I just want to correct one thing for safety measures in case someone completely new is watching this video. You should connect the battery tender itself to the AC outlet first, then change the battery type or voltage. After that, you connect the alligator clips to the battery terminal or the sealed connector bit. The battery tender may default to something that does not match your battery type or voltage, so you don't want to connect the tender to the AC outlet last. I'm sure it's fine if it's the wrong configuration but just in case.
I think you can also run this from the cigarette lighter port with a converter. As long as you have over 3volts. And I heard it does maintain the charge of the battery when it's not in use, that's if your truck cigarette lighter port has power when it's not on, few truck do it but I know the Hummer H3 does, so if your truck is off you can charge still using the cigarette port. That charge port puts out 12volts all the time so in essence your recycling your energy to the battery. That's wild.
I was thinking the same but I heard it does work on certain models that has current flowing through the cigarette port all the time,.and I heard it works good that's what my friend was telling me. 🤷🏾♂️
Section 16 subsection e) says to plug positive to positive but then plug negative to the chassis or engine block away from battery 🔋 You can create gas in the battery and it blows up and spill acid all over you !
@@MisterMemo after trial and error, turns out the tender tells you when it is finally correct. And I did end up connecting both clips to the battery. So I think it’s trial and error until the tender works
@@MisterMemo I would not try it on a motorcycle then… because anything over 1.5amps I believe could potentially damaged the bike’s battery. That’s what I was wondering weather the amps could be adjusted or not. Thank you for the feedback!
I would have you battery check and your electrical system for why it drains your battery. Yes, a battery tender you can keep it on and disconnect it once you drive off. (Read instructions just incase)
I'm assumming it could as long as it's a good battery. I would suggest taking your battery to a Autozone to have your battery tested and charge for free first.
Has anyone who's has experience with this used it to charge lithium ion batteries? How was your experience using it. I'm thinking of getting one. One of the purposes I would use it for would be to charge my 12v lithium ion batteries I use for my fishing electronics . Usually you have to get a separate charger for lithium batteries as SLA chargers don't read the voltage properly and will never fully charge it .
I have a Prius 2008 and recently bought this battery tender. Is it safe to plug in while the car is connected to the battery or you suggest unhook the battery connection from car before clipping the charger to the battery? I saw in your video you have the battery connected is it safe? How long can we leave battery on the charge?
Every car is different but typically you can leave it connect to the battery even if you have the car terminal on the battery. The Battery tender will let you know once it is completely charged. "All Battery Tender® battery chargers automatically switch from a full charge to a float maintenance charge mode keeping your battery at optimal charge levels and ready to go when you are." Battery Tender Co.
My car battery died so I bought this battery tender. A tutorial online said to connect the red clip to positive and the other clip to a random metal part of the car. I noticed you connected both to the battery. Are both methods correct?
"Always do what the instructions say". I did direct to the battery posts that was just me being old school before high tech cars (not necessary the right why). FYI I'm not a mechanic
I leave mine on till the light indicator tells me it's charged. Read the instructions, but I believe you can leave battery tender on the vehicle the whole time, even after the battery is fully charged. If your battery is not completely charging, I would take it in to the place you bought. Have them see if the battery is bad.
I noticed that on these battery tender if battery is dead I have to use a big charger to charge battery for a little while then I can put battery tender to work thanks everyone have a Great Day
i always thought you had to take off one or both cables off the batter to do any kind of charging. didn't know you can charge the battery with the cables on.
Hi! I have a question, So I need the battery tender connect to the car and plugged at the same time, the it will start to charging??? But I don’t have a charger 🔌 for the car that’s why I got a battery tender😂😂😂😂. Is there any product that need no charger?? I can charge it at home, but not at the same time…can you please point me out??? Thank you so much!!!
This product is to maintain a 100 percent charge on your cars battery while it's sits at home. If your battery isn't holding charge it might be time to replace it with a new one.
flashing indicates that the battery charger has AC power available and that the microprocessor is functioning properly. If the amber LED continues to flash, then either the battery voltage is too low (less than 3 volts) or the output alligator clips or ring terminals are not connected correctly.
I bought that same item from Costco also but you say it is intended for indoor.. I am planning to park my car in a parking lot for 3 weeks for a trip in New York winter. How do I maintain my battery? Thx for the info.
@@MisterMemo burnt out ,a few things broke and made me work and burned myself out on fixing a house door for winter then in spring I will need to replace a door dang door fell off of house so had to nail it shut. then got my tractor seat fixed so I am not catapulted off of it when I hit potholes.
I know you're all excited and enthusiastic about this stuff you just bought, waving everything around in the air just like an excited Italian waves his hands around to add impact to his narrative. But . . . the camera can't focus on stuff you wave around a few inches in front of the lens 🙄 The viewers can't possibly see anything useful if you grab bits of stuff from here and there and wave it around a few inches in front of the camera 🙄. Slow down Dude. Curb your enthusiasm. Hold the stuff in front of the lens at a good focal length and *hold it still for 5 seconds.*
Thanks for your feedback. I create content to document for myself and hope it helps others. Based on your youtube channel videos, I can see exactly what approach your talking about. ;) Thanks for your time and feedback once again! Have a great week!
@@MisterMemo i took my battery to Oreillys to charge, came back an hour later and they said it was done for. Didnt want to spend 200 bucks on a new battery, so I went to Costco and got one of these battery chargers to see if it would charge it up. Not only did it work, but the battery was already above 80% when I hooked it up to the charger. Hopefully it was just a mistake and not a scam from the employees, but either way, im driving again. Either way, thanks for the video my man.
I've had some older batteries that went low and would not start the vehicle. When the batteries are drained to a very low voltage they usually have to be piggy backed to a good battery to bring the voltage up before the Tender will take over. Some of these batteries were on the Tender for 5+ days before the Tender light finally turned green. These same batteries had been hooked to a normal charger which said they were fully charged in a very short period of time - They were NOT. After days on the Tender they were fully operational again.
"So we're gonna go ahead and read some instructions...uhhh...probably not" haha! Those instructions are the size of a short novel! Do you happen to know if I can do the following: Run a power inverter (BESTEK 300W Power Inverter) from my tiny RV’s cigarette lighter, plug this Battery Tender into that, and then charge the house batteries (2 giant “golf cart batteries”) when I drive? Thanks!
haha right! That's a great question! I assume it all depends on the size of the wire guage and max it can handle. I would recommend checking out my 12v power upgrade video I did. Hope it helps! ua-cam.com/video/AhF6hHQbUAI/v-deo.html
For the sake of accurate information: You are completely wrong in your statement that car alternators cannot fully charge a car battery. Car alternators are rated as an example: 50/120A 13.5V, this means 50 amps at low rpm usually 1500, 120 amps at high rpm about 6000, 13.5V is the voltage these ratings are taken at. An average alternator amp rating is from 45 amps to over 140 amps depending on the application. Alternator Voltage varies with demand from below 13.5 to 14.4V or so. So you can see that the alternator in a car is putting out a lot more charging amps than most home battery chargers. This Battery Tender model in the video is 4.5 amps. This is 10% of a car alternator charging at it's lowest and only about 3.2% of a car alternators high output charge. It's going to take a lot longer to charge a battery fully a 4.5 amps than at 45 to 140 amps. The only problem is if you only drive short distances and the car sits a lot. In that case the drive maybe to short to charge the battery and as it sits in between the short commute drives the charge continues to go lower. This battery charger is excellent at maintaining and charging batteries. Particularly if you have only short commutes and the car sits. If you live in an area where its cold and on your short commute you use the car heater, heated seats, defroster, lights, radio then this is going to be very hard on the battery and a Battery tender like this is a very good thing to have. This charger will not overcharge batteries because it has a microprocessor that monitors the battery and will change to maintenance mode. The moral of the story is at least do a little reading and research before you post videos.
Mark thanks for all the great information you provided. This video is only regarding information on my own vehicle and other 100 series Toyota's/ Lexus's. My Toyota Land Cruiser Overland Rig with a 80 amp alternator and upgraded larger AGM Odyssey Battery 100ah (ODYSSEY® Battery's required 14.7 volts to properly charge your batteries.) Again , thank you for your general information and sorry if you thought I was speaking to the general automotive public. FYI: You should try doing video's on UA-cam, I'd SUbscribe to your Channel. Have an awesome evening! MEMO
Ahhh :( Well you can make sure to plug it while at home to make sure you battery has charge before heading out on a trip or at least once a month to maintain it. :)
You'll need the "Type S Jump starter". Just saw it at Costco. It's for jump starting your car in case your battery goes dead for whatever reason while on the road. It was right next to the "Battery Tender" in this video.
This isn’t at all what I thought it was when I bought it. I thought you hook it up to the wall and let the pack charge then you can carry it in your car for emergency use 🤨 I wasted my money buying it😡
The packaging say Charger and Maintainer. It's actually super great so you can maintain your battery so it stays with power. It's worth the money to have at home when you vehicle is parked.
Thank you man for the video, I just bought one of this chargers and now I will know how to use it right of way.
Glad it was helpful! I use mine all the time to make sure my cars are always fulling charged! Thanks again for watching.
I just want to correct one thing for safety measures in case someone completely new is watching this video. You should connect the battery tender itself to the AC outlet first, then change the battery type or voltage. After that, you connect the alligator clips to the battery terminal or the sealed connector bit. The battery tender may default to something that does not match your battery type or voltage, so you don't want to connect the tender to the AC outlet last. I'm sure it's fine if it's the wrong configuration but just in case.
Correct! That’s why I disclose to read and instructions and that I’m not a professional not a mechanic.
I think you can also run this from the cigarette lighter port with a converter. As long as you have over 3volts. And I heard it does maintain the charge of the battery when it's not in use, that's if your truck cigarette lighter port has power when it's not on, few truck do it but I know the Hummer H3 does, so if your truck is off you can charge still using the cigarette port. That charge port puts out 12volts all the time so in essence your recycling your energy to the battery. That's wild.
@@oldgee1976 I believe they also have a OBD port adapter. 🤔
Why is my 12v/6v indicator light blinking?
Is your battery completely dead?
One question to be able to charge it needs to be connected to the electrical current, that is, it is not a portable travel object?
It's not portable. Need to plug into a 12 volt power source
I was thinking the same but I heard it does work on certain models that has current flowing through the cigarette port all the time,.and I heard it works good that's what my friend was telling me. 🤷🏾♂️
Section 16 subsection e) says to plug positive to positive but then plug negative to the chassis or engine block away from battery 🔋 You can create gas in the battery and it blows up and spill acid all over you !
Yes, I suggest to read the instructions for your type of battery.
Correct, that is how my battery tender is hooked up. Most people that hook it up both to the battery just doesn’t think
Great video, especially for us that new to a battery tender. Thanks for the video, it was very helpful. God bless you and family!
I appreciate it! I love my battery tender! Thank you for watching and the support!
Jason Camissa or Adam Sandler ?
Great information. I bought the same charger and this helps. 👍
Glad it was helpful! I love my Battery tender! Keeps all my batteries fully maintained!
What does it mean if the light on the bottom right starts flashing?
That the battery is over 80 percent charged.
I’m confused. The directions on the battery tender say NOT to connect the negative clip to the battery but to a heavy gauge metal
Yes, connect the negative to a ground (Body, Ground Bolt.) on the car.
@@MisterMemo after trial and error, turns out the tender tells you when it is finally correct. And I did end up connecting both clips to the battery. So I think it’s trial and error until the tender works
@@twosix13 I connect both clips to my battery on my older cars. On the newer ones only the positive clip. Glad you got it figured out! 👍🏼
Did you ever try using it to charge a motorcycle battery? Can you reduce the amperage to 1.5amps instead of 4.5?
I personally didn't try it on a motorcycle. There is no setting adjustment for amps.
@@MisterMemo I would not try it on a motorcycle then… because anything over 1.5amps I believe could potentially damaged the bike’s battery. That’s what I was wondering weather the amps could be adjusted or not. Thank you for the feedback!
@@MisterMemo how is it holding it up btw? Does it still work perfectly fine since the time you got it ?
@@GuilhermeOliveira-lp9zx I’ll read the instructions and give you what it says about applying it to a motorcycle.
It's been awesome! Use it weekly on couple of my cars. @@GuilhermeOliveira-lp9zx
great tool for seadoo 6volt battery - now i will use on my rig. thanks!
It's a great investment for all toys! :)
i have a battery that drain every 2 days.so can i keep the connectors all time connected? so i just need to plug/unplug when i drive it?
I would have you battery check and your electrical system for why it drains your battery. Yes, a battery tender you can keep it on and disconnect it once you drive off. (Read instructions just incase)
@@MisterMemo thank you so much.i am suspecting that is the starter that drain it overnight so before i fix it i want at least keep the car runing.
@@massinissaaouchiche9257 no problem, hope you find the issue. Batteries aren’t cheap. Keep me posted
You done a great job breaking things down
Thanks I appreciate the feedback! Hope your subscribed.
Can this start my car after I left the lights on all night. That's all I need it for. I personally don't care about maintaining my battery.
It's not a job starter. It will charge battery to be able to start it. That's if the battery holds charge. I'm not a mechanic job my opinion
Can this work for completely dead battery? I can’t see anything turning on my dashboard when I put my keys to ignition.
I'm assumming it could as long as it's a good battery. I would suggest taking your battery to a Autozone to have your battery tested and charge for free first.
Can you leave it plugged in & hooked all winter? On like my mower while it’s in storage?
I believe you can. I only use it once a month to maintain my batteries
Love this Battery Tender! Been using it on all my cars.
Has anyone who's has experience with this used it to charge lithium ion batteries? How was your experience using it. I'm thinking of getting one. One of the purposes I would use it for would be to charge my 12v lithium ion batteries I use for my fishing electronics . Usually you have to get a separate charger for lithium batteries as SLA chargers don't read the voltage properly and will never fully charge it .
I haven't used it on a Lithium Battery only on my AGM and Flooded batteries and it's worked well.
Whrn I baught it, I thought I can use it as jumper, but unfortunatley I made a mistake.
Can’t you use this without plugging it in? It’s supposed to be portable
No, you need to plug it to the wall. It's a battery tender and not a power pack / jump starter. It's not a portable unit.
I have a Prius 2008 and recently bought this battery tender. Is it safe to plug in while the car is connected to the battery or you suggest unhook the battery connection from car before clipping the charger to the battery? I saw in your video you have the battery connected is it safe? How long can we leave battery on the charge?
Every car is different but typically you can leave it connect to the battery even if you have the car terminal on the battery. The Battery tender will let you know once it is completely charged. "All Battery Tender® battery chargers automatically switch from a full charge to a float maintenance charge mode keeping your battery at optimal charge levels and ready to go when you are." Battery Tender Co.
The label on the cord says "use in a well ventilated area " and what about closing the hood.
I would follow the instructions.
My car battery died so I bought this battery tender. A tutorial online said to connect the red clip to positive and the other clip to a random metal part of the car. I noticed you connected both to the battery. Are both methods correct?
"Always do what the instructions say". I did direct to the battery posts that was just me being old school before high tech cars (not necessary the right why). FYI I'm not a mechanic
excellent support thank you
Oh boy Lmaoo I just bought the wrong thing I thought this will jump start my car
Couple said they did the same thing! lol Atleast you can keep your battery fully charged now!
how long we can charge the battery tender ? i did charge for 17 hours but it was not fully
I leave mine on till the light indicator tells me it's charged. Read the instructions, but I believe you can leave battery tender on the vehicle the whole time, even after the battery is fully charged. If your battery is not completely charging, I would take it in to the place you bought. Have them see if the battery is bad.
It takes me 5 hours to charge it fully and change it from the dead(my lawn mower). I'm checking it in an hour
The key thing is not to allow a battery get to dead. In some cases it damages it and does not perform up to 100 percent if i'm not wrong?
Thank you. Very informative
Glad it was helpful! I use it on all my cars to maintain my batteries
Thanks for the video it was very very helpful.
Good Job.
Thanks for watching Steve! I love mine, it was a great investment for my batteries! I’m actually using as we speak.
My orange light is on a d the green light that says 12v is flashing, what does that mean?
Never had the 12V flash on me. Did you connect it correctly + to+ and - to -? Check your manual as well.
So you don’t have to plug into an outlet at all?
You do. It’s a battery maintainer and not a jump starter. You need to plug into a outlet.
Your battery has to have 3 volts for this to work 👍
Thanks for the info!
I noticed that on these battery tender if battery is dead I have to use a big charger to charge battery for a little while then I can put battery tender to work thanks everyone have a Great Day
i always thought you had to take off one or both cables off the batter to do any kind of charging. didn't know you can charge the battery with the cables on.
I know that when jump starting a car you want to have only the positive on the battery and the ground cable to a ground on the car.
@@MisterMemo ok, that's something i didn't know. thanks.
@@samsonmaximus2951 Some new cars have a special location for you to connect the positive. Always check your cars book for sure
Thank you for your review
Thanks for watching! I’m still usually this weekly too! Love it.
So you don’t need to disconnect the battery from the car? Just clip it directly? Thanks.
On my cars (older) I don’t disconnect the battery. If you have a newer car, I would look into how to charge your car battery properly.
@@ejmoncadach1 Every car is different for sure.
Why does the 12v flashes
I believe mine only does that if I don't connect the cables correctly to the battery.
Is this portable? Can I charge this and put it in my bag while riding my back- use it in case of emergency?
It’s not a jump starter. It’s a home battery maintainer.
Hi! I have a question, So I need the battery tender connect to the car and plugged at the same time, the it will start to charging??? But I don’t have a charger 🔌 for the car that’s why I got a battery tender😂😂😂😂. Is there any product that need no charger?? I can charge it at home, but not at the same time…can you please point me out??? Thank you so much!!!
This product is to maintain a 100 percent charge on your cars battery while it's sits at home. If your battery isn't holding charge it might be time to replace it with a new one.
12v light blink what it means?
flashing indicates that the battery charger has AC power available and that the microprocessor is functioning properly. If the amber LED continues to flash, then either the battery voltage is too low (less than 3 volts) or the output alligator clips or ring terminals are not connected correctly.
Why the light on the 12v start flashing??
The "Fully Charged" light was flashing indicating that the battery was above 80% charged
I bought that same item from Costco also but you say it is intended for indoor..
I am planning to park my car in a parking lot for 3 weeks for a trip in New York winter. How do I maintain my battery?
Thx for the info.
It says it’s intended for indoors. I’m not a pro but maybe you can mount or hide the unit under the car from the weather. 🤔
Intro fire af 🔥
ha Thanks
I need one of those for my cars so i can keep the battery up on them instead of ruining them during winter when they freeze and crack the case.
Thanks crazy! It's worth the $40.
@@MisterMemo yeah it sure is worth it batteries are not cheap any more a small investment saves us money that way.
@@red_dragonracingsilvereclipes Yes, that's why a pulled the trigger and bought one. Hope all is well fam!
@@MisterMemo burnt out ,a few things broke and made me work and burned myself out on fixing a house door for winter then in spring I will need to replace a door dang door fell off of house so had to nail it shut. then got my tractor seat fixed so I am not catapulted off of it when I hit potholes.
@@red_dragonracingsilvereclipes Patience is key for sure!
i charge my car for a few mins and the 12V green light start to blink...do not know why
It states in back of the unit that the battery has reached 80% or more charge.
I know you're all excited and enthusiastic about this stuff you just bought, waving everything around in the air just like an excited Italian waves his hands around to add impact to his narrative.
But . . . the camera can't focus on stuff you wave around a few inches in front of the lens 🙄
The viewers can't possibly see anything useful if you grab bits of stuff from here and there and wave it around a few inches in front of the camera 🙄.
Slow down Dude.
Curb your enthusiasm.
Hold the stuff in front of the lens at a good focal length and *hold it still for 5 seconds.*
Thanks for your feedback. I create content to document for myself and hope it helps others. Based on your youtube channel videos, I can see exactly what approach your talking about. ;) Thanks for your time and feedback once again! Have a great week!
@@MisterMemo Always happy to help folks out there 😀
is 4.5 amps too much for motorcycle battery?
It states it's safe for motorcycle application. I would look into it more tho just incase
Charger unit pluging into wall is bs, it should be wireless or plug in somewhere else portable
This a battery tender great for maintaining you batteries charged while parked at home.
@@MisterMemo how long does it usually take to completely charge
@@mysterymann187 it’s a slow trickle, so all depends on how depleted the battery was.
How long did it end up taking to max out battery? Very easy video to understand by the way, thank you.
Thanks for watching. It several hours to completely charge. I want to get a amp gauge,
@@MisterMemo i took my battery to Oreillys to charge, came back an hour later and they said it was done for. Didnt want to spend 200 bucks on a new battery, so I went to Costco and got one of these battery chargers to see if it would charge it up. Not only did it work, but the battery was already above 80% when I hooked it up to the charger. Hopefully it was just a mistake and not a scam from the employees, but either way, im driving again. Either way, thanks for the video my man.
I think it's a great buy to have. Just connect it once in a while and leave it over night. No problem and thanks for watching :)
I've had some older batteries that went low and would not start the vehicle.
When the batteries are drained to a very low voltage they usually have to be piggy backed to a good battery to bring the voltage up before the Tender will take over.
Some of these batteries were on the Tender for 5+ days before the Tender light finally turned green.
These same batteries had been hooked to a normal charger which said they were fully charged in a very short period of time - They were NOT. After days on the Tender they were fully operational again.
Just pick one up last week
Hell yea! Love this Battery Tender. I just used it on 2 of my other cars. lol
Could you do like fuel line change to a dsm or something? I have to do it to mine but idk how
I removed mine a while ago. Going with a bigger fuel line for the agree panda.
@@MisterMemo could you do a video on it?
@@gtrsquadboii3912 It wont be done anytime soon. I'm far from that point in my build. :(
@@MisterMemo dang ight um do yk if it's easy to do or something?
@@gtrsquadboii3912 all depends on what exaclty you trying to do or repair.
?anybody use this for Lifepo4.?
What is the input voltage ?
120 volt.
Tik Tok video turned into 11:32 minutes
Haha, I didn’t have tiktok when this was made. I should make another version in 4K for Tiktok.
How much did you pay at Costco
I want to say it was $39.95
"So we're gonna go ahead and read some instructions...uhhh...probably not" haha! Those instructions are the size of a short novel! Do you happen to know if I can do the following: Run a power inverter (BESTEK 300W Power Inverter) from my tiny RV’s cigarette lighter, plug this Battery Tender into that, and then charge the house batteries (2 giant “golf cart batteries”) when I drive? Thanks!
haha right! That's a great question! I assume it all depends on the size of the wire guage and max it can handle. I would recommend checking out my 12v power upgrade video I did. Hope it helps! ua-cam.com/video/AhF6hHQbUAI/v-deo.html
@@MisterMemo Okay, thanks for the reply. Will take a gander at your upgrade video!
2 hours? Wow. I definitely didn’t buy the right thing.
It won't jump start your car, but it will maintain the battery at full charge.
@@MisterMemo thanks
For the sake of accurate information:
You are completely wrong in your statement that car alternators cannot fully charge a car battery.
Car alternators are rated as an example: 50/120A 13.5V, this means 50 amps at low rpm usually 1500, 120 amps at high rpm about 6000, 13.5V is the voltage these ratings are taken at.
An average alternator amp rating is from 45 amps to over 140 amps depending on the application.
Alternator Voltage varies with demand from below 13.5 to 14.4V or so.
So you can see that the alternator in a car is putting out a lot more charging amps than most home battery chargers. This Battery Tender model in the video is 4.5 amps. This is 10% of a car alternator charging at it's lowest and only about 3.2% of a car alternators high output charge.
It's going to take a lot longer to charge a battery fully a 4.5 amps than at 45 to 140 amps.
The only problem is if you only drive short distances and the car sits a lot. In that case the drive maybe to short to charge the battery and as it sits in between the short commute drives the charge continues to go lower.
This battery charger is excellent at maintaining and charging batteries. Particularly if you have only short commutes and the car sits. If you live in an area where its cold and on your short commute you use the car heater, heated seats, defroster, lights, radio then this is going to be very hard on the battery and a Battery tender like this is a very good thing to have.
This charger will not overcharge batteries because it has a microprocessor that monitors the battery and will change to maintenance mode.
The moral of the story is at least do a little reading and research before you post videos.
Mark thanks for all the great information you provided. This video is only regarding information on my own vehicle and other 100 series Toyota's/ Lexus's. My Toyota Land Cruiser Overland Rig with a 80 amp alternator and upgraded larger AGM Odyssey Battery 100ah (ODYSSEY® Battery's required 14.7 volts to properly charge your batteries.) Again , thank you for your general information and sorry if you thought I was speaking to the general automotive public. FYI: You should try doing video's on UA-cam, I'd SUbscribe to your Channel. Have an awesome evening! MEMO
I didn’t realize it has to be plugged into a wall. I bought it in case my battery died on the road. 🤦🏾♀️
Ahhh :( Well you can make sure to plug it while at home to make sure you battery has charge before heading out on a trip or at least once a month to maintain it. :)
You'll need the "Type S Jump starter". Just saw it at Costco. It's for jump starting your car in case your battery goes dead for whatever reason while on the road. It was right next to the "Battery Tender" in this video.
@@enufots4621 thank you
This isn’t at all what I thought it was when I bought it. I thought you hook it up to the wall and let the pack charge then you can carry it in your car for emergency use 🤨 I wasted my money buying it😡
The packaging say Charger and Maintainer. It's actually super great so you can maintain your battery so it stays with power. It's worth the money to have at home when you vehicle is parked.
jump to 6:50
Not helpful at all
Pretty easy to use and straight forward. Sorry if my video didn't help answer what you where looking for.
Dude, 7.30 minutes of useless talk. Just get to the how quickly.
Thanks for the watch and the comment. :)