Really enjoyed this video and it would be great if you did more, Really excited for the European tour and look forward to seeing you play in Glasgow and for the meet and greet :) keep up the good work!!
this was awesome to watch. you're such a great inspiration to me as a violinist and in fact one of the reasons i started violin. keep up the great work
+Cheesus Almighty Link, Roy Shulk and Samus are my mains. Just cause I have Samus as my profile picture doesn't mean I can't be a fan of other characters.
elfen lied is my favorite animie ever! I would love if you could do a vid for that soundtrack. stay safe on your tour!!! love your music can't wait for more new vids!!!!
YES! The fire temple was the bees knees! Also, I agree with you about the scary shadow and forest temple. XD I hope you enjoy your tour bus! I hear it's fun! X3
Q&A Vidéo are fun actually ! :) I don't really watch your second channel (don't whip me please :$) but this one was pretty interesting ! Hope to see you in France ;) - Just a French Fan who hang around ~ (sry for english!)
Was more than slightly happy when you only listed favorite characters from the first two smash games and didn't acknowledge the existence of the other games.
More Q & A.
It's exciting when you have new videos.
We wanna see more like that!!!
absolutely love your music Taylor!!! you've inspired me to learn violin.
Would love to see some vlogs during your European tour! Hope you get a chance to see some of the sights in the cities you'll be visiting.
Quisiera que vinieras a México Taylor ❤️☺️
Yes, more Q&A, please! Where did you get your electronic violin? It's awesome!
Really enjoyed this video and it would be great if you did more, Really excited for the European tour and look forward to seeing you play in Glasgow and for the meet and greet :) keep up the good work!!
yaya! Taylor answered my question in a video! I can die peacefully now ;)
rest in peace
this was awesome to watch. you're such a great inspiration to me as a violinist and in fact one of the reasons i started violin. keep up the great work
I'd love to see more Q&A.
I'd love to see more Q&A videos as well as vlogs and whatever else you may want to share with us! :)
q and a's are great. please do more
Can you give a review of liquid violins? I'm thinking of purchasing one for professional gigs
Roy and Link are some of my favs too! Thanks for answering my question! :D
+Davarman "They're my fav's too"
*Has a samus profile*
+Cheesus Almighty Link, Roy Shulk and Samus are my mains. Just cause I have Samus as my profile picture doesn't mean I can't be a fan of other characters.
Love your channel! Vlogs and podcast type videos would be really cool!
Keep up the Q&A. Great fun
Favorite OoT temple? When I was a kid, I had no favorites. If I had to put them all in a list, it'd be a hate list, because I sucked at puzzles.
I love the Q and A stuff. I have so much to ask you!
elfen lied is my favorite animie ever! I would love if you could do a vid for that soundtrack. stay safe on your tour!!! love your music can't wait for more new vids!!!!
Q/As are great!
how about a video about your dogs?
Do more Q & A
YES! The fire temple was the bees knees! Also, I agree with you about the scary shadow and forest temple. XD I hope you enjoy your tour bus! I hear it's fun! X3
Q&A Vidéo are fun actually ! :)
I don't really watch your second channel (don't whip me please :$) but this one was pretty interesting !
Hope to see you in France ;)
- Just a French Fan who hang around ~ (sry for english!)
😍 new video ❤
COME TO BRAZIL Taylor !!!! :)
I've been playing piano for 6 years and guitar for 2 years and soon I'm going to start playing violin.
I would love to see more of these videos. Oh and who is your favorite Fairytail character. yes I mean the anime
Taylor please do the flash theme cover
i wanna see her play the them to Jaws
+Robert Smith DUUH Duh...
+Joshua Barger DUUH Duh...
Could you answer the questions from your app please??
hi pliss samurai x partiture master on violin pliss pliss
Have you played Brawl, and the new smash game?
I have a violin with pegs that don't stick - it keeps slipping and never stays in tune. how would I make them not slip?
What do u use to record ur violin?
Songs like together with music video Broadway
Yeah, Elfen lied was pretty gory
+MarkArg buuuut I still love it :D
i bet she talks about the Episode with the puppy
MaxEfpunk This one was way too cruel….
oh you didn't answer my question that i make in your app with the #asktaylor :(
Was more than slightly happy when you only listed favorite characters from the first two smash games and didn't acknowledge the existence of the other games.
do gaming
Tell us your favorite movies!
elfin lied was pretty cool/gory bit I watch the walking dead so it really didn't do anything to me...
WItcher!! :D
Do you think you're a geek? Cuz geeks are Awesome :D geeks for the win!
h husband... :,(
1 like = Freedom
Wow after about 500 likes I'm the first dislike lmao!
😍 new video ❤