Associatie Wing Chun Kung Fu 35 jaar ! Koninklijke Onderscheiding de heer R.Vogel sr.

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2009
  • Associatie Wing-Chun Kung-Fu bestaat 35 jaar (1974-2009)!!!!
    Opgericht op 7 september 1974 door de heer R.Vogel sr.
    Surpriseparty op vrijdag 25 september 2009 jl. , Café Restaurant De Boterwaag op de grote markt te Den Haag voor familie, kennissen , (ouders/familie/vrienden van)(ex)leden van de Associatie. Oprichter, leraar van de Associatie, de heer R.Vogel sr. wordt Koninklijk Onderscheiden door de locoburgemeester, de heer Rabin Baldewsingh, tevens wethouder Burgerschap, De concentratie Leefbaarheid en Media, vanwege het leveren van opvallende prestaties voor de samenleving, die voor de samenleving een zeer bijzondere waarde heeft. Wij zijn SUPERTROTS op deze man!!! Meneer Vogel, hartelijk gefeliciteerd met het 35-jarig jubileum van de Associatie Wing-Chun Kung-Fu en met uw zeer welverdiend lintje!!!!!!
    Effectief, praktijkgericht , voor jong en oud, 3 uur per week. Jeugd, volwassenen, bedrijfstrainingen Gratis proeflessen: Amsterdam, Breda, Den Haag, Leiden, Rotterdam, Zoetermeer (06) 53 24 14 45 / Dordrecht (078) 631 11 75 / Ede (06) 53 24 14 45 / Groningen (06) 50 90 49 45. Resistance Training Centerline, workshops voor bedrijven.
    E.Voll, R.Vogel sr., R.Vogel jr., Wing Chun Kung Fu, Ving Tsun, Fatshan, Shaolin, loflied van de lente, lentebloesem , Ng Mui, Yip Man,Wang Kiu, Wong Shueng Leung, Barry Lee, Tommy Yuen, Gary Lam, Lo Man Kam, United Society, Federatie, Nunez Sosa, Europe, Hare Majesteit de Koningin, bende van ellende
    music: Bruce Lee by Marcus Miller
  • Спорт


  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    This book I was reading about 5 times written by mr. Vogelsang is just on the market , so I just bought it in a store !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    Bud YES , I called mr Vogel at the time !!! I was just asking myself : well is this one of his moves ore can it even be seriously him being hurt ??? YES , I am here writing about the call I got not long after I saw Brandon back in 2014 !!! While doing this sport , how can you not know, that this is having an impact ?!!!

  • @ngmindbody
    @ngmindbody 14 років тому

    Respect!! I never trained at Vogel but congratulate him with his achievement.

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    I mean sure I am woried . What did you expect . I havend seen him ever sinse 2014 .

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

    I really want to stay nice bud I cant just let any one hurt the man I LOVE and let that any one get away with that !!! I LOVE Brandon Bruce Lee for all the right reasons and he never did anything to desurve to be hurt at all !!! And I defenetly did not eather !!! So I will not just move on !!! I LOVE HIM !!! YES I am HIS Bianca Dordrecht Holland !!! YES he knows !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    I know Brandon Bruce Lee in person for a fact you know !!! I am not here kidding you people !!! I Know he is ALIVE and I really need to find him ALIVE , to really do live this life with me LONG and HAPPY for REAL !!!

  • @hugo112max
    @hugo112max 10 років тому

    Mijn trainer !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    Very right I already know !!! I mean come on , we do deserve some privacy !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    I still do need to !!! How can you guys not understand how important Brandon is to me ???

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

    I know Brandon Bruce Lee is ALIVE !!! And that hase to stay that way !!! Where is he people !!! YES I mis him so very very very much !!! YES physically !!! YES physically !!! YES HIS Bianca Dordrecht Holland !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    So where can any one have him ??? Under some kitchen table ore what ??? Oooh man !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    Oooh man , you guys !!! Now where the BLIEP is he ???

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 5 років тому

    I did learn maners , you know . So , YES , if you look at this video , you may read which I wrote . So if you find the time , you may just do so .

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    Sure I understand you people are busy bud PLEASE not THIS busy , now are you ??????? I mean why not even just a normal conversation ??? YES , because I know Brandon and YES because I miss him !!! I really LOVE him you know !!! So YES that is why !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

    Its crazy how you people act as if you don't know !!! And why don't you people want to even talk about it !!! Gat something to hide ??? YES I miss Brandon Bruce Lee !!! And I am not giving up on him !!! He really is my everything !!! I am and will not even look at another anymore !!! He should have all my attention !!! He is the only man in my life who really deserves me ever !!! YES he hase me LOVING ONLY HIM !!! I always did LOVE HIM !!! And I always will LOVE ONLY HIM !!! YES FOREVER !!! YES HIS Bianca Dordrecht Holland FOREVER !!! That's very right Brandon and when ever you mis me sweety I really do miss you to !!! We have to meet again !!! YOU know so very well that that is true !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

    Oooh no you do not have to watch out for my kicks even if I can I will not get into fights like that !!! You better watsh politics !!! YES I LOVE Brandon Bruce Lee !!! And if any one dare hurt him you really are going to know you shouldn't have !!! YES HIS Bianca Dordrecht Holland !!! YES because we desurve having a life first YES for living long and happy !!! Very right in our own vessels !!! People's lives arend just a game you know !!! YES HIS Bianca Dordrecht Holland !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    We sure are just people to you know !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    Sure thanks for having me see Brandon again after all these years and sure if you people are this busy , you can just not zit down for reading this . So I just write for when you may do want to and may will !!! Because if it comes to our dear Z.M. Koning Willem Alexander Majesteit here , it sure means heavy stuff . Bud if you do want to know , he sure is into waterworks just like me and it seems like knows that because the summer and winter times that written on that bridge , can only be done by the Directorate-General for public works and water management / Rijkswaterstaat !!! Now what would our King here do with it ??? I mean , I sure am on his tail for a reason you know !!! So , sure I am writing my name over it and put it on the internet !!! People should understand what it actually really is about instead of just having my writings and drawings abused by and ore thru him !!! It's not me having some , Stockholm syndrome you know !!! So , where is Brandon now ha ??? I mean PLEASE guys !!! Don't let anything happen to him !!! I sure did see him you know !!! So , don't just come with the him being dead story !, because you simply will not just get away with that anymore !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    Come on guys , you know if it comes to Brandon Lee and me that setting us up for losing each-other all over again is not a strength bud a weakness !!! It will in one way ore the other just tune in to ones every day have to live with thingy because of knowing it is not nice to be doing !!! Brandon Lee and I deserve to finally LIVE this LIFE together long and happy instead and who ever do this do know I sure am right about that actually !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    People really are not at all better off by keeping us appart you know !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    I know it was Brandon Lee back in 2014 even if you would say it was not him because that is when you just may not know it is him bud I do !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    YO guy's now if it comes to that new movie I am not a freak !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    Well , I sure do understand you people have a busy life bud I very well do have a richt to know how Brandon is doing !!! Oooh YES I DO !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    And sure I respect you people for being so very very busy !!! Bud with what if we do not have honest priorities ??? The only one person some one can lie to is to the self actually !!! So sure you may want to tell me that the man I saw was not Brandon right ?!? BUD I guess you actually can not even tell without me !!! And first I thought OK LOL !!! He sure does have some humor himself to you know !!! Bud still he is not physically here with me !!! So ???

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    Hi !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    You people very well do know I love Brandon right ?!!! And no I do not want to bother dear mr. Vogel to much ore dear mr. Voll !!! Bud it was not me bringing this up in the first place ?!?!!! Just look at your very own video HA !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    Now don't worry , I already told Freddy he aint less for just being himself !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 5 років тому

    Now just on , who's idea was that ???

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    How come no one else is writing any comments here ???

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    Come on , now where is he ???

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    Well sorry for the interruption !!! Bud I sure just needed to express myself !!! I do not want to be in your way to much bud do not be in ours either than OK !!! I mean that is just being fair you know !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    Sure Brandon may fool me BUD it has bin over 3 years now sins I saw him back in 2014 !!! ( So if you may be able to read this yourself Brandon ) than read this : I do not think this is funny anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES I LOVE YOU !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    I mean DUHHH !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    OK sure I understand you mean study study study !!!

  • @ShoyruDrag0n
    @ShoyruDrag0n 14 років тому

    wat voor medaillie?

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

    Well I really do know who I so back in 2014 Wing Chin Kung Fu !!! Bud ever so suddenly no one wants to talk about it !!! YES that really was Brandon Bruce Lee and YES it was me getting a creapy phone call just weeks after that !!! YES you people really do know more about all this !!! Way else would you people turn me away like that !!! YES he better be ALIVE for your own sakes !!! YES I LOVE Brandon !!! And I will not let any one get away with hurting him !!! YES I AM HIS !!! YES HIS Bianca Dordrecht Holland !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    Why I did so ??? Well how about Brandon Bruce Lee's look alike looking a bit to much like him ?!?!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    OK Wing Chun so when Brandon gets back ( yeah right just act like I just make things up bud am I really ? Well I don't think so ! ) so sure I will have to be ready with isolating the house to keep this message short !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

    Well , HOW are you people doing actually ???

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    I even dare to bet people like yourselves did organize this because you know !!! So what don't you people know about 2014 ???

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    I know you people have agreements with the Bruce Lee foundation like thru Leiden . So whats up ??? Can't you people just tell me any little bit more about all this ???

  • @fanatiqqq
    @fanatiqqq 14 років тому

    sifu wachtberger!!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    Now what else did who do ??? Legalize some dangerous form of Pencak Silat ??? Ore is that mr. Vogelsang high up in the military sector ??? Sorry mr. Vogel now do not tell me this is actually your name mr. Vogel Sang ??? I was reading mr. Vogelsang's book like 5 times !!! History of the business route !!! And now he is working high up in YES , so which also sure is called defence !?! Ore , so they say !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    Now are you people so busy that you can not even take any moment for some normal conversation with me ore what ??? Sure that is when you people will just say you all are right ?!?

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 5 років тому

    The money we save by that we should be able to put into Europeans who want to start there very own business .

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

    Where the BLIEP is Brandon bruce Lee now Wing Chun Kung Fu ??? Do you guys have him some where ??? I know better than just go on like nothing happened !!! You people actually really do know more than nothing about this right !!! Oooh YES resurge WILL open !!! YEAH thats very right , you guys beter get use to trusting me for doing so !!! YES I LOVE Brandon Brruce Lee !!! And I am not here for bluffing with any one !!! I am missing him BIG TIME here !!! Dont you guys understand ?!! YES I KNOW HIM andd YES HE KNOWS ME TO !!! YES I AM HIS Bianca Dordrecht Holland for good sake !!! " YES I LOVE YOU Brandon " !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 5 років тому

    They simply are not making themselves that popular over here and are just asking for it bud as I said , I will not !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 7 років тому

    Well , not that I never asked you to communicate with me normally !!! And well while doing so , lets just really keep our norm's up and talk about the today's norm , if that really is you !?! I mean why let this country demoralize , destabilize , put into crisis for normalizing this down brought country by which it lost it's norms , called the Netherlands even more ??? It there for really need's our non violent LOVE more than anything else instead !!!

  • @silvanobonafe
    @silvanobonafe 13 років тому

    kijk voor ving tsun op: ww w. vingtsunkungfu. info
    of kijk even op youtube naar filmpjes van "philipp bayer"

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 5 років тому

    OK , so that just may be which I got abused for ha ?!???

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    Now if this was just his look alike wouldn't he just be playing Brandon all over the internet right now ha ?!!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

    YES I am writing to fast Brandon Bruce Lee !!! Bud this people do know more !!! Way else do you have some one comming all the way from Hong Kong over here drinking Champain on the balcony of Hotel bellevue with you people all laughing and bring out a tost over me ?!! Come on !!! Ofcouse I so that !!! So way dont you want to talk to me about Brandon ??? YES I AM HIS Bianca Dordrecht Holland !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    I am not saying our king has an easy job bud please if he does mean well than where is Brandon Lee now ???

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 5 років тому

    Why don't you guys want to talk , ha ???

  • @GVDkomop
    @GVDkomop 14 років тому

    Hahah herman

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

    Ofcourse it reached me Brandon Bruce Lee !!! Now way are this people not into talking about it with me ??? YES YOUR Bianca Dordrecht Holland !!! Bianca vd V. vd Loo J. to be more exact !!! YES I LOVE YOU all the way !!! YOU are family Bud far enough family to be who you always wanted me to be as being me !!! PLEASE Brandon ?!! I dont mind !!! YES l know about the Lii Lee Loo thing !!! That does not have to be an isue !!!

    • @mostafasaid5012
      @mostafasaid5012 8 років тому

      Houd op met je fucking gespam. Jezus Christus.

    • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
      @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

      Well Mustafa Said !!! Waarom doe jij zo lelijk tegen mij ??? En wat weet jij van waar ik doorheen ga ??? Ken jij mijn cituatie ??? Ken jij Brandon Bruce Lee persoonlijk ??? Nou ik ken hem namelijk WEL !!! Dus vraag ik mij af waar jij in je in Jezus naam mee aan het bemoeien bent !!! En WAAROM !!! Just ja WAAROM ??? Goeie vraag !!!

    • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
      @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

      Waarom stuur jij mij dit did bericht met deze asociale dus niet sociale woorden !!! Leer eerst fatsoen voor je je met de grote mensen wereld bemoeit OK ?!! Ja heus dit is beter voor je !!! Ja ik gebruik de woorden je en jij want het woord U zal je eerst moeten verdienen !!! En ik bedoel dan ook verdienen omdat U een respect vorm van taal gebruik is !!! Respect is niet af te dwingen met agressie in welke vorm ook !!! Respect kan je allen verdienen met lieve gewoonten !!! Jonge !!!

    • @mostafasaid5012
      @mostafasaid5012 8 років тому

      Bianca van der Velden van de Loo Jansen
      Ik heb geen zin om de les voor te spellen aan iemand met het denkniveau van groep 3. Anyways, stop met dat gespam. Het boeit niet dat je Brandon lee kent, en dan hoef je al helemaal niet de GEHELE comment sectie ermee vol te spammen.

    • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
      @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

      Mijn vraag is dan ook niet of jij dit wel of niet wil begrijpen van mij !!!

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 6 років тому

    Well , do you people ore don't you people know where Brandon's so called look alike is right now ??? Well why am I even asking ??? He is just a look alike right YEAH sure . Now if he was just a look alike why doesn't anyone want to talk to me about what happened and it gets even wearder : why doesn't ShannonLee even talk about her brothers actually so very nice look alike ???????????????

  • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
    @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 9 років тому

    Ja in Ben het !!! In het !!! Ja ik men Brandon Bruce Lee persoonlijk !!! End JA in you van hem !!! " YES I LOVE YOU Brandon Bruce Lee !!! PLEASE check your resorses !!! YES YOU know who I am !!! YES it was me you so again in 2014 !!! " We kennen elkaar better Dan Julie mischien denken Mr. Vogel sr. Ja groetjes Bianca !!!

    • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
      @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 9 років тому

      Whats up Wing Chin Kung Fu !!! Mr.Vogel Mr.Wong shun Laong if I spell it right ?!! Mr. Voll !!! First you show me Brandon Bruce Lee is ALIVE !!! Bud right after that there is a phone call that worries me so !!! And now ??? Where is Brandon Bruce Lee now MASTERS !? So you guys figured out how much I love him that's for sure !!! So what is all this !!! YES I have the right to some answers here !!! YES I miss Brandon so very very much he really is my everything !!! YES I AM HIS Bianca Dordrecht Holland !!! YES TO LOVE HIM FOREVER !!!

    • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
      @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

      PLEASE people I really need to know how Brandon Bruce Lee is doing !!! YES I am here for him !!! I know he really is the man I so back in 2014 !!! And YES I LOVE him !!! Where is he ??? YES I AM HIS and YES I always will be !!! YES HIS Bianca Dordrecht Holland FOREVER !!!

    • @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121
      @biancavanderveldenvandeloo8121 8 років тому

      PLEASE don't put your head in the sand now people !!! Where is Brandon Bruce Lee ??? No he is not dead !!! I couldn't make it up on this little piece of film because of its not a very clear film !!! I so him face to face back in 2014 !!! I know that wasn't just a look alike !!! That really was him !!! Its just that just a few weeks after that I have a very scary phone call !!! If that was him then who did what to him ??? He clearly gat hit if that was him !!! By who Wing Chin Kung Fun ??? Now I am not backing off !!! I need to find him ALIVE to LIVE !!! YES HIS Bianca Dordrecht Holland !!! YES I LOVE HIM !!!

  • @patrickubels4028
    @patrickubels4028 9 років тому

    Nou ik weet nog wel dat dhr D wachtberger er niks meer van begreep toen hij gewoon wat bezoekers uitdaagden die naar zijn les kwamen kijken.
    wat een arogante kwast hij kon klappen krijgen zoveel hij wou en had het snel bekeken met zijn 7 stoten per seconde .