I think it's better that way, more of a challange.
@@yuliy6527 the challenge is too hard
So real 🙏😔👊
That moment when the part you only know start playing when the title is revealed
I feel u on a spiritual level
Underrated 😂
I know right
Yeah Ikr, that guy puts the verse, intro, something like that at the start and puts the chorus in when the answer is revealed lol.
These anime openings.. So many memories.., so many feels
I agree 😌
Everytime Noragami, I think its ao no Exorcist.
for me its the other way around...i always thing ao nonexorcist op is noragami op
I thought I was the only one with that issue, 😅.
I thought it was Durarara for some reason this time
Hah?! I see a big difference between two openings.
Hearing Violet Evergarden makes my eyes teary every time
My dad is in the military and the thoughts of stuff like that get to me so i feel u
My dumbass just finished Demon Slayer like 10 minutes ago and when the theme came up I really went and said my hero academia
Elijah Carrillo j u s t
𝚆 𝚘 𝚠
I confuse demon slayer with sao I don’t know why
@@rachelmontoro6414 maybe because lisa sang the ops for the two songs
Am i that one person that doesent realize the song until it gets to the "part"?
thats abdullah
Your one of the two, me being the second
it really hurts when i dont remember the name but fimiliar
I call myself an otaku yet I only got 5 points. Im not crying hahaha
5 points from all?
Cuz there are alot of bullshit anime here
Y a man would watch girl und panzer or
Kentai collection
Wait your supposed to keep points
Your "Easy"-"Medium" was the hardest for me....
I got mixed up the two anime’s that I watched at the same time
Both on Easy-Medium so i feel you
I can’t like this comment cause it’s at 69 likes
I've only seen like 10% of the animes on this video, yet I knew at least 50% of the songs :D
Same, mostly from watching more videos like this than actual anime 😂
Just watch em all i have watched at least 60 percent of the animes listed
@@nekoneko6930 Yeah I'm trying to watch way more anime now that I have more time for it
For me
I know and plan to watch about 50%
10% wtf is that
20% I have seen
20% I started watching
This is just me trying to estimate lmao
I have a complaint:
Gintama, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece and Fairy Tale
Those animes have 347 OPs each, wtf?
Yeah but like Fairy Tail's Snow Fairy intro soooo iconic, so...
@@DarkStreamGaming I agree
They can't all be here
They used the known ones
There fucking it worth it tho
I heard Stray Kids and I was so confused. Then I remembered they did the op for Tower of God
omg really? then maybe i have to watch it just for the op lol
@@mileree1234 Dont wanan be that guy but i actually do.
read the webtoon first
me *casually singing but doesn't remember the song nor the anime's title*
The worst feeling is finishing a anime ;(
Damn i felt that for kimi ni todoke
Angel beats 😭
@@mexil6529 +(
I deaply agree, I hate that feeling
Me while starting this was like
"I'll be so mad if Bungou Stray Dogs is not here"
I'll keep watching to see if it is
CupcakeBlush yo I was waitin for beastars bungo stray dogs inuyakishi and angels of death and they were gladly played lol😂
@@brandysmith1421 yes I love all of those exactly I haven't heard inuyakishi
(Sound like Inuyasha tho)
@@cupcakeblush4537 *inuyashiki and it's great It reminded me of inuyasha too(the name, not the anime)
I was at hard and I thought "there won’t be bsd because it would be in medium or easy" and I was so surprised to hear it in hard
@@ofthevoid814 damn me too! i was like "wait what why is bsd on hard xD"
Hard: *plays angels of death*
Me with the slime isekai
I literally finished this anime yesterday, and boy did I weep.
me 😔
Anime missing : Attack on titan, Tokyo ghoul
Those are *too* easy
@@SilverTune ikr
@@SilverTune sadly, yes
unless you never watched them like myself
@@danamemaker I never watched them but know the Openings too, they are just to famous lmao
If only you played the memorable parts of the intros then this woulda been a breeze
True 😂
He played the hardest parts to remember .
And played the memorable parts when he showed the anime name 😂
Hasaruto Gaming yesss that was so rude😂😂 if they played the memorable parts i would know way more
that's the fun part :D
Me: Mirai Nikki
Video: The Future Diary
Me: ExcUSe mE wtF
It's same?
@@rei.6874 it's absolutely the same
Thanks for the Vietnam flashbacks of Another.
@@vn5398 You just traumatised me a second time just by saying this 😂 (Sorry if the sentence is wrong)
Kids, always use your umbrellas when it rains
I from Vietnam 💓
Me when the jojo opening comes on: *FURIOUS HEAD BANGING*
Thecatkingofcats Roblox I can relate xD
It's mid
i’ve heard way too many anime openings i can’t remember them all, like i’ll hear an anime opening which i literally know the lyrics of but forget the name of the anime
I have a special challenge for you, there is a guy sarcasm317 he has a video of 1000 ops
When you need to sing the whole op to know what it is
Thats what ive been doing lmao
That moment when you know the anime but not the opening...
Just Some Girl With A Mustache Bro I was Legit waiting for Bungou Stray Dogs bc It’s SO good and it’s my all time favourite and I was scrolling through the comments to see if it was in the quiz and once I saw it was it came on and I didn’t get it i’m low key so sad
This probably counts as cheating, but bcuz he only played the most obscure parts, whenever i didn’t know the opening of the top of my head, i’d make my phone face away from me and guess the anime from the part that plays during the regeal
I’m pretty sure everyone has one anime opening that they were waiting for but never came up...
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun😢
Gameplays Jotos jojo was in it tho
I desperately wished for Naruto Shippuden OP 20 but well, not that popular as an opinion but i think it's the best one from 1 to 20.
Video: Anime Opening Quiz
Me after hearing a familiar song: I definitely played this in osu
Hitorigoto dt fc
when anohana came my eyES oMG and mY heArT WTFF
For the persons who didn’t watch Your lie in April : don’t trust the opening 🥺😭
Can’t believe Kaori died
THUS the reason why I have trust issues
Yeah the opening is way different 🤣
@@ofcchae Don't spoil.🤬
Im still depressed
When you watch these vids for anime recommendations 😳
(turns out I watched most of these lmao)
nice pfp
@@ilogbc3090 ayy same to you
@@Cybxlia makise kurisu
cowboy bebop: *starts*
me: Okay 3 2 1 lets go
90/100 Nice quiz ! ^^
1. Noragami
2. Angel Beats!
3. Another
4. Bakemonogatari
5. Shokugeki no Soma
6. Sword Art Online
7. No Game no Life
8. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
9. Ao no Exorcist
10. Death Note
11. Kimetsu no Yaiba
12. Fairy Tail
13. Boku no Hero Academia
14. Naruto Shippuden
15. Re:Zero
16. Parasyte
17. Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
18. Black Clover
19. Bleach
20. Blend S
21. Code Geass
22. Cowboy Bebop
23. FullMetal Alchemist
24. Gintama
25. Guilty Crown
26. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
27. Lucky Star
28. Mob Psycho 100
29. One Piece
30. Steins;Gate
31. Toradora!
32. Eromanga-sensei
33. Koi to Uso
34. Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
35. Yuri!!! On Ice
36. Dr. Stone
37. AnoHana
38. Boku Dake ga Inai Machi
39. ???
40. Death Parade
41. Free!
42. Great Teacher Onizuka
43. Inuyashiki
44. Kill La Kill
45. Kuroko no Basket
46. Little Witch Academia
47. Nichijou
48. Ouran Koukou Host Club
49. Psycho-Pass
50. Samouraï Champloo
51. Soul Eater
52. Mirai Nikki
53. Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
54. Trinity Seven
55. Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo
56. Overlord
57. Grand Blue
58. Made in Abyss
59. Darling in the Franxx
60. ???
61. ???
62. Satsuriku no Tenshi
63. ???
64. Beastars
65. Gabriel DropOut
66. Konosuba
67. New Game!
68. ???
69. Hataraku Maou-sama!
70. Gotoubun no Hanayome
71. Tower of God
72. InuYasha
73. Bungou Stray Dogs
74. Domestic na Kanojo
75. Wotaku Koi wa Muzukashii
76. Barakamon
77. High School DxD
78. Arifureta
79. ???
80. ???
81. Hataraku Saibou
82. Chobits
83. Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
84. Yowamushi Pedal
85. ???
86. Kantai Collection
87. Beck
88. ???
89. Shomin Sample
90. Tensura
91. Saiki Kusuo no Psi-San
92. Beelzebub
93. To Love-Ru
94. Mikakunin de Shinkoukei
95. Violet Evergarden
96. Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
97. ???
98. Okaasan Online
99. Dumbbell nan Kilo Moteru ?
100. Girls and Panzer
Wow you don't know cardcaptor sakura?
85 is that eizouken anime
"Stray kids" is in the hard section I'm crying XD
My Brain : That Anime
My Mouth : What This?
Got 31 right, that's probably bad, but I'm still in the prime years of my anime watching career, I'll get there eventually
when it reached the otaku leve there was only 1 anime that i didn´t know.
Ill get there one day senpai
Ive never been more turned on
I got like 4, I have to think again what I should do with my life ;'P
To me hard part was medium, I got only few
Same bro
I didn’t get any of the very easy ones... (ok well except my boi fairy tail)
Its that piano mate
i always think angel beats is guilty crown lmao
I always think Ángel beats gonna have season 2 :(
Same here
Piano is the evil soul out there mate!
Lolol I was sitting there waiting for Hunter x Hunter
I’m suprised Kaguya Sama: Love is War is not here
i was waiting for it
I haven’t even heard of 12 of them my god I need to be more informed
That feeling when you idly play this quiz as you draw your own manga and never realized the difficulty changed from very easy and you think “hey this Very Easy Segment seems pretty long” and you look and it’s at medium.
I swear I'd get higher if the choruses were played
"How to get copyright striked by all the Anime's op's 10 times worse but its definitely worth all the pain."
When you are a manga person it makes it 1000 times harder when you've read the manga and don't know anything about the anime
When you are anime man who read manga in ratio 9/1 anime/manga
cause it's an anime OP quiz, not a manga quiz
You don't understand how happy I am you included girl's last tour, and Saiki K this is the only video that has done so so far. Thank you.
damn i only got 58, it's so frustrating when you know the anime but can't remember the name :(
I kept skipping the songs to find one I knew so I could get something right for once
and I accidentally skipped erased
I live for that intro
Another annoying thing that happened
I heard the angels of death intro and said to myself
"is that angels of death" not more than one second later I said
"no it can't be"
2 seconds later
I figure out it was angels of death all along
Chobits is there omg finally someone knows this anime
The more I noticed I know a lot of these the more I find myself as a disappointment
Thank you Bigman 🙏
When the quiz creator is smart and actually tests you by cutting the beginning to truly test that you KNOW the op.
Me who only watches magical girl anime
Me: *oh noes*
Also me: **only guesses Kill La Kill and Madoka Magica and Cardcaptor Sakura**
and nichijou but its not magical girl idk
Little witch academia:
When you don’t know the name of the anime but you can sing along anyways
who always skip The Op and The Ed can relate hahaha
Man has a death wish saying that in the comments
Uncultured swine
*how dare you*
Ik you ain’t jus say that-
*the door is that way-*
big props for this video man its so different
The Time when the first anine you watch then forgot about then remembered such nostalgia
Im talking about TRINITY SEVEN
Some suggestions:
Play the most iconic parts of the song.
Play the most known/iconic of an anime that has multiple openings. Example: Black Clover has 12 openings, I would play Haruka Mirai (Op 1, Black Rover Op 3, or Black Catcher Op 10)
Ask yourself if this anime has a large fanbase first before deciding which category to put a song to. This list felt more personally because: As a starter weeb, I wouldn’t watch Angel Beats or Your lie in April. And those were in very easy, I would at least put them in Medium or Hard.
Another factor deciding which category to put the song into would be if it’s seasonal or not. Some seasonal anime’s are long forgotten like Little Witch Academia. So seasonal openings would be at least easy, if it was memed (Blend-S) and Medium or above for just other shows.
Me - thinking *I'm a normie!
Also me - guessed almost all anime ops includes otaku section.
*Oh. shit...
I’ve seen so many animes that I keep mixing two different animes that I’ve seen and thinking of a completely different one that I’ve seen
When you don’t watch the intros but you’ve seen all the anime 😂
yeah but except hxh c=
I live for the extreme whiplash of going from something you’ve never heard straight to your favorite OP. “Yeah idk that one but- OH HERE IT IS”
Didn’t expect tower of god, its finally gonna start popping up in more quizzes 😁
Nice job at 34K big bro
when u dont remember the opening of naruto but recognize that song from Highschool DxD...
-when you realize you know all the Animes but you skipped all the opening/ending-
18:33 yes High school dxd is a "hard" one ;)
Hiiiii Lil Biggie i loveeee the Hatsune Miku thumbnail i think its sooooo pretty
Angel beats 💔💔
No game no life 😢😢 no s2
Your lie in april didnt watch
I will resume later i have to sleep cya
Ikr :c ngnl was so good it deserves s2
tokkiiwa i named my two cats after ngnl
@@aakihiro6661 i will watch ngnl is it good?
Thanks bro love your channel😁
Why is Violet Evergarden in Otaku tho. Shld have at least been Medium. Overall still an awesome quiz.
Bruh this man plays the part where you would recognize it when he reveals what anime it is
I was so happy to hear Angels of Death 😭
Thanks for anime opening quizz bro 😀
If you had played Dr stone the good morning world part I would have got it
I love your videos!
The fact that I watched more than half of the anime’s and knew the opening song but couldn’t remember the anime is just tragic 😭
Then you're a true weeb
Thanks for including grand blue
I got a total score of 19... One day I will get every one of these! MaRk mY wOrDs!!!
1 - Noragami
2 - Angel Beats!
3 - Another
4 - Bakemonogatarii
6 - SAO
7 - No Game No Life
8 - Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
9 - Ao no Exorcist
11 - Kimetsu no Yaiba
12 - Fairy Tail
13 - Boku no Hero Academia
14 - Naruto Shippuden
15 - Re:Zero
16 - Kiseijuu
17 - Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
18 - Black Clover
19 - Bleach
20 - Blend S
21 - Code Geass
22 - Cowboy Bebop
25 - Guilty Crown
27 - Lucky Star
28 - Mob Psycho 100
29 - One Piece
30 - Steins;Gate
31 - Toradora!
33 - Koi to Uso
34 - Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica
35 - Yuri!!! on Ice
36 - Dr. Stone
37 - AnoHana
38 - Boku dake ga Inai Machi
40 - Death Parade
41 - Free!
43 - Inuyashiki
47 - Nichijou
48 - Ouran Koukou Host Club
49 - Psycho-Pass
51 - Soul Eater
52 - Mirai Nikki
53 - Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
55 - Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo
56 - Overlord
57 - Grend Blue
58 - Made in Abyss
59 - Darling in the FranXX
65 - Gabriel Dropout
70 - Gotoubun no Hanayome
71 - Kami no Tou
73 - Bungou Stray Dogs
74 - Domestic na Kanojo
75 - WotaKoi
78 - Arifureta
83 - Yowamushi Pedal: Glory Line
84 - Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na!
94 - Mikakunin de Shinkoukei
95 - Violet Evergarden
96 - BokuBen
99 - Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
Is getting them all right something to be proud about?
Err yes, but no, but yes.
Well no, but actually yes
You actually know all wtf just knowing half is some crazy shit
press x to doubt
when one of your "otaku" animes is from netflix you know something is wrong
15:04 hearing angels of death got me pumped as hell
I'm still waiting for the day they add something like Terraria music in the middle to get everyone
I went hard during the medium ones
Ty for bringing back good memories
me:*guessed the last anime opening
my brain: damn bro, im so good at final moment!
FINALLY, FINALLY a video in wich the Op for BECK mongolian chop squad is featured! That anime is fantastic!
This is basically do you know that part of the song that nobody knows?
Comes here to see how many of the anime I watch appears and if I get it right. "Oh hey that's from Dragalia, wait that's not an anime"
Yes, finally, I was waiting for this the whole 2 months.... but..... wait.... where's the Senko I asked for.... :(
Congratulations on the video, it was very good! Of course there was a cut in the opening of Sword Art Online, but I understand you because the world of Copyright is cruel!
When the youtuber didnt put your favorite anime and your favorite anime op in the video:
Me: i think its unknown to them.
What’s your favorite op?
Blue bud blue
That feeling when your favourite opening come up
Lov u
Good as always, SAO NGNL YAY