"This Is My Church?" - David Asscherick Session 1

  • Опубліковано 24 жов 2024


  • @prophetic457BCtimeline
    @prophetic457BCtimeline 10 років тому +12

    This series is worth listening to with pen and paper in hand. Listen to them all and in sequence. And may your name remain in the Lamb's Book of Life.

  • @oyinbaby
    @oyinbaby 10 років тому +2

    God bless you David Asscherick. This is exactly what i needed to hear today.

  • @Cheerio2006
    @Cheerio2006 10 років тому +4

    Praising God for these Awesome powerful presentations!! Thank You David for Sharing these Awesome truths that must be the foundation for our walk! Too many piles have been on the tables without the Truth about who Our God really is! God Bless your ministry!

  • @pzarsadias5961
    @pzarsadias5961 4 роки тому

    Christ righteousness replaces our internal unrighteousness. Amen. Let us all be guided by this truth that only christ jesus can bring us to heaven.

  • @andrewatkins8665
    @andrewatkins8665 4 роки тому +1

    This is why I stuck with my religious faith tradition.

  • @Allthingshopedfor
    @Allthingshopedfor 10 років тому +2

    I need to clear off my table. Thanks David!

  • @nataliewolterslandry9762
    @nataliewolterslandry9762 10 років тому +4

    I love this series!

  • @gimaru1821
    @gimaru1821 10 років тому +2

    Prioritizing our system of beliefs. good presentation!

  • @OurPetss.
    @OurPetss. 10 років тому +4

    If any presentation related to religion turns you to research the bible, bless you. On you on the right path.

  • @completioncommentcomcom-cc7672
    @completioncommentcomcom-cc7672 4 роки тому +2

    can someone summarize this for me each episode.

  • @pzarsadias5961
    @pzarsadias5961 4 роки тому

    Thank you christopher atkin for your comment... very very true. Christ Jesus is the message, the gospel ,,,our all in all

  • @VaughnEdmeade
    @VaughnEdmeade 10 років тому +6

    David is a beeeaasssttttt!

  • @Syla3r
    @Syla3r 10 років тому +3


  • @rogermetzger7335
    @rogermetzger7335 8 років тому +2

    Had problems with the video so didn't watch the whole thing but I've been saying for four decades that most SdAs get the cart before the horse. I customarily put at least as much emphasis on basic protestant principles as on other doctrines. More importantly, I emphasize those protestant principles FIRST. The rest comes later.
    Another way to explain the "problem" is to say that too many SdAs are "selling a package deal". It is true that adherents of the Roman Church or the LdS (Mormon) Church can sometimes be persuaded to change their denominational affiliation by representing our denomination as having spiritual authority. They are accustomed to thinking of a religious organization as "the church" so they don't have to change that way of thinking to change their denominational affiliation.
    Two problems with that:
    My dad left the Roman church because of its teaching that the Bible must be interpreted by tradition and church councils. Do you think he would have joined the SdA organization if he thought it was teaching people to be mere followers of a religious organization?!! Is that what we really want--for people to "accept" the supposed authority of a religious organization?
    The other problem is that protestants think of the church as consisting of all true believers, regardless of our denominational affiliation so any reference to an organization as "the church" persuades them that our organization is just teaching another version of what the Roman Church or the LdS Church is teaching.
    I believe there are thousands of protestants who are open to a number of my beliefs WHEN they are presented in a protestant context by someone who they are satisfied is truly protestant. SdAs would do well to start measuring success in evangelism, not merely in terms of how many people join our organization but in terms of how many people are learning to trust the Lord in ways they hadn't previously considered.

    • @bobacmc1
      @bobacmc1 7 років тому +1

      Roger Metzger You should probably take the time to listen to the entire series before you make broad, sweeping generalizations and employ you own personal style of judgmentalism.

    • @rogermetzger7335
      @rogermetzger7335 7 років тому +3

      Bob, Call it what you want but I care about people in general and protestants in particular understanding the purpose of the advent movement. It (the movement) will take off like wildfire in dry grass if or when protestants realize that it is truly protestant. That won't happen as long as "traditional" language and methods create huge barriers to dialog with protestants.

  • @counseloratkins
    @counseloratkins 9 років тому +2

    David had me at, "we are going to be looking at the Radical Christ-centeredness of Church and of Life". I hear a message that it's Christ's righteousness that replaces our internal unrighteousness. 127 years ago, this critical message was preached by two young men... Waggoner and Jones.. to the Minneapolis General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Their message was rejected, for fear that our attention would be taken off the 10 commandments. I pray that now... it is embraced by the Seventh-day Adventist church, that truly, with all our hearts... we will embrace Jesus Christ as our all in all. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1888_Minneapolis_General_Conference_(Adventist)

  • @SDAfansofJesus
    @SDAfansofJesus 11 років тому +1


  • @elmastewart8677
    @elmastewart8677 4 місяці тому +1

    Who else ran straight to the comment?😅

  • @jackstar2010
    @jackstar2010 10 років тому +2

    Adventist have the truth but not until the sunday law being enforced will we know the wheat from the tares. So let the gospel be spead thru out every kinded tounge an nation thrue out the 4 corners. then shall the end come amen.

  • @LA-zd1ld
    @LA-zd1ld 11 років тому

    In this part of the video (1:04:10) David is asked whether the "truths" are less than the "TRUTH". He compares the relationship between the "truths" and the "TRUTH" as that between the spokes of a wheel and the hub of a wheel (chariot wheel). The central (TRUTH) is the hub and the (truths) are the spokes.
    The "TRUTH" is that "God is love." The "truths" are the doctrinal truths that where rediscovered and given to the SDA movement starting in 1844.
    The DANGER in this new method of viewing our movement is that we may begin to focus so much on the hub that we attempt to ride on a chariot with wheels that ONLY have hubs and no spokes...we would go nowhere!
    Many other God loving denominations decide that the TRUTH, "God is love", makes it so that we can throw out the "truths" that ONLY EXIST BECAUSE GOD IS LOVE.
    The new way of viewing the SDA movement as presented by David is the correct way. However, as the SDA movement continues forth with this new way of viewing what is "My Church", we must make emphasis to the fact that a wheel does not exist without spokes, only a hub exists. What makes the phrase "God is love" true is that we have the "truths" as evidence of that love.
    Being that the "truths" arise directly from the fact that "God is love", if we fail to recognize that the "truths", such as the law (broadly), are a direct reflection of God's love, we also fail to accept His love for "If you love me, keep my commandments" John 14:15. This is the new DANGER that we face as a movement.

  • @DannaGesellchen
    @DannaGesellchen 10 років тому

    The truths most plainly revealed in the Bible have been involved in doubt and darkness by learned men, who, with a pretense of great wisdom, teach that the Scriptures have a mystical, a secret, spiritual meaning not apparent in the language employed. These men are false teachers. It was to such a class that Jesus declared: "Ye know not the Scriptures, neither the power of God." Mark 12:24. The language of the Bible should be explained according to its obvious meaning, unless a symbol or figure is employed. Christ has given the promise: "If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine." John 7:17. If men would but take the Bible as it reads, if there were no false teachers to mislead and confuse their minds, a work would be accomplished that would make angels glad and that would bring into the fold of Christ thousands upon thousands who are now wandering in error. {GC 598.

  • @ip4157
    @ip4157 11 років тому

    Why do Adventists ignored God's feasts, are they concerned they will look like Messianic Jews

    • @amykennedy2136
      @amykennedy2136 11 років тому +7

      We don't "ignore" the feasts. We do discuss them and study them. All but one have been fulfilled already. But Paul makes it clear in Col. 2:16, Rom.14:5, and other passages that we do not need to keep the feasts. Some Adventists DO keep the feasts though, I have met some of them.

  • @Nirky
    @Nirky 10 років тому +7

    Unfortunately Asscherick's ministry now promotes the ordination of women. I cannot find such example anywhere in the Word. And He gave commands to the contrary.
    God has different yet equally important roles for men & women in their ministry for Christ, and I think we ought to submit ourselves to the Lord Jesus and follow Him only, and stop listening to the world! The worldly message has but one ultimate source. Our message ought to be HIS message. God bless.

    • @Nirky
      @Nirky 10 років тому +4

      GodsAdventmesnger17 Women can and need to do more in the church, they can get just as involved as Ruth, Ester, Rahab, and as the women of the early NT church were.
      Men & women are equal in worth and ability to the Lord. God is no respecter or persons. But that does not mean that He calls men & women inter changeably to every position in the church.
      Remember Korah? He wanted to be a levitical priest, but that was not ordained for him by the Lord. God did not want him to serve as a priest as he was not born into the family of Aaron. God had other purposes for Korah, but he rejected God's word and rebelled. It did not end well.
      We know from study of the word that certain positions God ordains the male to be in solely. Just as God ordained man is the head of the woman, just as Christ is head of the man, and the Father is the head of Christ. 1 Cor 11:3
      So I agree with you, women need to take on more to further the gospel, to bring its light to a world in darkness. Let's do it as God ordained. And both you & I need to do far more than we are now doing for the gospel, yes? God bless us to get busy with our marching orders as soldiers of Christ!

    • @Nirky
      @Nirky 10 років тому +4

      If a position for a certain person is not according to the word of God, like Korah who coveted becoming a Levitical priest but could not due to him not being born from the house of Aaron, can we not see it is NOT God who was doing the calling, but instead another spirit?
      Are our instructions in the word any less clear than they were for Korah?
      Women have done and will continue to do amazing & faithful things in bringing souls to Christ, but those things will not be contrary to His word.

    • @ronjohnston7
      @ronjohnston7 7 років тому +5

      I find it interesting how now at the end of time this Woman ministry issue comes up. Why Did God choose all men in Moses day 72 to be exact. And why did not God choose one woman of the 12 disciples? Not one woman was chosen by God as a leader. But now at the end of time the issue has arisen to the point its ready to split the church. Can not anyone see what is happening. Our end time culture can not see straight. In Micah 7:4 the best of them is as a brier the most upright sharper than a thorn hedge the day of they watchman and visitation cometh now shall be their perplexity.
      Do you realize William Miller understood the watchman. They made the cry behold the bride groom cometh. The Watchman were not part of the 10 virgins. When the cry goes out, half of the virgins were lost. A cry goes out to the Seventh-day adventist church Christ is coming.

    • @DavidKing-qd3sp
      @DavidKing-qd3sp 5 років тому +2

      Don't throw the baby out with the bath water...our pioneers took many years to grow our doctrines

  • @JHman77
    @JHman77 11 років тому +1

    I find it interesting that in a sermon on Truth, only 1 scripture is used.

    • @JHman77
      @JHman77 11 років тому +1

      Jonathan Martin
      Well the sermon on the mount is scripture/the word of God, spoken by Jesus Himself. He does say a few times, you have heard it said and then quotes the old testament. In Acts 2 Peter begins his sermon in verse 14, in verse 17 he is already quoting from Joel. Verse 25, he quotes Psalms and in verse 34 as well. It is a short sermon too and has several quotes. I prefer the Word of God over mans wisdom and commentary any day. That is all.

    • @you4sure
      @you4sure 11 років тому +1

      JHman77 i would recommend to you to listen to the whole series, Pr. David Asscherick tends to preach on one thought in (this case) eight sermons. Then leaves out 10 munites for Q&A, this is the introduction to "This is My Church?" you would not get the whole picture by listening to one. gotta listen to all eight, the whole deal, not just pieces.

    • @edwingus123
      @edwingus123 10 років тому +2

      I heard more than 1 verse...Please listen again.

    • @JHman77
      @JHman77 10 років тому

      Albert Omari Well he didn't give me a logical or Biblical reason to "empty my table" or use a narrow "God is Love" pair of glasses to see everything through. Read PP about just before the flood, we cannot isolate one aspect of God's character to the detriment of the others. I already have a center for the Sabbath truth, the state of the dead, hellfire, judgment, etc. It is God Himself. With that perspective I see the love, holiness, justice, and other aspects of God's character.

    • @craterib
      @craterib 10 років тому +2

      JHman77 the Central character of God is love. God is love. All the other characters are just the expression of this love. I recommend you read the Bible properly, if you had not arrived at it yet. That is the reason the scriptures are given. In no way is it narrow. It is unfathomable and exceeding broad.

  • @432hzauthorizedversion3
    @432hzauthorizedversion3 5 років тому

    In name only, the SDA conference legally owns the name, but the original SDA message belongs to the remnant and not the conference and their churches. The conference has rejected the Father and his only begotten son and are drunken with the wine of Babylon. Some may be keeping the 4th commandment, but are breaking the first 2.

  • @manickkisku7835
    @manickkisku7835 3 роки тому

    Celtic choir

  • @robp123451
    @robp123451 9 років тому

    This guy--David, is like many in the SDA--ignorant of the Elijah message. Why? Self exaltation. The do not humble themselves. Sure they "seem" humble yet the real deal is ignoring the end time message. That message is the church judgment of Mal. 3:1-5.

    • @robp123451
      @robp123451 9 років тому

      PieEater TheUnforgiven The Lord said He would send a spokeman, a prophet--Elijah before the great and dreadful day. So these SDA leaders who blow right past the Lord's message are exalting themselves in that they want to proclaim a message other than what the Lord sent through Elijah. Here is a post that might help godsloveandlaw.com/category/elijah/

    • @geoffreylomas944
      @geoffreylomas944 8 років тому

      +robp123451 Do you know the heart of the man? To assume is to presume and no humble man would do that.

    • @robp123451
      @robp123451 8 років тому

      +Geoffrey Lomas The Lord warned us that "you shall know them by their fruit". And as this guy is not speaking the message of Elijah, then by deduction he is by passing the Lord's message, which shows presumption rather than humble obedience. Read our post for more enlightenment and what the Elijah message is for us as SDA.

    • @geoffreylomas944
      @geoffreylomas944 8 років тому

      +robp123451 by that logic anyone who is not preaching what you believe (the Elijah message) is not humble... I'd call that presumptive mate

    • @robp123451
      @robp123451 7 років тому

      I shall answer as follows, "Hear ye the Rod, and Whom has appointed it." (Micah 6:9) Yes I hear it and believe it. Do you?

  • @georgep5399
    @georgep5399 10 років тому +1

    This guy is living it up at his audience's expense. He spends over $900,000 per year on his trips, adventures, etc, and credits "god" for everything....when it all comes from people who donate to his very profitable "non-profit" organization.
    In 2011, the Lightbearers/Arise tax collection company he's a part of had assets that totaled over $3 million, so it's safe to assume in 2014 they're well over $10 million.
    It's crazy how in 2014 people still pay others to lie to them

    • @garyjackson8477
      @garyjackson8477 9 років тому +2

      +George P where did you get this information?

  • @erickwere3707
    @erickwere3707 5 років тому
