  • Опубліковано 26 бер 2019
  • At its deepest level, the unconscious connects us with all points in space, both within and without. Its capacity to perceive unfolding patterns and align us with them is uncanny and wonderous. We can conceptualize this in several dimensions: the intuitive capacity of the unconscious, the synchronous intersection of matter and psyche, and the activation of an archetype. Many people have precognitive dreams, and we analyze several below.
    "I was at a Subway sandwich shop buying a $5 Footlong sandwich. When I checked out, the person at the register said my total was $11.20. I ended up not buying the sandwich and left the restaurant."
    The very next day, my friends and I were playing a game called “What do you Meme,” and this was my first time ever playing the game. There are 250 pictures and 250 random captions, and the point of the game is to give a picture a caption. I chose 5 caption cards at random, and the very first card I chose was captioned: When your $5 Footlong Subway sandwich turns out to be $11.20. Mind you, there were 250 cards for me to choose from, and that’s the very first one I picked! Approximately 30 years ago."
    "I had a dream that haunts me…I was 21, and my brother was 19. He left for active duty in the army. For a week or so, I had oddly vivid death dreams regarding him. In the final dream, I opened my apartment door. The person knocking fell through my doorway, holding their face, writhing in pain, and having short dark hair. Moments later, more knocking began; I called through the closed door, requesting to know who it was…it was my brother trying to enter with a gun…I held the door closed…while looking over my shoulder at the individual squirming in pain on the floor, asking if he/she was OK."
    This dream occurred in March of that year. Later in that same year, in August, we planned a trip out of town, so I thought I would make contact with a friend in that area to possibly meet at some point to catch up on things. I called her number, and her husband answered…I asked to speak with MJ, and he remained silent for a moment. He then stated MJ had died in March of a suicide. MJ had short dark hair, as the person did in my dream. A gun was involved in both her suicide as well as my dream. And the dream occurred in March, the month she killed herself.
    "In the dream, I suddenly realize that I am about to give birth. I casually find an available place to lie down-a table, a couch, or a picnic blanket. I give birth quickly without any effort or pain, and two toddlers, a boy and a girl, run around the table, couch, or picnic blanket joyfully yelling, “Mommy, Mommy, Mommy”! I had twins, a boy, and a girl."
    I had the first of these dreams before pregnancy was even confirmed and did not know I was carrying twins until my 7th month; their sex was discovered only at birth.
    I am an Indigenous Australian woman taken from my birth mother at 4 months old. Fostered, then adopted by Scandinavian parents at 4 years old. I left home at 18, pursued a career as a community advocate, married, and have 2 children. The laws changed in Australia when I was 30, so I could find my original birth certificate and some small bits of information about my birth mother. The dream initiated my journey to my birth family.
    "I dreamt of 7 women in the desert, red earth country, in line, next to each other with digging sticks. They were all singing in a language I did not understand. They were digging in unison, searching for yams. I was feeling so serene and full of joy."
    "Then I dreamt of all these older men and women smiling and speaking to me in a language I did not understand. They, at the end of the dream, conveyed a sense of urgency, a job I must do."
    Through my phone calls that day, I found my birth mother and my eldest sister. My mum lives 2 streets from me. Since that day, 27 years ago, I found all my family and I am at peace.
    I've had tons of precognitive dreams throughout my life; in the past 5 years they have happened more. The recent two were after I my first pregnancy. I miscarried the baby at 12 weeks and was really torn up about it. My partner and I were separating. I was confused and suicidal.
    "I dreamt of a little boy, maybe 8 or so. He told me, “Wait until December.” I asked him why, but he just keep telling me to wait...."
    PLEASE GIVE US A HAND: / thisjungianlife


  • @nicwither5913
    @nicwither5913 2 роки тому +14

    I’ve had so many precognitive dreams it’s crazy It’s like I can feel the emotions of the moment

  • @theliamofella
    @theliamofella 3 роки тому +14

    I am a sceptical person by nature, and rational (I think) but I have precognitive dreams very often, they usually happen on the morning or the day after the dream, they are usually trivial things but absolutely undeniable and extremely startling, I often know when I have had one of these dreams, I had one yesterday where in my dream I was looking through a drawer and in the drawer there was a load of fan motors without the blades, and my sister called me that day to say her fridge is broken, I asked her if she took the back panel off, when she did she he found that the fan was not working, I looked on the internet to find a fan and found they sell them and the blades are not needed because they are taken of the old fan motor,

  • @rebecca_8888
    @rebecca_8888 2 роки тому +7

    I also had a lot or precognitive dreams in my life. The most scary was about a young woman being killed by her ex boyfriend. I saw the face of the woman, the general appearance of her ex and the location where the crime was taken place. One week after my dream the scenario happened. The girl´s first name was the same than mine.

  • @becausehefirstlovedme427
    @becausehefirstlovedme427 3 роки тому +14

    I dreamt of my soulmate/fiance at a time when I was not looking for a mate as I was with someone else albeit unhappy. I dreamt of his face, facial features, eye colour, race, and a particular and very specific detail about his life that stood out in the dream. We were so happy and in love in the dream.

  • @elite_lurker7589
    @elite_lurker7589 3 роки тому +9

    I had to google this term, because these precognitive dreams have become SO frequent in my life.

  • @justicelr3577
    @justicelr3577 3 роки тому +11

    As a child I've dreamt of going to jail, 14 years later, I was in Jail.

  • @deathsheadtarot7875
    @deathsheadtarot7875 4 роки тому +9

    I dreamt that my Mom had moved into an apartment on her own.

  • @DailySpiritualityMinistry7777
    @DailySpiritualityMinistry7777 2 роки тому +3

    I've been having precognitive dreams since I was a kid. I predict pregnancies mostly. When I was a kid, I had a dream and saw my granny in the casket dressed in all white. At her actual funeral, she was wearing all white.

  • @truthhertz8321

    I have had many strange dreams that have come true. One lasted 10 years straight. It would continue from where I left off and I would age in the dream. In 2019 I met one of the people in that dream. I looked at him and had this weird feeling like I knew him. Eventually he spoke to me and asked for my number and we became acquainted. I had never mentioned to him that I saw him in my dream. One day he told me that he knew me from somewhere. Thats when it all came back to me in flashes from the dream. It scared the crap out of me. During that time, I was also having dejavu, although I was having very new experiences(new career path, new people). In that dream it was like episodes to a show and my life has taken the path. Major detail in the dream that came true was me having 2 boys and now I have 2 boys. I love them with all my soul. I knew them before I had them. Very scary to think about it all sometimes.

  • @namaste2270
    @namaste2270 4 роки тому +2

    Ive has loads of precognitive dreams but dreamt I was in the Bahamas watching the sunset next of all it got really cloudy and we had to leave....this was about two weeks before The hurricane.... this was the most significant one ever my mind is still is crazy sometimes

  • @1dk869
    @1dk869 19 годин тому

    I had a dream recently that someone got run over by a tram and then about a week later a 70 year old woman got killed by a tram in my neighbourhood, and last night a dreamt of a family argument and it happened this evening.

  • @GabrielRendonJuarez
    @GabrielRendonJuarez 2 роки тому +5

    I had a dream very recently that I saw my ex that I hadn’t seen in about 7 years… she was there one moment and than she was gone…

  • @greensoplenty6809
    @greensoplenty6809 5 років тому +5

    i went to sleep about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks before september 11th 2001...

  • @raydoucette3383
    @raydoucette3383 Рік тому +2

    I fell like it's only certain people a empath. A feeler. It's not everyone. The desire to hate or love or make something happen in life. Can you have a dream and your children wake up too? Or someone faraway. The frequency you give off . Stranger things

  • @missinginmichigan6446
    @missinginmichigan6446 5 років тому +4

    I dreamt my miscarriage 😖

  • @woodwind63

    Yay Debra…. Cape Cod! 😊💪🏼

  • @greensoplenty6809
    @greensoplenty6809 5 років тому +3

    the closest dream to mine was samuel clemens precognitive dream.

  • @sev3n7z

    I think we are know the truth and that's why we a a society are depressed

  • @Bellaa1970
    @Bellaa1970 4 роки тому +1

    I have this happened to me for the past 15 years now it 5to 6days a week

  • @misscadoixo
    @misscadoixo 3 роки тому

    What do you think about left handed people, that have more functions in the right brain. Does it influence dreaming?