Two iconic sayings with the Nobunaga and the other two Unifiers of Japan. If a the Mocking bird doesn't sing Nobunaga says kill it, Hideyoshi says make it sing, Ieyasu says wait for it to sing. Another one is about bread, Nobunaga made it, Hideyoshi cooked it, Ieyasu ate it.
Except the part he was merciless,slaughtered many women,children and peasants,wiped out the entire Takeda clan and exterminated even those who surrendered,and ruled over his officers though fear and brutality.Japan would be close to a fascist dictatorship.
But he was also open-minded and lover of the Western world, so if he had taken over, perhaps Japan wouldn't be as closed and xenophobic as it is today.
I'm in agreement with @akirajotaro. True, Nobunaga was merciless with his enemies and he was one who believed the ends justified the means. Then again, consider the time and place in which he lived. Japan had been drowning in civil war (Sengoku Jidai) for nearly a century, if not longer. Nobunaga himself fought a civil war within his own family before ultimately rising to supremacy. To him, unifying Japan and ending the chaos and endless war that had plagued his country for so long was more important than what we would could "civilized warfare." If there is a bigger irony in our history than that term, please enlighten me. Nobunaga was a force of nature. He was also methodical, pragmatic, and thorough. I like to think if he and Napoleon had met on the the field, it would have been an interesting showdown. As far as their policies, Napoleon did much to unify the lands he had conquered. He ushered in a new era of castles and stability (Azuchi-Momoyama), spurred two subordinates to carry on his dream of a unified and pacified nation, removed many checkpoints, and brought about many great public works for the time.
Wow, i cannot believe i live to hear Todd Brent Schaus as Nobunaga again! This guy is amazing, one of the few true, awesome hidden gem when it comes to voice acting. His translation of that exquisite, unusual personality of Nobunaga was impecable! I still hear SW2 Nobunaga every year! Thanks for the nostalgia!
You got to love a guy who appreciates sarcasm (also really hard to do in Japanese). And has a bit of edginess in him: people gave him his "Demon King of the Sixth Heaven" moniker to slight him--he ended up liking and keeping it for himself...because he thought it sounded awesome. Also, the guy supposedly loved sponge cake and collecting tea sets and renaissance furniture.
Perhaps the reason we still can't find Nobunaga's remains is because maybe, just Maybe, he truly was a "Demon King". and him "Vanishing in a sea of Flames" at Honnoji, can be seen as what is left of Nobunaga's humanity (both his physical body and soul) becoming a Demon, thus leaving the world knowing that he has left his mark in History. That's just my way of thinking about it, cause even in the Warrior Orochi games, the Mystics and the Demons all say that "Nobunaga is not human." Why do they think that? because..... "Its just that Simple...."
Nobu, was of the few historical leaders, who was completely comfortable with his dark side. He didn’t compartmentalize himself. He wasn’t a Sunday angel, and a Saturday devil like most people are, and make excuses. He was whole, and knew exactly what he was doing and embraced his shadow. Only a few such leaders, such as Genghis Khan and Attila had the courage to master their dark side.
Nobunaga waz neither a hero or a villain, yet he possessed both traits. He was simply a man who had enough, and knew how to get the job done had he not had been betrayed he would have created a brutal but progressive japan, however i doubt japan would have been as "friendly" as they are today, or perhaps they would have deeper relationships with germandy and or the french. It's truly a wonder what could have happened, that's why i adore koeis nobunaga (and the actual real nobunaga) rather then capcoms, even though i have no doubt he would kill any of us before a second would pass.
Never heard of this guy before I started playing Nioh. And to listen to this video just makes me love that guy even more. So awesome that this guy did exist!!
I would love to see that too, but alas they'll most likely never do that particular ERB. Partially because of potential pronunciation issues and I can imagine many of the other fans going... "who?! Who are these guys?!"
Cao Cao: I’m gonna burn your career like what your boy Mitsuhide did at Honnoji! Nobunaga: I’ll sink you all the way to Hell and make Chibi look like a walk in the park
What a well put-together video! I'm not really a fan of Samurai Warriors YET but my love for history turned into me playing the first two Nobunaga's Ambition games, then Pokemon Conquest, and now here I am. lol
very good points my friend, there is one other thing you did not mention thou so its all good still lol the title of demon king was very suggestive yes, but also when it came to honoji or how ever its yes its said he either burned alive or disappeared, there was another fact that was said as well, that it was a body double and nobunaga was actually never there in the first place and that he went to other lands leaving japan in the hands of his most trusted as he was already suspecting mistuheda to betray him, because there was no bodies of lady noh or ranmaru either along with his.
the way nobunaga thinks is few hundreds years ahead than any other daimyo, or noble, or the others that around him. my thought about him is always his persona on Nobunaga Ambition, or from historical novel written by the likes of Yamaoka Shohachi or Yoshikawa Eiji, who portray him as radical genius rather simply a power-hunger brutal warlord.
I think one of the most intersting things Nobunaga did was taking Yasuke on as a servant. I'm disappointed in his SW2 costume never making it to SW2. That's easily the best one.
I bet Oda Nobunaga has installed secret passageways inside Honnoji Temple in order to escape if ever the temple is attacked. Then, he lies low and waits for the proper moment to mount his comeback and revenge
I kind of find it ironic how he's called the demon king but allowed Christianity to fluroish in Japan when it was taboo at the time. Most Japanese people at the time believing in Buddahism he seems like quite the interesting individual makes you wonder how Japan would've been if he survived
Man... The more I hear about this guy... The more I think what if? Come on seriously it would have been cool to see a history in which he took over. BTW can you make a video on mitsuhide?
Hey I know this is late and chances are low you may see this message but would you happen to know of a way to contact the english voice actor for Nobunaga Oda, Brent Schaus? I would like to thank him
Another thing, Mitsuhide was supposed to help Hideyoshi in the Chugoku area against the Mori-Ukita-Shimizu alliance, and Hideyoshi didn't even invade Shikoku until 1585, almost three years after Nobunaga and Mitsuhide died. Your information is trash.
This is a slip of the tongue because I trouble enunciating between the two names. Make no mistake, I did mean Chugoku and even clarified it in my future videos.
this isn't meant to be so much a historical lesson, but rather an analysis of the character. Left parts out to condense the video and leaned more towards the folklore surrounding Nobunaga.
Ah ok, i wasn't quite sure. Because i've seen it way too many times with how oda nobunaga as a historical person has been interpreted in the wrong way or historical facts being changed or wrong.
One thing I hate is how you over emphasize the second syllable of most of the four syllable Japanese names. ImAHguwah instead of just Imagawa. NaGAHshinoh instead of just Nagashino
I love that you got the same guy that dubbed Nobunaga's voice in SW2 for this vid. He will always be THE voice of the Demon King in my mind.
Omg yes , he's the one yo voice act nobunaga , i wish they bring him back again fr
I wholeheartedly agree!
Hisahide:"this time you won't get to say "Is that so...?""
Nobunaga:"is that so...?"
Did you mean akechi mitsuhide
Me: damn nobunaga is such a badass
*Nobunaga appears out of nowhere*
Nobunaga: Is that so?
Two iconic sayings with the Nobunaga and the other two Unifiers of Japan.
If a the Mocking bird doesn't sing Nobunaga says kill it, Hideyoshi says make it sing, Ieyasu says wait for it to sing.
Another one is about bread, Nobunaga made it, Hideyoshi cooked it, Ieyasu ate it.
From the fool of Owari to the most known figure from the Sengoku period.
Hilversumborn. He's certainly the most entertaining. His life also plots perfectly with the Hero's Journey.
The more I hear about Nobunaga Oda, the more I love this guy; I really wonder how Japan would be today if Nobunaga took over Japan instead of Ieyasu.
Except the part he was merciless,slaughtered many women,children and peasants,wiped out the entire Takeda clan and exterminated even those who surrendered,and ruled over his officers though fear and brutality.Japan would be close to a fascist dictatorship.
But he was also open-minded and lover of the Western world, so if he had
taken over, perhaps Japan wouldn't be as closed and xenophobic as it is
I'm in agreement with @akirajotaro. True, Nobunaga was merciless with his enemies and he was one who believed the ends justified the means. Then again, consider the time and place in which he lived. Japan had been drowning in civil war (Sengoku Jidai) for nearly a century, if not longer. Nobunaga himself fought a civil war within his own family before ultimately rising to supremacy. To him, unifying Japan and ending the chaos and endless war that had plagued his country for so long was more important than what we would could "civilized warfare."
If there is a bigger irony in our history than that term, please enlighten me.
Nobunaga was a force of nature. He was also methodical, pragmatic, and thorough. I like to think if he and Napoleon had met on the the field, it would have been an interesting showdown. As far as their policies, Napoleon did much to unify the lands he had conquered. He ushered in a new era of castles and stability (Azuchi-Momoyama), spurred two subordinates to carry on his dream of a unified and pacified nation, removed many checkpoints, and brought about many great public works for the time.
Some good arguments. Civilization 5 sums up Nobunaga as "A brutal man, born in a brutal time." I think there is truth to that.
knowing him he would leave things as they were instead of the classes made by Ieyasu
Wow, i cannot believe i live to hear Todd Brent Schaus as Nobunaga again! This guy is amazing, one of the few true, awesome hidden gem when it comes to voice acting. His translation of that exquisite, unusual personality of Nobunaga was impecable!
I still hear SW2 Nobunaga every year!
Thanks for the nostalgia!
Feel the demon king's embrace.
Teki shō, nobunaga wa metsu shita, tsu
Is that so?
You got to love a guy who appreciates sarcasm (also really hard to do in Japanese). And has a bit of edginess in him: people gave him his "Demon King of the Sixth Heaven" moniker to slight him--he ended up liking and keeping it for himself...because he thought it sounded awesome.
Also, the guy supposedly loved sponge cake and collecting tea sets and renaissance furniture.
The dramatic reading bits are easily the most fascinating parts of these videos; doubly so, since you got Nobunaga's VA for this! Gratz, mate!
Thanks man. I actually got the inspiration from your videos.
Perhaps the reason we still can't find Nobunaga's remains is because maybe, just Maybe, he truly was a "Demon King".
and him "Vanishing in a sea of Flames" at Honnoji, can be seen as what is left of Nobunaga's humanity (both his physical body and soul) becoming a Demon, thus leaving the world knowing that he has left his mark in History.
That's just my way of thinking about it, cause even in the Warrior Orochi games, the Mystics and the Demons all say that "Nobunaga is not human." Why do they think that?
"Its just that Simple...."
Nobu, was of the few historical leaders, who was completely comfortable with his dark side. He didn’t compartmentalize himself. He wasn’t a Sunday angel, and a Saturday devil like most people are, and make excuses. He was whole, and knew exactly what he was doing and embraced his shadow. Only a few such leaders, such as Genghis Khan and Attila had the courage to master their dark side.
Nobunaga Oda did nothing wrong
My favorite Koei character, I love hearing the history about him, it never gets Tiresome.
I love how hes know as the demon king but viewed as one of japans most famous warlords and heroes depending on your perspective of him
Nobunaga waz neither a hero or a villain, yet he possessed both traits.
He was simply a man who had enough, and knew how to get the job done had he not had been betrayed he would have created a brutal but progressive japan, however i doubt japan would have been as "friendly" as they are today, or perhaps they would have deeper relationships with germandy and or the french. It's truly a wonder what could have happened, that's why i adore koeis nobunaga (and the actual real nobunaga) rather then capcoms, even though i have no doubt he would kill any of us before a second would pass.
08:37 He is also a 'Sith Lord' to apparently.
I really miss the SW2 voice of Nobunaga and all other characters... They are so amazing and the BEST!
Listening to Nobunaga's VA makes wanna play Samurai Warriors 2 again! So nostalgic.
When you get the underrated awesome Nobunaga VA in your vid, you know this vid needs and deserves your attention.
Never heard of this guy before I started playing Nioh. And to listen to this video just makes me love that guy even more. So awesome that this guy did exist!!
Aside from Sima Yi, Nobunaga is my second favorite warlord
I think I'm in love with Nobunaga~
Wow, very interesting video. I totally NEED that game!!
You got my Lord Nobunagas video perfect I love this video, I am a huge fan of my Lords Nobunaga but I would like to see one about Ranmaru Mori
I want to see a EPIC rap battle between Cao cao and nobunaga!!!
I would love to see that too, but alas they'll most likely never do that particular ERB. Partially because of potential pronunciation issues and I can imagine many of the other fans going... "who?! Who are these guys?!"
Cao Cao: I’m gonna burn your career like what your boy Mitsuhide did at Honnoji!
Nobunaga: I’ll sink you all the way to Hell and make Chibi look like a walk in the park
@@DaidriveCJ well i didn't know ivan the terrible
@@michaelbandada9887 Sorry for the extremely late response, but those are some great bars!
@@DaidriveCJ you’re welcome!
What a well put-together video! I'm not really a fan of Samurai Warriors YET but my love for history turned into me playing the first two Nobunaga's Ambition games, then Pokemon Conquest, and now here I am. lol
I love this video! Nobunaga Oda is awesome! Please do more videos like this.
Without Nobunaga, we wouldn't have anime and videogames from Japan
Would love to see African warrior Yasuke depicted in the series and his time serving under Nobunaga.
I'm surprised he hasn't been already
I believe that Nobunaga Oda is The Reincarnation of Cao Cao
Lord Hollow they even look like. The Warriors Orochi games made fun of that.
***** lol yes I see that. Also it's almost like Nobunaga Oda is the reincarnation of Cao Cao . You ever noticed that
Lord Hollow I did, I just thought it was a case of koei recycling designs.
***** lol yes they seem to do a lot of that. But for the record let's just call it remixing
Lord Hollow "Are you sure you're not related to Cao Cao?"
very good points my friend, there is one other thing you did not mention thou so its all good still lol
the title of demon king was very suggestive yes, but also when it came to honoji or how ever its
yes its said he either burned alive or disappeared, there was another fact that was said as well, that it was a body double and nobunaga was actually never there in the first place and that he went to other lands leaving japan in the hands of his most trusted as he was already suspecting mistuheda to betray him, because there was no bodies of lady noh or ranmaru either along with his.
Awesome analysis 👌
Excellent and thorough analysis
Would love to see one on Mitsunari too
nobunaga is so handsome❤❤😍😍😍💗💗😭😭love him
He kind of resembles Mifune, does he not? Very handsome and sort of wild looking.
the way nobunaga thinks is few hundreds years ahead than any other daimyo, or noble, or the others that around him. my thought about him is always his persona on Nobunaga Ambition, or from historical novel written by the likes of Yamaoka Shohachi or Yoshikawa Eiji, who portray him as radical genius rather simply a power-hunger brutal warlord.
u should show a versus discussion between Cao Cao and Oda
Francis Sias that's not a bad idea
didn't his brother in law comment Seppuku
The way you describe Nobunaga's personality is like you're talking about me. Not even kidding, or am I?
Great job with these videos. Keep it up!
I think one of the most intersting things Nobunaga did was taking Yasuke on as a servant.
I'm disappointed in his SW2 costume never making it to SW2. That's easily the best one.
You wanna go go back and edit that statement?
***** No, why?
Because I'm pretty sure his SW2 costume was in SW2
***** ...I obviously meant in SW4.
Sure, I'll roll with that
I bet Oda Nobunaga has installed secret passageways inside Honnoji Temple in order to escape if ever the temple is attacked. Then, he lies low and waits for the proper moment to mount his comeback and revenge
That armour remains me of a Black knight
Cao Cao and Nobunaga are damn near twins
Subscribed immediately
I think I just found my favorite SW warrior, besides Ginchiko Tachibana. Her and Nobunaga Oda are my faves.
Love your video, man. You got a new follower, and I hope to see more.
i really liked this video!
Thanks. I do my best.
+DrakeVagabond they're good! Zhong Hui next? Please? Lol
Dammm now I want a Nō part.
Rewatching this Nobunaga is my favorite along with Cao Cao.
His favorite Kanji is also the 天
That is also true
Japanese Cao Cao
Isn’t that the guy who had a Zekrom in Pokémon Conquest?
My fav character in SW after honda and musashi
"I have cone to make this land my own"
Now I wanna go play Nobunaga's ambition.
Nobunaga was a ruthless but skilled ruler
10:45 "Boo, Motherf*cker". I can totally imagine Nobunaga saying that to Hisahide at that moment :-)
7:38 Ayeeeee... Cao Cao how you are doing?
Nobunaga:Aahahaha I am the Demon King who has a Demon Wife
Lady Noh:Is that so would u like it a little harder😭💜 my love *grabs knife*
Make one on Kotaro Fuma.
Also has the same japanese voice as gust's Sterkenberg cranach in the atelier series
“Boo..motherfucker” I lost it 😂
Lucifer is not only a fallen angel, he was the very first who rised up against god and is the devil himself aka Satan.
He wasn't the first but yeah pretty much
***** Then who was first, if not him?
Belial, the one who convinced him to fall
***** Who is that?
Not to mention they used to be two separate figures. For a long time, Satan was basically just God's Chief Prosecutor.
I’m used to seeing him in Nioh
I wondering if you can get him voicing nobunaga again in some of scene/dialogue of nobunaga in sw3 or sw4
sorry did you say mitsuhide was reinforcing hideyoshi in conquering chugoku or shikoku?
Its suppose to be Chugoku. but it came out differently. Its hard talking about these lands back to back
oh good i thought i heard shikoku which got me a bit confused,. thanks for the reply
I got here because I was searching Brent Schaus the VA
Same, but I can't find his Twitter :(
I would have married him hes just wow😭😭😭
I thought I heard before that he cried really bad at his father's death...? I forgot the source tho... But it's one of historical videos like this..
Hey man, what about making an analysis on Lu Bu?
life is but a mere 50 years.
Does anyone know Nobunaga Oda Voice Actor (English) has social media?
I kind of find it ironic how he's called the demon king but allowed Christianity to fluroish in Japan when it was taboo at the time. Most Japanese people at the time believing in Buddahism he seems like quite the interesting individual makes you wonder how Japan would've been if he survived
Man... The more I hear about this guy... The more I think what if? Come on seriously it would have been cool to see a history in which he took over. BTW can you make a video on mitsuhide?
Is that so?
that was nobunaga Lore Video in Nutshell, And I love it :)
and 10:45 BOO! MotherFcker!!! XDD
demon king really
Hey I know this is late and chances are low you may see this message but would you happen to know of a way to contact the english voice actor for Nobunaga Oda, Brent Schaus? I would like to thank him
I wish I could get samurai warriors on the xbox one store. Guess I gotta get a ps4
Why does he look almost exactly like DW Cao Cao?
If I recall correctly Nobunaga respected Nobuhide and Nobuhide had high hopes for Nobunaga actually
Well the thing is he had high Hopes for him but they didnt really get along cause he was a strange child
"Nobunaga became Daimyo after hi father died" you mean when the crazy bastars committed Sepukko RIGHT INFRONT OF ODA. To literally prove a point xD
What's the name of this game ?
Another thing, Mitsuhide was supposed to help Hideyoshi in the Chugoku area against the Mori-Ukita-Shimizu alliance, and Hideyoshi didn't even invade Shikoku until 1585, almost three years after Nobunaga and Mitsuhide died. Your information is trash.
This is a slip of the tongue because I trouble enunciating between the two names. Make no mistake, I did mean Chugoku and even clarified it in my future videos.
There are quite a few things you haven't mentioned or even historically inaccurate nevertheless it is an entertaining video.
this isn't meant to be so much a historical lesson, but rather an analysis of the character. Left parts out to condense the video and leaned more towards the folklore surrounding Nobunaga.
Ah ok, i wasn't quite sure. Because i've seen it way too many times with how oda nobunaga as a historical person has been interpreted in the wrong way or historical facts being changed or wrong.
Lana Del Rey: 3:38
One thing I hate is how you over emphasize the second syllable of most of the four syllable Japanese names.
ImAHguwah instead of just Imagawa. NaGAHshinoh instead of just Nagashino
You'll survive, pussy.
get a better mic
Is that so?
Is that so?