Ep6 মনে বিষাদ ? কিন্তু কেন ? অর্জ্জুনেরও হয়েছিলো, এখন আর নেই। No depression by Divinevision

  • Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
  • ⁠‪@divinevision2024‬
    Ep6 মনে বিষাদ ? কিন্তু কেন ? অর্জ্জুনেরও হয়েছিলো, এখন আর নেই। No depression by Divinevision
    Arjuna’s feeling of depression in the Kurukhestra Dharmakhestra is a classic example of mental stress we face in our life in many cases.. Depression takes place at the point of output. A committed warrior suddenly decides to not to fight. A warrior who was shouldered upon the responsibility to win the battle is finding reasoning of 'not to fight. We ourselves are our best friend and best enemy too. Unless our mind is stable, our intelligence can not rule over. We need to learn to concentrate rather than stray between issues. My right to work only and not to its result and benefits arising out of it.
    O Janani Bhagavad Gita, that wisdom advice is recorded by Mahamuni
    Vedavyas Dvaipayana in Srimadbhavagata Gita and Mahabharata.
    Vedavyas Dvaipayana continuously composed the verses of Mahabharata
    recited it and Lord Sri Ganesha ji continued to write the same.
    Lord Shri Ganeshji laid out condition that Vedavyasa to recite non-stop, to which Vedavyasa Dvaipayana agreed but he also stipulated that Lord Sri Ganeshjip, Can not write the verse without fully understanding the meaning, of the same. This way the epic of Srimadbhavagata Gita and Mahabharata
    were created.
    In Bhagavadgita, Shri Krishna teaches that the soul is immortal, the soul goes to another body, except for individuals who, by their good deeds, have reached the supreme Baikunthalok. The ultimate teaching is to surrender whole-heartedly to the Almighty God (Shri Krishna) with complete faith and dedication.
    The place where we read Gita must be cleaned by myself only not by any one else. We must sit over a clean blanket, woollen carpet, fur aasan etc for reading Gita.
    Om paarthaaya pratibodhitaam bhagavataa naaraayanenaswayam, Vyaasena grathitaam puraanamuninaa madhye mahaabhaaratam; Advaitaamritavarshineem bhagavateem ashtaadashaa dhyaayineem, Amba twaam anusandadhaami bhagavadgeete bhavadweshineem.
    So please continue to watch videos on divine contents.
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