• @yobabybubba
    @yobabybubba 3 роки тому +5

    I'm reading his book 'Absolutely Free' right now. Loving it.

  • @americodiloretto217
    @americodiloretto217 3 роки тому +1

    You learn a lot from GES. Thanks for sharing.

  • @BryanLChess
    @BryanLChess 3 роки тому

    Great explanation!

  • @rockeshepherd7694
    @rockeshepherd7694 3 роки тому +8

    James 2:15 shows that this chapter is addressed to Believers that have already been saved and the salvation talked about in verse 14 is talking about saving someone from a condition of living in sin or maybe they are poor , but what a poor person needs is some food and clothes , not you saying I will pray for you, the poor person needs some food not just t faith here . If you go up to some one and say I will pray for you to receive some money so you will have it easier , while you have 1000 bucks in your pocket on the way to the store to buy a colored TV .... That Faith without works, is dead .

    • @colonalklink14
      @colonalklink14 3 роки тому +7

      Yes, James is really about having a practical faith that helps others and cannot contradict Ephesians 2: 8, 9, 10,Romans 4: 5, 6, and Romans 11:6.
      Simple enough, I can choose to have an alive faith or a dead faith, nothing to do with salvation at all.
      God bless you brother.
      Your explanation was great too!

  • @trentthompson2899
    @trentthompson2899 3 роки тому +5

    Zane Hodges was excellent in refuting the lifestyle error. The lifestyle error seems to teach that if you claim you are saved and that you are a Christian (justified in the sight of God), you can prove it to others by being and doing good. That is mistaken logic . You can do no more to prove that you are eternally saved than to confess that Jesus Christ saved you when and because you trusted His finished work on the cross for your eternal salvation.

  • @marylamb6063
    @marylamb6063 3 роки тому

    James tells his readers that if a man is sick, let him call for the elders of the church. The elders shall anoint him with oil, and the prayer of faith will heal the sick man. If he has sinned, his sins will be forgiven. James was written for his Jewish, pre-trib audience.
    There will be many miracles performed during that time. When Peter preached at Pentecost, he was preaching to the Jews and announcing the Kingdom if they repented. It wasn't until somewhere in Acts that God instituted the Church, as a consequence of the Jews' unbelief. Paul was chosen as the revelator to the Church.

  • @johnortiz566
    @johnortiz566 3 місяці тому

    It uses helping others with acts rather than just words to explain that faith without works is dead. James calls a man who claims he believes apart from his works a vain man. Then James uses Abraham as an example of saving faith. Abraham believed and his faith was made complete (perfect) by his works. Abraham offered his son. Abraham wasn't just justified by his faith alone. It says it clearly. Abraham’s faith worked with his actions. James uses the example of telling a brother in Christ that has a need that God will provide when it's within your power to help your brother. In other words, your words mean nothing unless they are accompanied by acts. In the same manner, your faith to save you is dead if it is not accompanied by works. Devils believe and tremble but they're not saved. James says that kind of faith cannot save you. Emphasis on the word, you, not the other person. I don’t need faith to give someone $100. Sinners do it all the time. That's not the subject here. It is merely used to demonstrate the worthlessness of words when it's within your ability to help with a need, and it compares that worthlessness with the faith that has no works. It's like a dead body. It has no spirit. No life.

  • @carleybethcaldwell566
    @carleybethcaldwell566 3 роки тому +2

    PLEASE! I need a scary mask for Halloween! I need to scare the crap out of my friends they are teasing me!

  • @corneliuslee6017
    @corneliuslee6017 3 роки тому +1

    I just did a video on this ... its called Grace Age Saints vs Tribulation Saints and I discuss the book of James and I pretty much prove that it is a book that is primarily for tribulation saints and that tribulation age saints have faith and works because they have to resist the mark and the beast system and endure through and maintain their faith unto death or endure all the way through the whole 7 years without taking the mark ... thats why in the book of James it says God chose the POOR rich in faith and it drags rich people all the way through it because the poor resisted the mark because of their faith and the rich didnt to keep their riches or to be able to buy or sell ... its most definitely a book that is about the Tribulation Age

    • @corneliuslee6017
      @corneliuslee6017 3 роки тому

      In the book of Revelation Ch.14 it says here are the saints that died in Christ and they have ceased from their labours and their WORKS do follow them ... Faith and Works ... but in Romans 4:5 for the Church age saints it’s possible for us to be saved and not have works ... NOT for the Trib Saints tho buddy

    • @markdecoto6046
      @markdecoto6046 3 роки тому +4

      Get your hyper dispensationalist garbage out of here.

    • @carleybethcaldwell566
      @carleybethcaldwell566 3 роки тому +1

      Does anyone know where I can get a really scary mask for Halloween this year?! I wanna scare the crap out of my friends.

    • @corneliuslee6017
      @corneliuslee6017 3 роки тому

      @@markdecoto6046 first of all im a saved brother of yours who is sealed unto the day of redemption and believes in salvation by Grace stupid-o ... but if you think the Tribulation Age Saints don’t have works with their faith than you haven’t read the book of Revelations especially Chapter 12 and 14 and you definitely don’t RIGHTLY DIVIDE the Word of Truth ... I NEVER said the Tribulation Saints are saved by works ... but their Faith HAS WORKS
      Revelation 14:13
      And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their WORKS do follow them.
      Sounds like they all have WORKS that follow their Faith to me dumb dumbs
      But Romans 4 it’s possible to have Faith and No works ... Nothing hyper dispensational about what I’m saying stupids, its called RIGHTLY DIVIDING the Word of Truth and its a commandment when dealing with scripture. Things that are different are not the same dumb dumbs

    • @corneliuslee6017
      @corneliuslee6017 3 роки тому

      @@markdecoto6046 but check it out tho ... since you don’t know how to talk to a fellow brother of yours maybe we can meet up or something so I can teach you a lesson or two about that ... I’m not the one dude ... TRUST ME ... nobody came on here talking to anybody in any kind of disrespectful way so why come at me like that... some of yall fellow Chrsitians got your heads so stuck up your behinds you’ll never get a proper understanding of Grace and Charity and how to talk to and treat your own brethren and you guys make the Grace community look bad and I can’t wait til the day The Lord skins you guy’s hinds for it at the Judgement Seat of Christ ..
      I’d be more than happy to drop and address or something for you to come to me in the flesh and talk to me that way ... or you can drop yours and id be more than willing to do some traveling ... disrespectful idiot