Cap Foundation Antenatal Clinic - Rohingya | Kutupalong Camp

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024
  • ❤️❤️Cap Foundation Field Trip 20th Jan 2019 | Rohingya Kutupalong ❤️❤️
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    The drive to the camps, as like the past few days, always starts off very positive and up-spirited until we get closer to the camp site where you can tell that the mood of the volunteers becomes sad and sombre knowing that we will most likely see and hear something devastating about the refugees.
    We spent most of the day within the clinic and everyone had a chance to ask questions to the doctor, nurse and midwife about the clinic and their huge roles and responsibilities. Below are the brief findings:
    • The clinic only has 1 of each rooms, a waiting area, 1 reception/pharmacy room, 1 nurse consultancy room, 1 doctor consultancy room, 1 Labour room, 1 recovery room with three beds and lastly a small room for storage.
    • The doctor and nurse were very adamant that the clinic was working over capacity which meant that more doctors, nurses and midwives are urgently required.
    • Although the clinic register 50-60 clients a day, the doctor can only see around 20-30 patients a day where the camp has over 350,000 refugees of which most are women, young girls and small children. There are over 20,000 pregnant women just in Kutupalong Camp.
    •We urgently need an ambulance. The closest ambulance service is over an hour away but it will only take the life threatened patient 15 minutes drive from the CAP Foundation Antenatal Clinic to the hospital, in a life or death situation every second counts and the other ambulances can't get to all the patients on time.
    •The clinic is lacking a treatment table and oxygen tanks along with various necessities to treat more sever patients so that they can be stable in order for them to reach the hospital.
    The average monthly running cost currently is approximately £4,000 which comprises mostly of wages to the doctors and nurses and the rest of the bulky cost is on medicine.
    With the above improvements we are looking at a monthly running cost of approximately £6,000 per month which will introduce another doctor and another nurse along with the essentials and increase in medicines which is urgently and desperately needed.
    It was an informative, emotional and thought-provoking day today.
    Please continue supporting CAP to help the needy.
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    Sort Code: 20 57 06 | AC: 93522946
    #TeamCap #Rohingya #Bangladesh #Charity #FieldWork #RoadToRecovery #EmergencyShelter #SchoolAcademy #AntenatalClinic #AbandonedWomen #RohingyaMothers #SaveRohingya #SafeChildren #OneLove #OneCommunity #OneUmmah