Dear Pastor Leung You quoted Gal 2:20 that believers have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. This life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Can you explain/ give some examples what is the significance of " I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. This life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God"; since Eph 4:1 says to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. How is Gal 2:20 helps us to achieve Eph 4:1? The other question is we are righteous in our standing before God because of what Jesus did for us, but the bible never called a believer sinner again positionally nor in reality? Thank you Pastor.
Good 🙏🙏👏👏🔥🔥🔥😇
教會功用:1)牧養使命 2)福音使命
Dear Pastor Leung You quoted Gal 2:20 that believers have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. This life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Can you explain/ give some examples what is the significance of " I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. This life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God"; since Eph 4:1 says to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. How is Gal 2:20 helps us to achieve Eph 4:1? The other question is we are righteous in our standing before God because of what Jesus did for us, but the bible never called a believer sinner again positionally nor in reality? Thank you Pastor.
保羅說: 現在活著的不再是我, 乃是基督在我裏面, 朽壞必死的身體必要過去, 要心意更生而變改, 必朽壞的不能承受不朽壞的, 必朽壞的生命不能承受神 的國, 穿上新人, 除去舊的我, 才能與聖潔的神 同行! 因為神 是忌的神, 所以若有人在基督裏, 他就是新造的人, 舊事已過,, 一切都是新的了, 沒有人能行神蹟, 只有無所不能神 的權能才能行蹟, 證明了 祂就是獨一的真神!
神 是信實的! 與人立約! 祂不會爽約, 縱使你背約! 祂是守約施慈愛的三位一體真神! 憑著這樣的信心, 去堅守主的真道! 忍耐及不斷的向神 禱告及等待著神 的應許的實現, 弟兄, 姊妹有福了! 因為永活的大祭司 , 我們的救主耶穌基督坐在父神 的右邊, 並應許祂必快來! 那時刻! 就成就了主的應許! 那時 忍耐, 堅守使命, 多傳福音, 領人歸主, 常常保持對主不變的信心的信徒, 就必得著主所應許的永遠不朽壞的生命了! 參考約翰福音三章十六節, 約翰福音一章一至十五節, 了看詩篇第一篇全篇, 使可以明白神 的旨意更多了!
@@kitlee7223 明白你支持暴政的立場。我會為你禱告的,求主憐憫。雖然明知不大可能,仍願你與你支持的邪惡政權會知罪悔改。
@@alfredlee828 從你如此武斷判定別人立場,就看出阁下只有立場是非不分!請细讀羅馬書十三章1至7节吧!
@@kitlee7223 神的僕人是賞善罰惡的,中共港共極權卻無惡不作。你為要支持邪惡政權不惜曲解聖經是你的事,將來在主的審判台前,自有定斷,得到應有的報應。
是, 香港是早上9:30開始
唔係呀嘛! 香港疫情食市一定要開,好多人屋企冇煮飯㗎!亦有好多人靠做飲食業為生,咁就話政府衰不顧教會只顧住經濟??乜而家政府係幫基督教做嘢嘅咩?佛教冇停咩?其他宗教冇停咩?你能叫嗰啲未信主冇嘢做嘅人同意你?咁就要搞公民抗?唔怪之得咁多未信主的人更討厭基督教啦!多得你這些牧師唔少😡,教會有一日受逼迫就因為有你這些自私的牧師。