  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


    @TWOTUCKGOM  5 років тому +195

    Meet TWOTUCKGOM Goods in Amazon NOW! : www.amazon.com/s?k=twotuckgom
    Get Monsta X's birthstone Jewelry - the limited edition. 💎💎

    • @xkimikimjax7768
      @xkimikimjax7768 5 років тому +3

      OMG! My 94yr old grama loves the pup-pups and she is also a fan of Nunu mukbang especially when Hoho is with him so off to the site I go to see what goodies I can find for us!!! I have to have the plushie for each member though! I also need some stuff for the concert on L.A. next month. MonstaX concert 2yrs in a row!!! Yessssss!

  • @ST-dz4jh
    @ST-dz4jh 5 років тому +1847

    Kihyun: that's the rule? How did I even manage to be this far?
    *lol me with life*

    • @ashleighcalloway886
      @ashleighcalloway886 5 років тому +37

      Plankton: I didn't actually think I'd get this far.

    • @lialy3071
      @lialy3071 5 років тому +11

      hahaha that was mee I never get the games and well they`re not explained well cause I checked the description again and the English one didn`t say the Detail so I was confused too lol
      I always fail to understand these games it`s so amaying xD at least I`m not the only one

    • @yewduyouhxh4334
      @yewduyouhxh4334 5 років тому

      LOL 🤣

    • @moonjunhui13
      @moonjunhui13 4 роки тому

      Ashleigh Calloway LMAO I remember that episode 😂😂😂

  • @sighmay
    @sighmay 5 років тому +816

    _"I poured all my love and time for her"_
    me @ monsta x

  • @dr.mental8323
    @dr.mental8323 5 років тому +534

    malsuk choosing kihyun instead of hyungwon: *Top 10 Anime Betrayals*

  • @zafirah3178
    @zafirah3178 5 років тому +617


    • @ameerayasmin4310
      @ameerayasmin4310 5 років тому +1

      I thought you said MinHyuk heart

    • @zafirah3178
      @zafirah3178 5 років тому +1

      @@ameerayasmin4310 i wanted to say my heart but i commented in rush so i made a typo 🌚😂😂

    • @kienhienst9069
      @kienhienst9069 5 років тому +8

      It reminds me of the Ang mates. He was a couple with Changkyun

    • @zafirah3178
      @zafirah3178 5 років тому

      @@kienhienst9069 yess, exactly!

  • @chaerryblossom7769
    @chaerryblossom7769 5 років тому +134

    “She’s got that cheese.”
    -Im Changkyun, 2019

  • @kihyunssbebe9156
    @kihyunssbebe9156 5 років тому +773


    • @user-sw6yl4ls9o
      @user-sw6yl4ls9o 5 років тому +30

      right! I was like 'why? how will he even do that?' 😂

    • @kihyunssbebe9156
      @kihyunssbebe9156 5 років тому +28

      hyula marie better yet, how and why did he think of it in the first place!?! 😂

    • @nghihuynh3240
      @nghihuynh3240 5 років тому +5


    • @luskaneseprince
      @luskaneseprince 5 років тому +12

      obviously because that man LOVES kissing dogs

  • @monbebestay1425
    @monbebestay1425 5 років тому +697

    i feel sad for hyungwon after being betrayed by malsuk 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @aeb_captain4857
      @aeb_captain4857 5 років тому +24

      its always Hyungwon isnt it

    • @kenzie3861
      @kenzie3861 5 років тому +34

      Hyungwon started it.

    • @itsKaren11
      @itsKaren11 5 років тому +9

      They were meant to be but no 😂😂

    • @anonymous8750
      @anonymous8750 5 років тому +12

      Remember when Minhyuk got betrayed on Monsta X-Ray season 3 hahahaha. Poor Hyungwon

    • @nepttune._
      @nepttune._ 4 роки тому

      Ya 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @monicagutierrez4953
    @monicagutierrez4953 5 років тому +169

    changkyun's "yes baby come on, i know you got this!" 😂

  • @mmxx514
    @mmxx514 5 років тому +383

    1:32 ah, yes, jooheon casually calling hyungwon jagiya like our hearts don't matter

    • @an8202
      @an8202 5 років тому +21

      I thought I was the only one who noticed and this isn't the first time he called him jagiya ^.^

  • @felixslettuuce7153
    @felixslettuuce7153 5 років тому +296

    Wonho looks like bebegom wearing that bandana around his neck uwu

  • @GiaSadera
    @GiaSadera 5 років тому +326

    Monsta X's Puppy Day ft Wonho's laugh for 12 minutes and 43 seconds 😂😂😂

  • @01031999sweet
    @01031999sweet 5 років тому +131

    Changkyun scratching himself like a dog
    That's what I live for hahaha

  • @lunyarian
    @lunyarian 5 років тому +119

    Wonho: Ahh...I was too fair with those dog treats.
    Kihyun, with one dog treat: Am I a joke to you?
    Kihyun savaged Honey in the first ep and Wonho decided it was time for justice to strike lol.

    • @fufu-jh
      @fufu-jh 5 років тому +2

      naaaah thats was luck xD and part of the rule haha he was lucky to win 5 points now ki teased wonho and wohno returned to him :D but he still let ki to join honey & nunu fighting for andy's heart ^^ and at the end even win agains Hyungwon for Malsuk's Kihyun is just so lucky

  • @Rosa7388
    @Rosa7388 5 років тому +90

    You can always count on Kihyun and Hyungwon to come up with the awkwardly executed ideas that make you scream with laughter🤣🤣🤣

  • @iwbrudbbdjdjshsiwb132
    @iwbrudbbdjdjshsiwb132 5 років тому +477

    Did hyungwon say "ah sh*t" or is that just me?

    • @isaweesa
      @isaweesa 5 років тому +51


    • @joriellebeltran300
      @joriellebeltran300 5 років тому +14

      I heard it too omg HAHAHAHA

    • @fabbbbiiii
      @fabbbbiiii 5 років тому +10

      Iwbrudbbd Jdjshsiwb so I’m not crazy

    • @marilozano6870
      @marilozano6870 5 років тому +7

      I heard it too I thought I was he only one 😂

    • @juliannadaluz875
      @juliannadaluz875 5 років тому +5

      Iwbrudbbd Jdjshsiwb I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE

  • @thechoice301
    @thechoice301 5 років тому +31

    Kihyun with people: don't touch me
    Kihyun with pups: I'd like to play the pepero game with you

  • @keshap7074
    @keshap7074 5 років тому +22

    Chankyun saying "Yes baby come on", hits differently 😳

  • @user-jMeiC4imCk
    @user-jMeiC4imCk 5 років тому +196

    Changkyun's inner pup is showing lmfao

  • @nic22123
    @nic22123 5 років тому +66

    Things I got from this episode
    - Wonho smiling, laughing and being an adorable baby is everything
    - "I was the dumbest ever" I need that on a shirt, please
    - The pups can't take their eyes off MC Wonho, Monbebes can't either, I know I can't pull of those curls and that outfit.
    - "Okay, this is war" Kihyun, Savage mode - Activate
    - "I don't think Zizigom has any connection with Andy." Aray, sakit! (Ouch, that hurt)
    - Hyungwon is loyal to Malsuk
    - 7:39 SO CUTE!!!
    - 7:56, 8:06, pups be like "I pray to those who want to be partners with them"
    - Terry having to choose between Kihyun or Jooheon is me. What's weird is that Jooheon is my bias but then Kihyun came in and now Kihyun is my bias wrecker.
    - "Terry is hard to win over" Terry is me
    - Who doesn't want to play the pepero game with Kihyun?
    - "She got that cheese" I also want that on a shirt
    - Shownu saying "nom nom nom" is so damn cute
    - 11:51 You're doing great sweetie
    - Hyungwon may be loyal to Malsuk...but Malsuk is like "You wanted to be with Andy and Jin right? This is what you get >:("
    - In conclusion: Never make a pup jealous because karma is a bitch

  • @zaweennajwa3187
    @zaweennajwa3187 5 років тому +222

    Jooheon got eliminated few second after the game start😂

    • @yooringonghan
      @yooringonghan 5 років тому +1

      is he Ji Seokjin lol

    • @zaweennajwa3187
      @zaweennajwa3187 5 років тому

      yooringonghan might be the second seokjin😂

    • @yooringonghan
      @yooringonghan 5 років тому

      jOoHoNeY oUT
      JoOhOnEy OuT

  • @masakihioshi
    @masakihioshi 5 років тому +87

    That showdown between the 3 hyungs is going down in the history of Monsta X for sure LMAO
    Wonho's enjoying his role too much XD gosh these dorks asdfjksdl

  • @eimajine139
    @eimajine139 5 років тому +314

    *_twotuckgom updates is officially my number one reason why i look forward to another day_*

    • @nefertariwinchester3177
      @nefertariwinchester3177 5 років тому +2

      Yam chuupenguin
      Same here. :) They’re the first thing I see and watch in the morning. :)

  • @Meka2222ify
    @Meka2222ify 5 років тому +23

    Changkyun: "she got that cheese!"
    Me: I'm totally gonna start using that 😂

  • @GhostFac3
    @GhostFac3 5 років тому +48

    When idols have a collaborations with dogs.. it’s truly the cutest thing ever. 😂

  • @sighmay
    @sighmay 5 років тому +88

    7:59 *big chunk of cuteness*
    yes you are Shownu

  • @anonymous8750
    @anonymous8750 5 років тому +131

    This was Changkyun’s episode 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 yes baby, come on 💀💀💀💀
    Also hyungwon out here saying ahhhh 💩

  • @ramenpyon5059
    @ramenpyon5059 5 років тому +90

    Bebegom still gets maknae keke it's so cute how attached he is to maknae 😍

  • @megavalentine
    @megavalentine 5 років тому +9

    11:20 gelatoo~~ bichon annii~~ 😂 the way he changed jealousy lyric~ angela is bichon changkyun ahh~~ 😂

  • @niyan9957
    @niyan9957 5 років тому +46

    "She got the cheese."

  • @Pea_r
    @Pea_r 5 років тому +32

    no one:
    Puppies: börk
    hyunwoo: *DoEs A baCkFliP*

  • @Sophie_Woit
    @Sophie_Woit 5 років тому +40

    3:59 omg lol xD while everyone busy Shownu massaging the Doggie for someone who doesn´t like getting messages he loves to give them a cutie 4:21 & kiki too ^^ how precious Nunu coming out for every dog so sweet wooow 7:50 sorry about but today my heart beats for Nunu, Angela got taste ^^ poor Hyungwon

  • @Michelle-uw9nc
    @Michelle-uw9nc 5 років тому +12

    Changkyun's english is the reason I can't have a stable bias list

  • @dapdapkpop4106
    @dapdapkpop4106 5 років тому +10

    Wow Changkyun is so flexible 😂😂

  • @fastforwardgameplay
    @fastforwardgameplay 5 років тому +20

    I can't really deny the fact that they all look adorable while luring the pups with foods. And the moment Hyungwon got rejected, by a pup this time, is the funniest thing. 😂
    Thank you so much for this. 😊

  • @possumbly8045
    @possumbly8045 4 роки тому +1

    hyungwon and malsuk together omg! hyungwon is so funny this episode haha 😂

  • @jasminesheppard1996
    @jasminesheppard1996 4 роки тому +1

    Hyungwon has no shame betraying Malsuk but then is so surprise when he's the one being betrayed haha

  • @ilyvlog9378
    @ilyvlog9378 5 років тому +34

    10:26 (must have been a dog his past life)
    😂😂😂😂😂😂 the programe play it darty with I.M

  • @villanli
    @villanli 5 років тому +37

    I.M speaking random english is just somehow so cute and funny :D

  • @BiancaGrint
    @BiancaGrint 5 років тому +6

    As a member of Kibebe Nation I just wanna thank Malsuk for choosing Kiki. He really needed that, thank you bb😙lol. Malsuk is the cutest💖
    Jagiya couple❤

  • @itshyexxrxx
    @itshyexxrxx 5 років тому +5

    Dannygom singing "Gelato~" instead of "Jealousy~" lmao 😂😂

  • @joannamariegallo5096
    @joannamariegallo5096 5 років тому +6

    😍😍 waaah changkyunie "yes, baby come on" 😂😂😂

  • @wonhosmir4898
    @wonhosmir4898 5 років тому +16

    Jooheon losing immediately is a mood

  • @ST-dz4jh
    @ST-dz4jh 5 років тому +139

    No one:
    Litterally no one:
    Hyungwon @ 5:19: Your forearm is too sexy with the mic
    Hmhmm okay hyungwon calm down

  • @MasAbdrina
    @MasAbdrina 5 років тому +24

    Malsuk, you're really something. 😂😂😂

  • @monicagutierrez4953
    @monicagutierrez4953 5 років тому +5

    * wonho hands out the treats and kihyun only gets half a treat *
    kihyun: this is war

  • @zaweennajwa3187
    @zaweennajwa3187 5 років тому +36

    Minhyuk’s brain malfunction ‘eeechh’

  • @michellekristie9904
    @michellekristie9904 5 років тому +13

    1:27 LMAAOO Hyungwon literally said *ah shit!* And I'm living for it 😂😂😂

    • @meadow1220
      @meadow1220 5 років тому +1


  • @wideozludrawz
    @wideozludrawz 5 років тому +21

    "She got that cheese!" -Im chankhyun

  • @lirasphere
    @lirasphere 5 років тому +5

    I'm sorry for laughing at Hyungwon's appeal for Malsuk. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  • @v.i.p8768
    @v.i.p8768 5 років тому +4

    never a dull moments whenever monsta x appear in variety shows even their simple reaction and action are enough for us to make happy and smile♥️♥️♥️

  • @sighmay
    @sighmay 5 років тому +71

    _Ajumma Wonho has appeared_

  • @arraateeyka4004
    @arraateeyka4004 5 років тому +1

    You can see how much he (Wonho) kept thinking of Monbebe, even his teddy bear's name is Bebegom. Monbebe love you too Wonho, we miss you T_T

  • @boop7123
    @boop7123 5 років тому +18

    1:28 hyungwon saying “oh shit” when it’s supposed to be a family friendly show 😂

  • @mentalhealthdeteriorating5718
    @mentalhealthdeteriorating5718 5 років тому +2

    i understand Malsuk, Hyungwon still tried to win the other dog too even though Malsuk was the one there way before the game😂😂😂

  • @Scgod2
    @Scgod2 5 років тому +3

    Shownu is having fun (^///^) You can tell that he's happy and comfortable showing off and being funny.
    Side Note: I think it was Shownu that said "Oh Sh*t". He has a habit of almost cussing a lot. Though, I take that as a sign that he's having fun and able to really relax. Plus, you can see Shownu covering his mouth and trying to recover from his mistake. 1:28

  • @janai.b88
    @janai.b88 5 років тому +1

    Lol this series is the best idea they've ever had, watching them compete for the puppies love is too cute 😂😂❤️

  • @shubhrapathak5118
    @shubhrapathak5118 5 років тому +1

    Aahhhhh...this was too look cutieee....and it was so endearing to see Shownu open up and be his cutie self!

  • @lialy3071
    @lialy3071 5 років тому +3

    7:50 that actually looked so cool omg xD I love Shownu soo much

  • @danygom
    @danygom 5 років тому +15

    *She got that cheese*
    - Im Changkyun, 2019

  • @dikshitabajracharya
    @dikshitabajracharya 5 років тому +7

    Changkyun: full time dog, part time idol

  • @starrygeek
    @starrygeek 5 років тому +31

    Watching Hyungwon get rejected like that hurt me more than it should've.

  • @febryhartanti8301
    @febryhartanti8301 4 роки тому +1

    I live for Angela and Shownu ♡

  • @L__M-bb2zv
    @L__M-bb2zv 5 років тому

    Im loving this little series. Nothing cuter then MONSTAX with puppies😜

  • @ADarkRomance
    @ADarkRomance 5 років тому +1

    I had to rewatch Shownu’s spin @ 07:50 several times because boi that was smooth

  • @raturina3658
    @raturina3658 5 років тому +39

    finally what I've been waiting for!❤❤❤❤❤ they are so cute😭 i love it!❤❤❤

  • @tanishak926
    @tanishak926 5 років тому +9

    my two favourite things, puppies and monsta x

  • @AnaLuiza-kv2yf
    @AnaLuiza-kv2yf 5 років тому

    Kihyun is seriuosly the cutest! Also Shownu omfg he's so freaking adorable this episode

  • @Pan_de_elote358
    @Pan_de_elote358 5 років тому +1


  • @barbarafabiola8061
    @barbarafabiola8061 4 роки тому +1

    No final os cachorrinhos escolheram tudo diferente hahahaha tadinho dos meninos

  • @cerisedaemon
    @cerisedaemon 5 років тому +2

    Wonho's laugh is seriously so addictive, it heals me.

  • @aubree2136
    @aubree2136 5 років тому +1

    Thank you for the cuteness you bought to me.. I'm so down today it's been one month since I met Monsta X in KL and I still can't get over :( Thank you so much

  • @theraefication
    @theraefication Рік тому

    the way I gasped when kihyun wanted to play pepero game with the pup 😭😂😂

  • @boogiebear3095
    @boogiebear3095 5 років тому

    2:14 that laugh, never fails to make me happy
    Wonho: I was the dumbest ever, after winning the dummy game. He's too precious

  • @Ashqhun
    @Ashqhun 5 років тому +2

    Why is Shownu so cute in thissss uWu

  • @judsn..4444
    @judsn..4444 5 років тому +3

    Of course the youngest puppy will be always with Wonho both are cuteeee....

  • @dazycheeks
    @dazycheeks 5 років тому

    malsuk getting her revenge on hyungwon for almost choosing andy uwu
    nunu bear keeps getting cuter each episode i can't take it 😭💗

  • @sagingimnida8964
    @sagingimnida8964 5 років тому

    i love seeing Hyungwon cuddling a puppy every episodes

  • @andreinabric7034
    @andreinabric7034 5 років тому +1

    Awwwwwww I NEED THE NEXT ONE!

  • @yourdaniiiii
    @yourdaniiiii 5 років тому +16

    Thank you so much for the additional 2mins and 43secs ❤️

  • @dravencrow1984
    @dravencrow1984 5 років тому +5

    No one:
    Not a soul:
    Not even Aliens at Area 51:
    Changkyun: Yeah, she got that Cheese!

  • @shiningstar1ho
    @shiningstar1ho 5 років тому

    Wonho really bonds to Maknae, he put maknae in the last and pair him with maknae, ah so sweet♥

  • @nu1265
    @nu1265 5 років тому +31

    1:33 did he said "jagiya" (honey) to hyungwon? Omomo

    • @i.mmonbebe4934
      @i.mmonbebe4934 5 років тому +1

      Hyungwon said its not ja its za.. Jooheon said zagya😁😁😁.. Well its same meaning but different pronunciation..😁😁😁😁

  • @KTbeat
    @KTbeat 5 років тому +3

    Seems like shownu was the true winner lol, in every round a dog came to play with him. Not the one he was trying to win over but another one regardless lol.

  • @ruleic8955
    @ruleic8955 5 років тому +2

    Lol wonho's outfit reminds me of his pineapple outfit from monsta xray

  • @CandyCL0987
    @CandyCL0987 5 років тому

    Yesterday was the concert here in Mexico and now a new video of MonstaX'spuppyday came. I'm so happy.

  • @monsta_xmonbebe6977
    @monsta_xmonbebe6977 5 років тому +2

    shownu is so extra..so cute🤣🤣🤣

  • @thalia214
    @thalia214 5 років тому +15

    7:46 shownu hahaha

  • @dennistd8373
    @dennistd8373 5 років тому +2

    2:33 shownu really cute

  • @RandomMultifandom_
    @RandomMultifandom_ 5 років тому +30

    Me: looks at test score
    Insert hyungwons voice:
    *ah shit*

  • @isobeldowling7655
    @isobeldowling7655 5 років тому +13

    when malsuk turned down hyungwon like that.... i felt that 😔😔

  • @tylertaec
    @tylertaec 5 років тому +10

    I can't get enough Jooheon calling Hyungwon 'Jagiya'...my heart...💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕💕😍💕😍💕💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍💕😍

  • @superalesanmarey75
    @superalesanmarey75 5 років тому

    jooheon calling hyungwon jagiya at 1:34
    the jagiya saga continues, oh what a happy day to be alive

  • @fangirlnation2967
    @fangirlnation2967 5 років тому +5

    Hyung line are smart in this game😂😂

  • @janeadote2724
    @janeadote2724 5 років тому +1

    2:31 - 2:34 shownu is such a cutieeee i can't with this mannnn!!!! 😩💖

  • @kihyunpics6382
    @kihyunpics6382 5 років тому +3

    Kihyun- That’s the rule? How Did I even managed to be this far? ♥️😂 love you guys!

  • @neanewyyy8340
    @neanewyyy8340 5 років тому +1

    2:47 how nunu and kiki welcome the puppy 😍

  • @xiaohulis
    @xiaohulis 5 років тому +1

    wonho can flex his muscles all day and i will still watch

  • @altunaltunzs
    @altunaltunzs 5 років тому +3

    " she got that cheese " is the new lets get this bread

  • @pauli_joy
    @pauli_joy 5 років тому

    Kihyun you are making me question why I stan you with that pepero game HAHAHHAHA