I just had to cut off someone I considered my little sister, she ghosted me and my brothers for a guy she just met that threatened to kill us and just abused her mentally, no matter how hard we tried she threw our advice to the side and eventually stopped talking to us. My birthday is in 2 days and she hasn’t even texted me
we loved your emotion in robbery we loved your joy in armed and dangerous we loved your imagery in lucid dreams we loved your message in black & white we loved your passion in empty we loved your love story in hear me calling we loved your tribute in legends we loved your heartbreak in all girls are the same we loved your melody in suicidal we loved your relatability in scared to love we loved your flow in ransom we loved your journey in end of the road we loved your brotherhood in yacht club we loved your story telling in hide we loved your nostalgia in used to we loved your spirit in fine china we loved your struggle in hurt me we loved your development in graduation we loved your vulnerability in candles we loved your perspective in ptsd we loved your legacy in righteous we still love you we love you juice
@@sylwiadurrant3794 you and I wonder why the nicest flowers get picked out of the garden, it was sad but I’m glad I knew him and he knew us. 999 forever.
Hi I wanna tell you Jesus Loves You So Much He Gave His Life for our sins so we can be forgiven from our sins and Go To Heaven! Gods Love For Us Is Unconditonal
i got goosebumps while listening to his.... i miss you juice you have no idea the pain i go thru and it felt like you were always there for me.... i need you 😞💔
Hi I wanna tell you Jesus Loves You So Much He Gave His Life For Our sins so we can be forgiven from our sins and Go To Heaven! Gods Love For Us Is Unconditonal ✝️
If only he know how much he is helping me everyday, juice is with me when I’m alone helping me through his music, thank you for all your support juice 🤍 999
Hi I wanna tell you Jesus Loves You So Much He Gave His Life For Our sins so we can be forgiven from our sins and Go To Heaven! Gods Love For Us Is Unconditonal!!
I’m gonna admit, I have anxiety and depression myself but I hide it from my family. I want these guys to wake up to a regular morning knowing I’m happy when on the inside, I’m hurting and suffering so much.. I just want to wake up happy and I don’t want to see them suffer the way I’ve been suffering
Its crazy how much you can miss someone so fuckin much when you’ve never even met him in person. I just can’t imagine he’s gone forever and will never see him again. ❤️❤️ For me it’s like losing my only friend that I have. My eyes are burning cause of these waterfalls❤️❤️ love you Jarad❤️
I almost never skip this song once i hear it. No music compares to juice, he is the best to speak hard feelings into songs- and makes art from it. He's the only artist i decided to learn the lyrics on most songs. LLJW 999 rest in peace brother💜🥺
Hi I wanna tell you Jesus Loves You So Much He Gave His Life for our sins so we can be forgiven from our sins and Go To Heaven! Gods Love For Us Is Unconditonal!!
his music brings back so many memories that just make me fall apart but his voice just pulls me together at the same time😔i lost many people n juice is gone still haven’t gone past that his music still takes care of me😔rip fly high my true love goes to his family✊🏽😔juice wrld may rest in peace💜
I have been going through issues for a while now. i couldent have fun and everyone i talked to just made me mad and everything i did. every time i tried to do something i did it wrong my physical activity went down a lot every night i would be in a terrible mood and thinking the worst of everything. i was never diagnosed with depression i was too scared to tell anyone how i felt and when i did everyone ignored me. i am doing a little better now but its coming coming back. Again all of these things are coming back. Listening to juice is one of the few things that get me in a better mood. I thought i would share and everyone who thinks there alone your not you always have someone.
Juice got me through so many really really hard times.. we were blessed to even have him around for the short time that we did.. rest in peace JH.. your loved and missed.
I wish I could tell Juice how much he meant to all of us. He has saves lives on the daily. Songs like this make me sit down a really feel and understand how he was feeling, the pain, hurt, feeling of losing everything I understand it all. Wish I could tell you how much I love you man ❤ #LLJW
Hi I wanna tell you Jesus Loves You So Much He Gave His Life for our sins so we can be forgiven from our sins and Go To Heaven! Gods Love For Us Is Unconditonal
this song reminds me of last year when I used to listen to Juice Wrld and now I’m a different person atm but this rapper helped me through dark times so I came back months later to listen to him so that I can be reminded of the man who helped me🦋
Hi I wanna tell you Jesus Loves You So Much He Gave His Life for our sins so we can be forgiven from our sins and Go To Heaven! Gods Love For Us Is Unconditonal!
people around me said that I was too dramatic to say juice changed my life but fr tho, he kept me motivated since 2018 to this day his energy pushed me way beyond, to the place that I couldn't believe I would be
I can't imagine what you are going through man, just have hope that your life will get better Just spend all of your time thinking of all of the good times you had with him and be genuinely grateful (to the point that you feel it move you) for those memories Do it so much that if doesn't make you sad their gone you are just happy they were in your life, much love ❤
And listen to your emotions don't ignore them, you have to feel every emotion that comes up or else you are just going to hold on to it, store it away and it will become a trigger and hard to speak about the situation
Don't ignore your emotion by doing other things to "distracted you" cause then this "distraction" will become a comfort zone for you, it could be things like smoking, videogames, over eating And then you have developed a new addiction that will be really hard to get rid of Pay attention to your emotions and feel them
I have anxiety and depression, and then I'm happy I still listen to juice wrld since it's calming and hard to say that him or xxx ain't here anymore 😢😢
Every time I hear this song I can vividly remember the first time I heard it after he died and just sitting there not saying a thing on the verge of tears knowing he's really gone... We Fr lost a legend... miss you juice. 💜
His music was my therapy for years. He is the only artist that hit that spot for me, h even helped me find recovery from addiction. Is there a certain point to where listening to an artist who passed away becomes weird?
Me and my ex would blast this in her parents car and everytime i play this i reach into those 4years of loving each other and now we are back to strangers i love you guys even if i dont know yall just know i love yall
I know right man it's the most relaxing part just the way the words drag out then fade out make it so soothing and relaxing man. That's just me man but man that part is the best.
Not depressed but sometimes life just gets u down n I come to his music to remind myself "well life will get hard at times but there's no reason to take it away because what is it for it doesn't make anything better" 😔🥺💔 Coming back to this in 6yrs...
I miss him so much I wish that he was still here with us. Every night I pray and hope he us doing and well and sometimes I even try and pray to him to talk to him. And I had this dream where he was a angel and we were actually talking
If only he knew how much he’s helped everyone on this planet. Without him most of us would be lost. 999🕊
yup :(
He saved a hundreds to thousands of lives without knowing it
He did no how many people he saved he talks about it all the time
@Jaser Devilla thats what hurts me so much man he was so open about his addiction yet noone did enough about it and it just hurts me so much
Well not that he’s gone and there will be NO MORE new music from him and everything in life has left and ended I think it’s time to leave as well(:
This hit different at night
This by fact more than true it’s so sad to embrace it.
Bro this was my idle I’m so devastated he’s gone 🥺😢😭😭😭😭
Ur pfp vanoss gaming
This hits hard when your in your feels
True shit ❤️❤️
I always am
I just had to cut off someone I considered my little sister, she ghosted me and my brothers for a guy she just met that threatened to kill us and just abused her mentally, no matter how hard we tried she threw our advice to the side and eventually stopped talking to us. My birthday is in 2 days and she hasn’t even texted me
Jdog Da kid damn, happy birthday or late birthday brother. Stay strong for us💪🏽
fr tho
love you juice fly high💔
Lunarツ love you to
Fly high bud rest in ✌ we miss you
me too u my fav rapper. freestyle legend ❤️
Yeah bro rip king fly high 💔
He is like I am gonna get fucked in prison pills
we loved your emotion in robbery
we loved your joy in armed and dangerous
we loved your imagery in lucid dreams
we loved your message in black & white
we loved your passion in empty
we loved your love story in hear me calling
we loved your tribute in legends
we loved your heartbreak in all girls are the same
we loved your melody in suicidal
we loved your relatability in scared to love
we loved your flow in ransom
we loved your journey in end of the road
we loved your brotherhood in yacht club
we loved your story telling in hide
we loved your nostalgia in used to
we loved your spirit in fine china
we loved your struggle in hurt me
we loved your development in graduation
we loved your vulnerability in candles
we loved your perspective in ptsd
we loved your legacy in righteous
we still love you
we love you juice
That hit deep man 🥲
wow 🔥😢
Und hab dich lieb Lena Mi ❤️
@@avirex5114 ich hab dich auch ganz doll lieb qt3.14. ich wünschte du wärst hier bei mir
musicobsessedplantmomsup wünschte das auch 🌹
Two years today. Still isn’t the same without juice. Fly high 🕊❤️
“Don’t be sad he is gone,”
“Be happy he was here”
I’m glad he lived during my timeline 💔🕊😣 Rest In Peace ☮️ 999 forever.
999 𝓕 𝓸 𝓻 𝓮 𝓿 𝓮 𝓻 ♥
Facts bro 999
What the fuck do you mean why the fuck do you think were gonna be happy if he died he was the best rapper alive
@@sylwiadurrant3794 you and I wonder why the nicest flowers get picked out of the garden, it was sad but I’m glad I knew him and he knew us. 999 forever.
Bring tears to ma eyes.
“We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, but to create something that will.”
i didn't realize how deep this song was until right now...
Same here
Same man. I feel you
Hi I wanna tell you Jesus Loves You So Much He Gave His Life for our sins so we can be forgiven from our sins and Go To Heaven! Gods Love For Us Is Unconditonal
@@aprilbyyy1705Amen, brother. 🙏🏾
2024 august anyone here
I'm leaving this comment here so after a month or a year when someone likes it, I get reminded of this song ❤
all white gucci suit im feeling righteous
@@hmziyan yeah, i know that the truth is hard to digest
@@omarali6462 Codeine runneth over on my nightstand
@@FuckDeezHoez takin medicine to fix all the damage...
@@jamal_____ my anxiety the size of the planet..
I’m not depressed, I just really wanna go to a juice wrld concert..💕
You will...in heaven
Then that means you’re depressed
same, but now that he's gone, that'll never happen😔
That was my dream but not anymore 😔😭💔
"We're drowning..."
That verse make you levitate.
that aint a verse its a line but i get you
@@callisto2484 oh ok
i got goosebumps while listening to his.... i miss you juice you have no idea the pain i go thru and it felt like you were always there for me.... i need you 😞💔
and it too shall pass keep your head up lad
he saved me too
He does, trust me, he went through it all too
'my anxiety is a size of a planet'
i feel you juice
I feel this too it is amost to relatable
School is an every day battle for me bc of anxiety and I feel lost and stuck. I can’t stay in class without wanting to run out
Hi I wanna tell you Jesus Loves You So Much He Gave His Life For Our sins so we can be forgiven from our sins and Go To Heaven! Gods Love For Us Is Unconditonal ✝️
@@queenalex7827 Seek help then that's pathetic
@@queenalex7827 would you like to talk about what’s on your mind my friend
If only he know how much he is helping me everyday, juice is with me when I’m alone helping me through his music, thank you for all your support juice 🤍
Hi I wanna tell you Jesus Loves You So Much He Gave His Life For Our sins so we can be forgiven from our sins and Go To Heaven! Gods Love For Us Is Unconditonal!!
Lot of lost souls here god bless u yaallll 999tillidie
"slowed to perfection" he says ma man you cant improve what's already perfect
I’m gonna admit, I have anxiety and depression myself but I hide it from my family. I want these guys to wake up to a regular morning knowing I’m happy when on the inside, I’m hurting and suffering so much.. I just want to wake up happy and I don’t want to see them suffer the way I’ve been suffering
God be with you brother
same i dont want my family to worry
Smart Guy just know that you not alone I am doing the same thing and I want you to know you have others that will help you if you need it.
I’m tired of this. I feel stuck. Anxiety makes school hard and I can barely stay in class without wanting to run out. I wish I could be happy…
ik exactly how you feel bro
Its crazy how much you can miss someone so fuckin much when you’ve never even met him in person.
I just can’t imagine he’s gone forever and will never see him again. ❤️❤️
For me it’s like losing my only friend that I have. My eyes are burning cause of these waterfalls❤️❤️ love you Jarad❤️
i feel you 💔
juice meant the world to me. i will keep him everywhere i go for the rest of my life. even if im old i will still be listening to him
I almost never skip this song once i hear it. No music compares to juice, he is the best to speak hard feelings into songs- and makes art from it. He's the only artist i decided to learn the lyrics on most songs. LLJW 999 rest in peace brother💜🥺
Hi I wanna tell you Jesus Loves You So Much He Gave His Life for our sins so we can be forgiven from our sins and Go To Heaven! Gods Love For Us Is Unconditonal!!
true ;(
his music brings back so many memories that just make me fall apart but his voice just pulls me together at the same time😔i lost many people n juice is gone still haven’t gone past that his music still takes care of me😔rip fly high my true love goes to his family✊🏽😔juice wrld may rest in peace💜
Juice helped me out a lot 5 years ago when my dad passed. Long live juice 💯 999 🔥🙏🔥
Its crazy how much ur music saved and is still saving me. I miss u juice.
This song takes me to another dimension. RIP Juice WRLD. ❤️
The best slowed version ever!
This song doesn’t make me feel sad, but mellow and happy of the 2020 era
This hits different 😔❤R.I.P juice
Yeah ....😔🙏🕊🕊
This man with his music made me put the pills down… thank you juice🟣🙏🏻🟣
Still dreaming, hoping he’ll magically come back
He’s music well live on forever bro
I have been going through issues for a while now. i couldent have fun and everyone i talked to just made me mad and everything i did. every time i tried to do something i did it wrong my physical activity went down a lot every night i would be in a terrible mood and thinking the worst of everything. i was never diagnosed with depression i was too scared to tell anyone how i felt and when i did everyone ignored me. i am doing a little better now but its coming coming back. Again all of these things are coming back. Listening to juice is one of the few things that get me in a better mood. I thought i would share and everyone who thinks there alone your not you always have someone.
Wow bro just know that ur never alone thru music and better relationships ur gonna go through everyone and everything
im replying to you so you get a noti that this video still exists
Stop crying.. close your eyes... and let the music take you away 💔💔
Juice got me through so many really really hard times.. we were blessed to even have him around for the short time that we did.. rest in peace JH.. your loved and missed.
Woah verified
@Tyler Brown hi
@Tyler Brown hi mommy
I wish I could tell Juice how much he meant to all of us. He has saves lives on the daily. Songs like this make me sit down a really feel and understand how he was feeling, the pain, hurt, feeling of losing everything I understand it all. Wish I could tell you how much I love you man ❤ #LLJW
never thought i’d miss a music artist as much as juice wrld 🥺🖤
Probably the best piece of art ever created
This song is sssooooooo underrated gosh I love and miss juice WRLD ♥️♥️
Fly high brother we miss you juice 💔🕊
Juice rlly got me thru some times. I haven’t listened to him inna second and it’s really showing me how much of a legend he is.
Music is therapy , rip the legend himself 🕊
Everytime I hear this song I get flash backs of all the bad times growing up mixed with a pinch of grace
No one gonna talk about this person "slowing it to perfection" and it rlly is HITTING DIFFERENT. Good shit my friend
2:47 This gave me chills! It's like there were 4 Juice Wrld's at the same time.
Inhale the smoke, exhale the pain
I hope my life doesn't go in vain.
Rest in peace juice😔
Hi I wanna tell you Jesus Loves You So Much He Gave His Life for our sins so we can be forgiven from our sins and Go To Heaven! Gods Love For Us Is Unconditonal
@@aprilbyyy1705 thanks
Imma turn the thumbnail into a poster one day fr what a dope pic
This song has put me at the most peace out of every song I've added to my chill playlist.
we love you, we forever cherish you, gone too soon. 🙌🏾 you were always everything..
1:45 -1:55 is my comfort line
0:00 to 4:30 is mine
@@vsofter8499 agree
@@vsofter8499 4:31*
crazy how he helped every one of his fans and nobody bothered to even ask him if he's okay
“People’s lives don’t end when they die it ends when the lose faith”-Itachi uchiha
Anime kid.
@@anderwandlol what wrong with that?
@@anderwand you understood the reference tho lol
The best slowed & reverbed song in existence. Listened to this at 2 AM and it hit just right. LLJW
i don’t think he really knew how much he would help people through his music ❤️ 999 🕊
this song reminds me of last year when I used to listen to Juice Wrld and now I’m a different person atm but this rapper helped me through dark times so I came back months later to listen to him so that I can be reminded of the man who helped me🦋
Hi I wanna tell you Jesus Loves You So Much He Gave His Life for our sins so we can be forgiven from our sins and Go To Heaven! Gods Love For Us Is Unconditonal!
@@aprilbyyy1705 will we find true love in heaven, maybe even the same love we found here on earth
I'm physically dead outside but his music left a piece of me inside
people around me said that I was too dramatic to say juice changed my life
but fr tho, he kept me motivated since 2018 to this day
his energy pushed me way beyond, to the place that I couldn't believe I would be
hits hard knowing hes gone 999 forever
He came on this earth, fixed everybody and left.. nobody asked but he did 🖤🕊️
I truly can relate to him . He was someone who was trapped in addiction and heart broken.. Story of my life!
my grandfather passed away 2 months ago and i still can’t comprehend it. i love you
I can't imagine what you are going through man, just have hope that your life will get better
Just spend all of your time thinking of all of the good times you had with him and be genuinely grateful (to the point that you feel it move you) for those memories
Do it so much that if doesn't make you sad their gone you are just happy they were in your life, much love ❤
And listen to your emotions don't ignore them, you have to feel every emotion that comes up or else you are just going to hold on to it, store it away and it will become a trigger and hard to speak about the situation
Don't ignore your emotion by doing other things to "distracted you" cause then this "distraction" will become a comfort zone for you, it could be things like smoking, videogames, over eating
And then you have developed a new addiction that will be really hard to get rid of
Pay attention to your emotions and feel them
when I hear this time stops
I love like so bc it's so relaxing a--😘😊🥰
@@terrinowlin5450 oml sameee ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Listening to this high on Benadryl is literally the best 👌
Rip juice helped a lot of us through life's ups and downs, we miss you bro
So glad i got to go to one of his concerts, one of the best experiences of my life so far
We all miss him 😫
Why that emoji
😌- "my anxiety the size of a planet" i felt that 😄😆999🕊
All I have to say is that I have been going through some rough times and these songs make it more bearable rip juice
I don't even shed tears anymore, there's a feeling of black suffocating heaviness in my chest 💊🎧♾️
He’s music is therapy and so comforting
This is the best lullaby I could ever ask for it just puts me in a trance
Slowed to perfection indeed
Amazing work bro:)
LLJW fly high brother ❤🌙
Hits different at night 😴😴😴❤
When I’m over here missing him soo much and the only thing that can make it pass is juice.
my soul just went to a different dimension😳
I have anxiety and depression, and then I'm happy I still listen to juice wrld since it's calming and hard to say that him or xxx ain't here anymore 😢😢
Every time I hear this song I can vividly remember the first time I heard it after he died and just sitting there not saying a thing on the verge of tears knowing he's really gone... We Fr lost a legend... miss you juice. 💜
this brings a feeling i have long forgotten about
This hits different when your high
Also after a couple pills
@@Realcavro get off them pills
Get off of drugs da fuck
@@Realcavro get off em bro or else you gon end up… like him… juice 😟😔
So much was left for this guy to do😢, spoke for so many of us…☹️rip juice
Literally definition of slowed to perfection
You never walk alone
Any one 2024 🕊️
Painfully, but pushing thru
His music was my therapy for years. He is the only artist that hit that spot for me, h even helped me find recovery from addiction. Is there a certain point to where listening to an artist who passed away becomes weird?
nah bro people still bop michael jackson every day all day, music is timeless, alive or dead
Me and my ex would blast this in her parents car and everytime i play this i reach into those 4years of loving each other and now we are back to strangers i love you guys even if i dont know yall just know i love yall
No one cares buddy
music is my life its apart of me, its apart of who I am
that "ooohohooooooooh" hits different♥
this sounds different driving at night raining
sooooooooooooooo true
Dude there's nothing like juices music 🎶 I mean it's just therapy for me man much love thank u and much appreciated the song is fkn chefs kiss
theres something about the transition at 2:25 that get me every single time.
I know right man it's the most relaxing part just the way the words drag out then fade out make it so soothing and relaxing man. That's just me man but man that part is the best.
Not depressed but sometimes life just gets u down n I come to his music to remind myself "well life will get hard at times but there's no reason to take it away because what is it for it doesn't make anything better" 😔🥺💔
Coming back to this in 6yrs...
I can't believe it's been over a year since this song came out. Juice ur a legend and we all miss you, love you man. 999
I love you so much juice wrld hope you are doing great in heaven❤️
I just hate when people say “he still alive” I wish but I tell them if he was alive you will feel better
Favorite artist of all time
Calm and relaxing 😌
I don’t think he really knew how many people he helped. 999 forever 🥹
Everybody stay positive no matter how negative life gets ~ Juice WRLD 🕊️
you will forever be in our hearts 💔
This really is slowed to perfection
I miss him so much I wish that he was still here with us. Every night I pray and hope he us doing and well and sometimes I even try and pray to him to talk to him. And I had this dream where he was a angel and we were actually talking
999 forever
That's cool bruh. I like dreams like that, they mean something at least.
rip juice best rapper
legends never die
999 forever!!!