Refuting TruthUNedited and "African Onlyism" being the "true" Jews, Israelites and Hebrews

  • Опубліковано 11 жов 2024
  • Join myself, Jeff Friedlander and Tony Robinson as we discuss and rebut a growing "doctrine" in Africa and in the African American community by certain teachers who are actually calling all Jews ... "fake" Jews and claming that ONLY those of African descent are the true Jews, Israelites and Hebrews.
    As millions are having ears to hear that ALL in covenant are Israel and Yeshua meant what He said in Mathew 5, we should not be surprised that certain groups would want to elevate their status above others based solely on DNA, skin tone, etc. Ron at TruthUNedited very likely means well and he will let us white people, Asians, Jews, native Americans be "saved" but, much like the majority of Messianic Jews and dispensational Christianity, he teaches ONLY a certain group (Africans) is Israel and all others remain "gentiles" even after "salvation."
    When Jacob blessed Ephraim to become the fullness of the gentiles/nations, he did not limit this to ONLY the southern continent. Gen 48
    When YHWH said Ephraim was swallowed up by the gentiles/nations, it was not JUST African nations. Hosea 8:8
    When YHWH said Israel and Judah would be scattered to the nations, there was and is not a geographical limitation to the south.
    When Paul wrote those in covenant FORMERLY of the nations/gentiles, who WERE EXCLUDED from CITIZENSHIP in Israel, note he made NO distinction based on race, DNA, skin color ...
    Ron at TruthUedited, although NOT a cult like the Black Hebrew Israelites, cannot see that his "teachings," much like many in the Hebrew UProoter movement, will lead to anti-Judah sentiment. It may make him and other Africans feel more chosen but THE Truth is Israel was exiled 2700+ years ago ... not just 400 years ago via the African slave trade. Judah was exiled in 586ish BC and then again in 70ish AD and 135ish AD.
    The "Jews" scattered to Europe, Asia, the Africa have been a witness to the Torah (with additions), Sabbath and the feasts of YHWH these past 1,994sh years ... NOT African tribes and nations. The Jews have been persecuted and murdered by Christians for their religion ... not African tribes and nations
    This African DNA ONLY pernicious teaching, even if/when a person is deceived and means well, must be addressed head on. ALL in covenant were/ARE Israel and the sooner DNA is eliminated from the equation the better.
    FYI- I have tried to address this with Ron. He will not call or respond except in his comment section of his videos. The sad thing is that other than getting caught up in pronunciation issues, he is pretty solid. Hopefully he and others will see this response by a Jew, African American AND a person of British ALL be unified in refuting DNA onlyism theology.