Astronauts is a beautiful song in the first place, but piano makes it HEAVENLY. And with Rainy Mood in the background, words can't even begin to describe it
Lyrics by Rachie If I had eaten up all the curry you made tonight Would you have been happy enough to give me a smile? But you said with a sigh, looking at me in the eye “Just don't even bother with it next time” I think that you were right If I were someone brave, just imagine what I could do I could hit back and defend myself, and maybe even you There’s a chance, a tiny chance, that you just might smile again Cause that’s all that really ever mattered to me in the end If I lived all alone, you wouldn't have to deal with me And you would be free of the troubles that I have to deal with constantly But then, but maybe then, I would spend my days alone Living like that and never knowing of you, I'd be all on my own If I lied all the time, would you know truth from lie? You would scold me regardless, even if you weren't right It's on, on days like this I start to wonder just what if…? Here alone, in my room where I can't shake off my loneliness The days so full of emptiness They start to crack from nothingness The what's and ifs are leaking out Escaping even now, they just won't stop But now I’ll start to close my eyes Block my ears from all this noise, looking back just one last time I can't hear your voice and I can't see your smile But somehow I get the feeling that in the end I'll be alright I wish that I could just erase The memories that I've come to hate And only leave the good behind I don't think I would mind If I did all the things I said that I would do Would you then believe me if I said that we were through? Somehow, I know for sure you'd finally start to smile After all, when it comes to you, I’m the expert aren’t I? Believe me when I say, I tried to everyday But my words wouldn’t reach you. Hey isn’t that strange? I just wish I could see you, but my legs can't seem to move It’s as if they say, “You deserve it”, I guess that it’s true If I were still alive, I’d sing just one last time A song I never sang for you, but now I have to try It's just a bit embarrassing, but you need to hear it through It would be nice if you could listen to this song I made for you It would be nice if this song could one day reach you But now I’ll start to close my eyes Block my ears from all this noise, looking back just one last time I can't hear your voice and I can't see your smile But somehow I get the feeling that in the end I'll be alright So now I start to close my eyes Block my ears from all this noise, never looking back this time I can't hear your voice and I can't see your smile But somehow I get the feeling that in the end I'll be alright
Moshimo bokuga konban no karee o nokosazu tabenara yokatta no kana kimi wa hidoku kao o shikamete "mou tabenakute iiyo" tte ittan dakkena moshimo bokuga ijimeraretatte naguri kaeseru youna hitodatarana kimi mo ima yori sukoshi kurai wa warau youni naru kamo shirenai kara moshimo bokuga hitorikiri desa kimi ni meiwaku mo kakezu ni irareta nara demosa sorejasa kimi o shiran mama ikiteku koto ni natta kamo shirenai kara moshimo bokuga usotsuki nara konna boku no koto shikatte kureta kana sonna takusan no "moshimo banashi" ga boku no heya ni sa ukande ikundayo nanimo nai hibi kara hibi ga haite sokkara takusan no "moshimo" moredashite ikunda ima me tsumutte mimi o fusaide aruki dashitayo kimi no koe mo kimi no egao mo mirenai mama dakedo soremo ii kamo iyana mon dakesa ataman naka kara keshite kureta nara yokatta no ni na moshimo bokuga shoujikimono nara korega saigo datte shinjitte kureta kana kitto kimi wa waratte kureru yona minna wakateiru tsumori nanda nandomo kimi ni iou to shita kedo todoku hazu nakute "okashiina" tte kimi no tokoni iketa narana demo hisa ga waraunda "samaa miro" tte moshimo bokuga ikite ita nara kimi ni kikaseru tame tsukutta uta yappa hazukashikute kikasetenai kedo utatte agetaina bokumo itsuka "todoku to ii na kimi ni itsuka" ima me o tsumutte mimi o fusaide aruki dashitayo kimi no koe mo kimi no egao mo mirenai mama dakedo soremo ii kamo ima me o tsumutte mimi o fusaide aruki dashitayo kimi no koe mo kimi no egao mo mirenai mama dakedo soremo ii kamo~
Heh just realised somethin'. This was "Stay" for the credits song of Remembrance created by Ashley H. I always wanted to know what the instrumental was but finally, FINALLY, after 3 days of searching, I finally found it. God has blessed me :> Yes I am a brony, I is filled with brony junk. DEAL WITH IT.
もしも僕が今晩のカレーを 모시모보쿠가콘반노카레오 만약 내가 오늘밤 카레를 残さず食べたなら良かったのかな 노코사즈타베타나라요캇타노카나 남기지 않고 다 먹었다면 좋았을까 君は酷く顔をしかめて 키미와히도쿠카오오시카메테 너는 심하게 얼굴을 찡그리고는 もうたべなくっていいよって言ったんだっけな。 모오타베나쿳테이이욧테잇탄닷케나. 이제 그만 먹어도 돼, 라고 말했었지. もしも僕が虐められたって 모시모보쿠가이지메라레탓테 만약 내가 괴롭힘 당하더라도 殴り返せるような人だったらな。 나구리카에세루요오나히토닷타라나. 되돌려 줄 수 있는 사람이었다면. 君も今より少しくらいは 키미모이마요리스코시쿠라이와 너도 지금보다 조금은 笑うようになるかもしれないから。 와라우요오니나루카모시레나이카라. 웃을 수 있었을지도 모르니까. もしも僕がひとりきりでさ 모시모보쿠가히토리키리데사 만약 내가 외톨이여서 君に迷惑もかけずにいられたなら。 키미니메이와쿠모카케즈니이라레타나라. 너에게 폐도 끼치지 않을 수 있었다면. でもさ、それじゃさ、君を知らんまま 데모사, 소레쟈사, 키미오시란마마 하지만, 그래선, 너를 모른 채로 生きてく事になったかもしれないから 이키테쿠코토니낫타카모시레나이카라 살아가게 됐을 지도 모르니까 もしも僕がうそつきなら 모시모보쿠가우소쯔키나라 만약 내가 거짓말쟁이라면 こんな僕のこと 叱ってくれたかな? 콘나보쿠노코토 시캇테쿠레타카나? 이런 나를 꾸짖어 줬을까? そんなたくさんの「もしも話が」 손나타쿠산노 「모시모하나시가」 그런 수많은 「만약의 이야기가」 僕の部屋にさ浮かんで行くんだよ。 보쿠노헤야니사우칸데이쿤다요. 나의 방에서 떠오르고 있어. 何も無い日々から 나니모나이히비카라 아무것도 없는 날들에서 罅が入ってそっから 히비가하잇테솟카라 금이 가서, 그래서 たくさんの「もしも」が漏れ出して 타쿠상노 「모시모」가모레다시테 수많은 「만약」이 새어나오고 行くんだ。 이쿤다. 있어. 今目をつむって 이마메오쯔뭇테 지금 눈을 감고 耳をふさいで歩き出したよ 미미오후사이데아루키다시타요 귀를 막고 걷기 시작했어 君の声も君の笑顔も 키미노코에모키미노에가오모 너의 목소리도 너의 웃음 소리도 見れないままだけどそれも良いかも。 미레나이마마다케도소레모이이카모. 보이지 않지만 그것도 괜찮을지도. 嫌なもんだけさ 이야나몬다케사 싫어하는 것만 あたまん中から 아타만나카카라 머릿속에서 消してくれたらな 케시테쿠레타라나 지워 주었으면 よかったのにな。 요캇타노니나. 좋을텐데. もしも僕が正直者なら 모시모보쿠가쇼지키모노나라 만약 내가 정직한 사람이었다면 これが最後だって信じてくれたかな? 코레가사이고닷테신지테쿠레타카나? 이게 마지막이라는 걸 믿어 주었을까? きっと君は笑ってくれるよな。 킷토키미와와랏테쿠레루요나. 분명 너는 웃어 주었겠지. みんな解ってるつもりなんだ 민나와캇테루쯔모리난다 모두 알고 있었을 거야 何度も君に言おうとしたけど 난도모키미니이오오토시타케도 몇번이나 너에게 말하려고 했지만 届く筈無くて「おかしいな?」って 토도쿠하즈나쿠테 「오카시이낫?」테 닿을 리가 없어서 「이상하네?」라며 君のとこへ行けたならな。 키미노토코에이케타나라나. 너의 곁으로 갈 수 있다면. でもひざが笑うんだ。「ざまーみろ」って。 데모히자가와라운다. 「자마-미롯」테. 하지만 힘빠진 다리가 비웃어. 「꼴 좋다.」라고. もしも僕が生きていたなら。 모시모보쿠가이키테이타나라. 만약 내가 살아 있었다면. 君に聴かせるため作った歌 키미니키카세루타메쯔쿳타우타 너에게 들려주기 위해 만든 노래 やっぱ恥ずかしくて聴かせてないけど 얏바하즈카시쿠테키카세테나이케도 역시 부끄러워서 들려주지 못했지만 歌ってあげたいな、僕もいつか。 우탓테아게타이나, 보쿠모이쯔카. 불러주고 싶어, 나도 언젠가. とどくといいな、君にいつか。 토도쿠토이이나, 키미니이쯔카. 닿았으면 좋겠다, 너에게 언젠가. 今目をつむって 이마메오쯔뭇테 지금 눈을 감고 耳をふさいで歩き出したよ 미미오후사이데아루키다시타요 귀를 막고 걷기 시작했어 君の声も君の笑顔も 키미노코에모키미노에가오모 너의 목소리도 너의 웃음 소리도 見れないままだけどそれも良いかも。 미레나이마마다케도소레모이이카모. 보이지 않지만 그것도 괜찮을지도. 今目をつむって 이마메오쯔뭇테 지금 눈을 감고 耳をふさいで歩き出したよ 미미오후사이데아루키다시타요 귀를 막고 걷기 시작했어 君の声も君の笑顔も 키미노코에모키미노에가오모 너의 목소리도 너의 웃음 소리도 見れないままだけどそれも良いかも。 미레나이마마다케도소레모이이카모. 보이지 않지만 그것도 괜찮을지도.
Astronauts is a beautiful song in the first place, but piano makes it HEAVENLY. And with Rainy Mood in the background, words can't even begin to describe it
I think this was supposed to be happy but when it was put into a sad story
This was very sad.
And i loved it
Midnight InkPaw
mlp remembrance?
Selena Shimmer
Yup! Pretty sad...
... i come here because of mlp remembrance
Lyrics by Rachie
If I had eaten up
all the curry you made tonight
Would you have been happy enough
to give me a smile?
But you said with a sigh,
looking at me in the eye
“Just don't even bother
with it next time”
I think that you were right
If I were someone brave,
just imagine what I could do
I could hit back and defend myself,
and maybe even you
There’s a chance, a tiny chance,
that you just might smile again
Cause that’s all that really
ever mattered to me in the end
If I lived all alone,
you wouldn't have to deal with me
And you would be
free of the troubles that I have
to deal with constantly
But then, but maybe then, I
would spend my days alone
Living like that
and never knowing of you,
I'd be all on my own
If I lied all the time, would
you know truth from lie?
You would scold me regardless,
even if you weren't right
It's on, on days like this I
start to wonder just what if…?
Here alone, in my room where I
can't shake off my loneliness
The days so full of emptiness
They start to crack from nothingness
The what's and ifs are leaking out
Escaping even now, they just won't stop
But now I’ll start to close my eyes
Block my ears from all this noise,
looking back just one last time
I can't hear your voice
and I can't see your smile
But somehow I get the feeling
that in the end I'll be alright
I wish that I could just erase
The memories that I've come to hate
And only leave the good behind
I don't think I would mind
If I did all the things
I said that I would do
Would you then
believe me if
I said that we were through?
Somehow, I know for sure
you'd finally start to smile
After all, when it comes to
you, I’m the expert aren’t I?
Believe me when I say,
I tried to everyday
But my words wouldn’t reach you.
Hey isn’t that strange?
I just wish I could see you,
but my legs can't seem to move
It’s as if they say, “You deserve it”,
I guess that it’s true
If I were still alive,
I’d sing just one last time
A song I never sang for
you, but now I have to try
It's just a bit embarrassing,
but you need to hear it through
It would be nice if you could
listen to this song I made for you
It would be nice if this song
could one day reach you
But now I’ll start to close my eyes
Block my ears from all this noise,
looking back just one last time
I can't hear your voice
and I can't see your smile
But somehow I get the feeling
that in the end I'll be alright
So now I start to close my eyes
Block my ears from all this noise,
never looking back this time
I can't hear your voice
and I can't see your smile
But somehow I get the feeling
that in the end I'll be alright
Doki doki my heart is brokey ;_;
No words can describe how very awesome you are right now, Spirit....
I love Toppo`s work. Somehow I knew it was his arrange even before I looked in the description... Okay, time to sleep *yawns*
I saw this video and thought what a pretty pic
after watching it
Its so sad *sobs* one second later send it to everyone I know
R.I.P PowapowaP ♡
Yet another beautiful piece.
thank you for uploading this ! love this song !
Moshimo bokuga konban no karee o
nokosazu tabenara yokatta no kana
kimi wa hidoku kao o shikamete
"mou tabenakute iiyo" tte ittan dakkena
moshimo bokuga ijimeraretatte
naguri kaeseru youna hitodatarana
kimi mo ima yori sukoshi kurai wa
warau youni naru kamo shirenai kara
moshimo bokuga hitorikiri desa
kimi ni meiwaku mo kakezu ni irareta nara
demosa sorejasa kimi o shiran mama
ikiteku koto ni natta kamo shirenai kara
moshimo bokuga usotsuki nara
konna boku no koto shikatte kureta kana
sonna takusan no "moshimo banashi" ga
boku no heya ni sa ukande ikundayo
nanimo nai hibi kara hibi ga haite sokkara
takusan no "moshimo" moredashite ikunda
ima me tsumutte mimi o fusaide aruki dashitayo
kimi no koe mo kimi no egao mo
mirenai mama dakedo soremo ii kamo
iyana mon dakesa
ataman naka kara
keshite kureta nara
yokatta no ni na
moshimo bokuga shoujikimono nara
korega saigo datte shinjitte kureta kana
kitto kimi wa waratte kureru yona
minna wakateiru tsumori nanda
nandomo kimi ni iou to shita kedo
todoku hazu nakute "okashiina" tte
kimi no tokoni iketa narana
demo hisa ga waraunda "samaa miro" tte
moshimo bokuga ikite ita nara
kimi ni kikaseru tame tsukutta uta
yappa hazukashikute kikasetenai kedo
utatte agetaina bokumo itsuka
"todoku to ii na kimi ni itsuka"
ima me o tsumutte
mimi o fusaide
aruki dashitayo
kimi no koe mo kimi no egao mo
mirenai mama dakedo
soremo ii kamo
ima me o tsumutte
mimi o fusaide
aruki dashitayo
kimi no koe mo kimi no egao mo
mirenai mama dakedo
soremo ii kamo~
This is so wonderful
Oh, I love it! Kinda sad I think, but it is beautiful.
this sounds great
its beautifull
piano sheet pleasee??! *w* i want to play it so badly
I wonder if there is any downloadable music sheets for this piece... it's beautiful!
where are you?
I´m fine, maybe in love, maybe just confused, but good. Thanks.
any sheet music?
Heh just realised somethin'.
This was "Stay" for the credits song of Remembrance created by Ashley H. I always wanted to know what the instrumental was but finally, FINALLY, after 3 days of searching, I finally found it. God has blessed me :>
Yes I am a brony, I is filled with brony junk. DEAL WITH IT.
She put it in the description of the 'stay' video XD
만약 내가 오늘밤 카레를
남기지 않고 다 먹었다면 좋았을까
너는 심하게 얼굴을 찡그리고는
이제 그만 먹어도 돼, 라고 말했었지.
만약 내가 괴롭힘 당하더라도
되돌려 줄 수 있는 사람이었다면.
너도 지금보다 조금은
웃을 수 있었을지도 모르니까.
만약 내가 외톨이여서
너에게 폐도 끼치지 않을 수 있었다면.
데모사, 소레쟈사, 키미오시란마마
하지만, 그래선, 너를 모른 채로
살아가게 됐을 지도 모르니까
만약 내가 거짓말쟁이라면
こんな僕のこと 叱ってくれたかな?
콘나보쿠노코토 시캇테쿠레타카나?
이런 나를 꾸짖어 줬을까?
손나타쿠산노 「모시모하나시가」
그런 수많은 「만약의 이야기가」
나의 방에서 떠오르고 있어.
아무것도 없는 날들에서
금이 가서, 그래서
타쿠상노 「모시모」가모레다시테
수많은 「만약」이 새어나오고
지금 눈을 감고
귀를 막고 걷기 시작했어
너의 목소리도 너의 웃음 소리도
보이지 않지만 그것도 괜찮을지도.
싫어하는 것만
지워 주었으면
만약 내가 정직한 사람이었다면
이게 마지막이라는 걸 믿어 주었을까?
분명 너는 웃어 주었겠지.
모두 알고 있었을 거야
몇번이나 너에게 말하려고 했지만
토도쿠하즈나쿠테 「오카시이낫?」테
닿을 리가 없어서 「이상하네?」라며
너의 곁으로 갈 수 있다면.
데모히자가와라운다. 「자마-미롯」테.
하지만 힘빠진 다리가 비웃어. 「꼴 좋다.」라고.
만약 내가 살아 있었다면.
너에게 들려주기 위해 만든 노래
역시 부끄러워서 들려주지 못했지만
우탓테아게타이나, 보쿠모이쯔카.
불러주고 싶어, 나도 언젠가.
토도쿠토이이나, 키미니이쯔카.
닿았으면 좋겠다, 너에게 언젠가.
지금 눈을 감고
귀를 막고 걷기 시작했어
너의 목소리도 너의 웃음 소리도
보이지 않지만 그것도 괜찮을지도.
지금 눈을 감고
귀를 막고 걷기 시작했어
너의 목소리도 너의 웃음 소리도
보이지 않지만 그것도 괜찮을지도.
I like piano ! :D
I'm just here for the song from mlp remembrance.
Same xD
quiero llorar ono :'v r.i.p siinamota san
I'm confused, it sounds a lot like Alice, but it has different parts O-O
I listen this song when I want to sleep :)
Siinamota month