gotta be something new in recent years that Kone figured out how to use their own controllers and motors on real freights. i was expecting either a MEI or MCE install or a crappy service elevator since this whole wing has new Kone. only thing i can't really figure out is if its MRL or traditional traction but it sounds just like any passenger Monospace so i'm going with that.
i should add the new Pier 17 in NYC has Kone built around the same time, maybe a bit before Aventura and their freight looks more like an MEI or MCE install with no sign of a KONE motor or controller but I never got to ride it.
And I just realized I think on the records where the other person who found the EcoDisc freight, it actually said MonoSpace on it. So maybe MonoSpace is "secretly" available on freights. If I were to guess it's probably MR since MRL for a heavy duty elevator isn't really a good idea, but who knows.
Mother of god. Epic freight! And clear voice too!
This is a really nice freight!
I didn't know there was a KONE Ecodisc Freight Elevator!! This is RARE!! More PP doors!!!!
New record for worlds smallest PEELLE doors
Kone ecodisc freight elevator #FE4
This could be MRL possibly but it’s not certain
Are you living in Florida now? I live 10 mins north of this mall!
Ok that's weird, but I think someone else found an EcoDisc freight. It sounds like a MonoSpace but as far as I know that's not available on freights.
gotta be something new in recent years that Kone figured out how to use their own controllers and motors on real freights. i was expecting either a MEI or MCE install or a crappy service elevator since this whole wing has new Kone. only thing i can't really figure out is if its MRL or traditional traction but it sounds just like any passenger Monospace so i'm going with that.
i should add the new Pier 17 in NYC has Kone built around the same time, maybe a bit before Aventura and their freight looks more like an MEI or MCE install with no sign of a KONE motor or controller but I never got to ride it.
And I just realized I think on the records where the other person who found the EcoDisc freight, it actually said MonoSpace on it. So maybe MonoSpace is "secretly" available on freights. If I were to guess it's probably MR since MRL for a heavy duty elevator isn't really a good idea, but who knows.
Went here yesterday, saw an MX20 in the shaft
Yeah I guess maybe KONE freights can use the MX/NMX motors, but they're not under "EcoDisc" or something?
I think it's a Mini Space