those who dream to get into medschool please remember one thing. You have to balance you softskills and academic . Even if you pass your exam with 4flat, its quite hard to for you to enter medschool if you dont have the softskills. Remember that you gonna face few interview session before entering medschool. My advice is to start polishing your softskills and confidence level from asasi or matrics. Take presentation in asasi seriously. the interviews gonna be both English and Malay so be prepared adik2. this also applied to those yg target nak masuk UKM or any courses yg have interview as one of the entry requirenment. so better do some research NOW about your dream courses sama ada they got interview or not. anyway good luck!!
Honestly medic is tough . Kalau sekolah dulu and asasi dulu result selalu gempak selalu A sekali masuk medic pergh menjunam turun harap lulus pon bersyukur sangat2 . Tapi takpe niat kena betul, inshaallah ganjaran yg Allah sediakan lebih besar kemudian 🙌🏻
That is true, becoming a doctor is not easy. Takes a lot of patience and perseverance. Malaysians still needs a lot of good and empathic doctors , hopefully those who are asking about becoming a doctor would be able to fill in those places.
Asslamaualaikum bang.. Saya skrg baru f4 tp everyday sye terfikir dgn kerjaya saya akn dtg.. Brw sya dr aliran sains.. Saya minat sgt bk jd doktor pediatric.. Tp saya kurg faham dgn halatuju.. Kdg saya terfikir blh ke saya buat utk spm next year.. Saya tkut saya xdpt capai target saya utk jd doktor.. Erm.. Abg ada cra tips bljr ke ape ke? Atau keyakinan diri sbb sye slalu overthinking dlm bljr..terima kasih bang ats perkongsian ni 🙆 doakan saya cemerlang utk next year ye 🙌
waalaikumussalam ! ameen smoga cemerlang dalam your pembelajaran, i know you can do it ! my advice would be , don't give up when you feel like to. always believe in yourself :)
Asalam abg nk tnya kalau tk ambik fizik ambik bio kimia addmath blh ke nk jadi dr sbb saya sakit sgt kepala cuba cri jwpn sbb takut kalau x blh jdi dr sbb tk ambik fizik saya teringin dri kecil lgi nk jdi dr.tlg plsss reply comment ne hrp ii abg baca..
@@sabrinahussainkhan4848 as far as i know,nak jadi doktor u must get all straight A's in pure science subjects and orhers,pure science subjects are like physics,addmaths,bio,physics,if u are not taking phys i think gonna be a difficulities there..
depend dgn university yg awak nak apply, each university have different requirements. awak boleh check the requirements dalam website university yg awak nak.
May I know is it mandatory to serve in Malaysia's government or public hospital for a Malaysian graduated from overseas renowned medical university who already has 7 years of working experience as a specialist (surgeon) before he/she can apply for a position in Malaysia's private hospitals?
Saya student form 2...... Saya mula berminat dlm bidang perubatan dan ingin tahu ape yg perlu saya mahir sepanjang pembelajaran saye..... Someone Help me...😊
Amazing results ! Congratulations :D with those results you do qualify to do medicine, tho its a bit competitive to go into public universities to do medicine. Alternatively can go for private
hi, I form 5 student this year, sadly I wasn't in the pure science stream where I only study physics , chemistry, add maths ,math and the rest subject . I don't study biology because biology is exchanged with perakaunan for my class and I don't think I can register for biology anymore because we've already registered for SPM, anyone help me please, im dreaming of becoming a Pediatrician.
ramainya yg masih x fhm...untuk mana2 program ijazah sarjana muda mestilah lulus pra universiti dulu....x kisahlah stpm...matrix...asasi....stam...diploma...aad...a level....atau mana2 kursus pra universiti yg lain ...lulus pra diploma baru boleh bincang nak sambung ijazah sarjamuda.
The first time ive heard of it was in one of my videos doing eho , met some people who were from that college. Its a relatively new private medical college
bang tolong balas please, sye kelas sains tulin tapi kelas sye x ambil kimia tapi kelas sye ambil sains sukan, mcm mne tu bang, boleh ke nk jdi doktor kalau xde kimia,cita cita sye dh la nak jdi doktor😭🤧
Kalau tak silap saya, awak boleh ambil subject tambahan so that awak layak untuk requirement yang government dah tetapkan. Cuma kena struggle sikit la sebab self study
@@rohaizatrosidi164 bukan. pendaftaran subjek spm nanti, boleh je tick untuk nak ambil exam kimia (kalau dah daftar spm, boleh bayar Rm30 untuk daftar subjek spm balik). cumanya awak kena struggle sikit, untuk belajar sendiri subjek kimia tu (atau lebih mudah boleh ambil tuisyen kimia)
mintak pencerahan, ada yang kata even result mattiks gempak tapi nak sambung degree medic still kena repeat paper SPM sebab subjeck macam bio/fiz/addmath C and below, thankyou 🙆🏼♀️😔
My kelas x de belajar add math dulu..boleh ke apply asasi untuk ke medic??actually i ambil spmu..sbb dulu masuk kelas bisnes kv..x tahu mana arah tuju..
Thats very true , physics takde lah penting sngat. And if all other subjects dia okay , then that should be okay. Tho nak masuk local uni , itll be tough to compete for medicine
Sya aliran sains tulen,tpi msalahnye sy pun x sure btul ke sy ni minat psl prubatan(i hav no idea my real interest😭), Klau exam, sy slalu akn pastikan spaya score tinggi,sy study hard utk subject² science tu,bila dapt result yg baik dlm exam sy asyik fikir yg btul ke sy ni nak jdi doctor(or any career related to medical), Sbb nak ckp sy minat science pun x jgak, it's like I study hard just to be on top(mcm self-satisfaction). Not bcs of my interest. I have no favourite subject😂. That's why I'm confused whether I should further my studies untuk blajar science or not. I'm afraid tht I'll regret it later because I did something I didn't enjoy =/.
its totally fine ! we all go through that phase :) I have friends dah habes med school pon diaorg tak tahu if they really wanna become a doctor or not. before stepping into the medical world , fikir masak2 as to why you want to do medicine. its a cliche question, but your why would push you through med school. I assume your a SPM leaver this year ? my advice is to just enjoy the break but at this same time find things that you find interest. better yet go for those edu fairs and try to find a counsellor where you could discuss future pathways that suits your personality and interest :)
Kalau just take Bio and chemistry and x ambi physic still bole jadi doc ke? Sebab saya focus Bio chem math bi bm add math and history skrg atau mesti ambik 3 subject Sains tu
Ohh macam itu eh skrng , dh lain skit compared to zaman sy. Kalau camtuh the best way is to jmpa counsellor sekolah , dan cuba bincang berkenaan dengan hal ini :)
Getting a job in Malaysia is not a problem at all , there will always be jobs for doctors. Tho if you plan study overseas, its best to work there instead ie UK/ireland/Australia
Amir Haziq i studied in Ireland, but i personally recommend to study in the UK. Once abes blajar boleh tros dapat kerja kat sana. Alternatively, Australia
Saya f4 and ambik subject account, physics, chemistry and addmath saya masih ada peluang ke nak ambik course medic?? And saya tak nak ambik doctor just pharmacist like that??
dari kecil memang teringin nak jadi doktor tapi saya berfikir selagi ada doktor selagi tu ada org belakang like org yg dpt ujian suatu penyakit. Nak tanya ape beza MLT dgn biotechnology ? Dah buat research dkt google tapi abt biotechnology ni tak berapa faham. boleh terangkan ? Dan lagi satu kalau nk masuk MLT or biotechnology result spm yg macam mana eh ? adakah level dia kena like jadi doctor ? Mohon penjelasan.
Hi! Can you do a video on the journey after an MBBS degree till housemanship, is it true you have to wait a year to be doing housemanship once you graduate?
Marina Maarif hi there ! Yeaa i was about to do a video about that since theres not many resource on this matter , stay tuned ! And thanks fr the suggestion 😊
Basically, you cannot apply for any medical degree in Malaysia if you do not meet the minimum requirement for SPM which is, as said in the video, 5Bs, with at least B in all science subjects. I am not sure abt after degree though, but I think maybe yes? Like, if you dont meet the requirement for SPM to study in Malaysia you can still go for overseas to study medicine. However I am not sure if you will be able to practice in Malaysia. Because it is the set requirement by MMC to well... I can say... lessen people who are from becoming a doctor? Maybe they think, less in number makes more in quality i guess? Honestly, i still think they'll look at your requirement at the end of the day. However not too sure though, am still a student rn. 😆 Harap dpt membantu😊
@@izzatulnadhirah3128 thank you for the reply. To provide context, my chemistry spm is C+, for my a levels i managed to score well for Maths, Chemistry & Biology. I am now a 1st year medical student at IMU Malaysia. My concern is whether my C+ in chemistry would affect the process of me becoming a doctor after graduating from medschool
Assalamualaikum,just want to ask you.. If let say ive got less than B in my addmath spm and my math,phy,bio and chem is higher than b, it is still consider for me to get into medic school??😅😅
waalaikumussalam. hmm for public unis , they would have a look at ur SPM for sure , and minimum they normally go for would be a B. just bear in mind competition is going to be tough
not necessarily, to be honest. language is a skill in which you could develop throughout your time in med school :) though akan jadi plus point kalau terer BI, but jangan jadikan ia sebagai halangan :)
Hi , nk masuk dalam public university dalam perubatan mmg kne daripada aliran sains sebab demand tinggi and mmg competitive nk masuk. Alternatively boleh buat matrikulasi atau asasi dalam aliran sains dan apply masuk ke dalam ijazah perubatan. Another alternative way is by masuk sektor swasta tapi kos dia sngat mahal
When I was 14 i had an ambition of becoming and OBGYN/GYNAECOLOGIST...but somehow during my PT3 year I got brainwashed on how hard sc stream / med school is so i decided to be a lawyer and take art stream instead. But somehow now, i feel like a loser for giving up too early and taking wrong advices. I guess, i am going to repeat my SPM again. Do you think it is good idea? Or is there another way to enter medicine through degree ?
yang saya baca kena ada spm n asasi science i believe it's never to late for anything. Sbnr nya ada je student in their late 30 or 40 yang masuk med school tapi itu outside malaysia.
kena repeat spm(yg mana all science stream subjects must be B and above)...bab matrik lak kau kena tukar modul kena amik either modul 1(Highly recommended kalau nak pursue medic) atau modul 3(Sains hayat)....sempat jer kalau nak tukar modul..
Biology - A Chemistry - B Physics - B Math - B+ Addmath - D And i decided to repeat addmath soon because i heard that in order to get into medical school i have to get at least B for addmath , isn't it true ? Even if i'm in matriculation programme they will still look at the spm results right ?
yupp , even if you wanna become a doctor in Malaysia they will have a look at your SPM results too. All the best for the upcoming paper , I'm sure you'll do great !
Assalamualaikum, thankyou for the explanation. May i ask, what is your opinion abt lepasan spm yang nak sambung belajar medic ni? Do you think its worth it for the long run since i heard there are a lot of dr yang menganggur / underpayed etc. I always wnted to become a doctor / cardiac surgeon to be axact but a lot of seniors / alumni from my school cakap nak jadi medic student ni kene ada mentality yang kuat and all because it is has a long and tough learning progress and that scares me.
waalaikumussalam aleya , good question. sadly to say , yeaa the medical profesion is not as grand as it used to be back then, a lot of challenges in becoming a doctor in Malaysia these days eg : job security etc. we do hope it'll improve in the future. It is a challenging field, as with any other field. what's important is to not give up and keep pursuing your dreams :)
klau kita bkn dari aliran sains tulen tapi minat dalam perubatan bkn nk jadi doktor tapi masuk bidang 2 lain dlm perubatan cth farmasi atau jururawat...apakaj syarat minimum utk past??? abg?
Hanya mereka dari aliran sains shja boleh apply utk bidang sains perubatan. Kalau tak silap saya , pharmacist , nurse dn lain2, syarate kelayakan diaorg pon sama cam doctor :)
Im currently a medical student at gov uni dkat Malaysia latest things that I know about how to get yourself into medical school in Malaysia 1) I’m sorry but requirement during our batch (2018) , almost 99% student who got medic adalah top scorer (4flat) during foundation studies and such 2) now, there’s NO such thing like , u only need to get band 3 in MUET ,,,,,sbb my friends ,she’s a top scorer but unfortunately she got band 3 in muet, so dia xdapat Further medic........the conclusion is u must get band 4 at least 3)if you are from diploma microbe/science/pharm , and you want to bljar medic jugak , then boleh jer but dngn syarat; -this situation apply to student Diploma Uitm, since uitm still allowed student from diploma untuk Sambung degree mbbs uitm -of course u have to be top student / in dean list during diploma + good muet’s result -but bear in mind, I take for student Dari diploma xbnyak, it’s only 3% je kut (10 person Lebih kurang) Whatever it is good luck to adik2 Yg Ada Cita-cita nak sambung medic!!!!
thanks for the updated info! i suppose these are just mininmum requirements for you to enter public universities fr medicine. However, it doesnt necessarily mean you would be getting an offer just based on that as like you said, competition is going to be tough. Those requirements however are good enough to enroll you into a private medical school as long as you have the funds. congratulations btw in getting into a medical school , enjoy the journey !
Kalau spm tidak menepati requirement sekarang iaitu sekurang-kurangnya 5B bagi semua subjek sains & matematik boleh tak belajar course biomedic atau bioteknologi degree dan selepas itu ambil lagi degree MBBS untuk jadi doktor di Malaysia?
Tak bbrapa pasti apa syarat kelayakan kemasukan utk course biomedic atau biotech. I know if overseas, that pathway way boleh. Malaysia cam jarang org amek dari biotech ke perubatan
ill try my best if i have the time ! any particular country ure looking for ? if so i could do an interview of malaysian med students who went to study in that particular country :)
@@hotsite8632 may i ask , are you studying in malaysia at the moment ? its very hard to get into a medical schoool in the US or canada esp if ure coming from overseas. even most americans and canadians study abroad in the UK or Ireland to get into medical school and then work back in their respective countries. You can however apply to work in the US or Canada , but you would need to sit down for their entrance exams. For example , in order to work in the US , u need to sit down for the USMLE examinations , and its not cheap haha
@@abangridhwan5828 thanks for alot of informations to share brother,,, so if I take USMLE exam also is it hard to get admission in medical school in US nor is it high competition? And if I take USMLE exam I eligible to study and work in US? Bcoz I heard I only can study in US and working there got divert prosedure
Hot site u can only take usmle to work in the states as a doctor, not to study there. You can take usmle even if you dont study in the us, though you need to travel there to take the exams. Yes , it is very competitive to work in the us , theyll rank you depending on your usmle results
@@abangridhwan5828 abang saya berjaya tukar kelas lain. Kelas itu Ada bio,kimia, pertainan,add maths ,maths tapi Tak Ada fizik. Boleh Saya ambil bidang perubatan dengan Mata pelajaran tersebut
@@Bros17Memes boleh rasanya sbab dkat matriks pon ada modul bio, chemistry, maths and science comp tapi still boleh ambik medic cuma tu la bila ada pyshics tu, diorang akan tgok results diorang dulu baru yg takde physics
thanks for the question ! from what I know and daripada apa yang saya baca, mereka yang daripada aliran sastera tidak boleh sambung belajar dalam aliran sains. sebab untuk SPM, kena ambil subjek2 sains seperti Bio, Chem and Physics.
@@lutfilhadi1050 yupp you can always resit for the SPM paper. you can ask your teacher / counsellor untuk tahu cara apply untuk resit paper. Diaorg akan lebih tahu berkenaan dengan ini sebab ada sesetengah benda mngkin sudah berubah
@@abangridhwan5828 "To summarise, it generally takes a total of 8-9 years to become a fully registered doctor from completing SPM, and more than 10 years to become a specialist. Pro Tip: Make sure your Medical Degree is recognised by the Malaysian Medical Council" from Google ,,,,,,,,,,I don't understand this concept brother ,,, registered doctor and specialist ,,, is specialist really needed? I want to be a doctor without specialised can uh?
As long as it is an undergraduate medical degree certified by KKM or MMC. In the context of malaysia , MBBS or MD is the same. Once youve obtained any one of these , you’re qualified to be a doctor
Not too sure of the specific pathway , but what you need to do before specialisation into anaes or into any field really is by finishing your housemanship training and severa years of service as a MO. Then you could apply for a local masters program in anaes or perhaps do a membership exams (dont know the specific of these)
Hello bang, saya lepasan asasi, dan alhamdulillah diterima masuk ke med course ums..tapi sy takut la, bole ke sy survive d med course ni..dengar2 ramai yg give up d tgh jalan. Ada tips ke utk new med student?
med school is one of the best years in my life actually , i really enjoyed it ! inshaAllah you'll survive ! :) jsut be sure to always be on top of your studies but at the same time to also have fun ! balance is key
Hmmm i see , ssah sket sbb klau nak masuk asasi dalam bidang perubatan in local university, sbb mmg dia tngok subjek sains. Double check with your school’s counsellor
Spm Addmaths--c+ Bio, chemist--b+ Phy--b Am I qualified to enter degree in medicine😢 or should I repeat these subjects? I've applied dip. in pharmacy and microbiology in upu...i also have applied the asasi sc hayat and matriculation one... Do you have any opinion for this.. Or any suggestions?I'm quite confuse right now...
Hi , first of all congratulations on your results ! Dont be too hard on yourself , you did amazing :) depending on those results alone you actually qualify to go into medicine , however to go into public universities is quite competitive. Its okay to feel confused esp with all the current things going on right now , but whats best is for you to evaluate what ure interested in :)
@@haziqahzaini8326 you can take either one , it depends on which offer you will get :) if it were me , kalau dapat offer masuk asasi , then better take that one , since you can masuk mana2 degree afterwards
@@haziqahzaini8326 that I don't know , availability of scholarships differs every year , hence you have to do your own due diligence, im afraid I cant help you with that since I dont know. In the context of Malaysia , they are both the same , both are medical degrees :)
first of all congratulations on your SPM results ! you can still probably do asasi sains , but perhaps not in public universities as it is very competitive to get in.
Pretty Precious sy tk seberapa sure berkenaan dengan dentistry. But im sure its more or less the same as medicine. If im not mistaken boleh je melalui asasi sains apa2 😊
im not too sure if they changed the requirements. skrng nie kalau boleh kne dapat kan sekurang-kurang nya B / B+ . cuba rujuk caunsellor sekolah untuk requirement yg latest
Doakan saya 9A+ Spm ,aamiin
those who dream to get into medschool please remember one thing. You have to balance you softskills and academic . Even if you pass your exam with 4flat, its quite hard to for you to enter medschool if you dont have the softskills. Remember that you gonna face few interview session before entering medschool. My advice is to start polishing your softskills and confidence level from asasi or matrics. Take presentation in asasi seriously. the interviews gonna be both English and Malay so be prepared adik2. this also applied to those yg target nak masuk UKM or any courses yg have interview as one of the entry requirenment. so better do some research NOW about your dream courses sama ada they got interview or not. anyway good luck!!
wise advice , thanks for sharing !
its true , medicine is more than just getting good grades
@@abangridhwan5828 kalau masuk aliran sains sukan boleh tak masuk bidang perubatan😣
Ouh ..kiranya intervirw boleg jawab la ke dalam bahasa melayu atau ..memang jawab bahasa inggeris cuma certain soalan bahasa melayu?
@@wanimd3282 depends on interviewers..klu dia tanya in bahasa melayu jwab lah bhsa melyu and vice versa
Akk dah tua, tapi akk diterima oleh dua medical school after melepasi interview.
Saya tak minat doctor,kja long hours.&kena buli dengan senior.tq✌️
Honestly medic is tough . Kalau sekolah dulu and asasi dulu result selalu gempak selalu A sekali masuk medic pergh menjunam turun harap lulus pon bersyukur sangat2 . Tapi takpe niat kena betul, inshaallah ganjaran yg Allah sediakan lebih besar kemudian 🙌🏻
btol , kalau niat btol inshaAllah dipermudahkan
Haha overwhelmed pulak tgk komen adik2 nak sambung medic. The reality is harsh tho. So much dream to become a doctor nowadays.
That is true, becoming a doctor is not easy. Takes a lot of patience and perseverance. Malaysians still needs a lot of good and empathic doctors , hopefully those who are asking about becoming a doctor would be able to fill in those places.
Abang Ridhwan abang, boleh buat video pasal doktor haiwan tak?
@@renjana00 kat tempat saya ada vaterinar, umk pengkalan chepa kelantan
Asslamaualaikum bang.. Saya skrg baru f4 tp everyday sye terfikir dgn kerjaya saya akn dtg.. Brw sya dr aliran sains.. Saya minat sgt bk jd doktor pediatric.. Tp saya kurg faham dgn halatuju.. Kdg saya terfikir blh ke saya buat utk spm next year.. Saya tkut saya xdpt capai target saya utk jd doktor.. Erm.. Abg ada cra tips bljr ke ape ke? Atau keyakinan diri sbb sye slalu overthinking dlm bljr..terima kasih bang ats perkongsian ni 🙆 doakan saya cemerlang utk next year ye 🙌
waalaikumussalam ! ameen smoga cemerlang dalam your pembelajaran, i know you can do it ! my advice would be , don't give up when you feel like to. always believe in yourself :)
@@abangridhwan5828 baiklah terima kasih banyak ii bang 🙆☺ inshaallah
uwuu sama la kita thoo
Asalam abg nk tnya kalau tk ambik fizik ambik bio kimia addmath blh ke nk jadi dr sbb saya sakit sgt kepala cuba cri jwpn sbb takut kalau x blh jdi dr sbb tk ambik fizik saya teringin dri kecil lgi nk jdi dr.tlg plsss reply comment ne hrp ii abg baca..
@@sabrinahussainkhan4848 as far as i know,nak jadi doktor u must get all straight A's in pure science subjects and orhers,pure science subjects are like physics,addmaths,bio,physics,if u are not taking phys i think gonna be a difficulities there..
kalau Chemistry ,math addmath dgn bio dapat C boleh takk
depend dgn university yg awak nak apply, each university have different requirements. awak boleh check the requirements dalam website university yg awak nak.
Good information 😇 Thanks a lot.Harap boleh share path bljr medic luar negara
thank you , ill try my best in the near future to share my path into studying in Ireland :)
haah share please....
nak sambung blajar jugak
perkongsian yang sangat informatif!!
Thank you ! And stay safe 😊
Anl Fusan
اللهم ارحمني يا ارحم الراحمين اللهم ارحمني يا ارحم الراحمين اللهم ارحمني يا ارحم الراحمين رحمه اللهُ تعالى.|
This video is veryyyyy helpful ! thank you very much and i look forward for study abroad pathway video :) hopefully saya 9A+ spm :3
saya nak jadi doc but saya tak pandai inglish hm tapi saya selalu tengok film doctor bedah korean ")
Bang klau result 4A5B boleb minta medic ke
May I know is it mandatory to serve in Malaysia's government or public hospital for a Malaysian graduated from overseas renowned medical university who already has 7 years of working experience as a specialist (surgeon) before he/she can apply for a position in Malaysia's private hospitals?
Saya student form 2...... Saya mula berminat dlm bidang perubatan dan ingin tahu ape yg perlu saya mahir sepanjang pembelajaran saye.....
Someone Help me...😊
Hi amirul , inshaAllah belajar yang terbaik utk SPM. Selain daripada itu , just enjoy your school days :)
we're the same age now :'D
all the best, I hope you went into sstream! ❤
@@danisaangel wahhh nice 2 meet u
@@danisaangel tq.....hope will goes same as u too
I am very interested in i will do my best for spm.wish me luck
All the best and good luck ! 💪🏻
Math A
Bio B
Addmth B
Chem B
Physic B
English B
Sej B+
Hmm buleh x nk sambung medic????
Amazing results ! Congratulations :D with those results you do qualify to do medicine, tho its a bit competitive to go into public universities to do medicine. Alternatively can go for private
@@abangridhwan5828 tq tq tq tq sngt ii 😊❤️.
Doakan Aku straight a aamiin
Kenneddy Molitus all the best bro ! Ameen
hi, I form 5 student this year, sadly I wasn't in the pure science stream where I only study physics , chemistry, add maths ,math and the rest subject . I don't study biology because biology is exchanged with perakaunan for my class and I don't think I can register for biology anymore because we've already registered for SPM, anyone help me please, im dreaming of becoming a Pediatrician.
ramainya yg masih x fhm...untuk mana2 program ijazah sarjana muda mestilah lulus pra universiti dulu....x kisahlah stpm...matrix...asasi....stam...diploma...aad...a level....atau mana2 kursus pra universiti yg lain ...lulus pra diploma baru boleh bincang nak sambung ijazah sarjamuda.
Lepas tamat ijazah sarjana muda sains perubatan perlu apa encik?
anyone heard of widad university dkat kuantan? i dngar dorng punya MBBS course is one of the best and well recognised
The first time ive heard of it was in one of my videos doing eho , met some people who were from that college. Its a relatively new private medical college
Nak sangat jadi dokter ouhh😭 do'akaan ye kengkawan tapi aku form 4 dapat aliran perniangaan. Bole ke x ni?mohon pencerahan
Enneng Hamsah hmm apa yg saya faham kan , mmg hanya dari aliran sains shja dibenarkan ambil jurusan medik
@@abangridhwan5828 hmmm kalau mcm tu pun xpelah saya redho jerr...😞😞
Its ok..u boleh ambil balik when u r 18..ambil spm hard..ok..sbb im 19..otw.
sains tambahan sama tak macam sains tulen bang ?
Saya dapat 9A 1B 1C+ (B kimia C+ fizik) , tapi berminat nak smbung medic. Berbaloi tak kalau saya repeat paper fiz atau muvon je cari bidang lain.
congrats on your results :) ask yourself what do you want to become in the future , hopefully that would guide you
Aslm. Bole tak buat video pasal canner nk sambung belajar medic ke overseas pulak.....
Waalaikumussalam, inshaAllah soon :)
cuba explain tentang housemanship please
Saya nak jadi doktor tapi tengok kerjaya doktor agak sukar sekarang maka saya memilih patologi.
hahaha good choice , best of luck ! we need more pathologist too !
Abang Ridhwan spm math a but addmath c boleh go ke? Dalam video or but it’s just ada rumor saying addmath kena skor juga
Kalau ikut kan syarat boleh je, cuma utk dapat masuk ke dalam ipta competitive sket
Abang Ridhwan saya dapat matriks dah one step ahead hehe prey for me bang
Niceee . All the best bro !
Klw ambil bio sahaja .. tak ambil fizik?? Bolehkh jdi doktor??
bang tolong balas please, sye kelas sains tulin tapi kelas sye x ambil kimia tapi kelas sye ambil sains sukan, mcm mne tu bang, boleh ke nk jdi doktor kalau xde kimia,cita cita sye dh la nak jdi doktor😭🤧
Kalau tak silap saya, awak boleh ambil subject tambahan so that awak layak untuk requirement yang government dah tetapkan. Cuma kena struggle sikit la sebab self study
@@niknurliyanarahim maksud nya masa nak smbung bljar nnti ambek kimia?
@@rohaizatrosidi164 bukan. pendaftaran subjek spm nanti, boleh je tick untuk nak ambil exam kimia (kalau dah daftar spm, boleh bayar Rm30 untuk daftar subjek spm balik). cumanya awak kena struggle sikit, untuk belajar sendiri subjek kimia tu (atau lebih mudah boleh ambil tuisyen kimia)
Sebab kebiasaannya kelayakan dalam bidang perubatan ni, dia memerlukan subjek kimia juga
mintak pencerahan, ada yang kata even result mattiks gempak tapi nak sambung degree medic still kena repeat paper SPM sebab subjeck macam bio/fiz/addmath C and below, thankyou 🙆🏼♀️😔
Can you reply me... Pls how pt3 results? 😭
My kelas x de belajar add math dulu..boleh ke apply asasi untuk ke medic??actually i ambil spmu..sbb dulu masuk kelas bisnes kv..x tahu mana arah tuju..
adik sy kantoi dkt fizik hnya dpt c+.. tkubur hasrat dia nk study dlm medic
cikgu dia kata fizik xpnting sgt
Thats very true , physics takde lah penting sngat. And if all other subjects dia okay , then that should be okay. Tho nak masuk local uni , itll be tough to compete for medicine
kalau nak jadi doktor tapi kelas masa tingkatan bidang lain cam mana tu eh ? sekolah saya tak boleh dh ambil bidang aliran sains
Hmm rse nya susah kalau cmtuh , sbb syarat yg diperknalkan oleh MMC is mesti from aliran sains :/
Assalamualaikum, macam mana nak jadi doktor kalau aliran RC(reka cipta).ke perlu ambil SPM persendirian?
Sya aliran sains tulen,tpi msalahnye sy pun x sure btul ke sy ni minat psl prubatan(i hav no idea my real interest😭),
Klau exam, sy slalu akn pastikan spaya score tinggi,sy study hard utk subject² science tu,bila dapt result yg baik dlm exam sy asyik fikir yg btul ke sy ni nak jdi doctor(or any career related to medical),
Sbb nak ckp sy minat science pun x jgak, it's like I study hard just to be on top(mcm self-satisfaction). Not bcs of my interest. I have no favourite subject😂. That's why I'm confused whether I should further my studies untuk blajar science or not. I'm afraid tht I'll regret it later because I did something I didn't enjoy =/.
its totally fine ! we all go through that phase :) I have friends dah habes med school pon diaorg tak tahu if they really wanna become a doctor or not. before stepping into the medical world , fikir masak2 as to why you want to do medicine. its a cliche question, but your why would push you through med school.
I assume your a SPM leaver this year ? my advice is to just enjoy the break but at this same time find things that you find interest. better yet go for those edu fairs and try to find a counsellor where you could discuss future pathways that suits your personality and interest :)
i know this struggle😣
Kalau just take Bio and chemistry and x ambi physic still bole jadi doc ke? Sebab saya focus Bio chem math bi bm add math and history skrg atau mesti ambik 3 subject Sains tu
Kalau ikutkan syarat for MMC , mmg perlu tiga2 science subjects itu
Abang Ridhwan maknya x da rezeki la ni kan 😔
Hmm mmg tak boleh ambil subject physics eh ? Ke macam mana 🤔
Abang Ridhwan skrg pemilihan subject sekolah yang tentukan😔saya x bole ambi fizik .Hanya bole pili antara fizik dan Bio sahaja😔
Ohh macam itu eh skrng , dh lain skit compared to zaman sy. Kalau camtuh the best way is to jmpa counsellor sekolah , dan cuba bincang berkenaan dengan hal ini :)
kalau sains sukan ?
Kalau time f4f5 x belajar sains tulen tp nk amik course medic boleh ke
Seandai nya ada ambil subjeck science inshaaallah boleh , cuma kalau bkan dsri aliran sains , nak masuk course perubatan di IPTA susah sket
@@abangridhwan5828 ouh tp kalau nk belajar jd nurse paramedic atau pembantu makmal tu still ada harapan lah
Hmm kalau tak silap saya, syarat kemasukn untuk kedua2 bidang itubpon sama macam medik
@@abangridhwan5828 terima kasihhh
Sayangnye, aku minat dalam bidang perubatan masa aku f4..
。何を私の名前ですか its okay , maybe its for the best :)
Saya ambik accounting and tahun ni spm..harapan nk masuk sains tu boleh ke luar biasa? Sbb nk sgt ambik medic
Btw sy ambik addmath as sub tmbhn
Sblom2 nie mmg hanya aliran sains sahaja dibenarkan. System dah tukar sedikit for your time. I assume if you take science subjects, boleh inshaAllah :
Apply medical assistant or nursing laaa..boleh je klau bkn sains pon skrang dh bleh smbung jdi doc
Tapi kalau ambik semua subjek bio,kimia, fizik lepas spm bleh ke??mcm kita ambik spm tuh 2 kali....tapi dengan swasta lhh...bleh ke mcm tuh??
Kalau belajar overseas and dah dapat mbbs Kat uni Sana, Is it easy to get work as a doctor at our local hospital? 😅
Getting a job in Malaysia is not a problem at all , there will always be jobs for doctors. Tho if you plan study overseas, its best to work there instead ie UK/ireland/Australia
@@abangridhwan5828 bang kalau study oversea Mana negara abang sarankan?
Amir Haziq i studied in Ireland, but i personally recommend to study in the UK. Once abes blajar boleh tros dapat kerja kat sana. Alternatively, Australia
Abang Ridhwan kalau US ok tak bang
O Modesta Unico getting into a medical school in the US is difficult, however u can work there by taking the USMLE entrance exams
Ada tak syarat umur dalam bidang medic ni? 😅
Abang saya nak tanya mata juling axtropia atau juling air boleh jadi doktor ke,plsss jawab
Saya f4 and ambik subject account, physics, chemistry and addmath saya masih ada peluang ke nak ambik course medic?? And saya tak nak ambik doctor just pharmacist like that??
Rasa nya syarat kelayakan nak masuk pharmacist pon sama juga , kne mereka yg ada dalam aliran sains dan mengambil subject2 sains utk SPM
@@abangridhwan5828 aliran sains je boleh accaunt takleh?
@@agagjgtp3588 tak boleh rasanya sbb time kita form 4 form5 la kita balajar basic
Abang Ridhwan
Saya dapat 8 A
Yang kurang adalah
Chemistry B+
Degan Add Math C+
Boleh tak sambung medic
Dan lepas MQA?
Boleh , tapi akan jadi sukar utk dapatkan tempat di university awam
Congratulations fr ur result btw stay safe !
dari kecil memang teringin nak jadi doktor tapi saya berfikir selagi ada doktor selagi tu ada org belakang like org yg dpt ujian suatu penyakit. Nak tanya ape beza MLT dgn biotechnology ? Dah buat research dkt google tapi abt biotechnology ni tak berapa faham. boleh terangkan ? Dan lagi satu kalau nk masuk MLT or biotechnology result spm yg macam mana eh ? adakah level dia kena like jadi doctor ? Mohon penjelasan.
Sorry tak dapat jawab your question , sbb sy bkan dalam bidang MLT atau biotech , jd saya tk bbrapa pasti
mana lgi better klau nak jdi doktor, asasi or matriks?
Asasi,but kalau xdpt Asasi blh je pilih matriks, sbb matriks dia Ada elaun n fast pre uni
Hi! Can you do a video on the journey after an MBBS degree till housemanship, is it true you have to wait a year to be doing housemanship once you graduate?
Marina Maarif hi there ! Yeaa i was about to do a video about that since theres not many resource on this matter , stay tuned ! And thanks fr the suggestion 😊
Salam, masa nak practice medicine in malaysia, do MMC still look at your SPM results ( after medschool) ?
Basically, you cannot apply for any medical degree in Malaysia if you do not meet the minimum requirement for SPM which is, as said in the video, 5Bs, with at least B in all science subjects. I am not sure abt after degree though, but I think maybe yes? Like, if you dont meet the requirement for SPM to study in Malaysia you can still go for overseas to study medicine. However I am not sure if you will be able to practice in Malaysia. Because it is the set requirement by MMC to well... I can say... lessen people who are from becoming a doctor? Maybe they think, less in number makes more in quality i guess? Honestly, i still think they'll look at your requirement at the end of the day. However not too sure though, am still a student rn. 😆 Harap dpt membantu😊
@@izzatulnadhirah3128 thank you for the reply. To provide context, my chemistry spm is C+, for my a levels i managed to score well for Maths, Chemistry & Biology. I am now a 1st year medical student at IMU Malaysia. My concern is whether my C+ in chemistry would affect the process of me becoming a doctor after graduating from medschool
@@redza17 if not meet the requirement, just re-sit the paper. Only RM30 per paper.
Assalamualaikum,just want to ask you.. If let say ive got less than B in my addmath spm and my math,phy,bio and chem is higher than b, it is still consider for me to get into medic school??😅😅
waalaikumussalam. hmm for public unis , they would have a look at ur SPM for sure , and minimum they normally go for would be a B. just bear in mind competition is going to be tough
Jdi dokter kna terer bi eyh? Sya bljr cemp phys n bio dlm bhasa (malay)
not necessarily, to be honest. language is a skill in which you could develop throughout your time in med school :) though akan jadi plus point kalau terer BI, but jangan jadikan ia sebagai halangan :)
kalau nk jadi pharmacist kena ada fizik x???
usually so , kriteria usually sama
Klu kita tak aliran sains? Tapi nk sngt jdi doktor and then dia lulus spm tpi dia aliran hda/ta saur? Ples answer my question
Hi , nk masuk dalam public university dalam perubatan mmg kne daripada aliran sains sebab demand tinggi and mmg competitive nk masuk. Alternatively boleh buat matrikulasi atau asasi dalam aliran sains dan apply masuk ke dalam ijazah perubatan. Another alternative way is by masuk sektor swasta tapi kos dia sngat mahal
@@abangridhwan5828 boleh ker ambik asasi dlm aliran sains walaupun smase sekolah bkn pelajar aliran sains??
wajib juga ambil subject sains dalam SPM nnti
@@abangridhwan5828 sains teras or sains tulen..sbb sy dpt A dlm sains teras
cg kata physics tak penting sangat utk medic. tapi kalau antara chemy dgn bio, mana yang lebih penting?
each science subject is important utk melayakkan masuk ke dalam ijazah perubatan :)
When I was 14 i had an ambition of becoming and OBGYN/GYNAECOLOGIST...but somehow during my PT3 year I got brainwashed on how hard sc stream / med school is so i decided to be a lawyer and take art stream instead. But somehow now, i feel like a loser for giving up too early and taking wrong advices. I guess, i am going to repeat my SPM again. Do you think it is good idea? Or is there another way to enter medicine through degree ?
U can enter medic if u have degree in science
@@syahdinaabdullatif9657 only apply on private uni.. uni awam only limit to pre-u and diploma..
yang saya baca kena ada spm n asasi science i believe it's never to late for anything. Sbnr nya ada je student in their late 30 or 40 yang masuk med school tapi itu outside malaysia.
jadi apa perkembangan akak sekarang?
Saya SPM hanya ambik sains, sains sukan dan biologi sahaja. Adakah saya masih boleh ? Rasa macam tak boleh je sebab bukan dari aliran sains penuh. 😔
kalau ambil bio,chem,fizik tapi tak ambil addmath boleh ke?
Anl fusan mass Mana🤔
I got C for bio, C+ for phy and D for chem spm 😔 and now i study in matriks (modul : chem, phy, sains kom) agak2 ada...peluang tak?
kena repeat spm(yg mana all science stream subjects must be B and above)...bab matrik lak kau kena tukar modul kena amik either modul 1(Highly recommended kalau nak pursue medic) atau modul 3(Sains hayat)....sempat jer kalau nak tukar modul..
means kalau ambi sains biasa x boleh masuk kaa? but ada sesetengah org yg x ambi sains tulen dia diterima dlm latihan separa perubatan bawah spa
thank you ! harap membantu
Biology - A
Chemistry - B
Physics - B
Math - B+
Addmath - D
And i decided to repeat addmath soon because i heard that in order to get into medical school i have to get at least B for addmath , isn't it true ? Even if i'm in matriculation programme they will still look at the spm results right ?
yupp , even if you wanna become a doctor in Malaysia they will have a look at your SPM results too. All the best for the upcoming paper , I'm sure you'll do great !
Klau english c+...yg lain A boleh kr study medic
That should qualify you for doing medicine.
But ada pelajar msu kata klau nk belajar pasal perubatan tk apa klau tk ambik sains tulen but setakat MA (medical assistant)only lah btl ke?
Soalan bagus , tak seberapa pasti berkenaan dengan pathway medical assistant
@@abangridhwan5828 ouh ok tq
Sorry couldnt answer your question ! If i found out , ill be sure to let you know
@@abangridhwan5828 ok i glad to hear that
Bang, klau tk de ambik subjek sains tulen msa sekolah menengah bole jadi doktor ke ?
Hmm, oversea org kaya je boleh pergi 😭
Fariz Nazmi try and look for scholarships. If there is a will , theres a way
Assalamualaikum, thankyou for the explanation. May i ask, what is your opinion abt lepasan spm yang nak sambung belajar medic ni? Do you think its worth it for the long run since i heard there are a lot of dr yang menganggur / underpayed etc. I always wnted to become a doctor / cardiac surgeon to be axact but a lot of seniors / alumni from my school cakap nak jadi medic student ni kene ada mentality yang kuat and all because it is has a long and tough learning progress and that scares me.
waalaikumussalam aleya , good question. sadly to say , yeaa the medical profesion is not as grand as it used to be back then, a lot of challenges in becoming a doctor in Malaysia these days eg : job security etc. we do hope it'll improve in the future. It is a challenging field, as with any other field. what's important is to not give up and keep pursuing your dreams :)
@@abangridhwan5828 🥺 okay then thank you!
No worries , best of luck in your journey :)
I discuss this in my video as well. Hope it can help you.
Chong Shi En well done ! Good to see a fellow malaysian medical youtuber !
Hi , can u do a video pathway to study med in oversea?
sklh saya ada aliran subscience which is ganti bio dgn acc tapi ada physics,chemistry and addmath so blh ke jadi doktor or specifically radiologist?
Bang nak tnya kalau nak sambung belajar perubatan overseas saya kena masuk UKM ataupun USM? Pls reply🙋♀️
umm kalau overseas, dua2 tak boleh , since both is just asasi sahaja. kalau nk overseas (depending on country) usually kne sit down for a-levels of IB
klau kita bkn dari aliran sains tulen tapi minat dalam perubatan bkn nk jadi doktor tapi masuk bidang 2 lain dlm perubatan cth farmasi atau jururawat...apakaj syarat minimum utk past??? abg?
Hanya mereka dari aliran sains shja boleh apply utk bidang sains perubatan. Kalau tak silap saya , pharmacist , nurse dn lain2, syarate kelayakan diaorg pon sama cam doctor :)
@@abangridhwan5828 thanks reply...tapi kwn saya yg sama2 dgn saya ambil aliran tuu skrg nii dia dalam kolej kesihatan sdh...under SPA8 itulaa saya maksudkan setakat syarat untuk apply spa8 jaa...😄
Im currently a medical student at gov uni dkat Malaysia
latest things that I know about how to get yourself into medical school in Malaysia
1) I’m sorry but requirement during our batch (2018) , almost 99% student who got medic adalah top scorer (4flat) during foundation studies and such
2) now, there’s NO such thing like , u only need to get band 3 in MUET ,,,,,sbb my friends ,she’s a top scorer but unfortunately she got band 3 in muet, so dia xdapat Further medic........the conclusion is u must get band 4 at least
3)if you are from diploma microbe/science/pharm , and you want to bljar medic jugak , then boleh jer but dngn syarat;
-this situation apply to student Diploma Uitm, since uitm still allowed student from diploma untuk Sambung degree mbbs uitm
-of course u have to be top student / in dean list during diploma + good muet’s result
-but bear in mind, I take for student Dari diploma xbnyak, it’s only 3% je kut (10 person Lebih kurang)
Whatever it is good luck to adik2 Yg Ada Cita-cita nak sambung medic!!!!
thanks for the updated info! i suppose these are just mininmum requirements for you to enter public universities fr medicine. However, it doesnt necessarily mean you would be getting an offer just based on that as like you said, competition is going to be tough. Those requirements however are good enough to enroll you into a private medical school as long as you have the funds. congratulations btw in getting into a medical school , enjoy the journey !
erm, may i ask, is it true job doctor nowadays are not in demand? (in malaysia) ty abg ridhwan !
sy dapat kimia C , addmath C+ , biology hambar sikit sbb dpt D, agak agak blh ker baiki results kat matriks tuk smbung ke bidang perubatan ?.
Hmm hard to say , MMC will eventually look at ur spm results even if you did really well in matriks
kena repeat ker, haha
Kalau spm tidak menepati requirement sekarang iaitu sekurang-kurangnya 5B bagi semua subjek sains & matematik boleh tak belajar course biomedic atau bioteknologi degree dan selepas itu ambil lagi degree MBBS untuk jadi doktor di Malaysia?
Tak bbrapa pasti apa syarat kelayakan kemasukan utk course biomedic atau biotech. I know if overseas, that pathway way boleh. Malaysia cam jarang org amek dari biotech ke perubatan
@@abangridhwan5828 👌
Nak tahu jalan ke luar negara...
ill try my best if i have the time ! any particular country ure looking for ? if so i could do an interview of malaysian med students who went to study in that particular country :)
Yes bang ,,,I also interested studying medicine overseas like USA or Canada
@@hotsite8632 may i ask , are you studying in malaysia at the moment ? its very hard to get into a medical schoool in the US or canada esp if ure coming from overseas. even most americans and canadians study abroad in the UK or Ireland to get into medical school and then work back in their respective countries. You can however apply to work in the US or Canada , but you would need to sit down for their entrance exams. For example , in order to work in the US , u need to sit down for the USMLE examinations , and its not cheap haha
@@abangridhwan5828 thanks for alot of informations to share brother,,, so if I take USMLE exam also is it hard to get admission in medical school in US nor is it high competition? And if I take USMLE exam I eligible to study and work in US? Bcoz I heard I only can study in US and working there got divert prosedure
Hot site u can only take usmle to work in the states as a doctor, not to study there. You can take usmle even if you dont study in the us, though you need to travel there to take the exams. Yes , it is very competitive to work in the us , theyll rank you depending on your usmle results
Hi Abang Saya belajar fizik ,kimia Dan add maths sahaja boleh Saya mengambil perubatan
Hi ! Ohh so no biology ?
Kalau Tak Ada bio Tak boleh ke abang
@@abangridhwan5828 abang saya berjaya tukar kelas lain. Kelas itu Ada bio,kimia, pertainan,add maths ,maths tapi Tak Ada fizik. Boleh Saya ambil bidang perubatan dengan Mata pelajaran tersebut
Abang pls reply
@@Bros17Memes boleh rasanya sbab dkat matriks pon ada modul bio, chemistry, maths and science comp tapi still boleh ambik medic cuma tu la bila ada pyshics tu, diorang akan tgok results diorang dulu baru yg takde physics
Budak aliran sastera boleh jadi doktor x?.Share sikit macam Mana nak jadi doktor untuk pelajar aliran sastera.
thanks for the question ! from what I know and daripada apa yang saya baca, mereka yang daripada aliran sastera tidak boleh sambung belajar dalam aliran sains. sebab untuk SPM, kena ambil subjek2 sains seperti Bio, Chem and Physics.
Kalau nak resit paper dalam subjek tersebut boleh ke?apakah Caranya?
@@lutfilhadi1050 yupp you can always resit for the SPM paper. you can ask your teacher / counsellor untuk tahu cara apply untuk resit paper. Diaorg akan lebih tahu berkenaan dengan ini sebab ada sesetengah benda mngkin sudah berubah
Boleh ke pelajar aliran sastera Nak resit paper spm untuk Sains tulen subjek? Macam Mana ya Caranya?
Tolong jelaskan Kat Saya abang Caranya?
Bang roughly berapa tahun ambil untuk complete MBBS and become a doctor?
Kalau mbbs sahaja 5 years + foundation 1 or 2 years = 6 or 7 years in total
@@abangridhwan5828 "To summarise, it generally takes a total of 8-9 years to become a fully registered doctor from completing SPM, and more than 10 years to become a specialist. Pro Tip: Make sure your Medical Degree is recognised by the Malaysian Medical Council" from Google ,,,,,,,,,,I don't understand this concept brother ,,, registered doctor and specialist ,,, is specialist really needed? I want to be a doctor without specialised can uh?
Hot site yupp being a specialist is optional , its totally up to you. Some people stay as medical officer.
Kalau macam addmath B maths bawah dari C masih boleh ke?
Is it necessary to take mbbs? Can I take doctor of medicine instead? There is a university offer an undergraduate degree for doctor of medicine.
As long as it is an undergraduate medical degree certified by KKM or MMC. In the context of malaysia , MBBS or MD is the same. Once youve obtained any one of these , you’re qualified to be a doctor
Ohhh thx and can I know how to become an anesthesiologist?
Not too sure of the specific pathway , but what you need to do before specialisation into anaes or into any field really is by finishing your housemanship training and severa years of service as a MO. Then you could apply for a local masters program in anaes or perhaps do a membership exams (dont know the specific of these)
Hello bang, saya lepasan asasi, dan alhamdulillah diterima masuk ke med course ums..tapi sy takut la, bole ke sy survive d med course ni..dengar2 ramai yg give up d tgh jalan. Ada tips ke utk new med student?
med school is one of the best years in my life actually , i really enjoyed it ! inshaAllah you'll survive ! :)
jsut be sure to always be on top of your studies but at the same time to also have fun ! balance is key
@@abangridhwan5828 thank you so much bang.. really appreciate it
@@mistykidowo no worries at all , congratulations btw ! and goodluck !
Nk tanye kalau ambik fizik,kimia,add maths boleh jadi doktor ke?
Supposedly yeaa boleh , asalkan ure taking science subjects. Dont forget biology as well
Tapi saye tak ambil bio saye gantikan dgn prinsip akaun.still boleh jadi dokter ke?
Hmmm i see , ssah sket sbb klau nak masuk asasi dalam bidang perubatan in local university, sbb mmg dia tngok subjek sains.
Double check with your school’s counsellor
@@abangridhwan5828 klu local uni susah nak masuk boleh apply oversea uni ke...
nmpk vid ni mcm giveup nak beljar HAHA
Kalau Saya duduk di kelas sastera boleh Tak Saya menjadi doktor
Kesavan Kesv hmmm thats difficult, because you need to be in the science pathway in order to do medicine
@@abangridhwan5828 Ada cara lain Tak untuk menjadi doktor jika dalam kelas sastera
Kesavan Kesv im not too sure to be honest, ada sebab tertentu ke that ure taking sastera rather than science ?
@@abangridhwan5828 Saya Tanya cita cita Saya untuk menjadi doktor kalau Saya Ada di kelas sastera lepas spm boleh menjadi doktor
Kerana requirements dia mesti kena Ada bio,fizik,kimia
Abe skrg kerja kat hospital mana?
Haven’t started my housemanship yet , kne postponed due to covid :) will be working in any hospital in lembah klang inshaAllah
@@abangridhwan5828 do update us when you got your placement ya.
Will do !
Kalau swasta macam mana
adam kahiri boleh tros apply through their website or meet up with their representatives
@@abangridhwan5828 ok , kalau sastra macam mana
Tak faham sngat soalan tu
@@abangridhwan5828 kalau pelajar ambil sastera tapi nak jadi doktor boleh ke
Hmmm rasa nya tak boleh , sbb hanya dari aliran sains sahaja boleh apply jd doktor
Bio, chemist--b+
Am I qualified to enter degree in medicine😢 or should I repeat these subjects?
I've applied dip. in pharmacy and microbiology in upu...i also have applied the asasi sc hayat and matriculation one... Do you have any opinion for this.. Or any suggestions?I'm quite confuse right now...
Hi , first of all congratulations on your results ! Dont be too hard on yourself , you did amazing :) depending on those results alone you actually qualify to go into medicine , however to go into public universities is quite competitive.
Its okay to feel confused esp with all the current things going on right now , but whats best is for you to evaluate what ure interested in :)
And is there any scholarship that I can applied based on my result? 😅😅 err..anyway what's the difference between degree in medicine and mbbs?
@@haziqahzaini8326 you can take either one , it depends on which offer you will get :) if it were me , kalau dapat offer masuk asasi , then better take that one , since you can masuk mana2 degree afterwards
@@haziqahzaini8326 that I don't know , availability of scholarships differs every year , hence you have to do your own due diligence, im afraid I cant help you with that since I dont know. In the context of Malaysia , they are both the same , both are medical degrees :)
@@abangridhwan5828 okay..thank you😁
Klau xde kimia fizik bio mmg xleh sambung study jurusan perubatan ke?
Yuhaniz Naim hmm yeaa thats hw it is :/
Bang, macam mana kelas pertanian dapat 5A boleh ambil medic? Bukan ke hanya aliran sains
macam mana nak sambung medic di uk lepas spm??
@Abang Ridhwan i got 5A 4B for my spm so i want to ask you is there any probability that i can apply for asasi sains
first of all congratulations on your SPM results ! you can still probably do asasi sains , but perhaps not in public universities as it is very competitive to get in.
Upu results already coming out. Then, what is your results? Can study asasi sains? just curious to know about that 😇
Congrats bro on ur results. Dapat mana ? And are u thinking of doing medicine ?
Nasrul Rasydan alhamdulilah sy blh buat asasi di upm..i am so excited cause upm is my first choice
hana han wow2 congratulations!! I have a friend there aisya, buat medic fourth year upm. One of the mlstudios speakers :)
Kalau nak sambung dalam bidang dentistry, kita kena pilih asasi sains hayat ke? Atau boleh je jenis asasi yang lain?
Pretty Precious sy tk seberapa sure berkenaan dengan dentistry. But im sure its more or less the same as medicine. If im not mistaken boleh je melalui asasi sains apa2 😊
kalau addmath gagal bole jadi dctr tak? please answer me
im not too sure if they changed the requirements. skrng nie kalau boleh kne dapat kan sekurang-kurang nya B / B+ . cuba rujuk caunsellor sekolah untuk requirement yg latest
Aku nk jadi doctor tpi bukn dri aliran sains.. ya ampunnn..
Anda tidak keseorangan 🥺