Welcome to where time stands still No one leaves and no one will Moon is full, never seems to change Just labeled mentally deranged Dream the same thing every night I see our freedom in my sight No locked doors, no windows barred No things to make my brain seem scarred Sleep my friend and you will see That dream is my reality They keep me locked up in this cage Can't they see it's why my brain says rage Sanitarium, leave me be Sanitarium, just leave me alone Build my fear of what's out there And cannot breathe the open air Whisper things into my brain Assuring me that I'm insane They think our heads are in their hands But violent use brings violent plans Keep him tied, it makes him well He's getting better, can't you tell? No more can they keep us in Listen, damn it, we will win They see it right, they see it well But they think this saves us from our Hell Sanitarium, leave me be Sanitarium, just leave me alone Sanitarium, just leave me alone Fear of living on Natives getting restless now Mutiny in the air Got some death to do Mirror stares back hard Kill, it's such a friendly word Seems the only way For reaching out again
@ Necromancer, i just wanted to say you are a righteous dude and you honor not only the Metallica legion of fans but also the band itself by uploading the instrumental versions of what may be the best Metallica stood for during the prime of it's youth. Awesome work bro!
@@nadjimansouri8360 I`m gonna take a moment to say that OMG I even forgot I wrote this coment back in highschool searching for a song to sing at my english class (yes... they did that and yes I (tried to) sing that song) and wow just how times fly man :) thank you for remind me that.
@Necrommancer how did you know im a big guy? Are you one of those damn government spies? i got my eye on you. OHHH and what you cant say i love you too? ok i thought we had something special,but you know what,you lost me
wtf i dont know which universe your from but call of ktulu has been instrumental u dont need to hear it from this guy so that its "legit" unless you know you hear the singer screaming in your ear the whole time then that means your special!
the intro guitar notes are so exciting
Welcome to where time stands still
No one leaves and no one will
Moon is full, never seems to change
Just labeled mentally deranged
Dream the same thing every night
I see our freedom in my sight
No locked doors, no windows barred
No things to make my brain seem scarred
Sleep my friend and you will see
That dream is my reality
They keep me locked up in this cage
Can't they see it's why my brain says rage
Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
Build my fear of what's out there
And cannot breathe the open air
Whisper things into my brain
Assuring me that I'm insane
They think our heads are in their hands
But violent use brings violent plans
Keep him tied, it makes him well
He's getting better, can't you tell?
No more can they keep us in
Listen, damn it, we will win
They see it right, they see it well
But they think this saves us from our Hell
Sanitarium, leave me be
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
Sanitarium, just leave me alone
Fear of living on
Natives getting restless now
Mutiny in the air
Got some death to do
Mirror stares back hard
Kill, it's such a friendly word
Seems the only way
For reaching out again
Raphael Polo legend
"copyright" ... nice one xD
I think this song is a masterpiece from start to finish 💕
love the tune on the intro guitar
Such a dystopian feeling with all those echoey guitar melodies...
@ Necromancer, i just wanted to say you are a righteous dude and you honor not only the Metallica legion of fans but also the band itself by uploading the instrumental versions of what may be the best Metallica stood for during the prime of it's youth. Awesome work bro!
The quality of this is incredible! Amazing work :D
2:08 honestly best part
For me, its 3:42
Heck yes
Favorite song on the MOP album!
At least you didnt destroy the guitars and drums like most other people did. Good job man. =)
Such a beautiful guitar tone
So freakin' cool, these instrumentals from Metallica. Awesome job!
Amazing. absolutely
Thank you for uploading!!!
Thanks, I have a great backing track to practice my singing for this song.
Man u rock! Do more instrumentals from Metallica!!!
Agreed! This is sick!! 🤘🏻🤘🏻
Velhos tempos
LOVE IT!! Thank You
great song :)
gracias ...
ci !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mouchos qrasisase !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
si !!!!!!!!!!!!! esta !!!!!!!!!!!!!! bien !!!!!!!
and The Call of Ktulu please...
JLeidens its already instrumental.
@@cuddlezalt7252 r/wooosh
Bruh .^.
But what about Orion ??
@@nadjimansouri8360 I`m gonna take a moment to say that OMG I even forgot I wrote this coment back in highschool searching for a song to sing at my english class (yes... they did that and yes I (tried to) sing that song) and wow just how times fly man :) thank you for remind me that.
0:00 - 6:30
Can you upload Orion instrumental? ;)
Matthew Hughes Orion vocals Only
Dammit man.
Feeling hand of God in this song
@Necrommancer i love you
Que todas las guitarras e instrumentos alaben al señor
Ok what version of guitar hero did you use? PS2, Wii, 360 or PS3. I'm asking because the Wii version sound quality isn't as good as the bigger systems
Lmao you still waiting for that answer?
@@SkyfallHD36 lol
0:00 - 1:35 👌
Copyright my ass.
***** lolwut... Is that Lauren Cohan? :)
***** Haha, oh. Well, yes it is. ;D
he want to follow lars
***** Hahaha, now I get it.
Like a movie......!!!!!!!!
sounds legit .. what is the program that you had used to make instrumental ??
He "possibly" recorded it from Guitar Hero: Metallica with the vocal setting turned down to 0.
@epiesz mine too. cant wait till i can play this song on my guitar
I Feel God ,Take Drugs ...yeahhhhhhh
4:07 - 4:26 my favorite part
can you send me the lyrics
my favorite part is 1:50 to 1:59
If only Motorhead (or now Bastard Sons) would cover this one just like they did with Enter Sandman
@huggies12345 haha lol
@Necrommancer how did you know im a big guy? Are you one of those damn government spies? i got my eye on you. OHHH and what you cant say i love you too? ok i thought we had something special,but you know what,you lost me
@nomor345 lol
lol ffs its missing the other guitar part
wtf i dont know which universe your from but call of ktulu has been instrumental u dont need to hear it from this guy so that its "legit" unless you know you hear the singer screaming in your ear the whole time then that means your special!
I just can't enjoy these with all the little fuckups in the sounds, missing notes and shit.
Life is cruel